912 resultados para 3d-digitizing


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Visual fixation is employed by humans and some animals to keep a specific 3D location at the center of the visual gaze. Inspired by this phenomenon in nature, this paper explores the idea to transfer this mechanism to the context of video stabilization for a handheld video camera. A novel approach is presented that stabilizes a video by fixating on automatically extracted 3D target points. This approach is different from existing automatic solutions that stabilize the video by smoothing. To determine the 3D target points, the recorded scene is analyzed with a stateof- the-art structure-from-motion algorithm, which estimates camera motion and reconstructs a 3D point cloud of the static scene objects. Special algorithms are presented that search either virtual or real 3D target points, which back-project close to the center of the image for as long a period of time as possible. The stabilization algorithm then transforms the original images of the sequence so that these 3D target points are kept exactly in the center of the image, which, in case of real 3D target points, produces a perfectly stable result at the image center. Furthermore, different methods of additional user interaction are investigated. It is shown that the stabilization process can easily be controlled and that it can be combined with state-of-theart tracking techniques in order to obtain a powerful image stabilization tool. The approach is evaluated on a variety of videos taken with a hand-held camera in natural scenes.


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Second Life (SL) is an ideal platform for language learning. It is called a Multi-User Virtual Environment, where users can have varieties of learning experiences in life-like environments. Numerous attempts have been made to use SL as a platform for language teaching and the possibility of SL as a means to promote conversational interactions has been reported. However, the research so far has largely focused on simply using SL without further augmentations for communication between learners or between teachers and learners in a school-like environment. Conversely, not enough attention has been paid to its controllability which builds on the embedded functions in SL. This study, based on the latest theories of second language acquisition, especially on the Task Based Language Teaching and the Interaction Hypothesis, proposes to design and implement an automatized interactive task space (AITS) where robotic agents work as interlocutors of learners. This paper presents a design that incorporates the SLA theories into SL and the implementation method of the design to construct AITS, fulfilling the controllability of SL. It also presents the result of the evaluation experiment conducted on the constructed AITS.


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Recently, stable markerless 6 DOF video based handtracking devices became available. These devices simultaneously track the positions and orientations of both user hands in different postures with at least 25 frames per second. Such hand-tracking allows for using the human hands as natural input devices. However, the absence of physical buttons for performing click actions and state changes poses severe challenges in designing an efficient and easy to use 3D interface on top of such a device. In particular, for coupling and decoupling a virtual object’s movements to the user’s hand (i.e. grabbing and releasing) a solution has to be found. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for efficient two-handed grabbing and releasing objects and intuitively manipulating them in the virtual space. This technique is integrated in a novel 3D interface for virtual manipulations. A user experiment shows the superior applicability of this new technique. Last but not least, we describe how this technique can be exploited in practice to improve interaction by integrating it with RTT DeltaGen, a professional CAD/CAS visualization and editing tool.


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Das Additive Manufacturing gewinnt im Bereich der Medizintechnik zur Herstellung von Prototypen bis hin zu Endprodukten zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ein großes Hemmnis stellen allerdings die relativ hohen Fertigungskosten dar. Hier bietet der verstärkte Einsatz der 3D-Drucktechnologie (3D Printing) ein erhebliches Potential zur Reduktion der Kosten. Aus dieser Motivation heraus wurde ein 3D-Druckverfahren zur Herstellung biokompatibler, sterilisierbarer Kunststoffmodelle entwickelt. Beim 3D-Druck-Verfahren handelt es sich um einen pulverbasierten Prozess zur schichtweisen Herstellung von Modellen direkt aus Computerdaten. Dabei werden dünne Schichten eines Pulvers auf eine Grundplatte aufgebracht, die dann durch gezielte Binderzugabe entsprechend des aktuellen Bauteilquerschnitts verfestigt werden. Ausgangsmaterial für diesen Prozess ist ein Granulatgemisch auf Basis von PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylat). Als Binderflüssigkeit wird ein Lösungsmittel eingesetzt. Die 3D gedruckten Modelle werden nach einer entsprechenden Trocknungszeit im Pulverbett entpackt und warmgelagert, um das Abdampfen des Lösungsmittels zu beschleunigen. Der Nachweis der Biokompatibilität der hergestellten Modelle erfolgte durch einen Test nach DIN EN ISO 10993-5. In Kooperation mit Anwendern wurden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele wie Bohrschablonen, Otoplastiken, Gebissmodelle und Modelle für die präoperative Planung realisiert und charakterisiert.


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Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Artikeln in Publikumszeitschriften und Journalen rückt die direkte Herstellung von Bauteilen und Figuren immer mehr in das Bewusstsein einer breiten Öffentlichkeit. Leider ergibt sich nur selten ein einigermaßen vollständiges Bild davon, wie und in welchen Lebensbereichen diese Techniken unseren Alltag verändern werden. Das liegt auch daran, dass die meisten Artikel sehr technisch geprägt sind und sich nur punktuell auf Beispiele stützen. Dieser Beitrag geht von den Bedürfnissen der Menschen aus, wie sie z.B. in der Maslow’schen Bedürfnispyramide strukturiert dargestellt sind und unterstreicht dadurch, dass 3D Printing (oder Additive Manufacturing resp. Rapid Prototyping) bereits alle Lebensbereiche erfasst hat und im Begriff ist, viele davon zu revolutionieren.


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Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Integration von laufzeitmessenden 3D Kamerasystemen in die Gabelzinkenspitzen eines Flurförderzeugs. Mit Hilfe der integrierten Kameras und deren ausgewerteter Aufnahmen wurde ein Assistenzsystem für die Handhabung von Ladungsträgern realisiert, das dem Fahrer des Flurförderzeugs Verfahrempfehlungen für die Optimierung der Relativposition zwischen Gabelzinken und Ladungsträger bzw. Lagerplatz ausgibt. Neben der Vorstellung der verwendeten Kamera-Hardware und der Integration am Fahrzeug wird auch der Ablauf der Bildverarbeitung beschrieben.


