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We studied the response in development times of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicus to changes in temperature and food conditions. The ingestion response to temperature was determined in the laboratory, where the copepods C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus were fed the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (cultivated at 18°C-20°; 12 : 12 light :dark cycle; exponential growth). C. finmarchicus was obtained for experiments from the Gullmar fjord. C. finmarchicus was incubated at in situ temperature (5°C) until the experiments were performed. First-generation cultures were grown in the laboratory at 15°C from the eggs from the Sta. L4 females. During growth both C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus cultures were fed a mixture of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina, the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Five 600-mL glass bottles containing 1400 cells mL**-1 or 5 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) L**-1 of T. weissflogii (200 mg C) and 1-2 C. finmarchicus or C. helgolandicus copepodite stage 5 (CV) or females were incubated in darkness at series of temperatures between 1°C and 21 ± 0.5°C. Three bottles without copepods served as control. In the C. helgolandicus experiment, T. weissflogii cells were counted at the beginning and end of the experiment in the grazing bottles and controls using a Coulter CounterH (MultisizerTM 3, Beckman Coulter). In the C. finmarchicus experiment, phytoplankton reduction was determined by Chl a measurements. The reduction in phytoplankton during any of the experiments was generally below 20% and never more than 32%. Clearance rates were calculated following Harris et al. (2000).
The samples were collected using a T-80 net (375 µm mesh size) equipped with a non-filtering cod-end in the North Atlantic during the G.O. Sars Trans-Atlantic cruise in 2013. Within 15-30 minutes after the recovery, 20 Calanus finmarchicus females were sorted out under microscope in ice chilled petri dishes and incubated individually in 600 ml polycarbonate culture bottles resulting in 20 replicate measurements. The bottles were filled with 50 µm screened seawater originated from 6 m water depth. The samples were incubated upright in thermoroom for 24 hours at the surface temperature (3°C). After the samples had been filtered (40 µm filter), female prosome length, egg as well as pellet abundance were determined. Subsequently, eggs from six females were incubated in petri dishes at 5°C. After 4 days, the number of nauplii and eggs were counted in order to calculate hatching success.
Fil: Fornero, Ricardo A.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Vein smectites with large Rb/Sr enrichments from extensively altered basaltic oceanic crust in Deep Sea Drilling Project hole 417A in the western Atlantic define a highly constrained Rb/Sr isochron age of 108 +/- 3 m.y. This age is identical to a less well constrained age of 108 +/- 17 m.y. for vein smectites with lower Rb/Sr enrichments from adjacent hole 418A and to the 108 m.y. age of crust formation derived by paleontological and magnetic anomaly correlation. Reasonable agreement exists between the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of vein calcites from both sites and the seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio at the time. Pervasive low-temperature alteration in the contrasting environments of sites 417 and 418 appears to be coeval and essentially coincident with basement formation. Alteration may be used to advantage in determining ages of old oceanic crust.
On the Vietnam Shelf more than 1000 miles of shallow high-resolution seismics were analyzed to unravel post-glacial evolution in a tropical, siliciclastic environment together with 25 sediment cores from water depths between 21 and 169 m to determine stratigraphy, distribution and style of sedimentation. Fourty-seven samples were dated with the AMS-14C technique. The shelf was grouped into three regions: a southern part, a central part, and a northern part. On the broad Southern Shelf, sedimentation is influenced by the Mekong River, which drains into the SCS in this area. Here, incised valley fills are abundant that were cut into the late Pleistocene land surface by the Paleo-Mekong River during times of sea level lowstand. Those valleys are filled with transgressive deposits. The Holocene sedimentation rate in this low gradient accommodation-dominated depositional system is in the range of 5-10 and 25-40 cm/ky at locations sheltered from currents. The Central Shelf is narrow and the sedimentary strata are conformable. Here, numerous small mountainous rivers reach the SCS and transport large amounts of detrital sediment onto the shelf. Therefore, the Holocene sedimentation rate is high with values of 50-100 cm/ky in this supply-dominated depositional system. The broad Northern Shelf in the vicinity of the Red River Delta shows, as on the Southern Shelf, incised valleys cut into the Pleistocene land surface by paleo river channels. In this accommodation-dominated shelf area, the sedimentation rate is low with values of 5-10 cm/ky. Where applicable, we assigned the sampled deposits to different paleo-facies. The latter are related to certain intervals of water depths at their time of deposition. Comparison with the sea-level curve of (Hanebuth et al., 2000, doi:10.1126/science.288.5468.1033) indicates subsidence on the Central Shelf, which is in agreement with the high sedimentation rates in this area. In contrast, data from the Northern Shelf suggest tectonic uplift that might be related to recent tectonic movements along the Ailao Shan-Red River Fault zone. Data from the Southern Shelf are generally in agreement with the sea-level curve mentioned above.
