988 resultados para 800.874


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The optical properties of zirconia films doped with rhodamine 6G and oxazine 725 by the sol-gel process were investigated using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Accurate refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k were determined using a three-oscillator classical Lorentz model in the wavelength range of 300-800 nm. The derived refractive index of dye-doped films exhibited anomalous dispersion in the absorption region. Wavelength tunable output lasing action yellow and near-infrared wavelength region was achieved by DFB configuration using zirconia films doped with R6G and oxazine 725. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high-power Ytterbium-doped fiber laser (YDFL) with homemade double clad fiber (DCF) is introduced in this paper. The output power characteristics of a linear cavity fiber laser have been studied theoretically by solving the rate equations and experimentally tested with single- and double-end-pumping configurations. When both ends of the fiber are pumped by two high-power laser diodes with a launched power of similar to 300 W each, a maximum CW output of 444 W is obtained with a slope efficiency of similar to 75%. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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No presente trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar a estratégia reprodutiva, enfatizando o investimento energético, de duas espécies de peixe do rio Ubatiba, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro: Parotocinclus maculicauda (K-estrategista) e Astyanax hastatus (r-estrategista). Foram realizadas coletas bimestrais de Junho de 2010 a Abril de 2011 totalizando 236 exemplares amostrados de A. hastatus e 234 de P. maculicauda. Para cada exemplar foram registrados os dados de comprimento padrão (Cp, cm), peso total (Pt, g), peso gonadal (Pg, g), sexo e estádio de maturação. Através da estrutura de tamanho, observamos que as fêmeas atingem maior comprimento, em relação aos machos, para as duas espécies. A relação peso/ comprimento evidenciou para ambas as espécies, crescimento alométrico negativo (inferior a 3), demonstrando crescimento mais longelíneo. Para a proporção sexual, o teste χ2 foi aplicado e indicou que, para as duas espécies, há significativamente mais fêmeas. A distribuição sexual no ano mostrou que as fêmeas se mantêm em maioria durante todo o ano para P. maculicauda. Para A. hastatus este padrão também se mantém, porém com exceção do bimestre Novembro/Dezembro, quando o número de machos torna-se um pouco maior. O tamanho de primeira maturação mostrou-se o mesmo para ambas as espécies (2,5 a 3,0 cm). A variação temporal da freqüência de indivíduos reprodutivos e não reprodutivos juntamente com a distribuição temporal dos valores individuais de IGS mostrou que P. maculicauda se reproduz com maior intensidade nas estações chuvosas (Setembro a Abril), reduzindo sua atividade reprodutiva de maneira significativa nas estações secas (Maio a Agosto). Já A. hastatus demonstrou regular atividade reprodutiva durante todo o ano com pequeno pico no bimestre Novembro/ Dezembro. Desova do tipo total foi registrada para Astyanax, enquanto que para Parotocinclus registrou-se desova parcelada em três lotes. Em ambas as espécies foi observada relação inversa entre volume e a quantidade de ovócitos produzidos, com A. hastatus produzindo muitos ovócitos (fecundidade: 463 + 213 ovócitos/grama de peixe) de reduzido volume (diâmetro = 800 μm e volume = 0,26 mm3) e P. maculicauda produzindo número bem inferior (fecundidade: 47 + 13 ovócitos/grama de peixe), porém com volume superior (diâmetro = 1.600 μm e volume = 2,14 mm3). Com isso o valor energético relativo também se mostrou superior, com A. hastaus produzindo ovócitos vitelogênicos com 0,4+ 0,08 cal/unidade e P. maculicauda produzindo os mesmos ovócitos com 1,8+ 1,1 cal/unidade. Para a produção energética total investida na produção de gametas, foi considerado o tipo de desova de cada espécie, com Astyanax investindo 50,5 + 24 calorias/grama/grama de peixe e Parotocinclus investindo 88,4 + 72,46 cal/grama/grama de peixe, porém sem diferenças significativas (Mann-Whitney; U =235,0, p=0,08), indicando, portanto que independente da estratégia adotada (r ou K), o gasto energético na produção de ovócitos é a mesma.


