992 resultados para 3RD VENTRICLE AV3V


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Tissue parasitism, inflammatory process (histologic methods) and sympathetic denervation (glyoxylic acid-induced histofluorescence for demonstration of catecholamines) were studied in the heart (atrium and verntricle) and the submandibular gland of rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. In the heart paralleling intense parasitism and inflammatory process, the sympathetic denervation started at day 6 of infection and at the end of the acute phase (day 20) practically no varicose nerve terminals were found in both myocardium and vessels. In the submandibular gland, in spite of the rarity of anastigote pseudocysts and the scarcity of inflammatory foci, slight to moderate (days 13-15 of infection) or moderate to severe denervation (day 20) was found. At day 120 of infection both organs exhibited normal pattern of sympathetic innervation and only the heart showed some inflammatory foci and rare psudocysts (ventricle). Our data suggest the involvement of circulating factors in the sympathetic denervation phenomena but indicate that local inflammatory process is, at least, an aggravating factor.


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The 1st chapter of this work presents the different experiments and collaborations in which I am involved during my PhD studies of Physics. Following those descriptions, the 2nd chapter is dedicated to how the radiation affects the silicon sensors, as well as some experimental measurements carried out at CERN (Geneve, Schwitzerland) and IFIC (Valencia, Spain) laboratories. Besides the previous investigation results, this chapter includes the most recent scientific papers appeared in the latest RD50 (Research & Development #50) Status Report, published in January 2007, as well as some others published this year. The 3rd and 4th are dedicated to the simulation of the electrical behavior of solid state detectors. In chapter 3 are reported the results obtained for the illumination of edgeless detectors irradiated at different fluences, in the framework of the TOSTER Collaboration. The 4th chapter reports about simulation design, simulation and fabrication of a novel 3D detector developed at CNM for ions detection in the future ITER fusion reactor. This chapter will be extended with irradiation simulations and experimental measurements in my PhD Thesis.


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The murine model of chronic Chaga's myocardiopathy was developed in 201 inbred and outbred mice. The experimental groups consisted of 1st: 73 inbred AKR and A/J mice inoculated with one of the following. Trypanosoma cruzi strains: Peruvian (Type I), 12 SF (Type II) or Colombian (Type III); 2nd: 128 outbred Swiss mice, chronically infected either with Type II or Type III strains isolated from human patients from different geographical areas. All T. cruzi strains were previoulsly characterized by their morphobiological behaviour in mice and by isoenzymatic patterns. For the 1st group the inoculum was 5 x 10**4 for the Peruvian strain and 1 x 10**5 for the 12 SF and Colombian strains. In the 2nd group-Swiss mice the inoculum size varied from 2 x 10**4 to 2 x 10**5. The inbred animals were killed at a 3 time-point scale (90, 180 and 240 days) post-infection. The Swiss mice were killed from 180 to 660 days after infection. The evaluation of parasitemia and serology (xeodiagnosis and indirect immunofluorescent test) was performed. The incidence of macroscopic alterations of the heart and cardiac index were evaluated. Histopathological lesions of the myocardium were graded. The influence of T. cruzi strain on the intensity of cardiac lesions was evaluated by the Chi-square test; the incidence of inflammatory lesions and its relationship to the parasite strain was evaluated by the Fisher test. The influence of the duration of infection was evaluated by using the Gamma Coefficient of Kruskal and Goodman and its measure of significance. Slight to severe microscopic alterations occurred in 85% of the chronically infected nice. There were a clear predominance on the incidence and intensity of inflammatory and fibrotic alterations for the mice infected with Type III strains. Statistical analysis has shown significant differences among the infected groups, in the inflammatory and fibrotic lesions. Macroscopic alterations (right cavities dilatation and apex aneurism of left ventricle), differed in incidence according to mice strains; in Swiss and AKR mice, significant differences were seen in mice infected with different T. cruzi strains, but the A/J mice failed to show significant differences correlated with different parasite strains. The duration of infection, from 90 to 240 days, could not be correlated with the degree of lesions in the several groups.


