896 resultados para Aerobic Oxidation


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In this paper we present results on the electro-oxidation of ethanol on unsupported (carbon free) platinum nanoparticles, considering the effects of the alcohol concentration. The case of the so-called dual pathway mechanism during the electro-oxidation of ethanol showed to be influenced by the surface coverage of adsorbed carbon monoxide (COad) at unsupported platinum. The influences of adsorbed intermediates were followed by in situ infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and by electrochemical experiments. Unsupported platinum showed that the reaction leads to the formation of CO2 and acetic acid as main products at low concentrations of ethanol (0.01 to 0.1 mol L-1). At least in this case of 0.01 mol L-1 ethanol, most formation of CO2 occurred via COad (indirect pathway). At higher concentration of ethanol, however, most CO2 was formed via a reactive intermediate such as acetaldehyde (direct pathway). In addition, in this higher concentration of ethanol, the acetic acid was produced via formation of adsorbed acetaldehyde (via acetate) at higher overpotentials. In case of the acetic acid formation, a dual pathway was identified during the electro-oxidation of ethanol at low alcohol concentrations, whereas a parallel pathway occurred without the formation of adsorbed acetate intermediates at low overpotentials. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.101203jes] All rights reserved.


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LDL oxidation and oxidative stress are closely related to atherosclerosis. Therefore, natural antioxidants have been studied as promising candidates. In the present study, the LDL oxidation inhibition activity of bioactive compounds from Halimeda incrassata seaweed. associated to antioxidant capacity, was evaluated in vitro. Experimental work was conducted with lyophilized aqueous extract and phenolic-rich fractions of the seaweed and their effect on LDL oxidation was evaluated using heparin-precipitated LDL (hep-LDL) with exposure to Cu2+ ions and AAPH as the free radical generator. H. incrassata had a protective effect for hep-LDL in both systems and the presence of phenolic compounds contributed to the activity where phenolic-rich fractions showed significant capacity for inhibition of oxidation mediated by Cu2+ ions. The observed effect could be related to the antioxidant potential of polar fractions evidenced by reducing activity and DPPH center dot radical scavenging. The results obtained in vitro further support the antioxidant and LDL oxidation inhibition properties of H. incrassata and further knowledge toward future phytotherapeutic application of the seaweed.