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Citocinas são moléculas que controlam e modulam a atividade de numerosas células por se ligarem a seus receptores específicos. As diferenças observadas na produção de citocinas entre indivíduos podem ser, pelo menos em parte, explicadas pelos polimorfismos genéticos como o polimorfismo de um único nucleotídeo (SNP). Em 181 indivíduos saudáveis não-aparentados da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (região Sudeste - Brasil), nós analisamos os polimorfismos de citocinas em genes que codificam para Fator de Necrose Tumoral-alfa (TNF-a), Fator de Crescimento Transformante-beta (TGF-b), Interleucina-10, Interleucina-6 e Interferon-gama (IFN-g). Reação em cadeia da polimerase utilizando-se iniciadores sequencia-específicos foi realizada com auxílio do kit comercial CytGen (One Lambda Inc. Canoga Park, CA, USA). Ao todo, 8 polimorfismos foram analisados: TNF-a (-308G/A); TGF-b (códon 10C/T, códon 25C/G); IL-10 (-1082A/G, -819T/C, -592A/C); IL-6 (-174C/G) e IFN-g (+874T/A). Os dados observados foram comparados a três grupos de população de diferentes regiões do Brasil (São Paulo, Paraná e Bahia) e a três populações de outros continentes (Itália, Eslováquia e Negros Norte-Americanos). O teste qui-quadrado foi utilizado para as comparações. Nossa análise da população do Rio de Janeiro mostrou que os as freqüências alélicas em IL-10, IL-6 e IFN-g são desigualmente distribuídos entre Brancos, Mulatos e Negros (p<0,05). A comparação com populações de outras regiões do Brasil revelou que Rio de Janeiro e Bahia possuem freqüências alélicas e genotípicas de TGF-b (códon 25) estatisticamente diferentes (p=0,004 e p=0,002, respectivamente). Ainda, a freqüência alélica na população do Rio de Janeiro é significativamente diferente quando comparada à população da Itália [IL-6 (-174), p=0,0092; e IFN-g (+874) p=0,0418)]; Eslováquia [IL-10(-1082), p=0,006; IL-6(-174), p=0,0002; e IFN-g(+874), p=0,0335]; e Afro-Americanos [IL-10(-819), p=0,0446; IL-6(-174), p<0,0001; e IFN-g(+874), p<0,0001]. Adicionalmente, observamos que a diferença na distribuição dos haplótipos em IL-10 (-1082/-819/-592) na população do Rio de Janeiro em comparação com a da Itália (p=0,0293) e Afro-Americanos (p=0,0025) é significativa. Portanto, concluímos que os polimorfismos em IL-10, IL-6 e IFN-g estão distribuídos de acordo com a etnia na população do Rio de Janeiro. A população do Rio de Janeiro possui freqüências de polimorfismos diferentes das populações de Bahia, Itália, Eslováquia e Afro-Americanos, mas semelhantes à população de São Paulo/Paraná. Nossas observações poderão ser úteis para futuros estudos e associação entre polimorfismos genéticos de citocinas e doenças na população do Rio de Janeiro.


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Absorption and luminescence spectra and optical amplification in bismuth-doped germanate silicate glass were investigated. Two kinds of bismuth ion valence states could exist in the glass. One is Bi2+, which has shown red luminescence, another might be Bi+, which is the active center for infrared luminescence. The infrared luminescence excited at 700, 800, and 980 nm should be ascribed to the electronic transition P-3(1) --> P-3(0) of Bi+ ions in three distinct sites. The shifting, broadening, and multiple configuration of the luminescence could be due to the randomly disorder of local environment and multiple sites of the active centers. In this glass, obvious optical amplification was realized at 1300 nm wavelength when excited at 808 and 980 nm, respectively.


