984 resultados para Adolescents--Conducta sexual


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El principal objectiu d’aquest treball és conèixer la prevalença i el patró de consum d’alcohol dels adolescents gironins a partir d’una mostra d’estudiants d’Ensenyament Secundari Obligatori (ESO) de la ciutat de Girona. D’altra banda, es pretén identificar alguns factors de risc i de protecció en la iniciació i manteniment del consum d’alcohol en adolescents


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El desembre de 2008 l’Observatori d’Ètica Aplicada a la Intervenció Social (OEAIS) va publicar Força i violència en educació social. En Pere i en Josep, anàlisi d’un cas pràctic sobre els límits de la força física en un Centre Residencial d’Acció Educativa (CRAE). Aquest informe partia d’una situació real ocorreguda a Catalunya en la qual un educador social que treballava en un CRAE havia donat una bufetada a un noi del centre, el pare l’havia denunciat i en la sentència el jutge va considerar que l’acció no era punible. Arran d’aquest i altres fets, en la normativa i en els protocols dels CRAE de Catalunya es va establir que en cap cas es podia donar una bufetada als nois i noies que hi vivien i que en una situació límit, els professionals de l’educació han de fer una contenció física o avisar a la policia o al servei hospitalari d’urgències


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A questionnaire investigating adolescents' opinions and experiences regarding marijuana use was administered to 163 adolescents and young adults (96 boys and 67 girls) aged 13 to 20 (mean age = 16.8, s.d. = 1.5). Items referred to marijuana and other substances' dangerousness, representations regarding the positive and negative consequences of marijuana use. Responses were compared according to marijuana use status (classified into never/occasional use, current regular use and past regular use). Results show that adolescents' opinions differ according to their experience with marijuana use. Current regular users evaluate marijuana as less dangerous, but alcohol and heroin as more dangerous in comparison with never/occasional and past users. Current and past users are more likely to define marijuana as a medical drug and a plant used in agriculture, and less likely to define it as an illegal drug. Current and past users evaluate marijuana use as a way to cope with stress, to relax to a greater extent than do never/occasional users do. The latter attribute more negative consequences to marijuana use such as diminished driving ability and school performance and a pathway to hard drugs.


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The aim of this study was to characterize the urinary excretion of the BK (BKV) and JC (JCV) human polyomaviruses in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children and adolescents. One hundred and fifty-six patients were enrolled: Group I included 116 HIV-infected children and adolescents [median age = 11.4 years (y); range 1-22 y]; Group II included 40 non-HIV-infected healthy controls (median age = 11.37 y; range 7-16 y). Single urine samples from both groups were screened for the presence of JCV and BKV DNA by polymerase chain reaction at enrolment. The overall rate of JCV and BKV urinary excretion was found to be 24.4% and 40.4%, respectively (n = 156). Group I had urinary excretion of JCV and BKV in 27.6% and 54.3% of subjects, respectively. In contrast, Group II showed positive results for JCV in 17.5% of subjects and for BKV in 12.5% of subjects (p Pearson JCV = 0.20; p Pearson BKV < 0.0001). In Group I, there was no association between JCV/BKV shedding and age, gender or CD4 values. Patients with an HIV viral load < 50 copies/mL had a lower excretion of BKV (p < 0.001) and a trend of lower JCV excretion (p = 0.07). One patient in Group I (1/116, 0.9%) showed clinical and radiological features consistent with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, suggesting that children with HIV/polyomavirus coinfection should be kept under surveillance.


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Malaria is a vector-borne disease that is considered to be one of the most serious public health problems due to its high global mortality and morbidity rates. Although multiple strategies for controlling malaria have been used, many have had limited impact due to the appearance and rapid dissemination of mosquito resistance to insecticides, parasite resistance to multiple antimalarial drug, and the lack of sustainability. Individuals in endemic areas that have been permanently exposed to the parasite develop specific immune responses capable of diminishing parasite burden and the clinical manifestations of the disease, including blocking of parasite transmission to the mosquito vector. This is referred to as transmission blocking (TB) immunity (TBI) and is mediated by specific antibodies and other factors ingested during the blood meal that inhibit parasite development in the mosquito. These antibodies recognize proteins expressed on either gametocytes or parasite stages that develop in the mosquito midgut and are considered to be potential malaria vaccine candidates. Although these candidates, collectively called TB vaccines (TBV), would not directly stop malaria from infecting individuals, but would stop transmission from infected person to non-infected person. Here, we review the progress that has been achieved in TBI studies and the development of TBV and we highlight their potential usefulness in areas of low endemicity such as Latin America.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Publicado en la página web del Servicio Andaluz de Salud: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicioandaluzdesalud/publicaciones/


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Studies show that feeding patterns, environmental conditions, and pet management mainly affect animal health, behavior and welfare. However, little epidemiologic data exist about pet dog feeding habits and management and canine behavior, especially aggression. Moreover, it is well known that serotonin is involved in aggression: a diet low in tryptophan (serotonin precursor) with high levels of neutral amino-acids could decrease the central levels of serotonin and increase the expression of aggression and impulsiveness in several domestic animals. oreover, brain levels of serotonin in humans and other species can be increased by physical activity. In this study we alysed the effects of diet management, supplementation and regular physical activity on oncentration of serotonin in a population of non aggressive dogs. The general aim of the study is to determine the effect of environmental factors on the dogs’ feeding habits as well as the relationship between the type of food provided and management and behavioral problems in dogs. The specific objectives were: characterization and comparison of different physiological and blood parameters between dogs with and without behavior pathologies. Observation of the impact of the diet and managment factors (exercise, education) on those parameters and on dog’s behavior, with particular attention to aggression. This study is divided into three phases, according with the objectives. Firstly, characterization of the dogs’ characteristics and serics profiles on the basis of the blood tests. Comparison between the values noticed on animals without any behavior pathology and animals with behavior disorder to point out the difference between the biochemical parameters of the two groups. Secondly, the purpose of the second phase is to verify whether a type of food is able to affect the biochemical paramenters of a population of non-aggressive dogs. Thirdly, the goal is to evaluate the effects of different diet factors, management and physical exercise on the canine aggression.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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The use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients has reduced the number of acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related deaths worldwide. This study assessed the impact of HAART on the survival and death rates of vertically HIV-infected children and adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Data were obtained from a historic cohort of vertically HIV-infected children and adolescents aged zero-19 years old who were admitted from March 1989-December 2004 and were followed until June 2006. Patients who used HAART were included if they were treated for at least 12 weeks. Of 359 patients, 320 patients met the inclusion criteria. The overall mortality rate was 9.7% [31/320; 95% confidence interval (CI): 6.0-13%]. The median survival for the non-HAART and HAART groups was 31.5 and 55.9 months, respectively (log rank = 22.11, p < 0.0001). In the multivariate analysis, the statistically significant variables were HAART and the weight-for-age Z score < -2, with HAART constituting a protective factor [relative risk (RR): 0.13; CI 95%: 0.05-0.33] and malnutrition constituting a risk factor (RR: 3.44; CI 95%: 1.60-7.40) for death. The incidence of death was 5.1/100 person-years in the non-HAART group and 0.8/100 person-years in the HAART group (p < 0.0001).


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud