985 resultados para Aço vazado ASTM A148 90-60
En este estudio participaron profesores de matemáticas y estudiantes de tercer grado de bachillerato, a los cuales se les aplicó una prueba de matemáticas, con tres propósitos: primero conocer sus fortalezas y debilidades ante una prueba objetiva y estandarizada de matemáticas; segundo, determinar cursos de actualización para los docentes que conviertan sus debilidades en fortalezas; y tercero, que los profesores conozcan las debilidades de los estudiantes y apliquen las estrategias pertinentes para potenciar su aprendizaje. De los datos obtenidos, se detectaron los reactivos de mayor dificultad, en el caso de los docentes, los reactivos con un porcentaje menor o igual al 90% de respuestas correctas; y en el caso de los estudiantes, los de un porcentaje de respuestas correctas menor o igual al 60%. Los resultados señalan que las debilidades de los docentes, son las debilidades de los estudiantes.
Ya hace unos años A.K. Dewdney en su libro 200% de nada, se hacia eco de los curiosos usos sociales de los números donde se exagera la precisión de los mismos, en casos donde no tiene sentido (1.234.567 manifestantes, 345.674 peces en el lago, 14 horas 45 minutos 34 segundos andan- do,...), con vistas a dar una versión “mas científica” de la información que se desea transmitir. A este fenómeno lo bautizó Dewdney como “dramadigits”. Una conocida historia de John Allen Paulos es la del vigilante de un museo de ciencias naturales que estando ante un gran esqueleto de dinosaurio fue preguntado por unos visitantes sobre la antigüedad de aquellos restos y contestó con una sorprendente precisión: “90.000.006 años”. Extrañados los visitantes sobre los 6 años pidieron explicaciones al paciente guarda y éste respondió “cuando llegué aquí me dijeron que el dinosaurio tenia 90.000.000 de años y de esto ya hace 6 años”. En este clip me gustaría compartir algunas historias cuyo común denominador es este extraño sentido de la precisión.
Cuzco, Ámsterdam: ciudades reales, visibles y circulares como Bram, en Francia, y la Connaught Place de Nueva Delhi, en India. La retícula de calles rectilíneas, ortogonal o no, es a la vez huella y símbolo de la forma urbana. En ocasiones inspira nombres numéricos para sus calles. En Nueva York, desde el sur de Manhattan hasta el Bronx, las calles paralelas al eje E-O se ordenan y nombran según los números naturales (de la 1st a la 242th street). De igual modo, las avenidas perpendiculares que discurren N-S van de la 1a a la 11a, comenzando por el Este. No tan extensa es la retícula de Mandalay, en Myanmar, donde 90 de las calles N-S están numeradas de Este a Oeste, y 44 de sus perpendiculares de Sur a Norte. En la retícula de Miramar (Argentina) las calles en una dirección reciben nombres pares; las otras, impares. No es extraño que en ámbitos tan geométricos como los de esas ciudades nombre y número se confundan.
Little attention has been given to the relation between fever and the severity of bronchiolitis. Therefore, the relation between fever and the clinical course of 90 infants (59 boys, 31 girls) hospitalised during one season with bronchiolitis was studied prospectively. Fever (defined as a single recording > 38.0°C or two successive recording > 37.8°C) was present in 28 infants. These infants were older (mean age, 5.3 v 4.0 months), had a longer mean hospital stay (4.2 v2.7 days), and a more severe clinical course (71.0%v 29.0%) than those infants without fever. Radiological abnormalities (collapse/consolidation) were found in 60.7% of the febrile group compared with 14.8% of the afebrile infants. These results suggest that monitoring of body temperature is important in bronchiolitis and that fever is likely to be associated with a more severe clinical course and radiological abnormalities.
