μ-Charts are a Statechart-like language which is designed for specifying reactive systems. This paper extends the language of μ-charts with a new parallel operator; it defines a formal semantics for the language, and then it explores the semantic properties of the extended language. The paper concludes with a simple case study to illustrate how the language may be used to specify and reason about reactive systems.
We describe an extension of the theory of Owicki and Gries (1976) to a programming language that supports asynchronous message passing based on unconditional send actions and conditional receive actions. The focus is on exploring the fitness of the extension for distributed program derivation. A number of experiments are reported, based on a running example problem, and with the aim of exploring design heuristics and of streamlining derivations and progress arguments.
Security protocols preserve essential properties, such as confidentiality and authentication, of electronically transmitted data. However, such properties cannot be directly expressed or verified in contemporary formal methods. Via a detailed example, we describe the phases needed to formalise and verify the correctness of a security protocol in the state-oriented Z formalism.
Security protocols are often modelled at a high level of abstraction, potentially overlooking implementation-dependent vulnerabilities. Here we use the Z specification language's rich set of data structures to formally model potentially ambiguous messages that may be exploited in a 'type flaw' attack. We then show how to formally verify whether or not such an attack is actually possible in a particular protocol using Z's schema calculus.
Well understood methods exist for developing programs from given specifications. A formal method identifies proof obligations at each development step: if all such proof obligations are discharged, a precisely defined class of errors can be excluded from the final program. For a class of closed systems such methods offer a gold standard against which less formal approaches can be measured. For open systems -those which interact with the physical world- the task of obtaining the program specification can be as challenging as the task of deriving the program. And, when a system of this class must tolerate certain kinds of unreliability in the physical world, it is still more challenging to reach confidence that the specification obtained is adequate. We argue that widening the notion of software development to include specifying the behaviour of the relevant parts of the physical world gives a way to derive the specification of a control system and also to record precisely the assumptions being made about the world outside the computer.
A program can be decomposed into a set of possible execution paths. These can be described in terms of primitives such as assignments, assumptions and coercions, and composition operators such as sequential composition and nondeterministic choice as well as finitely or infinitely iterated sequential composition. Some of these paths cannot possibly be followed (they are dead or infeasible), and they may or may not terminate. Decomposing programs into paths provides a foundation for analyzing properties of programs. Our motivation is timing constraint analysis of real-time programs, but the same techniques can be applied in other areas such as program testing. In general the set of execution paths for a program is infinite. For timing analysis we would like to decompose a program into a finite set of subpaths that covers all possible execution paths, in the sense that we only have to analyze the subpaths in order to determine suitable timing constraints that cover all execution paths.
We propose a method for the timing analysis of concurrent real-time programs with hard deadlines. We divide the analysis into a machine-independent and a machine-dependent task. The latter takes into account the execution times of the program on a particular machine. Therefore, our goal is to make the machine-dependent phase of the analysis as simple as possible. We succeed in the sense that the machine-dependent phase remains the same as in the analysis of sequential programs. We shift the complexity introduced by concurrency completely to the machine-independent phase.
In this paper, we present a formal model of Java concurrency using the Object-Z specification language. This model captures the Java thread synchronization concepts of locking, blocking, waiting and notification. In the model, we take a viewpoints approach, first capturing the role of the objects and threads, and then taking a system view where we capture the way the objects and threads cooperate and communicate. As a simple illustration of how the model can, in general be applied, we use Object-Z inheritance to integrate the model with the classical producer-consumer system to create a specification directly incorporating the Java concurrency constructs.
The Java programming language supports concurrency. Concurrent programs are hard to test due to their inherent non-determinism. This paper presents a classification of concurrency failures that is based on a model of Java concurrency. The model and failure classification is used to justify coverage of synchronization primitives of concurrent components. This is achieved by constructing concurrency flow graphs for each method call. A producer-consumer monitor is used to demonstrate how the approach can be used to measure coverage of concurrency primitives and thereby assist in determining test sequences for deterministic execution.
A test oracle provides a means for determining whether an implementation behaves according to its specification. A passive test oracle checks that the correct behaviour has been implemented, but does not implement the behaviour itself. In previous work, we have presented a method that allows us to derive passive C++ test oracles from formal specifications written in Object-Z. We describe the "Warlock" prototype tool that supports the method. Warlock is built on top of an existing Object-Z type checker and generates oracle code for a substantial subset of the Object-Z language. We describe the architecture of Warlock and its application to a number of Object-Z specifications. We also discuss its current limitations.