937 resultados para African Americans in medicine
The use of laser light to modify the material's surface or bulk as well as to induce changes in the volume through a chemical reaction has received great attention in the last few years, due to the possibility of tailoring the material's properties aiming at technological applications. Here, we report on recent progress of microstructuring and microfabrication in polymeric materials by using femtosecond lasers. In the first part, we describe how polymeric materials' micromachining, either on the surface or bulk, can be employed to change their optical and chemical properties promising for fabricating waveguides, resonators, and self-cleaning surfaces. In the second part, we discuss how two-photon absorption polymerization can be used to fabricate active microstructures by doping the basic resin with molecules presenting biological and optical properties of interest. Such microstructures can be used to fabricate devices with applications in optics, such as microLED, waveguides, and also in medicine, such as scaffolds for tissue growth.
Scopo di questa tesi di dottorato è stabilire se l’obiezione di coscienza in ambito medico sia moralmente giustificabile. Esistono essenzialmente tre tipi di rifiuto motivati dall’obiezione di coscienza (1) rifiuto di informare un paziente relativamente alle opzioni terapeutiche come ad esempio l’uso di un contraccettivo di emergenza o l’interruzione volontaria di gravidanza (2) rifiuto di rinviare un paziente che chiede un particolare intervento (o terapia) presso un collega non obiettore (3) rifiuto di svolgere in prima persona una certa attività richiesta dal paziente Per rispondere a questo interrogativo si è svolta un’analisi filosofico-morale dei principali argomenti utilizzati dalla letteratura su questo tema per giustificare o per negare un diritto morale all’obiezione di coscienza degli operatori sanitari. Il diritto degli operatori sanitari all’integrità morale e a non essere complici di attività ritenute immorali dev’essere infatti confrontato con il diritto dei pazienti ad avere un’assistenza sanitaria efficiente, a poter compiere scelte autonome riguardo alla propria salute e ad essere informati relativamente a tutte le opzioni terapeutiche disponibili. Nel corso dell’intero lavoro è stato dimostrato come suddetti diritti dei pazienti sono facilmente e frequentemente violati a causa dell’incidenza dell’obiezione di coscienza in ambito medico. L’analisi condotta nel corso del lavoro di tesi si concentra fondamentalmente su quattro importanti aspetti del problema quali diritto all’integrità morale dell’ operatore sanitario, obblighi professionali, cooperazione al male e laicità dello stato. Alla fine del lavoro di analisi si è giunti alla conclusione che: le obiezioni di tipo (1) e (2) non sono mai moralmente giustificabili perché comportano sempre una violazione dei diritti fondamentali del paziente. Le obiezioni di coscienza di tipo (3) sono moralmente accettabili solo quando non impongono un peso eccessivo al paziente, vale a dire quando il rinvio presso un collega non obiettore è veloce, sicuro e agevole. Tuttavia le condizioni ideali in cui vengono rispettati i criteri minimi di ammissibilità dell’obiezione di coscienza di tipo (3) non si verificano quasi mai nella realtà dei fatti (per ragioni ampiamente spiegate nel corso del lavoro), per cui tali obiezioni risultano in pratica solo raramente accettabili da un punto d vista morale.
Enhancing the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance measurements via hyperpolarization techniques like parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) is of high interest for spectroscopic investigations. Parahydrogen induced polarization is a chemical method, which makes use of the correlation between nuclear spins in parahydrogen to create hyperpolarized molecules. The key feature of this technique is the pairwise and simultaneous transfer of the two hydrogen atoms of parahydrogen to a double or triple bond resulting in a population of the Zeeman energy levels different from the Boltzmann equation. The obtained hyperpolarization results in antiphase peaks in the NMR spectrum with high intensities. Due to these strong NMR signals, this method finds arnlot of applications in chemistry e.g. the characterization of short-lived reaction intermediates. Also in medicine it opens up the possibility to boost the sensitivity of medical diagnostics via magnetic labeling of active contrast agents. Thus, further examination and optimization of the PHIP technique is of significant importance in order to achieve the highest possible sensitivity gain.rnrnIn this work, different aspects concerning PHIP were studied with respect to its chemical and spectroscopic background. The first part of this work mainly focused on optimizing the PHIP technique by investigating different catalyst systems and developing new setups for the parahydrogenation. Further examinations facilitated the transfer of the generated polarization from the protons to heteronuclei like 13C. The second part of this thesis examined the possibility to transfer these results to different biologically active compounds to enable their later application in medical diagnostics. Onerngroup of interesting substances is represented by metabolites or neurotransmitters in mammalian cells. Other interesting substances are clinically relevant drugs like a barbituric acid derivative or antidepressant drugs like citalopram which were investigated with regard to their applicability for the PHIP technique and the possibility to achievernpolarization transfer to 13C nuclei. The last investigated substrate is a polymerizable monomer whose polymer was used as a blood plasma expander for trauma victims after the first half of the 20th century. In this case, the utility of the monomer for the PHIP technique as a basis for later investigations of a polymerization reaction using hyperpolarized monomers was examined.rnrnHence, this thesis covers the optimization of the PHIP technology, hereby combining different fields of research like chemical and spectroscopical aspects, and transfers the results to applications of real biologally acitve compounds.
