991 resultados para Acid Orange 7


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Gebiet: Chirurgie Abstract: OBJECTIVES: – The number of heart transplantations is limited by donor organ availability. Donation after circulatory determination of death (DCDD) could significantly improve graft availability, however, organs undergo warm ischaemia followed by reperfusion, leading to tissue damage. Laboratory studies suggest that mechanical postconditioning [(MPC), brief, intermittent periods of ischaemia at the onset of reperfusion] can limit reperfusion injury, however, clinical translation has been disappointing. We hypothesized that MPC-induced cardioprotection depends on fatty acid levels at reperfusion. – – METHODS: – Experiments were performed with an isolated rat heart model of DCDD. Hearts of male Wistar rats (n = 42) underwent working-mode perfusion for 20 min (baseline), 27 min of global ischaemia and 60 min reperfusion with or without MPC (two cycles of 30 s reperfusion/30 s ischaemia) in the presence or absence of high fat [(HF), 1.2 mM palmitate]. Haemodynamic parameters, necrosis factors and oxygen consumption (O2C) were assessed. Recovery rate was calculated as the value at 60 min reperfusion expressed as a percentage of the mean baseline value. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to provide an overview of differences between experimental groups, and pairwise comparisons were performed to compare specific time points of interest for parameters with significant overall results. – – RESULTS: – Percent recovery of left ventricular (LV) work [developed pressure (DP)-heart rate product] at 60 min reperfusion was higher in hearts reperfused without fat versus with fat (58 ± 8 vs 23 ± 26%, P < 0.01) in the absence of MPC. In the absence of fat, MPC did not affect post-ischaemic haemodynamic recovery. Among the hearts reperfused with HF, two significantly different subgroups emerged according to recovery of LV work: low recovery (LoR) and high recovery (HiR) subgroups. At 60 min reperfusion, recovery was increased with MPC versus no MPC for LV work (79 ± 6 vs 55 ± 7, respectively, P < 0.05) in HiR subgroups and for DP (40 ± 27 vs 4 ± 2%), dP/dtmax (37 ± 24 vs 5 ± 3%) and dP/dtmin (33 ± 21 vs 5 ± 4%, P < 0.01 for all) in LoR subgroups. – – CONCLUSIONS: – Effects of MPC depend on energy substrate availability, MPC increased recovery of LV work in the presence, but not in the absence, of HF. Controlled reperfusion may be useful for therapeutic strategies aimed at improving post-ischaemic recovery of cardiac DCDD grafts, and ultimately in increasing donor heart availability.


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The forensic utility of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) in dried blood spots (DBS) as short-term confirmatory markers for ethanol intake was examined. An LC-MS/MS method for the determination of FAEEs in DBS was developed and validated to investigate FAEE formation and elimination in a drinking study, whereby eight subjects ingested 0.66-0.84 g/kg alcohol to reach blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of 0.8 g/kg. Blood was taken every 1.5-2 h, BAC was determined, and dried blood spots were prepared, with 50 μL of blood, for the determination of FAEEs. Lower limits of quantitation (LLOQ) were between 15 and 37 ng/mL for the four major FAEEs. Validation data are presented in detail. In the drinking study, ethyl palmitate and ethyl oleate proved to be the two most suitable markers for FAEE determination. Maximum FAEE concentrations were reached in samples taken 2 or 4 h after the start of drinking. The following mean peak concentrations (c̅ max) were reached: ethyl myristate 14 ± 4 ng/mL, ethyl palmitate 144 ± 35 ng/mL, ethyl oleate 125 ± 55 ng/mL, ethyl stearate 71 ± 21 ng/mL, total FAEEs 344 ± 91 ng/mL. Detectability of FAEEs was found to be on the same time scale as BAC. In liquid blood samples containing ethanol, FAEE concentrations increase post-sampling. This study shows that the use of DBS fixation prevents additional FAEE formation in blood samples containing ethanol. Positive FAEE results obtained by DBS analysis can be used as evidence for the presence of ethanol in the original blood sample. Graphical Abstract Time courses for fatty acid ethyl ester (FAEE) concentrations in DBS and ethanol concentrations for subject 1 over a period of 7 h. Ethanol ingestion occured during the first hour of the time course.


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A new cold-inducible genetic construct was cloned using a chloroplast-specific omega-3-fatty acid desaturase gene (FAD7) under the control of a cold-inducible promoter (cor15a) from Arabidopsis thaliana. RT-PCR confirmed a marked increase in FAD7 expression, in young Nicotiana tabacum (cv. Havana) plants harboring cor15a-FAD7, after a short-term exposure to cold. When young, cold-induced tobacco seedlings were exposed to low-temperature (0.5, 2 or 3.5 degrees C) for up to 44 days, survival within independent cor15a-FAD7 transgenic lines (40.2-96%) was far superior to the wild type (6.7-10.2%). In addition, the major trienoic fatty acid species remained stable in cold-induced cor15a-FAD7 N. tabacum plants under prolonged cold storage while the levels of hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3) and octadecatrienoic acid (18:3) declined in wild type plants under the same conditions (79 and 20.7% respectively). Electron microscopy showed that chloroplast membrane ultrastructure in cor15a-FAD7 transgenic plants was unaffected by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. In contrast, wild type plants experienced a loss of granal stacking and disorganization of the thylakoid membrane under the same conditions. Changes in membrane integrity coincided with a precipitous decline in leaf chlorophyll concentration and low survival rates in wild type plants. Cold-induced double transgenic N. alata (cv. Domino Mix) plants, harboring both the cor15a-FAD7 cold-tolerance gene and a cor15a-IPT dark-tolerance gene, exhibited dramatically higher survival rates (89-90%) than wild type plants (2%) under prolonged cold storage under dark conditions (2 degrees C for 50 days).