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Objective. - The aim of this study was to verify the relationship of aerobic and neuromuscular indexes with specific situations in judo. Method. - Eighteen male judokas took part in the study. The following assessments were performed: vertical jump (CMJ) on a force platform; Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) to obtain the number of throws and percentage of the maximal heart rate (%HRmax) one minute after the test; match simulation to obtain the peak blood lactate (LACmax) and the percentage of the blood lactate removal (BLR); incremental test to obtain the velocity at the anaerobic threshold (vAT) and peak velocity (PV) reached in the test. Results. - A significant correlation was observed between the number of throws in the SJFT, the vAT (r = 0.60; P < 0.01), PV (r = 0.70; P < 0.01) and CMJ (r = 0.74; P < 0.01). A significant inverse correlation was found between the LACmax and vAT (r = -0.59; P = 0.01). Conclusions. - It can be concluded that the performance in the SJFT was determined by the aerobic capacity and power and the muscle power. Athletes with greater aerobic ability (vAT) presented lower blood lactate accumulation after the match. (c) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the experimental study of the oscillatory electro-oxidation of glycerol on platinum under galvanostatic control. The system was investigated in both acidic and alkaline media and for different glycerol concentrations. In acidic supporting electrolyte, the oscillatory behavior is rather simple and the main features such as period, amplitude and waveform are barely affected by the glycerol concentration. A more complex picture including the presence of different temporal patterns and strong dependence with glycerol concentration emerges in alkaline medium. In both media, the composite oscillations visit two clearly discernible potential windows, and potential oscillations in alkaline media are observed only when the working electrode is kept stationary. The mechanistic implications of our findings are discussed in connection with available data obtained under close-to-equilibrium conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of combinations of sage, oregano and honey on lipid oxidation in cooked chicken meat during refrigeration at 4 degrees C for 96 h was determined. Chicken samples (thigh and breast) were then separated into five groups; control; butylated hydroxytoluene; oregano + sage; oregano + sage + 5%honey and oregano + sage + 10%honey. Quantitative measurements of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, conjugated dienes, hexanal, fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol oxides were used as indicators of lipid oxidation. Acceptability and preference were also evaluated. The effectiveness of the natural antioxidants for reducing the velocity of lipid oxidation in cooked chicken thigh and breast was demonstrated after 48 and 96 h of refrigeration at 4 degrees C. The treatments that presented the lowest hexanal values after 96 h of refrigeration were oregano + sage + 5%honey and oregano + sage + 10%honey. Only traces of free cholesterol oxides were found (25-OH, 7-k, 7 alpha-OH and 7 beta-OH). The natural antioxidants protected cooked chicken meat from oxidation processes and resulted in great acceptability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Carbon supported Pt-Sn catalysts were prepared by reduction of Pt and Sn precursors with formic acid and characterized in terms of structure, morphology and surface properties. The electrocatalytic activity for ethanol oxidation was studied in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) at 70 degrees C and 90 degrees C. Electrochemical and physico-chemical data indicated that a proper balance of Pt and Sn species in the near surface region was necessary to maximize the reaction rate. The best atomic surface composition, in terms of electrochemical performance, was Pt:Sn 65:35 corresponding to a bulk composition 75:25 namely Pt3Sn1/C. The reaction products of ethanol electro-oxidation in single cell and their distribution as a function of the nature of catalyst were determined. Essentially, acetaldehyde and acetic acid were detected as the main reaction products; whereas, a lower content of CO2 was formed. The selectivity toward acetic acid vs. acetaldehyde increased with the increase of the Sn content and decreased by decreasing the concentration of the reducing agent used in the catalyst preparation. According to the recent literature, these results have been interpreted on the basis of ethanol adsorption characteristics and ligand effects occurring for Sn-rich electrocatalysts. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glossoscolex paulistus hemoglobin (HbGp) was studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). DLS melting curves were measured for met-HbGp at different concentrations. SAXS temperature studies were performed for oxy-, cyanomet- and met-HbGp forms, at several pH values. At pH 5.0 and 6.0, the scattering curves are identical from 20 to 60 degrees C, and R-g is 108 angstrom, independent of the oxidation form. At pH 7.0, protein denaturation and aggregation occurs above 55 degrees C and 60 degrees C, for oxy and met-HbGp, respectively. Cyanomet-HbGp, at pH 7.0, is stable up to 60 degrees C. At alkaline pH (8.0-9.0) and higher temperature, an irreversible dissociation process is observed, with a decrease of R-g, D-max and I(0). Analysis by p(r), obtained from GNOM, and OLIGOMER, was used to fit the SAXS experimental scattering curves by a combination of theoretical curves obtained for HbLt fragments from the crystal structure. Our results show clearly the increasing contribution of smaller molecular weight fragments, as a function of increasing pH and temperature, as well as, the order of thermal stabilities: cyanomet-> oxy- > met-HbGp. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study reports the performance of a combined anaerobic-aerobic packed-bed reactor that can be used to treat domestic sewage. Initially, a bench-scale reactor was operated in three experimental phases. In the first phase, the anaerobic reactor was operated with an average organic matter removal efficiency of 77% for a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 h. In the second phase, the reactor was operated with an anaerobic stage followed by an aerobic zone, resulting in a mean value of 91% efficiency. In the third and final phase, the anaerobic-aerobic reactor was operated with recirculation of the effluent of the reactor through the anaerobic zone. The system yielded mean total nitrogen removal percentages of 65 and 75% for recycle ratios (r) of 0.5 and 1.5, respectively, and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 90%. When the pilot-scale reactor was operated with an HRT of 12 h and r values of 1.5 and 3.0, its performance was similar to that observed in the bench-scale unit (92% COD removal for r = 3.0). However, the nitrogen removal was lower (55% N removal for r = 3.0) due to problems with the hydrodynamics in the aerobic zone. The anaerobic-aerobic fixed-bed reactor with recirculation of the liquid phase allows for concomitant carbon and nitrogen removal without adding an exogenous source of electron donors and without requiring any additional alkalinity supplementation.