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Broadband infrared luminescence is observed in various Bi-doped oxide glasses prepared by conventional melting-quenching technique. The absorption spectrum of the Bi-doped germanium oxide glass consists of five broad peaks at below 370, 500, 700, 800 and 1000 nm. The fluorescence spectrum exhibits a broad peak at about 1300 nm with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 300 nm when excited by an 808 nm laser diode. The fluorescence lifetime at room temperature decreases with increasing Bi2O3 concentration. Influence of the glass composition and melting atmosphere on the fluorescence lifetime and luminescent intensity is investigated. The mechanism of the broadband infrared luminescence is suggested. The product of stimulated emission cross-section and lifetime of the Bi-doped aluminophosphate glass is about 5.0 X 10(-24) cm(2) s. The glasses might be promising for applications in broadband optical fiber amplifiers and tunable lasers. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eu2+-doped high silica glass (HSG) is fabricated by sintering porous glass which is impregnated with europium ions. Eu2+-doped HSG is revealed to yield intense blue emission excited by ultraviolet (UV) light and near-infrared femtosecond laser. The emission profile obtained by UV excitation can be well traced by near-infrared femtosecond laser. The upconversion emission excited by 800 nm femtosecond laser is considered to be related to a two-photon absorption process from the relationship between the integrated intensity and the pump power. A tentative scheme of upconverted blue emission from Eu2+-doped HSG was also proposed. The HSG materials presented herein are expected to find applications in high density optical storage and three-dimensional color displays. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A colorless transparent, blue green emission material was fabricated by sintering porous glass impregnated with copper ions. The emission spectral profile obtained from Cu+ -doped high silica glass (HSG) by 267-mn monochromatic light excitation matches that obtained by pumping with an 800-nm femtosecond laser, indicating that the emissions in both cases come from an identical origin. The upconversion emission excited by 800-nm femtosecond laser is considered to be a three-photon excitation process. A tentative scheme of upconverted emission from Cu+ -doped HSG was also proposed. The glass materials presented herein are expected to find application in lamps, high density optical storage, and three-dimensional color displays.


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The fishing in 1982 has been oriented towards Sardinella aurita stock, which becomes the target species with 11.200 tons over 21.300 tons, taking the place of Sardinella maderensis, which reaches only 4,800 tons. The high abundance of this species explains the decrease of fishing effort.


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We report on the optical property changes for Ce3+-doped Gd2SiO5 crystal irradiated by a femtosecond (fs) laser. Absorption spectra showed that Ce-related color centers were formed in this crystal after an 800 nm fs laser irradiation. The annealing temperature-dependence of the refractive index and absorption intensity changes have been investigated. Furthermore, a new way of writing overlapped gratings inside the crystal by use of birefringence of fs laser beam in this crystal was proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ZnO films were grown on (0 0 0 1) LiNbO3 substrates by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Annealing of ZnO films was performed in air for I h at 800 degrees C. The effects of annealing on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films on LiNbO3 substrates were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns and AFM showed that the as-grown and the annealed ZnO films grown on LiNbO3 substrates had c-axis preferential orientation, the crystallinity of the ZnO films grown on LiNbO3 Substrates was improved, and the grain size increased by annealing. The PL spectra showed that the intensity of the UV near-band-edge peak was increased after annealing, while the intensity of visible peak (deep-level emission) decreased. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Large ruby with the size of circle divide75 x 45 mm was grown by temperature gradient technique for the first time. Absorption spectrum was carried out in the range of 190-800 nm by spectrophotometer, and the concentration spatial distribution of Cr3+ in ruby was calculated from the absorption coefficient that based on the Beer-Lambert's Law. Cr3+ ions gradually increase alone both the growth axis and the radial direction. The shape and ingredient of the inclusions were measured by means of Leitz ride field microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Lane photos and X-ray omega scan show the good quality of as grown ruby. The optimized growth conditions were pointed out based on the observation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of gamma irradiation on as-grown 5 at% Yb:YAlO3 (YAP) and air annealing on gamma-irradiated 5 at% Yb: YAP have been studied by the difference in the absorption spectra before and after treatment. The gamma irradiation and air annealing led to opposite changes of the absorption properties of the Yb: YAP crystal. After air annealing, the gamma-irradiation effects were totally removed over the wavelength range 390-800 nm and the concentrations of Fe3+ and Yb3+ were slightly increased. For the first time, the gamma-irradiation-induced valence changes between Yb3+ and Yb2+ ions in Yb: YAP crystals have been observed. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.