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TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine that regulates the permeability of blood and lymphatic vessels. The plasma concentration of TNF-α is elevated (> 1 pg/mL) in several pathologies, including rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer, pre-eclampsia; in obese individuals; and in trauma patients. To test whether circulating TNF-α could induce similar alterations in different districts along the vascular system, three endothelial cell lines, namely HUVEC, HPMEC, and HCAEC, were characterized in terms of 1) mechanical properties, employing atomic force microscopy; 2) cytoskeletal organization, through fluorescence microscopy; and 3) membrane overexpression of adhesion molecules, employing ELISA and immunostaining. Upon stimulation with TNF-α (10 ng/mL for 20 h), for all three endothelial cells, the mechanical stiffness increased by about 50% with a mean apparent elastic modulus of E ~5 ± 0.5 kPa (~3.3 ± 0.35 kPa for the control cells); the density of F-actin filaments increased in the apical and median planes; and the ICAM-1 receptors were overexpressed compared with controls. Collectively, these results demonstrate that sufficiently high levels of circulating TNF-α have similar effects on different endothelial districts, and provide additional information for unraveling the possible correlations between circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines and systemic vascular dysfunction.


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Mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC)-specific isoforms of α-actin and β-myosin heavy chain, two major components of the SMC contractile unit, cause familial thoracic aortic aneurysms leading to acute aortic dissections (FTAAD). To investigate whether mutations in the kinase that controls SMC contractile function (myosin light chain kinase [MYLK]) cause FTAAD, we sequenced MYLK by using DNA from 193 affected probands from unrelated FTAAD families. One nonsense and four missense variants were identified in MYLK and were not present in matched controls. Two variants, p.R1480X (c.4438C>T) and p.S1759P (c.5275T>C), segregated with aortic dissections in two families with a maximum LOD score of 2.1, providing evidence of linkage of these rare variants to the disease (p = 0.0009). Both families demonstrated a similar phenotype characterized by presentation with an acute aortic dissection with little to no enlargement of the aorta. The p.R1480X mutation leads to a truncated protein lacking the kinase and calmodulin binding domains, and p.S1759P alters amino acids in the α-helix of the calmodulin binding sequence, which disrupts kinase binding to calmodulin and reduces kinase activity in vitro. Furthermore, mice with SMC-specific knockdown of Mylk demonstrate altered gene expression and pathology consistent with medial degeneration of the aorta. Thus, genetic and functional studies support the conclusion that heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in MYLK are associated with aortic dissections.


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Janus kinases (JAKs) are central signaling molecules in cytokine receptor cascades. Although they have also been implicated in chemokine receptor signaling, this function continues to be debated. To address this issue, we established a nucleofection model in primary, nonactivated mouse T lymphocytes to silence JAK expression and to evaluate the ability of these cells to home to lymph nodes. Reduced JAK1 and JAK2 expression impaired naïve T-cell migration in response to gradients of the chemokines CXCL12 and CCL21. In vivo homing of JAK1/JAK2-deficient cells to lymph nodes decreased, whereas intranodal localization and motility were unaffected. JAK1 and JAK2 defects altered CXCL12- and CCL21-triggered ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) dephosphorylation and F-actin polymerization, as well as activation of lymphocyte function-associated Ag-1 and very late Ag-4 integrins. As a result, the cells did not adhere firmly to integrin substrates in response to these chemokines. The results demonstrate that JAK1/JAK2 participate in chemokine-induced integrin activation and might be considered a target for modulation of immune cell extravasation and therefore, control of inflammatory reactions.


