998 resultados para A Secular Age


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This thesis argues that the motivations underpinning the mainstream news media have fundamentally changed in the 21 sl century. As such, the news is no longer best understood as a tool for propaganda or agenda setting; instead it seems that the news is only motivated by the flow of global network capitalism. The author contrasts the work of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman with that of Gilles Deleuze. Chomsky and Herman's 'Propaganda Model' has been influential within the fields of media studies and popular culture. The 'propaganda model' states that the concentration of ownership of the media has allowed the media elite to exert a disproportionate amount of influence over the mass media. Deleuze, on the other hand, regards the mass media as being yet another cog within the global capitalist mechanism, and is therefore separate from ideology or propaganda. The author proposes that 'propaganda' is no longer a sufficient word to describe the function of the news as terms like 'propaganda' imply some form of national sovereignty or governmental influence. To highlight how the news has 'changed from an instrument of propaganda to an instrument of accumulation, the author compares and contrasts the· coverage of the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal with that of the Haditha Civilian Massacre. Although similar in nature, the author proposes that the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal received a disproportionate amount of coverage within the mainstream press because of its exciting and sensational nature.


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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves excessive worry coupled with engaging in rituals that are believed to help alleviate the worry. Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PODs) are characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication, and the presence of repetitive and/or restrictive behaviours (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Research suggests that as many as 81% of children with a POD also meet criteria for a diagnosis ofOCD. Currently, only a handful of studies have investigated the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in treating OCD in children with autism (Reaven & Hepburn, 2003 ; Sze & Wood, 2007; Lehmkuhl, Storch, Bodtish & Geflken, 2008). In these case studies. the use of a multi-modal CBT treatment package was successful in alleviating OCD behaviours. The current study used function-based CBT with parent involvement and behavioural supplements to treat 2 children with POD and OCD. Using a multiple baseline design across behaviours and participants, parents reported that their child 's anxiety was alleviated and these gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. According to results of the Children 's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Goodman, Price, Rasmussen, Riddle, & Rapoport, 1986) from preto post-test, OCD behaviours of the children decreased II"om the severe to the mild range. In addition, the parents rated the family's level of interference related to their child 's OCD as substantially lower. Last, the CBT treatment received high ratings of consumer satisfaction.


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Self-controlled KR practice has revealed that providing participants the opportunity to control their KR is superior for motor learning compared to participants replicating the KR schedule of a self-control participant, without the choice (e.g., yoked). The purpose of the present experiment was two-fold. First, to examine the utility of a self-controlled KR schedule for learning a spatial motor task in younger and older adults and second, to determine whether a self-controlled KR schedule facilitates an increased ability to estimate one’s performance in retention and transfer. Twenty younger adults and 20 older adults practiced in either the self-control or yoked condition and were required to push and release a slide along a confined pathway using their non-dominant hand to a target distance. The retention data revealed that as a function of age, a self-controlled KR schedule facilitated superior retention performance and performance estimations in younger adults compared to their yoked counterparts.


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An unidentified girl, believed to be Irene Bell, is featured in this small black and white portrait photograph. Handwritten inscription on the reverse indicates the photo was presented in August 1909. The name of the recipient is illegible. This photo was in the possession of the Rick Bell family of St. Catharines, Ontario.According to entries in the Bell Family Bible, Irene Frances Bell, daughter of George A. Bell and Nellie F. Bell, was born on Jan. 19, 1893. This would make her 16-years-old at the time this photograph was presented in 1909.


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Background: Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are endemic in Honduras but their impact on children’s health is not well studied. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence and intensity of STH infections and their association with nutrition and growth in a sample of Honduran children. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was done among Honduran rural school-age children in 2011. Blood and stool samples and anthropometric measurements were obtained to determine nutritional status, STH infection and growth status, respectively. Results: The STH prevalence among 320 studied children was 72.5%. Prevalence by species was 30%, 67% and 16% for Ascaris, Trichuris and 16% hookworms, respectively. High intensity infections were associated with decreased growth scores but regardless of intensity, co-infections negatively affected growth indicators. Conclusions: The health burden of STH infections is related to high parasitic load but also to the presence of low-intensity concurrent infections. The synergistic effects of polyparasitism in underprivileged children warrants more attention.


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Memory is a multi-component cognitive ability to retain and retrieve information presented in different modalities. Research on memory development has shown that the memory capacity and the processes improve gradually from early childhood to adolescence. Findings related to the sex-differences in memory abilities in early childhood have been inconsistent. Although previous research has demonstrated the effects of the modality of stimulus presentation (auditory versus verbal) and the type of material to be remembered (visual/spatial versus auditory/verbal) on the memory processes and memory organization, the recent research with children is rather limited. The present study is a secondary analysis of data, originally collected from 530 typically developing Turkish children and adolescents. The purpose of the present study was to examine the age-related developments and sex differences in auditory-verbal and visual-spatial short-term memory (STM) in 177 typically developing male and female children, 5 to 8 years of age. Dot-Locations and Word-Lists from the Children's Memory Scale were used to measure visual-spatial and auditory-verbal STM performances, respectively. The findings of the present study suggest age-related differences in both visual-spatial and auditory-verbal STM. Sex-differences were observed only in one visual-spatial STM subtest performance. Modality comparisons revealed age- and task-related differences between auditory-verbal and visual-spatial STM performances. There were no sex-related effects in terms of modality specific performances. Overall, the results of this study provide evidence of STM development in early childhood, and these effects were mostly independent of sex and the modality of the task.


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A photograph of P.D. Graybil, age 13, August 1896.