Esta ponencia continúa otra en la que analizamos la descripción del nuevo mundo y el funcionamiento de la analogía, a partir de estudios críticos referidos a los Diarios del Primer Viaje de Cristóbal Colón. En esta oportunidad se analizará la dificultad que plantea diferenciar el discurso de Colón en sus Diarios del discurso de Las Casas. En este sentido, la presente ponencia estudiará las intervenciones de Las Casas en el diario de Colón desde su posible inclusión en la episteme de la representación organizada por Michel Foucault en Las palabras y las cosas, en la que indica que en cada momento cultural solo una episteme otorgará las condiciones de posibilidad de todo conocimiento, condiciones que serán otras para una nueva disposición general de los saberes o episteme. Nuestro trabajo consistirá en establecer diferencias epistemológicas entre el discurso colombino, obtenido en dicho diario, y el discurso intercalado de Las Casas (en el mismo texto). Así entonces, desde esta perspectiva, podría considerarse el diálogo textual de los discursos de Colón y de Las Casas desde aquello que los hace posibles, es decir, desde configuraciones del saber (epistemológicas) profundamente diferentes.
Strontium- and oxygen-isotopic measurements of samples recovered from the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal mound during Leg 158 of the Ocean Drilling Program provide important constraints on the nature of fluid-rock interactions during basalt alteration and mineralization within an active hydrothermal deposit. Fresh Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), with a 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7026, from the basement beneath the TAG mound was altered at both low and high temperatures by seawater and altered at high temperature by near end-member black smoker fluids. Pillow breccias occurring beneath the margins of the mound are locally recrystallized to chlorite by interaction with large volumes of conductively heated seawater (>200°C). The development of a silicified, sulfide-mineralized stockwork within the basaltic basement follows a simple paragenetic sequence of chloritization followed by mineralization and the development of a quartz+pyrite+paragonite stockwork cut by quartz-pyrite veins. Initial alteration involved the development of chloritic alteration halos around basalt clasts by reaction with a Mg-bearing mixture of upwelling, high-temperature (>300°C), black smoker-type fluid with a minor (<10%) proportion of seawater. Continued high-temperature (>300°C) interaction between the wallrock and these Mg-bearing fluids results in the complete recrystallization of the wallrock to chlorite+quartz+pyrite. The quartz+pyrite+paragonite assemblage replaces the chloritized basalts, and developed by reaction at 250-360°C with end-member hydrothermal fluids having 87Sr/86Sr ~0.7038, similar to present-day vent fluids. The uniformity of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of hydrothermal assemblages throughout the mound and stockwork requires that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of end-member hydrothermal fluids has remained relatively constant for a time period longer than that required to change the interior thermal structure and plumbing network of the mound and underlying stockwork. Precipitation of anhydrite in breccias and as late-stage veins throughout most of the mound and stockwork, down to at least 125 mbsf, records extensive entrainment of seawater into the hydrothermal deposit. 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate that most of the anhydrite formed from ~2:1 mixture of seawater and black smoker fluids (65%±15% seawater). Oxygen-isotopic compositions imply that anhydrite precipitated at temperatures between 147°C and 270°C and require that seawater was conductively heated to between 100°C and 180°C before mixing and precipitation occurred. Anhydrite from the TAG mound has a Sr-Ca partition coefficient Kd ~0.60±0.28 (2 sigma). This value is in agreement with the range of experimentally determined partition coefficients (Kd ~0.27-0.73) and is similar to those calculated for anhydrite from active black smoker chimneys from 21°N on the East Pacific Rise. The d18O (for SO4) of TAG anhydrite brackets the value of seawater sulfate oxygen (~9.5?). Dissolution of anhydrite back into the oceans during episodes of hydrothermal quiescence provides a mechanism of buffering seawater sulfate oxygen to an isotopically light composition, in addition to the precipitation and dissolution of anhydrite within the oceanic basement during hydrothermal recharge at the mid-ocean ridges.