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Skeletal muscle differentiation involves sequential events in which proliferating undifferentiated myoblasts withdraw from the cell cycle and fuse to form multinucleated myotubes. The process of fusion is accompanied by the disappearance of proteins associated with cell proliferation and the coordinate induction of a battery of muscle-specific gene products, which includes the muscle isoenzyme of creatine kinase, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, and contractile proteins such as alpha-actin. The molecular events associated with myogenesis are particularly amenable to experimental analysis because the events which occur in vivo can be recapitulated in vitro using established muscle cell lines. Initiation of myogenic differentiation in vitro can be achieved by removing serum from the culture medium. Myogenesis, therefore, can be considered to be regulated through a repression-type of mechanism by components in serum. The objectives of this project were to identify the components involved in regulation of myogenesis and approach the mechanism(s) whereby these components achieve their regulatory function. Initially, the effects of a series of polypeptide growth factors on myogenesis were examined. Among them TGF$\beta$ and FGF were found to be potent inhibitors of myogenic differentiation which did not affect cell proliferation. The inhibitory effects of these growth factors on differentiation requires their persistent presence in the culture medium. After myoblasts have undergone fusion, they become refractory to the inhibitory effects of TGF$\beta$, FGF, and serum. When fusion is inhibited by the presence of EGTA, a Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelator, muscle-specific genes are expressed reversibly upon removal of inhibitory growth factors. Subsequent exposure of biochemically differentiated cells to serum or TGF$\beta$ leads to down-regulation of muscle-specific genes. Stimulation with serum also leads to reentry of myocytes into the cell cycle, whereas fused myotubes are irreversibly and terminally differentiated. Measurement of levels of TGF$\beta$ receptors reveals that under non-fusing conditions, TGF$\beta$ receptor levels in biochemically differentiated myocytes remained as high as in undifferentiated myoblasts, while during terminal differentiation, TGF$\beta$ receptors decreased at least five-fold. Thus, down-regulation of TGF$\beta$ receptors is coupled to irreversible differentiation, but not reversible differentiation in the absence of fusion. The possible involvement of second messenger systems, such as cAMP and protein kinase C, in the pathway(s) by which TGF$\beta$, FGF, or serum factors transduce their signals from the cell surface to the nucleus was also examined. The results showed that myogenic differentiation is subject to negative regulation through cAMP elevation-dependent and cAMP elevation-independent pathways and that serum mitogens, TGF$\beta$ and FGF inhibit differentiation through a mechanism independent of cAMP-elevation or protein kinase C activation. ^


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The cellular mechanisms through which adult rat skeletal muscle protein is regulated during resistance exercise and training was investigated. A model of non-voluntary resistance exercise was described which involves the electrically-stimulated contraction of the lower leg muscles of anesthetized rats against a weighted pulley-bar. Muscle protein synthesis rates were measured by in vivo constant infusion of $\sp3$H-leucine following a single bout of resistance exercise. Specific messenger RNA levels were determined by dot-blot hybridization analysis using $\sp{32}$P-labelled DNA probes after a single bout and multiple bouts of phasic training. The effects of phasic training on increasing skeletal muscle mass was assessed. Between 12 and 36 hours following a single resistance exercise bout (24-192 contractions), total mixed and myofibril protein synthesis rates were significantly increase (32%-65%) after concentric (gastrocnemius m.) and eccentric (tibialis anterior m.) contractions. Eccentric contractions had greater effects on myofibril synthesis with more prolonged increases in synthesis rates. Lower numbers of eccentric than concentric contractions were required to increase synthesis. Cellular RNA was increased after exercise but the relative levels of skeletal $\alpha$-actin and cytochrome c mRNAs were unchanged. Since increases in synthesis rates exceeded increases in RNA, post-transcriptional mechanisms may be primarily responsible for increased protein synthesis after a resistance exercise bout. After 10-22 weeks of phasic eccentric resistance training, muscle enlargement (16%-30%) was produced in the tibialis anterior m. after all training paradigms examined. In contrast, gastrocnemius m. enlargement after phasic concentric training occurred after moderate (24/bout) but not after high (192/bout) repetition training. The absence of muscle growth in the gastrocnemius m. after high repetition training despite increased synthesis rates after the initial bout and RNA and possibly mRNA accumulation during training suggests a role for post-translational mechanisms (protein degradation) in the control of muscle growth in the gastrocnemius m. It is concluded that muscle protein during resistance exercise and training is regulated at several cellular levels. The particular response may be influenced by the exercise intensity and duration, the training frequency and the type of contractile work (eccentric vs. concentric) performed. ^


