913 resultados para 883
To increase knowledge of undifferentiated fevers in Kenya, we tested paired serum samples from febrile children in western Kenya for antibodies against pathogens increasingly recognized to cause febrile illness in Africa. Of patients assessed, 8.9%, 22.4%, 1.1%, and 3.6% had enhanced seroreactivity to Coxiella burnetii, spotted fever group rickettsiae, typhus group rickettsiae, and scrub typhus group orientiae, respectively.
(Table 1) Sample descriptions and results: Carbon, lipid, and kerogen analyses, at DSDP Leg 64 Holes
Pleistocene sediments in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, have been intruded by sills and their organic matter thus subjected to thermal stress. Sediment samples from DSDP/IPOD Sites 477, 478, and 481, and samples of thermally unaltered materials from Sites 474 and 479 were analyzed to characterize the lipids and kerogens and to evaluate the effects of the intrusive thermal stresses. The lipids of the thermally unaltered samples are derived from microbial and terrestrial higher-plant detritus. The samples from the sill proximities contain the distillates, and those adjacent to the sills contain essentially no lipids. The pyrograms of the kerogens from the unaltered samples reflect their predominantly autochthonous microbial origin. When compared with the unaltered samples, the pyrograms of the altered kerogen samples reflect the thermal effects by a reduction in the complexity of the products. Kerogens adjacent to the sills produced little or no pyrolysis products. The effects of intrusions into unconsolidated, wet sediments resulted in in situ pyrolysis of the organic matter, as confirmed by these data.
The Los Negritos porphyry copper deposit is located ~ 4 km to the northeast of Carmen de Andacollo Mine in the Chilean Cretaceous metallogenic belt. The mineralization is hosted in andesite of the Quebrada Marquesa Formation and a series of at least four early to intramineral porphyry intrusive rock types: plagioclase quartz biotite porphyry (P1b and P1a dated at 109.60± 0.75 Ma and 107.22± 0.40 Ma); plagioclase biotite porphyry (P2: 106.30 ± 0.47 Ma); and quartz plagioclase biotite porphyry (P3: 106.19 ± 0.42 Ma). These units are cut by late‐ to post‐mineral plagioclase‐hornblende porphyritic rocks (P4b: 106.20 ± 0.69 Ma and P4a: 106.50 ± 0.68 Ma). The earliest intrusive units (P1) were affected by an initial stage of K‐feldspar‐biotite alteration, with chalcopyrite, molybdenite (date at 108.5 ± 0.5 Ma) and gold (up to 0.11 ppm), and the surrounding volcanic host rock was overprinted by chlorite‐epidote dominated (propylitic) alteration. Subsequent to the P2 and P3 intrusion, these rocks were affected by albite and then a second stage of potassic alteration. The Ti and Ba contents in hydrothermal biotite are notably lower (typically Ti = 0.100‐0.144 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.001‐0.005 a.p.f.u) than in magmatic ones (generally Ti = 0.186‐0.222 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.014‐0.023 a.p.f.u.), and constitute an excellent discriminant of the nature of biotite. These early stages of alteration were overprinted by copper‐molybdenum bearing chlorite‐sericite alteration at 106.60 ± 0.5 Ma (Re‐Os age in molybdenite) and by quartz‐sericite‐pyrite veins (phyllic), respectively in the southwest and northeast areas. The average temperature associated with these two alteration facies is estimated around 305 °C. Weak albite‐calcite alteration, spatially associated with sulfosalts and distributed along the margins of P3, overprinted the phyllic facies. The intrusive rock units at the Los Negritos and Carmen de Andacollo deposits are geochemically classified as diorite to granodiorite with a calc‐alkaline magmatic affinity, and formed in a volcanic arc setting from partial melting of a metasomatized mantle wedge. They are interpreted to be cogenetic, and related to a common long‐lived magma chamber that emplaced during a period of tectonic inversion known as the Subhercynian, Peruvian or Pacific event.
BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer might have high radiation-fraction sensitivity that would give a therapeutic advantage to hypofractionated treatment. We present a pre-planned analysis of the efficacy and side-effects of a randomised trial comparing conventional and hypofractionated radiotherapy after 5 years follow-up.