La historia "canónica" de la ciencia es un relato anacrónico plagado de profundas dicotómías, sobredestacando los éxitos (descubrimientos, hallazgos, modelos teóricos triunfantes, hitos) y desestimando los fracasos. En la verdadera ciencia, hay discusión, debate y controversia constantes, alimentados por la dinámica propia de las comunidades disciplinares. En la enseñanza de la ciencia el análisis del "error" puede resultar mucho más interesante como constructo de la evolución del conocimiento, que su simple señalización como demarcación de teorías exitosas. Es igualmente valioso el estudio del fraude. Como la actividad científica depende fuertemente de la publicación, está por tanto condicionada por el discurso. La manipulación hábil de este discurso puede, en ocasiones, hacer especialmente difícil de identificar el artificio, el sesgo, el engaño. El enfoque conocido como "naturaleza de la ciencia" nos permite aprovechar estos elementos para comprender el funcionamiento interno e intrincado del ethos científico, y transmitir a los alumnos dimensiones controversiales de la ciencia como actividad social. La enseñanza de la ciencia puede sacar mucho provecho de estos dispositivos, que permiten segundas lecturas sobre hechos históricos. Traemos a consideración dos hechos científicos de principios del siglo XX, para examinar las complejas relaciones que una simple calificación de fraude o error impediría observar. Destacamos además el casi nulo tratamiento que tienen estos compromisos en los textos escolares de uso corriente. Realizamos sugerencias para que estos temas tengan inclusión en dispositivos didácticos con un enfoque epistemológico más actualizado, que revele el contexto y las tensiones a las que está sujeta la construcción del conocimiento
El presente trabajo vuelve a los vv. 358-361 del Cantar de Mio Cid sobre un tema que ha perturbado a la crítica: el texto conservado en el Códice de Vivar refiere que Jesús resucitó primero, y luego descendió a los Infiernos, lo cual implica una inversión del orden tradicional de los acontecimientos. En consecuencia, se revisan aquí las distintas opiniones sobre el particular, que en general pueden dividirse básicamente en dos grupos -aquellas que sostienen que el poeta cometió un error, y otras que afirman que el autor del poema adhirió a un determinado modelo, proveniente ya de la épica francesa, ya de la liturgia-, y se intenta arribar a una solución que considere más satisfactoriamente la especificidad del texto manuscrito.
El siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo dar a conocer el debate vigente en la sociedad brasileña sobre la noción de error en la enseñanza de portugués. Como la concepción normativa de lengua como estructura gramatical abstracta, formal y con ejemplos descontextualizados o extraídos de los clásicos de la literatura entra en confrontación, a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, con las teorías lingüísticas y sus metodologías que pasan a estudiar la lengua más allá del sistema abstracto y formal descripto por la gramática tradicional. Por otro lado, reflexionar sobre la importancia de trabajar esta realidad con los alumnos del profesorado en portugués, ya que es muy importante que el futuro profesor reconozca la variación lingüística, asuma que la enseñanza de lengua no está exclusivamente asociada a la gramática tradicional y también que incorpore los conceptos de adecuación e inadecuación al evaluar la producción escrita y oral de sus futuros alumnos