Il lavoro che presento propone un’analisi di una chiesa africana indipendente in Italia, la Celestial Church Of Christ Worldwide (CCCW), cercando di mettere in luce il nesso tra religione, migrazione e il processo di ‘plunting churches’ (Kooning 2009) nel contesto italiano. Attraverso una ricerca sul campo, sono stati indagati i percorsi personali, familiari e comunitari dei membri di una ‘Celestial Parish’ presente nel comune di Brescia, ‘Ileri Oluwa Parish’, al fine di comprendere la natura dei processi identitari coinvolti nell’organizzazione della CCC in Italia. ‘Ileri Oluwa Parish’, in quanto luogo che denota una ‘chiesa individuale collegata ad una Diocesi’ (CCC Constitution (CCC Constitution, 107 (d) si rivela, nella materialità delle sue forme e dei ‘Devotional Services’ che in essa si svolgono, a ‘field of action’ (Lefebvre, 1991). La storia della chiesa, i fondamenti della sua dottrina e i significati comunicati attraverso le forme rituali e religiose che la stessa promuove, sono stati contestualizzati alla luce delle tensioni e delle strategie di potere che strutturano il campo. Le storie dei membri della parrocchia, percorsi di migrazione e mobilità in itinere, rappresentano la lente attraverso cui si è guardato alle relazioni vissute nel nome dello ‘Spirito’, e alla percezione stessa di ciò che gli stessi Celestians definiscono sacro, santo, puro e impuro. Lo sguardo fisso alla vita ordinaria di una Celestial parish in Italia, esteso nell’ultima parte dell’elaborato alla Celestial parish londinese, è stato fondamentale per capire l’intreccio di relazioni spirituali, reti familiari e mobilità degli individui sul territorio italiano ed europeo, processo che ribalta la condizione diasporica della CCC, trasformando una condizione di dispersione in un valore aggiunto, nella possibilità di nuove traiettorie territoriali e spazi di presenza religiosa e socioeconomica.
Chondrocytes live isolated in the voluminous extracellular matrix of cartilage, which they secrete and is neither vascularized nor innervated. Nutrient and waste exchanges occur through diffusion leading to low oxygen tension around the cells. Consequently even normal cartilage under normal physiological conditions suffers from a poor reparative potential that predisposes to degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis of the joints, with significant clinical effects.rnOne of the key challenges in medicine is the structural and functional replacement of lost or damaged tissues. Current therapeutical approaches are to transplant cells, implant bioartificial tissues, and chemically induce regeneration at the site of the injury. None of them reproduces well the biological and biomechanical properties of hyaline cartilage.rnThis thesis investigates the re-differentiation of chondrocytes and the repair of cartilage mediated by signaling molecules, biomaterials, and factors provided in mixed cellular cultures (co-culture systems). As signaling molecules we have applied prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1) and we have transfected chondrocytes with BMP-1 expressing vectors. Our biomaterials have been hydrogels of type-I collagen and gelatin-based scaffolds designed to mimic the architecture and biochemistry of native cartilage and provide a suitable three-dimensional environment for the cells. We have brought chondrocytes to interact with osteosarcoma Cal 72 cells or with murine preosteoblastic KS483 cells, either in a cell-to-cell or in a paracrine manner.rnExogenous stimulation with PGE2 or BMP-1 did not improve the differentiation or the proliferation of human articular chondrocytes. BMP-1 induced chondrocytic de-differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. Prostaglandin stimulation from gelatin-based scaffolds (three-dimensional culture) showed a certain degree of chondrocyte re-differentiaton. Murine preosteoblastic KS483 cells had no beneficial effect on human articular chondrocytes jointly cultivated with them in hydrogels of type I collagen. Although the hydrogels provided the chondrocytes with a proper matrix in which the cells adopted their native morphology; additionally, the expression of chondrocytic proteoglycan increased in the co-cultures after two weeks. The co-culture of chondrocytes with osteoblast-like cells (in transwell systems) resulted in suppression