985 resultados para APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS


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A novel matrix of macropore cellulose membrane was prepared by chemical graft, and immobilized the cationic charged groups as affinity ligands. The prepared membrane Fan be used for the removal of endotoxin from human serum albumin (HSA) solutions. With a cartridge of 20 sheets affinity membrane of 47 mm diameter, the endotoxin level in HSA solution can be reduced ro 0.027 eu/mL. Recovery of HSA was over 95%.


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A unique matching is a stated objective of most computational theories of stereo vision. This report describes situations where humans perceive a small number of surfaces carried by non-unique matching of random dot patterns, although a unique solution exists and is observed unambiguously in the perception of isolated features. We find both cases where non-unique matchings compete and suppress each other and cases where they are all perceived as transparent surfaces. The circumstances under which each behavior occurs are discussed and a possible explanation is sketched. It appears that matching reduces many false targets to a few, but may still yield multiple solutions in some cases through a (possibly different) process of surface interpolation.


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Weighted graph matching is a good way to align a pair of shapes represented by a set of descriptive local features; the set of correspondences produced by the minimum cost of matching features from one shape to the features of the other often reveals how similar the two shapes are. However, due to the complexity of computing the exact minimum cost matching, previous algorithms could only run efficiently when using a limited number of features per shape, and could not scale to perform retrievals from large databases. We present a contour matching algorithm that quickly computes the minimum weight matching between sets of descriptive local features using a recently introduced low-distortion embedding of the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) into a normed space. Given a novel embedded contour, the nearest neighbors in a database of embedded contours are retrieved in sublinear time via approximate nearest neighbors search. We demonstrate our shape matching method on databases of 10,000 images of human figures and 60,000 images of handwritten digits.


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Aqueous solutions of amphiphilic polymers usually comprise of inter- and intramolecular associations of hydrophobic groups often leading to a formation of a rheologically significant reversible network at low concentrations that can be identified using techniques such as static light scattering and rheometry. However, in most studies published till date comparing water soluble polymers with their respective amphiphilic derivatives, it has been very difficult to distinguish between the effects of molecular mass versus hydrophobic associations on hydrodynamic (intrinsic viscosity [g]) and thermodynamic parameters (second virial coefficient A2), owing to the differences between their degrees of polymerization. This study focuses on the dilute and semi-dilute solutions of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and its amphiphilic derivatives (hmHEC) of the same molecular mass, along with other samples having a different molecular mass using capillary viscometry, rheometry and static light scattering. The weight average molecular masses (MW) and their distributions for the nonassociative HEC were determined using size exclusion chromatography. Various empirical approaches developed by past authors to determine [g] from dilute solution viscometry data have been discussed. hmHEC with a sufficiently high degree of hydrophobic modification was found to be forming a rheologically significant network in dilute solutions at very low concentrations as opposed to the hmHEC with a much lower degree of hydrophobic modification which also enveloped the hydrophobic groups inside the supramolecular cluster as shown by their [g] and A2. The ratio A2MW/[g], which takes into account hydrodynamic as well as thermodynamic parameters, was observed to be less for associative polymers compared to that of the non-associative polymers.


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Plakhov, A.Y., (2004) 'Precise solutions of the one-dimensional Monge-Kantorovich problem', Sbornik: Mathematics 195(9) pp.1291-1307 RAE2008


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Sonic boom propagation in a quiet) stratified) lossy atmosphere is the subject of this dissertation. Two questions are considered in detail: (1) Does waveform freezing occur? (2) Are sonic booms shocks in steady state? Both assumptions have been invoked in the past to predict sonic boom waveforms at the ground. A very general form of the Burgers equation is derived and used as the model for the problem. The derivation begins with the basic conservation equations. The effects of nonlinearity) attenuation and dispersion due to multiple relaxations) viscosity) and heat conduction) geometrical spreading) and stratification of the medium are included. When the absorption and dispersion terms are neglected) an analytical solution is available. The analytical solution is used to answer the first question. Geometrical spreading and stratification of the medium are found to slow down the nonlinear distortion of finite-amplitude waves. In certain cases the distortion reaches an absolute limit) a phenomenon called waveform freezing. Judging by the maturity of the distortion mechanism, sonic booms generated by aircraft at 18 km altitude are not frozen when they reach the ground. On the other hand, judging by the approach of the waveform to its asymptotic shape, N waves generated by aircraft at 18 km altitude are frozen when they reach the ground. To answer the second question we solve the full Burgers equation and for this purpose develop a new computer code, THOR. The code is based on an algorithm by Lee and Hamilton (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 906-917, 1995) and has the novel feature that all its calculations are done in the time domain, including absorption and dispersion. Results from the code compare very well with analytical solutions. In a NASA exercise to compare sonic boom computer programs, THOR gave results that agree well with those of other participants and ran faster. We show that sonic booms are not steady state waves because they travel through a varying medium, suffer spreading, and fail to approximate step shocks closely enough. Although developed to predict sonic boom propagation, THOR can solve other problems for which the extended Burgers equation is a good propagation model.


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This paper introduces BoostMap, a method that can significantly reduce retrieval time in image and video database systems that employ computationally expensive distance measures, metric or non-metric. Database and query objects are embedded into a Euclidean space, in which similarities can be rapidly measured using a weighted Manhattan distance. Embedding construction is formulated as a machine learning task, where AdaBoost is used to combine many simple, 1D embeddings into a multidimensional embedding that preserves a significant amount of the proximity structure in the original space. Performance is evaluated in a hand pose estimation system, and a dynamic gesture recognition system, where the proposed method is used to retrieve approximate nearest neighbors under expensive image and video similarity measures. In both systems, BoostMap significantly increases efficiency, with minimal losses in accuracy. Moreover, the experiments indicate that BoostMap compares favorably with existing embedding methods that have been employed in computer vision and database applications, i.e., FastMap and Bourgain embeddings.


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We investigate adaptive buffer management techniques for approximate evaluation of sliding window joins over multiple data streams. In many applications, data stream processing systems have limited memory or have to deal with very high speed data streams. In both cases, computing the exact results of joins between these streams may not be feasible, mainly because the buffers used to compute the joins contain much smaller number of tuples than the tuples contained in the sliding windows. Therefore, a stream buffer management policy is needed in that case. We show that the buffer replacement policy is an important determinant of the quality of the produced results. To that end, we propose GreedyDual-Join (GDJ) an adaptive and locality-aware buffering technique for managing these buffers. GDJ exploits the temporal correlations (at both long and short time scales), which we found to be prevalent in many real data streams. We note that our algorithm is readily applicable to multiple data streams and multiple joins and requires almost no additional system resources. We report results of an experimental study using both synthetic and real-world data sets. Our results demonstrate the superiority and flexibility of our approach when contrasted to other recently proposed techniques.