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In order to more fully understand the function of surface GalTase on mesenchymal cells, anti-GalTase IgG was used to (a) examine the role of surface GalTase during mouse mesenchymal cell migration on laminin and fibronectin; (b) define the plasma membrane distribution of GalTase by indirect immunofluorescence on migrating cells; (c) quantitate the level of surface GalTase on migrating cells; and (d) determine whether GalTase is associated with the cytoskeleton.^ Results show that anti-GalTase IgG was able to inhibit migration (48-80% as compared to basal rate) when cells were migrating on laminin-containing matrices. Monovalent Fab fragments inhibited migration on laminin by 90% after 4 hours. On the other hand, anti-GalTase IgG had no effect on cells migrating on fibronectin. This illustrates the substrate specificity of GalTase mediated-migration. When anti-GalTase IgG was used to localize surface GalTase on cells migratory on laminin, the enzyme was restricted to the leading and trailing edges of the cell. Assays indicate that GalTase is elevated approximately 3-fold when cells are migrating on laminin-containing matrices as compared to migratory cells on plastic or fibronectin, or as compared to stationary cells on any substrate. Laminin appears to recruit GalTase from preexisting intracellular pools to the growing lamellipodia.^ Double-label indirect immunofluorescence studies indicate that there is an apparent co-localization between some of the surface GalTase and some actin filaments. This relationship was explored by extracting cells prelabeled with anti-GalTase IgG and quantitated by radiolabeled second antibodies. Results show that 79% of the surface GalTase is associated with the cytoskeleton (as judged by detergent insolubility) when monovalent antibodies (Fab) are used. However virtually all (80-100%) of the surface GalTase can be induced to associate with the cytoskeleton when cross-linked with bivalent antibodies. Furthermore, when cells in suspension are incubated with divalent antibodies, an additional 66% of the surface GalTase can be induced to associate with the cytoskeleton. The elevated levels of surface GalTase detectable on cells migrating on laminin also appear to be associated with the cytoskeleton.^ Several lines of evidence suggest that GalTase is associated with F-actin. Data suggest that laminin induces the expression of surface GalTase to the growing lamellipodia where it becomes associated with the cytoskeleton leading to cell spreading and migration. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Thin filament regulation of muscle contraction is a calcium dependent process mediated by the Tn complex. Calcium is released into the sarcomere and is bound by TnC. The subsequent conformation change in TnC is thought to begin a cascade of events that result in the activation of the actin-myosin ATPase. While the general events of this cascade are known, the molecular mechanisms of this signal transduction event are not. Recombinant DNA techniques, physiological and biochemical studies have been used to localize and characterize the structural domains of TnC that play a role in the calcium dependent signal transduction event that serves to trigger muscle contraction. The strategy exploited the observed functional differences between the isoforms of TnC to map regions of functional significance to the proteins. Chimeric cardiac-skeletal TnC proteins were generated to localize the domains of TnC that are required for maximal function in the myofibrilar ATPase assay. Characterization of these regions has yielded information concerning the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction. ^


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The rate and direction of fibroblast locomotion is regulated by the formation of lamellipodia. In turn, lamellipodal formation is modulated in part by adhesion of that region of the cell from which the lamellipodia will extend or orginate. Cell surface $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is one molecule that has been demonstrated to mediate cellular interactions with extracellular matrices. In the case of fibroblasts, GalTase must be associated with the actin cytoskeleton in order to mediate cellular adhesion to laminin. The object of this study was to determine how altering the quantity of GalTase capable of associating with the cytoskeleton impacts cell motility. Stably transfected cell lines were generated that have increased or decreased levels of surface GalTase relative to its cytoskeleton-binding sites. Biochemical analyses of these cells reveals that there is a limited number of sites on the cytoskeleton with which GalTase can interact. Altering the ratio of GalTase to its cytoskeleton binding sites does not affect the cells' abilities to spread, nor does it affect the localization of cytoskeletally-bound GalTase. It does, however, appear to interfere with stress fiber bundling. Cells with altered GalTase:cytoskeleton ratios change their polarity of laminin more frequently, as compared to controls. Therefore, the ectopic expression of GalTase cytoplasmic domains impairs a cell's ability to control the placement of lamellipodia. Cells were then tested for their ability to respond to a directional stimulus, a gradient of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). It was found that the ability of a cell to polarize in response to a gradient of PDGF is directly proportional to the quantity of GalTase associated with its cytoskeleton. Finally, the rate of unidirectional cell migration on laminin was found to be directly dependent upon surface GalTase expression and is inversely related to the ability of surface GalTase to interact with the cytoskeleton. It is therefore proposed that cytoskeletal assembly and lamellipodal formation can be regulated by the altering the ratio of cytoplasmic domains for specific matrix receptors, such as GalTase, relative to their cytoskeleton-binding sites. ^