of the regular de-differentiation program that passaged chondrocytes undergo when cultured in monolayers. Under these conditions, the extracellular matrix of the chondrocytes, rich in type-II collagen and aggrecan, was not transformed into the extracellular matrix characteristic of de-differentiated human articular chondrocytes, which is rich in type-I collagen and versican.rnThis thesis suggests novel strategies of tissue engineering for clinical attempts to improve cartilage repair. Since implants are prepared in vitro (ex-vivo) by expanding human articular chondrocytes (autologous or allogeneic), we conclude that it will be convenient to provide a proper three-dimensional support to the chondrocytes in culture, to supplement the culture medium with PGE2, and to stimulate chondrocytes with osteoblastic factors by cultivating them with osteoblasts.rn
An increasing proportion of women work in medicine; however, only few choose surgical specialties. The objective of this study was to analyze the current situation of female surgeons and surgical residents in Switzerland concerning their personal and professional fulfillment. Of 318 female surgeons and surgical residents included in our study, 189 (59.4%) returned the anonymous questionnaire. Mentor-mentee relationships were mentioned by 110 (58.2%) of the 189 respondents. On the basis of a 7-point Likert scale, these women responded that they were moderately satisfied with their professional (mean score [SD], 2.7 [1.3]) and personal (mean score [SD], 3.0 [1.7]) lives. Of the 189 respondents, 113 (59.8%) mentioned that they felt underappreciated. The most important ways suggested for increasing the attractiveness of a surgical career for women were a reduction in workload (49 respondents [25.9%]), more flexible working hours (38 respondents [20.1%]), and better structured residency programs (23 respondents [12.2%]).
In high energy teletherapy, VMC++ is known to be a very accurate and efficient Monte Carlo (MC) code. In principle, the MC method is also a powerful dose calculation tool in other areas in radiation oncology, e.g., brachytherapy or orthovoltage radiotherapy. However, VMC++ is not validated for the low-energy range of such applications. This work aims in the validation of the VMC++ MC code for photon beams in the energy range between 20 and 1000 keV.
Comparison of monte carlo collimator transport methods for photon treatment planning in radiotherapy
The aim of this work was a Monte Carlo (MC) based investigation of the impact of different radiation transport methods in collimators of a linear accelerator on photon beam characteristics, dose distributions, and efficiency. Thereby it is investigated if it is possible to use different simplifications in the radiation transport for some clinical situations in order to save calculation time.
The use of water suppression for in vivo proton MR spectroscopy diminishes the signal intensities from resonances that undergo magnetization exchange with water, particularly those downfield of water. To investigate these exchangeable resonances, an inversion transfer experiment was performed using the metabolite cycling technique for non-water-suppressed MR spectroscopy from a large brain voxel in 11 healthy volunteers at 3.0 T. The exchange rates of the most prominent peaks downfield of water were found to range from 0.5 to 8.9 s(-1), while the T(1) relaxation times in absence of exchange were found to range from 175 to 525 ms. These findings may help toward the assignments of the downfield resonances and a better understanding of the sources of contrast in chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging.
Cranioplasty is a commonly performed procedure. Outcomes can be improved by the use of patient specific implants, however, high costs limit their accessibility. This paper presents a low cost alternative technique to create patient specific polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) implants using rapid prototyped mold template. We used available patient's CT-scans, one dataset without craniotomy and one with craniotomy, for computer-assisted design of a 3D mold template, which itself can be brought into the operating room and be used for fast and easy building of a PMMA implant. We applied our solution to three patients with positive outcomes and no complications.