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A double-blinded, placebo controlled, cross-over design was used to investigate sodium citrate dihydrate (Na-CIT) supplementation improve 200m swimming performance. Ten well-trained, male swimmers (14.9 ± 0.4y; 63.5 ± 4kg) performed four 200m time trials: acute (ACU) supplementation (0.5g/kg), acute placebo (PLC-A), chronic (CHR) (0.1g/kg for 3 days and 0.3g/kg on the 4th day pre-trial), and chronic placebo (PLC-C). Na-CIT was administered 120min pre-trial in solution with 500mL of flavored water; placebo was flavored water. Blood lactate, base excess (BE), bicarbonate, pH, and PCO2 were analyzed at basal, 100min post-ingestion, and 3min post-trial via finger prick. Time, lactate, and rate of perceived exertion were not different between trials. BE and bicarbonate were significantly higher for the ACU and CHR trials compared to placebo. “Responders” improved by 1.03% (P=0.043) and attained significantly higher post-trial lactate concentrations in the ACU versus PLC-A trials and compared to non-responders in the ACU and CHR trials.


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Background: Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are endemic in Honduras and efforts are underway to decrease their transmission. However, current evidence is lacking in regards to their prevalence, intensity and their impact on children’s health. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence and intensity of STH infections and their association with nutritional status in a sample of Honduran children. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was done among school-age children residing in rural communities in Honduras, in 2011. Demographic data was obtained, hemoglobin and protein concentrations were determined in blood samples and STH infections investigated in single-stool samples by Kato-Katz. Anthropometric measurements were taken to calculate heightfor- age (HAZ), BMI-for-age (BAZ) and weight-for-age (WAZ) to determine stunting, thinness and underweight, respectively. Results: Among 320 children studied (48% girls, aged 7–14 years, mean 9.7661.4) an overall STH prevalence of 72.5% was found. Children .10 years of age were generally more infected than 7–10 year-olds (p = 0.015). Prevalence was 30%, 67% and 16% for Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworms, respectively. Moderate-to-heavy infections as well as polyparasitism were common among the infected children (36% and 44%, respectively). Polyparasitism was four times more likely to occur in children attending schools with absent or annual deworming schedules than in pupils attending schools deworming twice a year (p,0.001). Stunting was observed in 5.6% of children and it was associated with increasing age. Also, 2.2% of studied children were thin, 1.3% underweight and 2.2% had anemia. Moderate-to-heavy infections and polyparasitism were significantly associated with decreased values in WAZ and marginally associated with decreased values in HAZ. Conclusions: STH infections remain a public health concern in Honduras and despite current efforts were highly prevalent in the studied community. The role of multiparasite STH infections in undermining children’s nutritional status warrants more research.


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A photograph of Helen Stanley Smith at age 9 (1913). There are two other poses of Helen in the same photography session available in the collection.


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Abstract The Relative Age Effect (RAE), defined as a skewed birth date distribution, has been identified as a known phenomenon in minor ice hockey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the RAE, physical measurements, and skating ability/in-game performance in forty-four youth male ice hockey players competing in the same age cohort. Physical anthropometrics, grip strength, in-game performance and skating abilities were measured. An RAE was found in the sample (χ2(3, N = 44) = 12.18, p = 0.007). Players born in the first half of the age cohort had longer leg length (F(1,42) =4.49 , p = 0.04), larger body mass (F(1,42) = 3.90, p = 0.05), and stronger grip strength (F(1,42) = 7.58, p = 0.009). Performance scores were negatively associated with grip strength (r = -.443, p = 0.003). Findings suggest that adequate skill development can help relatively younger players overcome physical maturity disadvantages.


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This study explored changes in scalp electrophysiology across two Working Memory (WM) tasks and two age groups. Continuous electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded from 18 healthy adults (18-34 years) and 12 healthy adolescents (14-17) during the performance of two Oculomotor Delayed Response (ODR) WM tasks; (i.e. eye movements were the metric of motor response). Delay-period, EEG data in the alpha frequency was sampled from anterior and parietal scalp sites to achieve a general measure of frontal and parietal activity, respectively. Frontal-parietal, alpha coherence was calculated for each participant for each ODR-WM task. Coherence significantly decreased in adults moving across the two ODR tasks, whereas, coherence significantly increased in adolescents moving across the two ODR tasks. The effects of task in the adolescent and adult groups were large and medium, respectively. Within the limits of this study, the results provide empirical support that WM development during adolescence include complex, qualitative, change.


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A poster for two days of events in Lindsay, Ontario. The poster is by the Ontario Temperance Federation and offers a "Teen Age Turnout" on Saturday November 14th and an assembly on Sunday November 15th featuring Dr. Wm. Seath "direct from 20 yrs. on Chicago's infamous 'Skid Row'".


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A poster produced by "A Provincial Educational Project of the Ontario Temperance Federation" for an event called "Teen-Age Turn-Out". The event is to take place at Cornwall Armouries.


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The purpose of my research was to develop and refine pedagogic approaches, and establish fitness baselines to adapt fitness and conditioning programs for Moderate-functioning ASD individuals. I conducted a seven-week study with two teens and two trainers. The trainers implemented individualized fitness and conditioning programs that I developed. I conducted pre and post fitness baselines for each teen, a pre and post study interview with the trainers, and recorded semi-structured observations during each session. I used multi-level, within-case and across case analyses, working inductively and deductively. My findings indicated that fundamental movement concepts can be used to establish fitness baselines and develop individualized fitness programs. I tracked and evaluated progressions and improvements using conventional measurements applied to unconventional movements. This process contributed to understanding and making relevant modifications to activities as effective pedagogic strategies for my trainers. Further research should investigate fitness and conditioning programs with lower functioning ASD individuals.