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Mitochondrial (M) and lipid droplet (L) volume density (vd) are often used in exercise research. Vd is the volume of muscle occupied by M and L. The means of calculating these percents are accomplished by applying a grid to a 2D image taken with transmission electron microscopy; however, it is not known which grid best predicts these values. PURPOSE: To determine the grid with the least variability of Mvd and Lvd in human skeletal muscle. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis of 10 healthy adults, trained (N=6) and untrained (N=4). Samples of 5-10mg were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and embedded in EPON. Longitudinal sections of 60 nm were cut and 20 images were taken at random at 33,000x magnification. Vd was calculated as the number of times M or L touched two intersecting grid lines (called a point) divided by the total number of points using 3 different sizes of grids with squares of 1000x1000nm sides (corresponding to 1µm2), 500x500nm (0.25µm2) and 250x250nm (0.0625µm2). Statistics included coefficient of variation (CV), 1 way-BS ANOVA and spearman correlations. RESULTS: Mean age was 67 ± 4 yo, mean VO2peak 2.29 ± 0.70 L/min and mean BMI 25.1 ± 3.7 kg/m2. Mean Mvd was 6.39% ± 0.71 for the 1000nm squares, 6.01% ± 0.70 for the 500nm and 6.37% ± 0.80 for the 250nm. Lvd was 1.28% ± 0.03 for the 1000nm, 1.41% ± 0.02 for the 500nm and 1.38% ± 0.02 for the 250nm. The mean CV of the three grids was 6.65% ±1.15 for Mvd with no significant differences between grids (P>0.05). Mean CV for Lvd was 13.83% ± 3.51, with a significant difference between the 1000nm squares and the two other grids (P<0.05). The 500nm squares grid showed the least variability between subjects. Mvd showed a positive correlation with VO2peak (r = 0.89, p < 0.05) but not with weight, height, or age. No correlations were found with Lvd. CONCLUSION: Different size grids have different variability in assessing skeletal muscle Mvd and Lvd. The grid size of 500x500nm (240 points) was more reliable than 1000x1000nm (56 points). 250x250nm (1023 points) did not show better reliability compared with the 500x500nm, but was more time consuming. Thus, choosing a grid with square size of 500x500nm seems the best option. This is particularly relevant as most grids used in the literature are either 100 points or 400 points without clear information on their square size.


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The ability of the developing myocardium to tolerate oxidative stress during early gestation is an important issue with regard to possible detrimental consequences for the fetus. In the embryonic heart, antioxidant defences are low, whereas glycolytic flux is high. The pro- and antioxidant mechanisms and their dependency on glucose metabolism remain to be explored. Isolated hearts of 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to normoxia (30 min), anoxia (30 min), and hyperoxic reoxygenation (60 min). The time course of ROS production in the whole heart and in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract was established using lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence. Cardiac rhythm, conduction, and arrhythmias were determined. The activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, gutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase as well as the content of reduced and oxidized glutathione were measured. The relative contribution of the ROS-generating systems was assessed by inhibition of mitochondrial complexes I and III (rotenone and myxothiazol), NADPH oxidases (diphenylene iodonium and apocynine), and nitric oxide synthases (N-monomethyl-l-arginine and N-iminoethyl-l-ornithine). The effects of glycolysis inhibition (iodoacetate), glucose deprivation, glycogen depletion, and lactate accumulation were also investigated. In untreated hearts, ROS production peaked at 10.8 ± 3.3, 9 ± 0.8, and 4.8 ± 0.4 min (means ± SD; n = 4) of reoxygenation in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract, respectively, and was associated with arrhythmias. Functional recovery was complete after 30-40 min. At reoxygenation, 1) the respiratory chain and NADPH oxidases were the main sources of ROS in the atria and outflow tract, respectively; 2) glucose deprivation decreased, whereas glycogen depletion increased, oxidative stress; 3) lactate worsened oxidant stress via NADPH oxidase activation; 4) glycolysis blockade enhanced ROS production; 5) no nitrosative stress was detectable; and 6) the glutathione redox cycle appeared to be a major antioxidant system. Thus, the glycolytic pathway plays a predominant role in reoxygenation-induced oxidative stress during early cardiogenesis. The relative contribution of mitochondria and extramitochondrial systems to ROS generation varies from one region to another and throughout reoxygenation.