When estimating the effect of treatment on HIV using data from observational studies, standard methods may produce biased estimates due to the presence of time-dependent confounders. Such confounding can be present when a covariate, affected by past exposure, is both a predictor of the future exposure and the outcome. One example is the CD4 cell count, being a marker for disease progression for HIV patients, but also a marker for treatment initiation and influenced by treatment. Fitting a marginal structural model (MSM) using inverse probability weights is one way to give appropriate adjustment for this type of confounding. In this paper we study a simple and intuitive approach to estimate similar treatment effects, using observational data to mimic several randomized controlled trials. Each 'trial' is constructed based on individuals starting treatment in a certain time interval. An overall effect estimate for all such trials is found using composite likelihood inference. The method offers an alternative to the use of inverse probability of treatment weights, which is unstable in certain situations. The estimated parameter is not identical to the one of an MSM, it is conditioned on covariate values at the start of each mimicked trial. This allows the study of questions that are not that easily addressed fitting an MSM. The analysis can be performed as a stratified weighted Cox analysis on the joint data set of all the constructed trials, where each trial is one stratum. The model is applied to data from the Swiss HIV cohort study.
The purpose of the present manuscript is to present the advances performed in medicine using a Personalized Decision Support System (PDSS). The models used in Decision Support Systems (DSS) are examined in combination with Genome Information and Biomarkers to produce personalized result for each individual. The concept of personalize medicine is described in depth and application of PDSS for Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) are analyzed. Parameters extracted from genes, biomarkers, nutrition habits, lifestyle and biological measurements feed DSSs, incorporating Artificial Intelligence Modules (AIM), to provide personalized advice, medication and treatment.
Although magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used as a unique tool to study molecular diffusion, it is rarely used to measure the diffusion properties of intramyocellular and extramyocellular lipids. Lipids have very low apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs), which make these measurements difficult and necessitate strong diffusion gradients and long diffusion times. Consequence is that these measurements have inherently low signal-to-noise ratio and are prone to artifacts. The addition of physiological triggering and individual storage and processing of the spectra is seen to be a possible approach to maximize signal intensity and achieve high reproducibility of the experiments. Thus, the optimized measurement protocol was used to investigate the diffusion properties of lipids in human skeletal muscle in vivo. At a diffusion time of about 110 ms, intramyocellular lipids show a significantly lower ADC (2.0 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.10 × 10(-6) to 2.94 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s) than extramyocellular lipids (1.58 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.41 × 10(-5) to 1.75 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s). Because the chemical properties of both lipid pools can be assumed to be similar, the difference can only be attributed to restricted or severely hindered diffusion in the intramyocellular droplets.
The goal of my research is to examine in detail the impact of the increase in Sino-African trade on African political and economic development. The primary focus will be on two central aspects of Sino-African trade: the effects of China’s natural resource binge coupled with the flood of textiles and other manufactured goods from China to Africa. This thesis will determine the precise nature and extent ofSino-African trade in these sectors and will attempt to determine whether or not Chinese trade is having a net positive impact on long-term African economic development. I will investigate this issue from numerous perspectives using English, Chinese, and African sources.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy enables insight into the chemical composition of spinal cord tissue. However, spinal cord magnetic resonance spectroscopy has rarely been applied in clinical work due to technical challenges, including strong susceptibility changes in the region and the small cord diameter, which distort the lineshape and limit the attainable signal to noise ratio. Hence, extensive signal averaging is required, which increases the likelihood of static magnetic field changes caused by subject motion (respiration, swallowing), cord motion, and scanner-induced frequency drift. To avoid incoherent signal averaging, it would be ideal to perform frequency alignment of individual free induction decays before averaging. Unfortunately, this is not possible due to the low signal to noise ratio of the metabolite peaks. In this article, frequency alignment of individual free induction decays is demonstrated to improve spectral quality by using the high signal to noise ratio water peak from non-water-suppressed proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy via the metabolite cycling technique. Electrocardiography (ECG)-triggered point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) localization was used for data acquisition with metabolite cycling or water suppression for comparison. A significant improvement in the signal to noise ratio and decrease of the Cramér Rao lower bounds of all metabolites is attained by using metabolite cycling together with frequency alignment, as compared to water-suppressed spectra, in 13 healthy volunteers.