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This paper introduces a database of freely available stereo-3D content designed to facilitate research in stereo post-production. It describes the structure and content of the database and provides some details about how the material was gathered. The database includes examples of many of the scenarios characteristic to broadcast footage. Material was gathered at different locations including a studio with controlled lighting and both indoor and outdoor on-location sites with more restricted lighting control. The database also includes video sequences with accompanying 3D audio data recorded in an Ambisonics format. An intended consequence of gathering the material is that the database contains examples of degradations that would be commonly present in real-world scenarios. This paper describes one such artefact caused by uneven exposure in the stereo views, causing saturation in the over-exposed view. An algorithm for the restoration of this artefact is proposed in order to highlight the usefuiness of the database.


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Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Artikeln in Publikumszeitschriften und Journalen rückt die direkte Herstellung von Bauteilen und Figuren immer mehr in das Bewusstsein einer breiten Öffentlichkeit. Leider ergibt sich nur selten ein einigermaßen vollständiges Bild davon, wie und in welchen Lebensbereichen diese Techniken unseren Alltag verändern werden. Das liegt auch daran, dass die meisten Artikel sehr technisch geprägt sind und sich nur punktuell auf Beispiele stützen. Dieser Beitrag geht von den Bedürfnissen der Menschen aus, wie sie z.B. in der Maslow’schen Bedürfnispyramide strukturiert dargestellt sind und unterstreicht dadurch, dass 3D Printing (oder Additive Manufacturing resp. Rapid Prototyping) bereits alle Lebensbereiche erfasst hat und im Begriff ist, viele davon zu revolutionieren.


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Recent developments in the area of interactive entertainment have suggested to combine stereoscopic visualization with multi-touch displays, which has the potential to open up new vistas for natural interaction with interactive three-dimensional (3D) applications. However, the question arises how the user interfaces for system control in such 3D setups should be designed in order to provide an effective user experience. In this article we introduce 3D GUI widgets for interaction with stereoscopic touch displays. The design of the widgets was inspired to skeuomorphism and affordances in such a way that the user should be able to operate the virtual objects in the same way as their real-world equivalents. We evaluate the developed widgets and compared them with their 2D counterparts in the scope of an example application in order to analyze the usability of and user behavior with the widgets. The results reveal differences in user behavior with and without stereoscopic display during touch interaction, and show that the developed 2D as well as 3D GUI widgets can be used effectively in different applications.


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Immersive virtual environments (IVEs) have the potential to afford natural interaction in the three-dimensional (3D) space around a user. However, interaction performance in 3D mid-air is often reduced and depends on a variety of ergonomics factors, the user's endurance, muscular strength, as well as fitness. In particular, in contrast to traditional desktop-based setups, users often cannot rest their arms in a comfortable pose during the interaction. In this article we analyze the impact of comfort on 3D selection tasks in an immersive desktop setup. First, in a pre-study we identified how comfortable or uncomfortable specific interaction positions and poses are for users who are standing upright. Then, we investigated differences in 3D selection task performance when users interact with their hands in a comfortable or uncomfortable body pose, while sitting on a chair in front of a table while the VE was displayed on a headmounted display (HMD). We conducted a Fitts' Law experiment to evaluate selection performance in different poses. The results suggest that users achieve a significantly higher performance in a comfortable pose when they rest their elbow on the table.


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Dimensional alterations of the facial bone wall following tooth extractions in the esthetic zone have a profound effect on treatment outcomes. This prospective study in 39 patients is the first to investigate three-dimensional (3D) alterations of facial bone in the esthetic zone during the initial 8 wks following flapless tooth extraction. A novel 3D analysis was carried out, based on 2 consecutive cone beam computed tomographies (CBCTs). A risk zone for significant bone resorption was identified in central areas, whereas proximal areas yielded only minor changes. Correlation analysis identified a facial bone wall thickness of ≤ 1 mm as a critical factor associated with the extent of bone resorption. Thin-wall phenotypes displayed pronounced vertical bone resorption, with a median bone loss of 7.5 mm, as compared with thick-wall phenotypes, which decreased by only 1.1 mm. For the first time, 3D analysis has allowed for documentation of dimensional alterations of the facial bone wall in the esthetic zone of humans following extraction. It also characterized a risk zone prone to pronounced bone resorption in thin-wall phenotypes. Vertical bone loss was 3.5 times more severe than findings reported in the existing literature.


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Intervertebral disc (IVD) cell therapy with unconditioned 2D expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) is a promising concept yet challenging to realize. Differentiation of MSCs by nonviral gene delivery of growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF5) by electroporation mediated gene transfer could be an excellent source for cell transplantation. Human MSCs were harvested from bone marrow aspirate and GDF5 gene transfer was achieved by in vitro electroporation. Transfected cells were cultured as monolayers and as 3D cultures in 1.2% alginate bead culture. MSC expressed GDF5 efficiently for up to 21 days. The combination of GDF5 gene transfer and 3D culture in alginate showed an upregulation of aggrecan and SOX9, two markers for chondrogenesis, and KRT19 as a marker for discogenesis compared to untransfected cells. The cells encapsulated in alginate produced more proteoglycans expressed in GAG/DNA ratio. Furthermore, GDF5 transfected MCS injected into an IVD papain degeneration organ culture model showed a partial recovery of the GAG/DNA ratio after 7 days. In this study we demonstrate the potential of GDF5 transfected MSC as a promising approach for clinical translation for disc regeneration.