906 resultados para 3D-CAD
The primary objective of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding of the 3D velocity structure of the lithosphere in central Italy. To this end, I adopted the Spectral-Element Method to perform accurate numerical simulations of the complex wavefields generated by the 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila event and by its foreshocks and aftershocks together with some additional events within our target region. For the mainshock, the source was represented by a finite fault and different models for central Italy, both 1D and 3D, were tested. Surface topography, attenuation and Moho discontinuity were also accounted for. Three-component synthetic waveforms were compared to the corresponding recorded data. The results of these analyses show that 3D models, including all the known structural heterogeneities in the region, are essential to accurately reproduce waveform propagation. They allow to capture features of the seismograms, mainly related to topography or to low wavespeed areas, and, combined with a finite fault model, result into a favorable match between data and synthetics for frequencies up to ~0.5 Hz. We also obtained peak ground velocity maps, that provide valuable information for seismic hazard assessment. The remaining differences between data and synthetics led us to take advantage of SEM combined with an adjoint method to iteratively improve the available 3D structure model for central Italy. A total of 63 events and 52 stations in the region were considered. We performed five iterations of the tomographic inversion, by calculating the misfit function gradient - necessary for the model update - from adjoint sensitivity kernels, constructed using only two simulations for each event. Our last updated model features a reduced traveltime misfit function and improved agreement between data and synthetics, although further iterations, as well as refined source solutions, are necessary to obtain a new reference 3D model for central Italy tomography.
Il lavoro presentato ha come oggetto la ricostruzione tridimensionale della città di Bologna nella sua fase rinascimentale. Tale lavoro vuole fornire un modello 3D delle architetture e degli spazi urbani utilizzabile sia per scopi di ricerca nell’ambito della storia delle città sia per un uso didattico-divulgativo nel settore del turismo culturale. La base del lavoro è una fonte iconografica di grande importanza: l’affresco raffigurante Bologna risalente al 1575 e situato in Vaticano; questa è una veduta a volo d’uccello di grandi dimensioni dell’intero tessuto urbano bolognese all’interno della terza cerchia di mura. In esso sono rappresentate in maniera particolareggiata le architetture civili e ecclesiastiche, gli spazi ortivi e cortilivi interni agli isolati e alcune importanti strutture urbane presenti in città alla fine del Cinquecento, come l’area portuale e i canali interni alla città, oggi non più visibili. La ricostruzione tridimensionale è stata realizzata tramite Blender, software per la modellazione 3D opensource, attraverso le fasi di modellazione, texturing e creazione materiali (mediante campionamento delle principali cromie presenti nell’affresco), illuminazione e animazione. Una parte della modellazione è stata poi testata all’interno di un GIS per verificare l’utilizzo delle geometrie 3D come elementi collegabili ad altre fonti storiche relative allo sviluppo urbano e quindi sfruttabili per la ricerca storica. Grande attenzione infine è stata data all’uso dei modelli virtuali a scopo didattico-divulgativo e per il turismo culturale. La modellazione è stata utilizzata all’interno di un motore grafico 3D per costruire un ambiente virtuale interattivo nel quale un utente anche non esperto possa muoversi per esplorare gli spazi urbani della Bologna del Cinquecento. In ultimo è stato impostato lo sviluppo di un’applicazione per sistemi mobile (Iphone e Ipad) al fine di fornire uno strumento per la conoscenza della città storica in mobilità, attraverso la comparazione dello stato attuale con quello ricostruito virtualmente.
Arthropodenhämocyanine und Molluskenhämocyanine, die extrazellulären Atmungsproteine der Arthropoden und Mollusken, unterscheiden sich grundsätzlich im Aufbau, besitzen aber ähnliche aktive Zentren, welche in ihrer oxydierten Form für die Blaufärbung der Hämocyanine verantwortlich sind. Sauerstoff wird im Bindungszentrum zwischen zwei, von sechs Histidinen ligandierten, Kupfer(I)Ionen gebunden. Arthropodenhämocyanine bauen sich artspezifisch aus 1, 2, 4, 6, oder 8 Hexameren mit D3-Symmetrie auf. Die Untereinheiten von je ca. 75 kDa falten sich in drei Domänen unterschiedlicher Funktionen. Der komplexe, hierarchische Zusammenbau der Arthropodenhämocyanine hängt von der Heterogenität der Untereinheiten ab. Die 7 verschieden Sequenzen des 4x6-Hämocyanins von Eurypelma californicum (EcHc) sind biochemisch in der Quartärstruktur lokalisiert. Bislang fehlte noch ein unabhängig erstelltes 3D-Modell der geometrischen Gesamtstruktur welche die hexamere und monomere Topographie eindeutig zeigt. Dessen Erstellung war Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, in Verbindung mit der Zielsetzung, die 3D-Rekonstruktion in den beiden extremen physiologischen Zuständen, mit und ohne gebundenen Sauerstoff, zu erzeugen. Dazu wurden in einer eigens entwickelten Atmosphären-Präparationskammer die Proteine in Lösung schockgefrorenen und mittels Cryo-3D-Elektronenmikroskopie gemessen. Aus den daraus gewonnen Projektionsbildern ließen sich mit der ”Single Particle Analyse“ die 3D-Informationen zurückberechnen. Die 3D-Rekonstruktionen wurden mit der publizierten Röntgenkristallstruktur des hexameren Referenz-Hämocyanins der Languste Panulirus interruptus verifiziert. Die Rekonstruktionen erlaubten die eindeutige Messung diverser in der Literatur diskutierter Parameter der Architektur des 4x6-EcHc und darüber hinaus weiterer