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It is well established that the chimeric Bcr-Abl oncoprotein resulting from fusing 3$\sp\prime$ ABL sequences on chromosome 9 to 5$\sp\prime$ BCR sequences on chromosome 22 is the primary cause of Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph$\sp1$) leukemias. Although it is clear that the cis-Bcr sequence present within Bcr-Abl is able to activate the tyrosine kinase activity and F-actin binding capacity of Bcr-Abl which is critical for the transforming ability of BCR-ABL, the biological role of normal BCR gene product (P160 BCR) remains largely unknown. The previous finding by our lab that P160 BCR forms stable complexes with Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in Ph$\sp1$-positive leukemic cells implicated P160 BCR in the pathogenesis of Ph$\sp1$-positive leukemias. Here, we demonstrated that P160 BCR physically interacts with P210 BCR-ABL and become tyrosine phosphorylated when co-expressed with P210 BCR-ABL in COS1 cells while no tyrosine phosphorylation of P160 BCR can be detected when it is expressed alone. The results suggest that P160 BCR is a target for the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Although we were unable to detect stable physical interaction between P160 BCR and P145 c-ABL (Ib) in COS1 cells overexpressing both proteins, P160 BCR was phosphorylated on tyrosine residues when co-expressed with activated tyrosine kinase of P145 c-ABL (Ib). In addition, studies of tyrosine phosphorylation of BCR deletion mutants and 2-dimensional tryptic mapping of in vitro phosphorylated wild type and mutant (tyrosine to phenylalanine) Bcr-Abl indicated that tyrosine 177, 283 and 360 of Bcr represent some of the phosphorylation sites. Even though the significance of tyrosine phosphorylation of residues 283 and 360 of Bcr has not been determined, tyrosine phosphorylation of residue 177 within Bcr-Abl has been reported to be critical for its interaction with Grb2 molecule and subsequent activation of Ras signaling pathway. Here, we further demonstrated that tyrosine 177 phosphorylated P160 BCR is also able to bind to Grb2 molecule suggesting the role of P160 BCR in the Ras signaling pathway.^ Surprisingly, using 3$\sp\prime$ BCR antisense oligonucleotide to reduce the expression of P160 BCR without interfering with the expression of BCR-ABL resulted in increased growth or survival of B15 cells and M3.16 cells expressing either P185 BCR-ABL or P210 BCR-ABL respectively. The results provided strong arguments that P160 BCR may function as a negative regulator for cell growth.^ Considering all these results, we hypothesize that P160 BCR negatively regulate cell growth and tyrosine phosphorylation of P160 BCR turns off its growth suppressor function and turns on its growth stimulatory function. We further speculate that Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in leukemia cells stably interacts with and constitutively phosphorylates portions of P160 BCR converting it into a growth stimulatory state. In normal cells, the growth suppressor effects of P160 BCR could only be transiently and conditionally switched to growth stimulatory action by a strictly regulated cellular tyrosine kinase such as c-ABL. The model will be further discussed in the text. ^


