985 resultados para 796.325
This is the Restormel Fish Counter, Annual Report 2007 produced by the Environment Agency South West Region on March 2008. The report presents the upstream counts of migratory salmonids recorded on the River Fowey at Restormel Weir fish counting station (SX 107 613) over the period March 2007 to February 2008 inclusive. Data contained within this report covers the period of the commercial migratory salmonid net buy-back scheme and the National Spring Salmon Byelaws (2 March- 15 June). The minimum upstream salmon estimate for 2007, over the period July 2007 to February 2008, was 796, which is the fifth highest recorded count over the past 13 years. The number of returning salmon in 2007 suggests a downward trend in numbers since 2004. The 2007 large sea trout count is similar to 2006. Overall, the number of fish returning is still low in comparison with the 10-year average. There was a noticeable decrease in the number of small sea trout returning compared to 2006 and the 10-year average. The Fish counter at Restormel suffered several faults.
In 2000, representative samples of adult Columbia Basin chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), sockeye (O. nerka), and coho salmon (O. kisutch), populations were collected at Bonneville Dam. Fish were trapped, anesthetized, sampled for scales and biological data, allowed to revive, and then released. Scales were examined to estimate age composition and the results contribute to an ongoing database for age class structure of Columbia Basin salmon populations. Based on scale analysis, four-year-old fish (from brood year (BY) 1996) were estimated to comprise 83% of the spring chinook, 31% of the summer chinook, and 32% of the upriver bright fall chinook salmon population. Five-year-old fish (BY 1995) were estimated to comprise 2% of the spring chinook, 26% of the summer chinook, and 40% of the fall chinook salmon population. Three-year-old fish (BY 1997) were estimated to comprise 14% of the spring chinook, 42% of the summer chinook, and 17% of the fall chinook salmon population. Two-year-olds accounted for approximately 11% of the fall chinook population. The sockeye salmon population sampled at Bonneville was predominantly four-year-old fish (95%), and the coho salmon population was 99.9% three-year-old fish (Age 1.1). Length analysis of the 2000 returns indicated that chinook salmon with a stream-type life history are larger (mean length) than the chinook salmon with an ocean-type life history. Trends in mean length over the sampling period were also analysis for returning 2000 chinook salmon. Fish of age classes 0.2, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 have a significant increase in mean length over time. Age classes 0.3 and 0.4 have no significant change over time and age 0.1 chinook salmon had a significant decrease in mean length over time. A year class regression over the past 11 years of data was used to predict spring and summer chinook salmon population sizes for 2001. Based on three-year-old returns, the relationship predicts four-year-old returns of 325,000 (± 111,600, 90% Predictive Interval [PI]) spring chinook and 27,800 (± 29,750, 90% PI) summer chinook salmon. Based on four-year-old returns, the relationship predicts five-year-old returns of 54,300 (± 40,600, 90% PI) spring chinook and 11,000 (± 3,250, 90% PI) summer chinook salmon. The 2001 run size predictions used in this report should be used with caution, these predictions are well beyond the range of previously observed data.