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Nitrosyl ruthenium complexes are promising NO donor agents with numerous advantages for the biologic applications of NO. We have characterized the NO release from the nitrosyl ruthenium complex [Ru(NO2)(bpy)(2)(4-pic)](+) (I) and the reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS)-mediated NO actions on isolated rat liver mitochondria. The results indicated that oxidation of mitochondrial NADH promotes NO release from (I) in a manner mediated by NO2 formation (at neutral pH) as in mammalian cells, followed by an oxygen atom transfer mechanism (OAT). The NO released from (I) uncoupled mitochondria at low concentrations/incubation times and inhibited the respiratory chain at high concentrations/incubation times. In the presence of ROS generated by mitochondria NO gave rise to peroxynitrite, which, in turn, inhibited the respiratory chain and oxidized membrane protein-thiols to elicit a Ca2+-independent mitochondrial permeability transition; this process was only partially inhibited by cyclosporine-A, almost fully inhibited by the thiol reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and fully inhibited by the NO scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,45,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (cPTIO). These actions correlated with the release of cytochrome c from isolated mitochondria as detected by Western blotting analysis. These events, typically involved in cell necrosis and/or apoptosis denote a potential specific action of (I) and analogs against tumor cells via mitochondria-mediated processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Exercise training (ET) has been used as a nonpharmacological strategy for treatment of diabetes and myocardial infarction (MI) separately. We evaluated the effects ET on functional and molecular left ventricular (LV) parameters as well as on autonomic function and mortality in diabetics after MI. Methods and Results: Male Wistar rats were divided into control (C), sedentary-diabetic infarcted (SDI), and trained-diabetic infarcted (TDI) groups. MI was induced after 15 days of streptozotocin-diabetes induction. Seven days after MI, the trained group underwent ET protocol (90 days, 50-70% maximal oxygen consumption-VO(2)max). LV function was evaluated noninvasively and invasively; baroreflex sensitivity, pulse interval variability, cardiac output, tissue blood flows, VEGF mRNA and protein, HIF1-alpha mRNA, and Ca2+ handling proteins were measured. MI area was reduced in TDI (21 +/- 4%) compared with SDI (38 +/- 4%). ET induced improvement in cardiac function, hemodynamics, and tissue blood flows. These changes were probable consequences of a better expression of Ca2+ handling proteins, increased VEGF mRNA and protein expression as well as improvement in autonomic function, that resulted in reduction of mortality in TDI (33%) compared with SDI (68%) animals. Conclusions: ET reduced cardiac and peripheral dysfunction and preserved autonomic control in diabetic infarcted rats. Consequently, these changes resulted in improved VO(2)max and survival after MI. (J Cardiac Fail 2012; 18:734-744)


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Fumarate hydratases (FHs; EC are enzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of fumarate to S-malate. Parasitic protists that belong to the genus Leishmania and are responsible for a complex of vector-borne diseases named leishmaniases possess two genes that encode distinct putative FH enzymes. Genome sequence analysis of Leishmania major Friedlin reveals the existence of genes LmjF24.0320 and LmjF29.1960 encoding the putative enzymes LmFH-1 and LmFH-2, respectively. In the present work, the FH activity of both L. major enzymes has been confirmed. Circular dichroism studies suggest important differences in terms of secondary structure content when comparing LmFH isoforms and even larger differences when comparing them to the homologous human enzyme. CD melting experiments revealed that both LmFH isoforms are thermolabile enzymes. The catalytic efficiency under aerobic and anaerobic environments suggests that they are both highly sensitive to oxidation and damaged by oxygen. Intracellular localization studies located LmFH-1 in the mitochondrion, whereas LmFH-2 was found predominantly in the cytosol with possibly also some in glycosomes. The high degree of sequence conservation in different Leishmania species, together with the relevance of FH activity for the energy metabolism in these parasites suggest that FHs might be exploited as targets for broad-spectrum antileishmanial drugs. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.