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The Bcr-Abl fusion oncogene which resulted from a balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22, t(9;22)(q11, q34), encodes a 210 KD elevated tyrosine specific protein kinase that is found in more than 95 percent of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients (CML). Increase of level of phosphorylation of tyrosine is observed on cell cycle regulatory proteins in cells overexpressing the Bcr-Abl oncogene, which activates multiple signaling pathways. In addition, distinct signals are required for transforming susceptible fibroblast and hematopoietic cells, and the minimal signals essential for transforming hematopoietic cells are yet to be defined. In the present study, we first established a tetracycline repressible p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ expression system in a murine myeloid cell line 32D c13, which depends on IL3 to grow in the presence of tetracycline and proliferate independent of IL3 in the absence of tetracycline. Interestingly, one of these sublines does not form tumors in athymic nude mice suggesting that these cells may not be completely transformed. These cells also exhibit a dose-dependent growth and expression of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ at varying concentrations of tetracycline in the culture. However, p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ rescues IL3 deprivation induced apoptosis in a non-dose dependent fashion. DNA genotoxic damage induced by gamma-irradiation activates c-Abl tyrosine kinase, the cellular homologue of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl},$ and leads to activation of p38 MAP kinase in the cells. However, in the presence of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ the irradiation failed to activate the p38 MAP kinase as examined by an antibody against phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase. Similarly, an altered tyrosine phosphorylation of the JAK1-STAT1 pathways was identified in cells constitutively overexpressing p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}.$ This may provided a molecular mechanism for altered therapeutic response of CML patients to IFN-$\alpha.$^ Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has multiple functional domains which have been identified by the work of others. The Bcr tetramerization domain, which may function to stabilize the association of the Bcr-Abl with actin filaments in p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ susceptible cells, are essential for transforming both fibroblast and hematopoietic cells. We designed a transcription unit encoding first 160 amino acids polypeptide of Bcr protein to test if this polypeptide can inhibit the transforming activity of the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ oncoprotein in the 32D c13 cells. When this vector was transfected transiently along with the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ expression vector, it can block the transforming activity of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}.$ On the other hand, the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rb), a naturally occurring negative regulator of the c-Abl kinase, the cellular homologue of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein, binds to and inhibits the c-Abl kinase in a cell cycle dependent manner. A polypeptide obtained from the carboxyl terminal end of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, in which the nuclear localization signal was mutated, was used to inhibit the kinase activity of the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ in the cytoplasm. This polypeptide, called Rb MC-box, and its wild type form, Rb C-box, when overexpressed in the 32D cells are mainly localized in the cytoplasm. Cotransfection of a plasmid transcription unit coding for this polypeptide and the gene for the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ resulted in reduced plating efficiency of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ transfected IL3 independent 32D cells. Together, these results may lead to a molecular approach to therapy of CML and an in vitro assay system to identify new targets to which an inhibitory polypeptide transcription unit may be directed. ^


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Due to the clinical success of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) used for short term "bridge to transplant" and the limited availability of donor organs, heart assist devices are being considered for long term implantation as an alternative to heart transplantation. In an effort to improve biocompatibility, a nonthrombogenic cellular lining was developed from genetically engineered smooth muscle cells (GE-SMC) for the Thermocardiosystems Heartmate$\sp{\rm TM}$ LVAD. SMCs have been transduced with the genes for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS III) and GTP cyclohydrolase (GTPCH) with subsequent stable expression of the NOS III protein via an Epstein Barr based DNA expression vector. Transduced SMCs produce nitric oxide at concentrations that reduce platelet deposition and smooth muscle cell proliferation when tested in vitro. In addition, the adhesive capabilities of GE-SMC linings were also examined, and optimized in physical environments mimicking typical in vivo LVAD operation. Preliminary investigations examining cell adhesion during constant shear stress exposure demonstrated an acute phase of cell loss corresponding to cytoskeletal F-actin rearrangement. Subsequently, an in vitro circulatory loop was designed to expose cell lined LVADs to in vivo operating conditions. Cumulative cell loss from cell lined LVADs was less than 10% after 24 hours of flow. Using a protocol for "preconditioning" the cell lining within the mock circulatory loop, the first implantation of an LVAD containing a genetically engineered SMC lining was successfully implemented in a bovine model. Results from this 24 hour study indicate that the flow-conditioned cellular lining remained intact with no evidence of thromboembolization and only minimal changes in coagulation studies. ^


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Encephalitozoon cuniculi is an obligate intracellular, spore-forming parasite belonging to the microsporidia that can cause disseminated infection in immunocompromised persons. E. cuniculi spores infect host cells by germination, i.e., by explosively everting the polar filament, through which the spore contents (sporoplasms) are subsequently injected into the cytoplasm. In addition, we observed intracellular, nongerminated spores in various nonprofessional phagocytes. In MRC5 cells, the number of internalized spores was approximately 10-fold higher than the number of injected sporoplasms. Compared to the rate of uptake by human monocyte-derived macrophages, internalization rates by A549 cells, MRC5 cells, and 293 cells were 0.6, 4.4, and 22.2%, respectively. The mechanism of uptake was studied in MRC5 cells. Killed spores were internalized at the same rate as live spores, indicating that nongerminated parasites do not actively participate in cell entry. Cytochalasin D inhibited uptake of spores by 95%, demonstrating an actin-dependent process. By electron and epifluorescence microscopy, intracellular spores were found in a tightly fitting membrane-bound compartment. The vacuole containing the spores was positive for the lysosomal membrane protein LAMP-1 and colocalized with the late endosomal-lysosomal content marker rhodamine dextran. Our results show that, in addition to the unique way in which microsporidia infect cells, E. cuniculi spores enter nonprofessional phagocytes by phagocytosis and traffic into a late endosomal-lysosomal compartment.


