973 resultados para 3T3-L1 Cells
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Chlamydia trachomatis has a unique obligate intracellular developmental cycle that ends by the lysis of the cell and/or the extrusion of the bacteria in order to allow for re-infections. While Chlamydia trachomatis infections are often asymptomatic the diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis is usually late, occurring after manifestation of persistency. Investigations on the consequences of long-term infections and the molecular mechanisms behind it will reveal light to what extent bacteria can modulate host cell function and what the ultimate fate of host cells after clearance of an infection is. Such studies on the host cell fate could be greatly facilitated if the infected cells become permanently marked during and after the infection. Therefore, this project intends to develop a new genetic tool that would allow permanently labeling of Chlamydia trachomatis host cells. The plan was to generate a Chlamydia trachomatis strain that encodes a recombinant CRE recombinase, fused to a secretory effector function of the Chlamydia type 3 secretion system (T3SS). Upon translocation into the host cell, this recombinant CRE enzyme could then, owing to its site-specific recombination function, switch a reporter gene contained in the host cell genome. To this end, the reporter line carried a membrane-tagged tdTomato (mT) gene flanked by two LoxP sequences followed by a GFP gene. The translocation of the recombinant CRE recombinase into this cell line was designed to trigger the recombination of the LoxP sites whereby the cells would turn from red fluorescence to green as an irreversible label of the infected cells. Successful execution of this mechanism would allow to draw a direct link between Chlamydia trachomatis infection and the subsequent fate of the infected cell.
We analyzed the kinetics of cytokine production by mononuclear cells from 17 patients who had been treated for paracoccidioidomycosis, using the stimulus of gp43 peptide groups (43kDa glycoprotein of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) at 0.1 and 1µM, gp43 (1µg/ml) and crude Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (PbAg; 75µg/ml). IFN-gamma production was a maximum at 144 hours in relation to the G2 and G8 peptide groups at 1µM and was greatest at 144 hours when stimulated by gp43 and by PbAg. The maximum TNF-alpha production was at 144 hours for the G2 group (0.1µM) and for gp43. IL-10 production was highest after 48 and 72 hours for G7 and G6 at 1µM, respectively. We also suggest the best time for analysis of IL4 production. These results may contribute towards future studies with gp43 peptides and encourage further investigations with the aim of understanding the influence of these peptides on the production of inflammatory and regulatory cytokines.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. As infectious diseases can cause DNA damage, the authors aimed at analyzing DNA breakage in peripheral blood cells of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis by using the comet assay. The results suggested that paracoccidioidomycosis does not cause genotoxicity.
Over the last decade, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have garnered a lot of attention owing to their inherent self-renewal ability and pluripotency. These characteristics have opened opportunities for potential stem cell-based regenerative medicines, for development of drug discovery platforms and as unique in vitro models for the study of early human development.(...)
RESUMO: As células endoteliais definem e delineiam todo o sistema vascular...Nesta tese procurámos explorar o papel que o ambiente tumoral exerce sobre as células endoteliais. ... Avaliamos também a capacidade anti-angiogénica de alguns derivados do estrogénio... Em suma os nossos resultados mostram a importância de um controlo rigoroso da regulação transcricional...
HIV coinfection modifies the clinical course of leishmaniasis by promoting a Th2 pattern of cytokine production. However, little information is available regarding the lymphocytic response in untreated coinfected patients. This work presents the immunophenotyping of Leishmania-stimulated T cells from a treatment-naÏve HIV+ patient with ML. Leishmania braziliensis antigens induced CD69 expression on CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ cells. It also increased IL-4 intracellular staining on CD3+CD4+GATA3- population and decreased the percentage of CD3+CD4+IL-17+ cells. This suggests that modulations in the IL-4R/STAT6 pathway and the Th17 population may serve as parasitic evasion mechanisms in HIV/ML. Further studies are required to confirm these results.