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Laboratory bioassays were conducted to determine the relative suscepbility of eggs, 1st-, 3rd-, 5th- instar nymphs and adults of Rhodnius prolixus to one isolate of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete, Beauveria bassiana. Treatments consisted of directly spraying on insects of increasing doses of inoculum (3 x 10* to 3 x 10 (elevated to 5th potency) conidia per cm*). Mortality due to all doses of conidia was very high in the five tested stages of the target insect. Experiments on eggs demonstrated that the fungal isolate was able to kill eggs before they hatched. Both time-mortality and dose-mortality responses showed that the susceptibility of R. prolixus varied according to its stage of development and increased with age. As matter of fact, at the dose of 3 x 10* conidia per cm*, LD50 varied between 11.2 days in 1st-instar nymphs and 6.4 days in both 5th-instar nymphs and adults. Comparison of LD50 permitted to estimate that 1st-instar nymphs were about 700-fold less susceptible than the two oldest stages


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Reports of natural infections of sylvatic carnivores by adult worms of species similar to Lagochilascaris minor in the Neotropical region led to attempts to estabilish experimental cycles in laboratory mice and in cats. Also, larval development was seen in the skeletal muscle of an agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) infected per os with incubated eggs of the parasite obtained from a human case. In cats, adult worms develop and fertile eggs are expelled in the feces: in mice, larval stages of the parasite develop, and are encapsulate in the skeletal muscle, and in the adipose and subcutaneous connective tissue. From our observations, we conclude that the larva infective for the mouse is the early 3rd stage, while for the final host the infective form is the later 3rd stage. A single moult was seen in the mouse, giving rise to a small population of 4th stage larvae, long after the initial infection.


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Gastro-intestinal parasitism of 24 buffalo cows before parturition, and post-parturition, their infection and that of their respective calves during the following 30 weeks were studied. Willis, Hoffmann and whenever possible, the modified Gordon & Whitlock techniques were used for fecal examinations. Toxocara vitulorum eggs were the earliest forms encountered in calves feces, as follows: during the 1st week after birth, 58.33% of the calves were positive, and in the 4th week, 100% of these animals were positive. Eggs of Strongyloides sp were in the 1st week after birth in two of the calves and in the 5th week, all for them were positive. The next parasites to appear were the Coccidia of which oocysts were detected in the feces of two calves in the 2nd week after birth, and 58.33% of the calves were positive for these in the 3rd week, and in the 6th week, all calves shed oocysts in their feces. On the other hand, eggs of Strongylids were the last forms to appear in calves feces. However, despite their sporadic appearance in the feces, eggs of these parasites were observed continuously from the 11th week onwards, and at this point, the percentage of positive samples began to increase to reach its peak. Relatively to adult animals, eggs of T. vitulorum were observed in the feces of 11 cows, one or twice at most; eggs of Strongyloides sp were seen only once in the feces of four buffalo cows and eggs of Strongylids in 21 out of 24 cows. Oocysts of Coccidia were observed in 16 cows. Mechanisms of infestation of calves with these parasites are discussed.


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A right-handed man developed a sudden transient, amnestic syndrome associated with bilateral hemorrhage of the hippocampi, probably due to Urbach-Wiethe disease. In the 3rd month, despite significant hippocampal structural damage on imaging, only a milder degree of retrograde and anterograde amnesia persisted on detailed neuropsychological examination. On systematic testing of recognition of facial and vocal expression of emotion, we found an impairment of the vocal perception of fear, but not that of other emotions, such as joy, sadness and anger. Such selective impairment of fear perception was not present in the recognition of facial expression of emotion. Thus emotional perception varies according to the different aspects of emotions and the different modality of presentation (faces versus voices). This is consistent with the idea that there may be multiple emotion systems. The study of emotional perception in this unique case of bilateral involvement of hippocampus suggests that this structure may play a critical role in the recognition of fear in vocal expression, possibly dissociated from that of other emotions and from that of fear in facial expression. In regard of recent data suggesting that the amygdala is playing a role in the recognition of fear in the auditory as well as in the visual modality this could suggest that the hippocampus may be part of the auditory pathway of fear recognition.


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Background: Retrospective analyses suggest that personalized PK-based dosage might be useful for imatinib, as treatment response correlates with trough concentrations (Cmin) in cancer patients. Our objectives were to improve the interpretation of randomly measured concentrations and to confirm its efficiency before evaluating the clinical usefulness of systematic PK-based dosage in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Methods and Results: A Bayesian method was validated for the prediction of individual Cmin on the basis of a single random observation, and was applied in a prospective multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial. 28 out of 56 patients were enrolled in the systematic dosage individualization arm and had 44 follow-up visits (their clinical follow-up is ongoing). PK-dose-adjustments were proposed in 39% having predicted Cmin significantly away from the target (1000 ng/ml). Recommendations were taken up by physicians in 57%, patients were considered non-compliant in 27%. Median Cmin at study inclusion was 754 ng/ml and differed significantly from the target (p=0.02, Wilcoxon test). On follow-up, Cmin was 984 ng/ml (p=0.82) in the compliant group. CV decreased from 46% to 27% (p=0.02, F-test). Conclusion: PK-based (Bayesian) dosage adjustment is able to bring individual drug exposure closer to a given therapeutic target. Its influence on therapeutic response remains to be evaluated.