This paper examines the influence of exit separation, exit availability and seating configuration on aircraft evacuation efficiency and evacuation time. The purpose of this analysis is to explore how these parameters influence the 60 foot exit separation requirement found in aircraft certification rules. The analysis makes use of the airEXODUS evacuation model and is based on a typical wide-body aircraft cabin section involving two pairs of Type-A exits located at either end of the section with a maximum permissible loading of 220 passengers located between the exits. The analysis reveals that there is a complex relationship between exit separation and evacuation efficiency. Indeed, other factors such as exit flow rate and exit availability are shown to exert a strong influence on critical exit separations. A main finding of this work is that for the cabin section examined under certification conditions, exit separations up to 170 feet will result in approximately constant total evacuation times and average personal evacuation times. This practical exit separation threshold is decreased to 114 feet if another combination of exits is selected. While other factors must also be considered when determining maximum allowable exit separations, these results suggest it is not possible to mandate a maximum exit separation without taking into consideration exit type, exit availability and aircraft configuration. This has implications when determining maximum allowable exit separations for wide and narrow body aircraft. It is also relevant when considering the maximum allowable separation between different exit types on a given aircraft configuration.
This presentation will attempt to address the issue of whether the engineering design community has the knowledge, data and tool sets required to undertake advanced evacuation analysis. In discussing this issue I want to draw on examples not only from the building industry but more widely from where ever people come into contact with an environment fashioned by man. Prescriptive design regulations the world over suggest that if we follow a particular set of essentially configurational regulations concerning travel distances, number of exits, exit widths, etc it should be possible to evacuate a structure within a pre-defined acceptable amount of time. In the U.K. for public buildings this turns out to be 2.5 minutes, internationally in the aviation industry this is 90 seconds, in the UK rail industry this is 90 seconds and the international standard adopted by the maritime industry is 60 minutes. The difficulties and short comings of this approach are well known and so I will not repeat them here, save to say that this approach is usually littered with “magic numbers” that do not stand up to scrutiny. As we are focusing on human behaviour issues, it is also worth noting that more generally, the approach fails to take into account how people actually behave, preferring to adopt an engineer’s view of what people should do in order to make their design work. Examples of the failure of this approach are legion and include the; Manchester Boeing 737 fire, Kings Cross underground station fire, Piper Alpha oil platform explosion, Ladbroke Grove Rail crash and fire, Mont Blanc tunnel fire, Scandinavian Star ferry fire and the Station Nightclub fire.
Following the integration of nurse and midwifery education into institutions of higher education in the United Kingdom, a number of studies have shown that a defined clinical framework for nursing and midwifery lecturers in practice areas is lacking. The aim of this study was to explore strategies that nurse and midwifery lecturers from one higher education institution in south east England can use to work collaboratively with nurses and midwives to promote the utilization of research findings in practice. A cross-sectional survey using a structured questionnaire was sent to a sample of 60 nurse and midwifery lecturers and 90 clinical managers. Response rates of 67% (40) and 69% (62) respectively were obtained. The main strategies suggested were to make clinical staff more aware of what research exist in their specialties; to help them to access research information from research databases; and to critically appraise this information. Other strategies were for teachers to run research workshops on site; to undertake joint research projects with clinical staff; to set up journal clubs or research interest groups; and to help formulate clinical guidelines and protocols which are explicitly research-based.
Following the integration of nurse and midwifery education into institutions of higher education in the United Kingdom, a number of studies have shown that a defined clinical framework for nursing and midwifery lecturers in practice areas is lacking. The aim of this study was to explore strategies that nurse and midwifery lecturers from one higher education institution in south east England can use to work collaboratively with nurses and midwives to promote the utilization of research findings in practice. A cross-sectional survey using a structured questionnaire was sent to a sample of 60 nurse and midwifery lecturers and 90 clinical managers. Response rates of 67% (40) and 69% (62) respectively were obtained. The main strategies suggested were to make clinical staff more aware of what research exist in their specialties; to help them to access research information from research databases; and to critically appraise this information. Other strategies were for teachers to run research workshops on site; to undertake joint research projects with clinical staff; to set up journal clubs or research interest groups; and to help formulate clinical guidelines and protocols which are explicitly research-based.