INTRODUCTION: The innate immune response is the first mechanism of protection against Trypanosoma cruzi, and the interaction of inflammatory cells with parasite molecules may activate this response and modulate the adaptive immune system. This study aimed to analyze the levels of cytokines and chemokines synthesized by the whole blood cells (WBC) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of individuals seronegative for Chagas disease after interaction with live T. cruzi trypomastigotes. METHODS: IL-12, IL-10, TNF-α, TGF-β, CCL-5, CCL-2, CCL-3, and CXCL-9 were measured by ELISA. Nitrite was determined by the Griess method. RESULTS: IL-10 was produced at high levels by WBC compared with PBMC, even after incubation with live trypomastigotes. Production of TNF-α by both PBMC and WBC was significantly higher after stimulation with trypomastigotes. Only PBMC produced significantly higher levels of IL-12 after parasite stimulation. Stimulation of cultures with trypomastigotes induced an increase of CXCL-9 levels produced by WBC. Nitrite levels produced by PBMC increased after the addition of parasites to the culture. CONCLUSIONS: Surface molecules of T. cruzi may induce the production of cytokines and chemokines by cells of the innate immune system through the activation of specific receptors not evaluated in this experiment. The ability to induce IL-12 and TNF-α contributes to shift the adaptive response towards a Th1 profile.
INTRODUCTION: The capacity to overcome the oxidative stress imposed by phagocytes seems to be critical for Candida species to cause invasive candidiasis. METHODS: To better characterize the oxidative stress response (OSR) of 8 clinically relevant Candida sp., glutathione, a vital component of the intracellular redox balance, was measured using the 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB)-glutathione disulfide (GSSG) reductase reconversion method; the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured using a modified method based on the decolorization of the 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic) acid radical cation (ABTS*+). Both methods were used with cellular Candida sp. extracts treated or not with hydrogen peroxide (0.5 mM). RESULTS: Oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide clearly reduced intracellular glutathione levels. This depletion was stronger in Candida albicans and the levels of glutathione in untreated cells were also higher in this species. The TAC demonstrated intra-specific variation. CONCLUSIONS: Glutathione levels did not correlate with the measured TAC values, despite this being the most important non-enzymatic intracellular antioxidant molecule. The results indicate that the isolated measurement of TAC does not give a clear picture of the ability of a given Candida sp. to respond to oxidative stress.
INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the early events in the interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its host. To understand the effect of carbohydrates in the interaction between the fungus and epithelial cell in culture, we analyzed the influence of different carbohydrate solutions on the adhesion of P. brasiliensis yeast cells to CCL-6 cells in culture. METHODS: Fungal cells were cultivated with the epithelial cell line, and different concentrations of D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine, D-galactosamine, sorbitol and fructose were added at the beginning of the experiment. Six hours after the treatment, the cells were fixed and observed by light microscopy. The number of P. brasiliensis cells that were adhered to the CCL-6 monolayer was estimated. RESULTS: The number of adhesion events was diminished following treatments with D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine and D-galactosamine as compared to the untreated controls. Sorbitol and fructose-treated cells had the same adhesion behavior as the observed in the control. P. brasiliensis propagules were treated with fluorescent lectins. The FITC-labeled lectins WGA and Con-A bound to P. brasiliensis yeast cells, while SBA and PNA did not. CONCLUSIONS: The perceptual of adhesion between P. brasiliensis and CCL-6 cells decreased with the use of D-mannose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-glucosamine. The assay using FITC-labeled lectins suggests the presence of N-acetyl-glucosamine, α-mannose and α-glucose on the P. brasiliensis cell surface. An enhanced knowledge of the mediators of adhesion on P. brasiliensis could be useful in the future for the development of more efficient and less harmful methods for disease treatment and control.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar, a disseminated infection of the lymphoreticular system of the body, is marked by severe defect in immune system of the host. Successful cure of VL depends on the immune status of the host in combination with the effects of the antileishmanial drugs. The rationale approach towards eradication of this disease would be to potentiate the immune functioning of the host in addition to parasite killing. This review deals with different aspects of adaptive and innate immune responses and explores their role in protection or pathogenesis of VL. IL-10 has emerged as the principal cytokine responsible for disease pathogenesis, although evidences regarding its source during active VL remain inconclusive. On the other hand, IFNγ, under the influence of IL-12, is mostly correlated with healing of the disease. Chemokines are important in mounting cell-mediated immune response as they can prevent parasite invasion in association with cytokines. Different types of T cells like CD4, CD8 and NK T cells also contribute to the immunology of this disease. In spite of conflicting reports, the role of regulatory T cells in VL pathogenesis is important. Recently discovered Th17 subset and its different members have been reported to perform diverse functions in the course of VL and leishmaniasis as a whole. Innate immune responses, depending on the cell types, are essential in early parasite detection and subsequent development of an efficient NK cell response. Immunotherapy targeting IL-10 could be looked upon as an interesting option for the treatment of VL.