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A cohort of 100 eggs of Triatoma mazzottii Usinger was studied to obtain information on its life cycle. Egg incubation took 24 days; mean duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th instar nymphs was 27, 36, 39, 46 and 64 days respectively; mean time from egg to adult was 236 days. The total duration of the nymphal stages was 212 days. The total nymph mortality in cohort was 16.3% and the embryonic egg mortality was 14.0%. The grater mortality occured in the 2nd instar. The average number of eggs/female/week was 9.8 during 15 weeks of observation. Of the total eggs laid (2,514), only 58.7% hatched. The total of insects that achieved the adult stage (72), 38 were females (52.8%), and 34 were males (47.2%). The influence of age and feeding on the first mating of T. mazzottii were also studied. It was found that the first mating depended on the male's age and it was on the average 30 days after the last imaginal molt. The female could be mating since 2nd days after the imaginal life. The nutritional status did not play an important role in the capacity of the insect for the first mating.


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Myocardial ischemic postconditioning (PosC) describes an acquired resistance to lethal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury afforded by brief episodes of I/R applied immediately after the ischemic insult. Cardioprotection is conveyed by parallel signaling pathways converging to prevent mitochondria permeability transition. Recent observations indicated that PostC is associated with free radicals generation, including nitric oxide (NO(.)) and superoxide (O2 (.-)), and that cardioprotection is abrogated by antioxidants. Since NO. And O2 (. -) react to form peroxynitrite, we hypothesized that postC might trigger the formation of peroxyntrite to promote cardioprotection in vivo. Rats were exposed to 45 min of myocardial ischemia followed by 3h reperfusion. PostC (3 cycles of 30 seconds ischemia/30 seconds reperfusion) was applied at the end of index ischemia. In a subgroup of rats, the peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulphonatophenyl) porphyrinato iron (FeTPPS) was given intravenously (10 mg/kg(-1)) 5 minutes before PostC. Myocardial nitrotyrosine was determined as an index of peroxynitrite formation. Infarct size (colorimetric technique and plasma creatine kinase-CK-levels) and left ventricle (LV) function (micro-tip pressure transducer), were determined. A significant generation of 3-nitrotyrosine was detected just after the PostC manoeuvre. PostC resulted in a marked reduction of infarct size, CK release and LV systolic dysfunction. Treatment with FeTPPS before PostC abrogated the beneficial effects of PostC on myocardial infarct size and LV function. Thus, peroxynitrite formed in the myocardium during PostC induces cardioprotective mechanisms improving both structural and functional integrity of the left ventricle exposed to ischemia and reperfusion in vivo.


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Van der Woude syndrome (VWS), caused by dominant IRF6 mutation, is the most common cleft syndrome. In 15% of the patients, lip pits are absent and the phenotype mimics isolated clefts. Therefore, we hypothesized that some of the families classified as having non-syndromic inherited cleft lip and palate could have an IRF6 mutation. We screened in total 170 patients with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P): 75 were syndromic and 95 were a priori part of multiplex non-syndromic families. A mutation was identified in 62.7 and 3.3% of the patients, respectively. In one of the 95 a priori non-syndromic families with an autosomal dominant inheritance (family B), new insights into the family history revealed the presence, at birth, of lower lip pits in two members and the diagnosis was revised as VWS. A novel lower lip sign was observed in one individual in this family. Interestingly, a similar lower lip sign was also observed in one individual from a 2nd family (family A). This consists of 2 nodules below the lower lip on the external side. In a 3rd multiplex family (family C), a de novo mutation was identified in an a priori non-syndromic CL/P patient. Re-examination after mutation screening revealed the presence of a tiny pit-looking lesion on the inner side of the lower lip leading to a revised diagnosis of VWS. On the basis of this data, we conclude that IRF6 should be screened when any doubt rises about the normality of the lower lip and also if a non-syndromic cleft lip patient (with or without cleft palate) has a family history suggestive of autosomal dominant inheritance.