METHODS: CHHiP is a randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial that recruited men with localised prostate cancer (pT1b-T3aN0M0). Patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to conventional (74 Gy delivered in 37 fractions over 7·4 weeks) or one of two hypofractionated schedules (60 Gy in 20 fractions over 4 weeks or 57 Gy in 19 fractions over 3·8 weeks) all delivered with intensity-modulated techniques. Most patients were given radiotherapy with 3-6 months of neoadjuvant and concurrent androgen suppression. Randomisation was by computer-generated random permuted blocks, stratified by National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) risk group and radiotherapy treatment centre, and treatment allocation was not masked. The primary endpoint was time to biochemical or clinical failure; the critical hazard ratio (HR) for non-inferiority was 1·208. Analysis was by intention to treat. Long-term follow-up continues. The CHHiP trial is registered as an International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial, number ISRCTN97182923.
FINDINGS: Between Oct 18, 2002, and June 17, 2011, 3216 men were enrolled from 71 centres and randomly assigned (74 Gy group, 1065 patients; 60 Gy group, 1074 patients; 57 Gy group, 1077 patients). Median follow-up was 62·4 months (IQR 53·9-77·0). The proportion of patients who were biochemical or clinical failure free at 5 years was 88·3% (95% CI 86·0-90·2) in the 74 Gy group, 90·6% (88·5-92·3) in the 60 Gy group, and 85·9% (83·4-88·0) in the 57 Gy group. 60 Gy was non-inferior to 74 Gy (HR 0·84 [90% CI 0·68-1·03], pNI=0·0018) but non-inferiority could not be claimed for 57 Gy compared with 74 Gy (HR 1·20 [0·99-1·46], pNI=0·48). Long-term side-effects were similar in the hypofractionated groups compared with the conventional group. There were no significant differences in either the proportion or cumulative incidence of side-effects 5 years after treatment using three clinician-reported as well as patient-reported outcome measures. The estimated cumulative 5 year incidence of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) grade 2 or worse bowel and bladder adverse events was 13·7% (111 events) and 9·1% (66 events) in the 74 Gy group, 11·9% (105 events) and 11·7% (88 events) in the 60 Gy group, 11·3% (95 events) and 6·6% (57 events) in the 57 Gy group, respectively. No treatment-related deaths were reported.
INTERPRETATION: Hypofractionated radiotherapy using 60 Gy in 20 fractions is non-inferior to conventional fractionation using 74 Gy in 37 fractions and is recommended as a new standard of care for external-beam radiotherapy of localised prostate cancer.
FUNDING: Cancer Research UK, Department of Health, and the National Institute for Health Research Cancer Research Network.
Natural fibers can be used in rotational molding process to obtain parts with improved mechanical properties. Different approaches have been followed in order to produce formulations containing banana or abaca fiber at 5% weight, in two- and three-layer constructions. Chemically treated abaca fiber has also been studied, causing some problems in processability. Fibers used have been characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), optical microscopy, and single-fiber mechanical tests. Rotomolded parts have been tested for tensile, flexural, and impact properties, demonstrating that important increases in elastic modulus are achieved with these fibers, although impact properties are reduced. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Insights into the potential for pain may be obtained from examination of behavioural responses to noxious stimuli. In particular, prolonged responses coupled with long-term motivational change and avoidance learning cannot be explained by nociceptive reflex but are consistent with the idea of pain. Here, we placed shore crabs alternately in two halves of a test area divided by an opaque partition. Each area had a dark shelter and in one repeated small electric shocks were delivered in an experimental but not in a control group. Crabs showed no specific avoidance of the shock shelter either during these trials or in a subsequent test in which both were offered simultaneously; however they often emerged from the shock shelter during a trial and thus avoided further shock. More crabs emerged in later trials and took less time to emerge than in early trials. Thus, despite the lack of discrimination learning between the two shelters they used other tactics to markedly reduce the amount of shock received. We note that a previous experiment using simultaneous presentation of two shelters demonstrated rapid discrimination and avoidance learning but the paradigm of sequential presentation appears to prevent this. Nevertheless, the data show clearly that the shock is aversive and tactics, other than discrimination learning, are used to avoid it. Thus, the behaviour is only partially consistent with the idea of pain.
A associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) na pósmenopausa e o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual no menacme foi avaliado em estudo caso-controle envolvendo 414 mulheres na pósmenopausa com idade de 60,4 ± 5,5 anos e IMC de 25,3 ± 4,7 kg/m2. As variáveis consideradas foram: caracterização do ciclo menstrual entre 20 e 35 anos (independente) e relato atual sobre ocorrência de hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus e doença arterial coronariana (dependentes). Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística, ajustados para outras variáveis implicadas no risco para doenças CV, com nível de significância 5%. Observou-se que mulheres que relataram irregularidade menstrual prévia estiveram associadas com risco aumentado para ocorrência de algum FRCV [odds ratio ajustado (OR)= 2,14; IC-95%= 1,02–4,48], quando comparadas àquelas com ciclos regulares. Análise estratificada demonstrou as seguintes associações significativas com o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual: hipertensão arterial (OR= 2,4; 95% IC= 1,39–5,41), hipercolesterolemia (OR= 2,32; 95% IC= 1,17–4,59), hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 2,09; 95% IC= 1,10–4,33) e angioplastia coronariana (OR= 6,82; 95% IC= 1,44–32,18). Os dados sugerem que o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual, indicativo da ocorrência da síndrome dos ovários policísticos na idade reprodutiva, pode estar relacionado com aumento do risco para doenças CV na pós-menopausa __________________________________________________ABSTRACT Menstrual Cycle Irregularity as a Marker of Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Postmenopausal Years.To evaluate the association between cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF)during postmenopausal years and previous menstrual irregularity during reproductive years, we performed a case-control study in 414 postmenopausal women (mean age 60.4 ± 5.5 years; BMI 25.3 ± 4.7 kg/m2). The variables assessed were: menstrual cycle characteristics at age 20–35y (independent) and records of arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease (dependent). Statistical analysis used the chi-square test and logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders for cardiovascular risk, with significance set at 5%. Women reporting previous menstrual irregularity were associated with increased risk for some CVRF [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.14; CI-95%= 1.02–4.48], when compared with those reporting regular menstrual cycles. Stratified analysis demonstrated significant associations of previous menstrual irregularity with: arterial hypertension [OR= 2.74; CI-95%= 1.39–5.41), hypercholesterolemia (OR= 2.32; CI-95%= 1.17–4.59), hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 2.09; CI-95%=1.10–4.33), and coronary angioplasty (OR= 6.82; CI-95%= 1.44–32.18). These data suggest that a prior history of menstrual irregularity, as indicative of polycystic ovary syndrome, may be related to increased risk for CVD during postmenopausal years
Este trabalho visou a identificação das trocas de informações e ações conjuntas realizadas por participantes do Movimento Elefantes (ME), grupo constituído por 10 Big Bands formado em 2009. Buscou-se também identificar quais são os objetivos do grupamento, conforme são entendidos pelos participantes, e as dificuldades enfrentas pelo ME, por eles apontadas. A pesquisa de campo teve natureza exploratória, tendo sido aplicado aos músicos questionário via internet, com questões abertas. Os resultados obtidos, com base em análise de conteúdo, apontam que as trocas estão relacionadas predominantemente com questões estéticas, sendo também relevantes as indicações profissionais. Os objetivos considerados pelos respondentes são criar mais espaços para apresentação e promover integração entre os músicos. Embora estes objetivos sejam atingidos, o grupamento enfrenta dificuldades significativas, devido ao baixo comprometimento dos músicos e estrutura organizacional precária. São sugeridas medidas visando melhorar os resultados deste grupamento, que está inserido na chamada indústria criativa.
XIMENES, Maria de Fátima Freire de Melo; MACIEL, Janaína Cunha; JERONIMO, Selma Maria Bezerra. Characteristics of the Biological Cycle of Lutzomyia evandroi Costa Lima & Antunes, 1936 (diptera: psychodidae) under experimental conditions. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v.96, n.6, p.883-886, ago. 2001. Disponivel em:
MUNEIRO, Lilian Carla; FREIRE, Libny (Orgs). Natal: copa, história e sabores: o olhar dos acadêmicos do curso de comunicação social da UFRN, disciplina de reportagem pesquisa e entrevista, primeiro semestre de 2011 [recurso eletrônico]. Natal, RN: EDUFRN, 2012.
The influence of the work environment on the transfer of newly trained supervisory skills was examined. Participants were 505 supermarket managers from 52 stores. The work environment was operationalized in terms of transfer of training climate and continuous-learning culture. Climate and culture were hypothesized to have both direct and moderating effects on posttraining behaviors. Accounting for pretraining behaviors and knowledge gained in training, the results from a series of LISREL analyses showed that both climate and culture were directly related to posttraining behaviors. In particular, the social support system appeared to play a central role in the transfer of training. Moderating effects were not found. Implications for enhancing the transfer of training are discussed.
Bericht über ein Forschungsprojekt zur Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in der Stadt Seelze.