Analysis of metabolic flux distributions in relation to the extracellular environment in Avian cells
Continuous cell lines that proliferate in chemically defined and simple media have been highly regarded as suitable alternatives for vaccine production. One such cell line is the AG1.CR.pIX avian cell line developed by PROBIOGEN. This cell line can be cultivated in a fully scalable suspension culture and adapted to grow in chemically defined, calf serum free, medium [1]–[5]. The medium composition and cultivation strategy are important factors for reaching high virus titers. In this project, a series of computational methods was used to simulate the cell’s response to different environments. The study is based on the metabolic model of the central metabolism proposed in [1]. In a first step, Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) was used along with measured uptake and secretion fluxes to estimate intracellular flux values. The network and data were found to be consistent. In a second step, Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) was performed to access the cell’s biological objective. The objective that resulted in the best predicted results fit to the experimental data was the minimization of oxidative phosphorylation. Employing this objective, in the next step Flux Variability Analysis (FVA) was used to characterize the flux solution space. Furthermore, various scenarios, where a reaction deletion (elimination of the compound from the media) was simulated, were performed and the flux solution space for each scenario was calculated. Growth restrictions caused by essential and non-essential amino acids were accurately predicted. Fluxes related to the essential amino acids uptake and catabolism, the lipid synthesis and ATP production via TCA were found to be essential to exponential growth. Finally, the data gathered during the previous steps were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), in order to assess potential changes in the physiological state of the cell. Three metabolic states were found, which correspond to zero, partial and maximum biomass growth rate. Elimination of non-essential amino acids or pyruvate from the media showed no impact on the cell’s assumed normal metabolic state.
Introduction Leishmania braziliensis infection induces a large spectrum of lesions that clinically manifest as nodules or papules that progress to ulcers. Although it is already known that T helper cells predominate in the lesions, cytotoxic T cells have also been reported to be present, and their role in leishmaniasis immunopathogenesis is not well known. This study investigated the amounts of CD8+ and granzyme B+ cells in different clinical forms of human cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Methods Forty tissue fragments from early (E-CL) and late CL (L-CL) lesions and from disseminated leishmaniasis (DL) - papules and ulcers - were characterized. The inflamed area per fragment was calculated, and the CD8 and granzyme B expression levels in the infiltrates were quantified by counting positive cells in 15 fields. The localization of CD8 and granzyme B was graded subjectively. Results Inflammation was higher in L-CL and DL ulcers. CD8 expression was increased in late ulcerated lesions compared to recent lesions. The increase in CD8+ cells also correlated with the duration of the lesion. Papules had a higher frequency of granzyme B+ cells than E-CL lesions, although the frequency was similar to those for late and DL ulcers. CD8+ cells were mostly found in the papillary dermis. Conclusions CD8+ T and granzyme B+ cells are present in the inflammatory infiltrates of CL and DL and may participate in the immunopathogenesis of Leishmania infection.
RESUMO: As células dendríticas (CDs) são fundamentais na imunomodulação e iniciação de respostas imunes adaptativas, enquanto os ácidos siálicos (Sias) são potenciais imunomoduladores. Estas células expressam níveis elevados da sialiltransferase ST6Gal-1, que transfere Sias para a posição terminal de oligossacáridos. De facto, a maturação de CDs está associada a uma diminuição da sialilação na sua superfície celular. Apesar de ter função biológica desconhecida, a forma solúvel, extracelular de ST6Gal-1 aumenta em cancros e inflamação. Ainda assim, esta foi recentemente identificada como moduladora da hematopoiese. Considerando o importante papel das CDs na iniciação de respostas anticancerígenas, uma ligação entre a sialilação extrínseca induzida por ST6Gal-1 extracelular e o seu papel na modulação de CDs deve ser identificada. Neste trabalho hipotetizou-se que a sialilação α2,6 extrínseca de CDs diminui o seu perfil de maturação mediante ativação por lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). O objetivo principal foi sialilar extrinsecamente em α2,6 CDs da medula óssea de murganhos, avaliando os seus perfis de maturação e de libertação de citocinas, após estimulação com LPS (por Citometria de Fluxo e ELISA, respetivamente). Ao contrário da hipótese, o perfil celular não foi modulado, usando várias abordagens. Por outro lado, a consequência da falta de α2,6 Sias na maturação de CDs foi avaliada analisando: 1) CDs da medula óssea de murganhos tratadas com sialidase, 2) CDs da medula óssea e 3) CDs das vias aéreas, ambas de murganhos deficientes em ST6Gal-1, comparando com a estirpe selvagem. Estes resultados sugerem que a perta total de α2,6 Sias se relaciona com o aumento da expressão do complexo de histocompatibilidade principal de classe II. Apesar de controverso, é provável existirem mecanismos inerentes à ativação por LPS, reduzindo a eficácia de ST6Gal-1 extracelular. Por outro lado, a modificação no perfil de CDs de murganhos deficientes em ST6Gal-1 poderá relacionar-se com uma predisposição para um estado inflamatório severo. Com isto, o trabalho desenvolvido abriu futuras linhas de investigação, nomeadamente explorar outros fatores envolvidos na (de)sialilação α2,6 de CDs, podendo ter impacto em imunoterapia com uso de CDs.--------------------------ABSTRACT: Dendritic cells (DCs) are vital for immunomodulation and the initiation of adaptive immune responses, whereas sialic acids (Sias) are potential immunomodulators. These cells express high levels of sialyltransferase ST6Gal-1, responsible for transferring Sias to the terminal position of oligosaccharide chains. Indeed, DCs’ maturation is associated with decreased cell surface sialylation. Although its biological significance is unknown, the soluble, extracellular form of ST6Gal-1 increases in cancers and inflammation. However, extracellular ST6Gal-1 was recently identified as modulator of hematopoiesis. Considering that DCs play a crucial role in the initiation of a productive anti-cancer immune response, a link between extrinsic sialylation by the extracellular ST6Gal-1 on DC function needs to be investigated. We hypothesize that extrinsic α2,6 sialylation of DCs diminishes their maturation features upon lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. The main goal was to extrinsically α2,6 sialylate mice bone marrow derived DCs (BMDCs) and to evaluate their maturation and cytokine profiles upon LPS stimulation (by Flow Cytometry and ELISA, respectively). Unlike the hypothesis, we observed that BMDCs’ profile is not modulated, even using several approaches. In contrast, the consequence of lacking cell surface α2,6 Sias in DC maturation was assessed by analysing: 1) sialidase treated BMDCs, 2) BMDCs from mice lacking ST6Gal-1 and 3) DCs from mice airways, comparing wild type with ST6Gal-1 knockout mice. These results suggest that overall lack in α2,6 Sias is related with increased expression of major histocompatibility class II (MHC-II). Although appearing to be controversial findings, other intracellular mechanisms might be occurring upon LPS-induced BMDC activation, probably reducing extracellular ST6Gal-1 effect. In opposite, the modification observed in DC profile of ST6Gal-1 knockout mice might be related to its predisposition to a more severe inflammatory status. With this, the developed work opened future lines of investigation, namely exploring other factors involved in α2,6 (de)sialylation of DC, which might have influence in immunotherapy using DCs.
IntroductionPurpureocillium lilacinum is emerging as a causal agent of hyalohyphomycosis that is refractory to antifungal drugs; however, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying P. lilacinum infection are not understood. In this study, we investigated the interaction of P. lilacinum conidia with human macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro.MethodsSpores of a P. lilacinum clinical isolate were obtained by chill-heat shock. Mononuclear cells were isolated from eight healthy individuals. Monocytes were separated by cold aggregation and differentiated into macrophages by incubation for 7 to 10 days at 37°C or into dendritic cells by the addition of the cytokines human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4. Conidial suspension was added to the human cells at 1:1, 2:1, and 5:1 (conidia:cells) ratios for 1h, 6h, and 24h, and the infection was evaluated by Giemsa staining and light microscopy.ResultsAfter 1h interaction, P. lilacinum conidia were internalized by human cells and after 6h contact, some conidia became inflated. After 24h interaction, the conidia produced germ tubes and hyphae, leading to the disruption of macrophage and dendritic cell membranes. The infection rate analyzed after 6h incubation of P. lilacinumconidia with cells at 2:1 and 1:1 ratios was 76.5% and 25.5%, respectively, for macrophages and 54.3% and 19.5%, respectively, for cultured dendritic cells.ConclusionsP. lilacinum conidia are capable of infecting and destroying both macrophages and dendritic cells, clearly demonstrating the ability of this pathogenic fungus to invade human phagocytic cells.