892 resultados para 5-liter, Buesseler et al., 2000
Recent studies have established a fimctional correlation of serotonergic and adrenergic function in the brain regions with insulin secretion in diabetic rats (Vahabzadeh et al., 1995). Administration of 5-HT”. agonist 8-OH-DPAT to conscious rats caused an increase in blood glucose level. This increase in blood glucose is due to inhibition of insulin secretion by increased circulating EPI (Chaouloff et al., 1990a; Chaouloff et al., 1990d; Chaoulo1T& Jeanrenaud, 1987). The increase in EPI is brought about by increased sympathetic stimulation. This increase can lead to increased sympatho-medullary stimulation thereby inhibiting insulin release (Bauhelal & Mir, 1993, Bauhelal & Mir, 1990a; Chaouloffet al., 1990d). Also, studies have shown that Gi protein in the liver has been decreased in diabetes which will increase gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis thereby causing hyperglycaemia (Pennington, 1987). Serotonergic control is suggested to exert different effects on insulin secretion according to the activation of different receptor subclasses (Pontiroli et al., 1975). In addition to this mechanism, the secretion of insulin is dependent on the turnover ratio of endogenous 5-hydroxy tryptophan (5-HTP) to 5-HT in the pancreatic islets (Jance er al., 1980). The reports so far stated does not explain the complete mechanism and the subclass of 5-HT receptors whose expression regulate insulin secretion in a diabetic state. Also, there is no report of a direct regulation of insulin secretion by 5-HT from the pancreatic islets even though there are reports stating that the pancreatic islets is a rich source of 5-HT (Bird et al., 1980). Therefore, in the present study the mechanism by which 5-HT and its receptors regulate insulin secretion from pancreatic [3-cells was investigated. Our results led to the following hypotheses by which 5-HT and its receptors regulate the insulin secretion.
Contamination of environmental water by pathogenic microorganisms and subsequent infections originated from such sources during different contact and non- contact recreational activities are a major public health problem worldwide particularly in developing countries. The main pathogen frequently associated with enteric infection in developing countries are Salmonella enterica serovar typhi and paratyphi. Although the natural habitat of Salmonella is the gastrointestinal tract of animals, it find its way into natural water through faecal contamination and are frequently identified from various aquatic environments (Baudart et al., 2000; Dionisio et al., 2000; Martinez -Urtaza et al., 2004., Abhirosh et al., 2008). Typhoid fever caused by S. enterica serotype typhi and paratyphi are a common infectious disease occurring in all the parts of the world with its highest endemicity in certain parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America and in the Indian subcontinent with an estimated incidence of 33 million cases each year with significant morbidity and mortality (Threlfall, 2002). In most cases the disease is transmitted by polluted water (Girard et al., 2006) because of the poor hygienic conditions, inadequate clean water supplies and sewage treatment facilities. However in developed countries the disease is mainly associated with food (Bell et al., 2002) especially shellfish (Heinitz et al., 2000
The fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, has proven potential for use as an aquaculture species (Hanson & Goodwin, 1997; Kurup, 1984). In India alone, culture of this species of prawn in low saline areas requires about 200 million seed per year (Kurup, 1984). In hatcheries poor survival rate has been associated with vibriosis at di#erent stages of the larval cycle. Members of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae of M. rosenbergii were shown to be pathogenic under laboratory conditions (Bhat et al., 2000, in press). Vibrios have been associated with mortality of penaeid prawns by several workers (Aquacop, 1977; Hameed, 1993; Karunasagar et al., 1994). Two methods have been suggested to protect both the larvae and juveniles from vibriosis; one is the administration of bacterins prepared from pathogenic strains (Itami et al., 1989, 1991; Adams, 1991; Song & Sung, 1990; Sung et al., 1991) and the other is the utilization of yeast 1-3 and 1-6 glucans as immunostimulants for enhancing the non-specific defense system (Sung et al., 1994; Song et al., 1997). In the light of these observations it was hypothesised that bacterins and yeast glucans may also be e#ective in protecting the larvae of M. rosenbergii from vibriosis as has been achieved in the case of penaeids. To examine this hypothesis, the ability of bacterins and an extracellular glucan-producing yeast to increase the overall survival and metamorphosis of larvae in a hatchery, as well as to protect against an experimental challenge under laboratory conditions, was evaluated
The Cochin estuary (CE), which is one of the largest wetland ecosystems, extends from Thanneermukkam bund in the south to Azhikode in the north. It functions as an effluent repository for more than 240 industries, the characteristics of which includes fertilizer, pesticide, radioactive mineral processing, chemical and allied industries, petroleum refining and heavy metal processing industries (Thyagarajan, 2004). Studies in the CE have been mostly on the spatial and temporal variations in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the estuary (Balachandran et al., 2006; Madhu et al., 2007; Menon et al., 2000; Qasim 2003;Qasim and Gopinathan 1969) . Although several monitoring programs have been initiated in the CE to understand the level of heavy metal pollution, these were restricted to trace metals distribution (Balachandran et al., 2005) or the influence of anthropogenic inputs on the benthos and phytoplankton (Madhu et al., 2007;Jayaraj, 2006). Recently, few studies were carried out on microbial ecology in the CE(Thottathil et al 2008a and b;Parvathi et al., 2009and 2011; Thomas et al., 2006;Chandran and Hatha, 2003). However, studies on metal - microbe interaction are hitherto not undertaken in this estuary. Hence, a study was undertaken at 3 sites with different level of heavy metal concentration tounderstand the abundance, diversity and mechanisms of resistance in metal resistant bacteria and its impact on the nutrient regeneration. The present work has also focused on the response of heavy metal resistant bacteria towards antibacterial agent’s antibiotics and silver nanoparticles