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Myoepithelioma is a dimorphic neoplasm with contractile-epithelial phenotype, originally interpreted as deriving from, but not actually restricted to the salivary glands. As a novel addition to the list of exquisitely rare intracranial salivary gland-type tumors and tumor-like lesions, we report on an example of myoepithelioma encountered in the left cerebellopontine angle of a 32-year-old male. Clinically presenting with ataxia and dizziness, this extraaxial mass of 4 × 3.5 × 3 cm was surgically resected, and the patient is alive 6 years postoperatively. Histologically, the tumor exhibited a continuum ranging from compact fascicles of spindle cells to epithelial nests and trabeculae partitioned by hyalinized septa, while lacking tubular differentiation. Regardless of architectural variations, there was robust immunoexpression of S100 protein, smooth muscle actin, GFAP, cytokeratin, and vimentin. Cytologic atypia tended to be modest throughout, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged less than 1%. Fluorescent in situ hybridization indicated no rearrangement of the EWSR1 locus. We interpret these results to suggest that myoepithelioma of the posterior fossa - along with related salivary epithelial tumors in this ostensibly incongruous locale - may possibly represent analogous neoplasms to their orthotopic counterparts, ones arising within aberrant salivary anlagen. The presence of the latter lends itself to being mechanistically accounted for by either postulating placodal remnants in the wake of branchial arch development, or linking them to exocrine glandular nests within endodermal cysts. Alternatively, myoepithelioma at this site could be regarded as a non tissue-specific lesion similar to its relatives ubiquitously occurring in the soft parts.


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Mitochondria cannot form de novo but require mechanisms allowing their inheritance to daughter cells. In contrast to most other eukaryotes Trypanosoma brucei has a single mitochondrion whose single-unit genome is physically connected to the flagellum. Here we identify a β-barrel mitochondrial outer membrane protein, termed tripartite attachment complex 40 (TAC40), that localizes to this connection. TAC40 is essential for mitochondrial DNA inheritance and belongs to the mitochondrial porin protein family. However, it is not specifically related to any of the three subclasses of mitochondrial porins represented by the metabolite transporter voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), the protein translocator of the outer membrane 40 (TOM40), or the fungi-specific MDM10, a component of the endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria encounter structure (ERMES). MDM10 and TAC40 mediate cellular architecture and participate in transmembrane complexes that are essential for mitochondrial DNA inheritance. In yeast MDM10, in the context of the ERMES, is postulated to connect the mitochondrial genomes to actin filaments, whereas in trypanosomes TAC40 mediates the linkage of the mitochondrial DNA to the basal body of the flagellum. However, TAC40 does not colocalize with trypanosomal orthologs of ERMES components and, unlike MDM10, it regulates neither mitochondrial morphology nor the assembly of the protein translocase. TAC40 therefore defines a novel subclass of mitochondrial porins that is distinct from VDAC, TOM40, and MDM10. However, whereas the architecture of the TAC40-containing complex in trypanosomes and the MDM10-containing ERMES in yeast is very different, both are organized around a β-barrel protein of the mitochondrial porin family that mediates a DNA–cytoskeleton linkage that is essential for mitochondrial DNA inheritance.


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Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite which has emerged as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. Abortion is usually triggered by reactivation of dormant bradyzoites during pregnancy and subsequent congenital infection of the foetus, where the central nervous system appears to be most frequently affected. We here report on an organotypic tissue culture model for Neospora infection which can be used to study certain aspects of the cerebral phase of neosporosis within the context of a three-dimensionally organised neuronal network. Organotypic slice cultures of rat cortical tissue were infected with N. caninum tachyzoites, and the kinetics of parasite proliferation, as well as the proliferation-inhibitory effect of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), were monitored by either immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and a quantitative PCR-assay using the LightCycler instrument, respectively. In addition, the neuronal cytoskeletal elements, namely glial acidic protein filaments as well as actin microfilament bundles were shown to be largely colocalising with the pseudocyst periphery. This organotypic culture model for cerebral neosporosis provides a system, which is useful to study the proliferation, ultrastructural characteristics, development, and the interactions of N. caninum within the context of neuronal tissue, which at the same time can be modulated and influenced under controlled conditions, and will be useful in the future to gain more information on the cerebral phase of neosporosis.