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Among Mexican Americans, the second largest minority group in the United States, the prevalence of gallbladder disease is markedly elevated. Previous data from both genetic admixture and family studies indicate that there is a genetic component to the occurrence of gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans. However, prior to this thesis no formal genetic analysis of gallbladder disease had been carried out nor had any contributing genes been identified.^ The results of complex segregation analysis in a sample of 232 Mexican American pedigrees documented the existence of a major gene having two alleles with age- and gender-specific effects influencing the occurrence of gallbladder disease. The estimated frequency of the allele increasing susceptibility was 0.39. The lifetime probabilities that an individual will be affected by gallbladder disease were 1.0, 0.54, and 0.00 for females of genotypes "AA", "Aa", and "aa", respectively, and 0.68, 0.30, and 0.00 for males, respectively. This analysis provided the first conclusive evidence for the existence of a common single gene having a large effect on the occurrence of gallbladder disease.^ Human cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis. The results of an association study in both a random sample and a matched case/control sample showed that there is a significant association between cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene variation and the occurrence of gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans males but not in females. These data have implicated a specific gene, 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase, in the etiology of gallbladder disease in this population.^ Finally, I asked whether the inferred major gene from complex segregation analysis is genetically linked to the cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene. Three pedigrees predicted to be informative for linkage analysis by virtue of supporting the major gene hypothesis and having parents with informative genotypes and multiple offspring were selected for this linkage analysis. In each of these pedigrees, the recombination fractions maximized at 0 with a positive, albeit low, LOD score. The results of this linkage analysis provide preliminary and suggestive evidence that the cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase gene and the inferred gallbladder disease susceptibility gene are genetically linked. ^


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Our laboratory has developed and partially characterized a strain of New Zealand white rabbits that are resistant to the hypercholesterolemia which typically occurs in normal rabbits when fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. This phenotype is most likely attributed to an increase in bile acid excretion by hypercholesterolemia-resistant (CRT) rabbits as a result of elevated enzyme activity of cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase (C7$\alpha$H), the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis. Northern analysis revealed that CRT rabbits, in comparison to normal rabbits, have a 7-fold greater steady-state C7$\alpha$H mRNA levels irrespective of dietary regimen. The C7$\alpha$H gene in both phenotypes was determined to be a single copy gene. The hypothesis was that the elevated C7$\alpha$H mRNA levels in CRT rabbits, in comparison to normal animals, was due to an increase in the transcription rate of the C7$\alpha$H gene as a result of a mutation in a cis-acting element and/or a trans-acting factor within the hepatocyte. To isolate the C7$\alpha$H gene from both normal and CRT rabbits, genomic libraries were prepared from both phenotypes into $\lambda$GEM12 vectors using conventional techniques. Three CRT and one normal phage clones that contained the C7$\alpha$H gene were identified by screening the library with a series of probes located within different exons of the C7$\alpha$H cDNA. Sequencing analysis confirmed that approximately 1100 bp of the C7$\alpha$H 5'-flanking region from both normal and CRT phenotypes was identical. The increase in C7$\alpha$H mRNA levels was not attributed to a cis-acting mutation within this region. Liver nuclear extracts were prepared from normal and CRT rabbits maintained either on a basal or 0.25% cholesterol-enriched diet and incubated with several radiolabeled DNA fragments from the C7$\alpha$H gene. A 37 basepair region, located between nucleotides $-$452 to $-$416 was identified that had altered binding patterns between normal and CRT rabbits as a function of diet. Two additional regions, $-$747 to $-$575 and $-$580 to $-$442, produced banding patterns which were identical, irrespective of phenotype or diet. In conclusion, these studies suggested that the increase in C7$\alpha$H mRNA in CRT rabbits was due to differences in binding of a cholesterol-responsive transcription factor to the C7$\alpha$H promoter. ^


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La especie nativa Mutisia subspinosa es una enredadera perenne, resistente a heladas, con hermosas flores anaranjadas que presenta gran interés como ornamental. En trabajos previos de propagación a través de semillas o estacas se obtuvieron escasos resultados, lo que justificó el uso de la micropropagación. Para el establecimiento in vitro se utilizó el medio de Murashige Skoog (MS) diluido a la mitad. Se evaluó la adición de 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) sola o en combinación con thidiazurón (TDZ) y un testigo sin hormonas. En la etapa de multiplicación se utilizó el mismo medio basal y se probaron dos auxinas: los ácidos indol butírico (AIB) y naftalén acético (ANA), además del uso de carbón activado. La composición del medio de cultivo más adecuada para el establecimiento fue la del testigo, mientras que para la multiplicación los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con la adición de 4 μmoles.L-1 de ANA. El agregado de 1 g.L-1 de carbón activado al medio de cultivo con 2,7 μmoles.L-1 mejoró la tasa de multiplicación y el enraizamiento.


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Particles of detritus were counted by size-groups and microplankton cells in samples stained with acid fuchsin and acridine orange. Data were obtained for eutrophic and oligotrophic waters. Seston in the eutrophic layer of eutrophic waters consists of 22-65% phytoplankton, 3-18% microzooplankton, and 32-65% detritus; in oligotrophic waters - of 3-7% phytoplankton, 1-5% microzooplankton, and 92-97% detritus. Amount of detritus in seston increases with depth up to 4.4 µg C/l (sigma = 1.48) at 500-4000 m. Microplankton biomass in deep water contains mostly olive-green cells and bacteria; no microzooplankton <200 µm long was found below 200 m. Aggregates 10-50 µm in diameter and fragments of organisms 50-200 µm long were dominant by weight among detrital particles. No discernible associations of microorganisms with detrital particles were observed.