The primary habitat of Salmonella is the gastrointestinal tract of animals and they are discharged into the water bodies through the feces. Aquatic animals act as asymptomatic reservoirs of a wide range of Salmonella serotypes. The inevitable delay in the detection of Salmonella contamination and the low sensitivity of the conventional methods is a serious issue in the seafood industry. Due to the indiscriminate use, the antibiotics are finally accumulated in the aquatic environment which provides the required antibiotic stress for the emergence of more and more antibiotic resistant phenotypes ofSalmonella. Several genetic determinants like integrons, genomic islands etc. play their role in acquisition and reshuffling of antibiotic resistance genes. A large number of virulence determinants are required for Salmonella pathogenicity. The virulence potential of Salmonella is determined, to some extent, by the presence of phages or phage mediated genes in the bacterial genome. There is much intra-serotype polymorphism in Salmonella and epidemiological studies rely on genetic resemblance of the isolated strains. Proper identification of the strain employing the traditional and molecular techniques is a prerequisite for accurate epidemiological studies (Soto et al., 2000). In this context, a study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of different Salmonella serotypes in seafood and to characterize them
Der eukaryotische Mikroorganismus Dictyostelium discoideum lebt als einzellige Amöbe solange ausreichende Nahrungsressourcen zur Verfügung stehen. Sobald Nahrungsmangel eintritt, entwickeln sich die Zellen von einem einzelligen zu einem mehrzelligen Zustand, der mit einem multizellulären Fruchtkörper abschließt. Dieser Prozess wird durch eine Reihe aufeinanderfolgender Signale organisiert, die eine differentielle Genexpression regulieren. Die Gene der Discoidin I Familie gehören zu den Ersten, die im Laufe des Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergangs (engl. GDT) aktiviert werden. Sie eignen sich daher vorzüglich als Marker für den Beginn der Entwicklung. Mit Hilfe einer REMI-Mutagenese und Discoidin I als molekularem Marker sind verschiedene Komponenten des Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergangs in unserer Arbeitsgruppe identifiziert worden (Zeng et al., 2000 A und B; Riemann und Nellen, persönliche Mitteilung). Mit demselben Ansatz wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine REMI-Mutante identifiziert, die eine Fehl-Expression von Discoidin zeigte und einen axenischen Wachstumsdefekt bei 15 °C aufwies. Das Gen wurde als Homolog zum humanen Tafazzin-Gen identifiziert. Dieses Gen wurde zur Rekonstruktion des Phänotyps über homologe Rekombination erneut disruptiert, was wie erwartet zu dem zuerst beschriebenen Phänotyp führte. Folgerichtig ergab eine Überexpression des Gens in den Mutanten eine Komplementation des Phänotyps. Immunfluoreszenz-Experimente zeigten eine mitochondriale Lokalisation des Dictyostelium discoideum Taffazzin Proteins. Dass ein mitochondriales Protein in Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergang steht, ist ein unerwarteter Befund, der aber als Hinweis darauf gewertet werden kann, dass Mitochondrien einen direkten Einfluss auf die entwicklungsspezifische Signaltransduktion ausüben. Die Taffazzin Disruptions-Mutante in Dictyostelium führte zu einem abnormalen Cardiolipin Metabolismus. Dieses Phospholipid ist ein charakteristischer Bestandteil der inneren Mitochondrienmembran und für die Funktion verschiedener Enzyme erforderlich. Unsere vorläufigen Analysen des Phospholipid-Gehalts zeigten Übereinstimmung mit Daten von Patienten mit Barth-Syndrom, einer humanen Erkrankung, bei der das Taffazzin-Gen Mutationen aufweist, und mit Hefe-Mutanten dieses Gens. Dies zeigt den Wert von Dictyostelium discoideum als einen weiteren Modelorganismus zur Untersuchung des Barth-Syndroms und zur Erprobung möglicher Therapieansätze.
Understanding how the human visual system recognizes objects is one of the key challenges in neuroscience. Inspired by a large body of physiological evidence (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991; Hubel and Wiesel, 1962; Livingstone and Hubel, 1988; Tso et al., 2001; Zeki, 1993), a general class of recognition models has emerged which is based on a hierarchical organization of visual processing, with succeeding stages being sensitive to image features of increasing complexity (Hummel and Biederman, 1992; Riesenhuber and Poggio, 1999; Selfridge, 1959). However, these models appear to be incompatible with some well-known psychophysical results. Prominent among these are experiments investigating recognition impairments caused by vertical inversion of images, especially those of faces. It has been reported that faces that differ "featurally" are much easier to distinguish when inverted than those that differ "configurally" (Freire et al., 2000; Le Grand et al., 2001; Mondloch et al., 2002) ??finding that is difficult to reconcile with the aforementioned models. Here we show that after controlling for subjects' expectations, there is no difference between "featurally" and "configurally" transformed faces in terms of inversion effect. This result reinforces the plausibility of simple hierarchical models of object representation and recognition in cortex.