942 resultados para Agricultural laboratories
This study describes and discusses initiatives taken by public (water) agencies in the state of Brandenburg in Germany, the state of California in the USA and the Ebro River Basin in Spain in response to the challenges which climate change poses for the agricultural water sector. The drivers and actors and the process of changing agricultural water governance are its particular focus. The assumptions discussed are: (i) the degree of planned and anticipatory top-down implementation processes decreases if actions are more decentralized and are introduced at the regional and local level; (ii) the degree of autonomous and responsive adaptation approaches seems to grow with actions at a lower administrative level. Looking at processes of institutional change, a variety of drivers and actors are at work such as changing perceptions of predicted climate impacts; international obligations which force politicians to take action; socio-economic concerns such as the cost of not taking action; the economic interests of the private sector. Drivers are manifold and often interact and, in many cases, reforms in the sector are driven by and associated with larger reform agendas. The results of the study may serve as a starting point in assisting water agencies in developing countries with the elaboration of coping strategies for tackling climate change-induced risks related to agricultural water management.
This paper analyses the adaptiveness of the Public Agricultural Extension Services (PAES) to climate change. Existing literature, interviews and group discussions among PAES actors in larger Makueni district, Kenya, provided the data for the analyses. The findings show that the PAES already have various elements of adaptiveness in its policies, approaches and methods of extension provision. However, the hierarchical structure of the PAES does not augur well for self-organisation at local levels of extension provision, especially under conditions of abrupt change which climate change might trigger. Most importantly, adpativeness presupposes adaptive capacity but the lack of resources in terms of funding for extension, limited mobility of extension officers, the low extension staff/farmer ratio, the aging of extension staff and significant dependence on donor funding limits the adaptiveness of the PAES. Accordingly criteria and indicators were identified in literature with which an initial assessement of the adaptiiveneess of PAES was conducted. However this assessment framework needs to be improved and future steps will integrate more specific inputs from actors in PAES in order to make the framework operational.
Eritrea is a Sahel country in terms of climate, and rainfall is low and highly variable. Shortage of food is thus a recurrent problem, and food security one of the key issues in development. The present publication presents the results of a nationwide workshop organised in 2006 in Asmara, Eritrea, by the Association of Eritreans in Agricultural Sciences (AEAS). The workshop was attended by over 200 participants from government administration, academia, development circles including NGOs and UN organisations. Specifically, the present publication deals with themes such as biotechnology, non-wood forest products, spate irrigation, the role of women relating to food security, and institutional and organisational aspects of food security. It also contains a chapter with policy recommendations, as well as an extensive summary of the main findings (paper abstracts) in Tigrinya.
BACKGROUND Histopathology is often essential to establish an accurate diagnosis. Pathology laboratories are scarce in most Sub-Saharan Africa where dermatopathology is a developing field. In resource-poor countries, most specimens are analyzed only after hematoxylin and eosin staining. The availability of special stains is very limited and restricted to only few centers. The aim of this study is to analyze the extent of dermatopathological cases which can be adequately diagnosed after hematoxylin and eosin alone. Secondly, to investigate which cases required further special stains. METHODS All skin specimens submitted to two University Hospitals (Tanzania and Kenya) were included in this study. All specimens were first analyzed with hematoxylin and eosin and a diagnosis established when possible. All cases in which an accurate diagnosis after hematoxylin and eosin only was not possible, were registered and evaluated after further special stains. RESULTS A total of 386 specimens were examined. A proper histopathologic diagnosis with hematoxylin and eosin alone was possible in 344 (89.1%) samples. In 45 (11.6%) cases, mostly skin infections, further special stains were necessary. CONCLUSION A proper histopathologic diagnosis was possible after hematoxylin and eosin alone in almost 90% of the specimens submitted to the two laboratories in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The conflict between nature-orientated conservation and man-orientated rural development is examined, along with the degree to which ecological research contributes to mountain development, and whether conservation areas can be protected from being areas of natural resources ultimately to be used by man in life-threatening need. A high mountain national park in Ethiopia is taken as an example within UNESCO's concept of Biosphere Reserves. The main finding is that conservation without development will fail, and therefore the focus is more on the area surrounding a national park than on the park itself. A buffer zone must be developed as an economically stable and socially secure area for man, so that his needs do not drive him to exploit the last natural resource area in his vicinity. Simen is a World Heritage Site for future generations. Man and nature, development and conservation, belong together in this unique mountain area.
In periurban Hyderabad, India, leafy vegetables are increasingly grown along the Musi River and sold in urban markets. This agricultural biodiversity can significantly help urban and periurban farmers become more resilient to the impacts of such changes.
This paper aims to further our understanding of pre-Columbian agricultural systems in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia. Three different types of raised fields co-existing in the same site near the community of Exaltación, in north-western Beni, were studied. The morphology, texture and geochemistry of the soils of these fields and the surrounding area were analysed. Differences in field design have often been associated with the diversity of cultural practices. Our results suggest that in the study area differences in field shape, height and layout are primarily the result of an adaptation to the local edaphology. By using the technology of raised fields, pre-Columbian people were able to drain and cultivate soils with very different characteristics, making the land suitable for agriculture and possibly different crops. This study also shows that some fields in the Llanos de Moxos were built to prolong the presence of water, allowing an additional cultivation period in the dry season and/or in times of drought. Nevertheless, the nature of the highly weathered soils suggests that raised fields were not able to support large populations and their management required long fallow periods.
This paper provides standardized estimates of labor productivity in arable farming in selected regions of the early Ottoman Empire, including Jerusalem and neighboring districts in eastern Mediterranean; Bursa and Malatya in Anatolia; and Thessaly, Herzegovina, and Budapest in eastern Europe. I use data from the tax registers of the Ottoman Empire to estimate grain output per worker, standardized (in bushels of wheat equivalent) to allow productivity comparisons within these regions and with other times and places. The results suggest that Ottoman agriculture in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries had achieved levels of labor productivity that compared favorably even with most European countries circa 1850.
In France, farmers commission about 250,000 soil-testing analyses per year to assist them managing soil fertility. The number and diversity of origin of the samples make these analyses an interesting and original information source regarding cultivated topsoil variability. Moreover, these analyses relate to several parameters strongly influenced by human activity (macronutrient contents, pH...), for which existing cartographic information is not very relevant. Compiling the results of these analyses into a database makes it possible to re-use these data within both a national and temporal framework. A database compilation relating to data collected over the period 1990-2009 has been recently achieved. So far, commercial soil-testing laboratories approved by the Ministry of Agriculture have provided analytical results from more than 2,000,000 samples. After the initial quality control stage, analytical results from more than 1,900,000 samples were available in the database. The anonymity of the landholders seeking soil analyses is perfectly preserved, as the only identifying information stored is the location of the nearest administrative city to the sample site. We present in this dataset a set of statistical parameters of the spatial distributions for several agronomic soil properties. These statistical parameters are calculated for 4 different nested spatial entities (administrative areas: e.g. regions, departments, counties and agricultural areas) and for 4 time periods (1990-1994, 1995-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009). Two kinds of agronomic soil properties are available: the firs one correspond to the quantitative variables like the organic carbon content and the second one corresponds to the qualitative variables like the texture class. For each spatial unit and temporal period, we calculated the following statistics stets: the first set is calculated for the quantitative variables and corresponds to the number of samples, the mean, the standard deviation and, the 2-,4-,10-quantiles; the second set is calculated for the qualitative variables and corresponds to the number of samples, the value of the dominant class, the number of samples of the dominant class, the second dominant class, the number of samples of the second dominant class.