geometrischer Parameter, welche hier erstmals veröffentlicht werden. SAXS-Daten sagen extreme Translationen und Rotationen von Teilquartärstrukturen zwischen oxy- und deoxy-EcHc voraus, was von den 3D-Rekonstruktionen der beiden Zustände nicht bestätigt werden konnte: Die 16 Å Rekonstruktion der Deoxyform weicht geometrisch nicht von der 21 Å Rekonstruktion der Oxyform ab. Die Einpassung der publizierten Röntgenstruktur der Untereinheit II des Hämocyanin des Pfeilschwanzkrebses Limulus polyphemus in die Rekonstruktionen unterstützt eine auf der hexameren Hierarchieebene lokalisierte Dynamik der Oxygenierung. Mittels Einpassung modellierter molekularer Strukturen der EcHc-Sequenzen konnte eine erste Vermutung zur Lokalisation der beiden zentralen Linker-Untereinheiten b und c des 4x6-Moleküls gemacht werden: Demnach würde Untereinheit b in den exponierten Hexameren des Moleküls liegen. Aussagen über die Quartärstrukturbindungen auf molekularer Ebene aufgrund der Einpassung modellierter molekularer Daten in die Rekonstruktionen sind als spekulativ einzustufen: a) Die Auflösung der Rekonstruktion ist verbesserungswürdig. b) Es gibt keine adäquate Vorlage für eine verlässliche Strukturvorhersage; die verschiedenen EcHc-Sequenzen liegen nur als Modellierung vor. c) Es wäre eine flexible Einpassung notwendig, um Ungenauigkeiten in den modellierten Strukturen durch Sekundärstrukturanpassung zu minimieren.
The work of the present thesis is focused on the implementation of microelectronic voltage sensing devices, with the purpose of transmitting and extracting analog information between devices of different nature at short distances or upon contact. Initally, chip-to-chip communication has been studied, and circuitry for 3D capacitive coupling has been implemented. Such circuits allow the communication between dies fabricated in different technologies. Due to their novelty, they are not standardized and currently not supported by standard CAD tools. In order to overcome such burden, a novel approach for the characterization of such communicating links has been proposed. This results in shorter design times and increased accuracy. Communication between an integrated circuit (IC) and a probe card has been extensively studied as well. Today wafer probing is a costly test procedure with many drawbacks, which could be overcome by a different communication approach such as capacitive coupling. For this reason wireless wafer probing has been investigated as an alternative approach to standard on-contact wafer probing. Interfaces between integrated circuits and biological systems have also been investigated. Active electrodes for simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and electrical impedance tomography (EIT) have been implemented for the first time in a 0.35 um process. Number of wires has been minimized by sharing the analog outputs and supply on a single wire, thus implementing electrodes that require only 4 wires for their operation. Minimization of wires reduces the cable weight and thus limits the patient's discomfort. The physical channel for communication between an IC and a biological medium is represented by the electrode itself. As this is a very crucial point for biopotential acquisitions, large efforts have been carried in order to investigate the different electrode technologies and geometries and an electromagnetic model is presented in order to characterize the properties of the electrode to skin interface.
L'area dei Lungarni di Pisa nel tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo). un tentativo di ricostruzione in 3D.
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è la ricostruzione dei Lungarni di Pisa nel Tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo); lo studio intende sottolineare le trasformazioni urbanistiche che hanno cambiato il volto di Pisa nel corso del tempo e ricordare che l’area fluviale ebbe un ruolo di primo piano come baricentro commerciale ed economico della città, vocazione che si è in gran parte persa con l’età moderna e contemporanea. La metodologia seguita, affinata e perfezionata durante la partecipazione al progetto Nu.M.E. (Nuovo Museo Elettronico della Città di Bologna), si basa sull’analisi e il confronto di fonti eterogenee ma complementari, che includono precedenti studi di storia dell’urbanistica, un corpus di documentazione di epoca medievale (provvedimenti amministrativi come gli Statuti del Comune di Pisa, ma anche descrizioni di cronisti e viaggiatori), fonti iconografiche, tra cui vedute e mappe cinquecentesche o successive, e fonti materiali, come le persistenze medievali ancora osservabili all’interno degli edifici ed i reperti rinvenuti durante alcune campagne di scavo archeologiche. Il modello 3D non è concepito come statico e “chiuso”, ma è liberamente esplorabile all’interno di un engine tridimensionale; tale prodotto può essere destinato a livelli di utenza diversi, che includono sia studiosi e specialisti interessati a conoscere un maggior numero di informazioni e ad approfondire la ricerca, sia semplici cittadini appassionati di storia o utenti più giovani, come studenti di scuole medie superiori e inferiori.
In this thesis a mathematical model was derived that describes the charge and energy transport in semiconductor devices like transistors. Moreover, numerical simulations of these physical processes are performed. In order to accomplish this, methods of theoretical physics, functional analysis, numerical mathematics and computer programming are applied. After an introduction to the status quo of semiconductor device simulation methods and a brief review of historical facts up to now, the attention is shifted to the construction of a model, which serves as the basis of the subsequent derivations in the thesis. Thereby the starting point is an important equation of the theory of dilute gases. From this equation the model equations are derived and specified by means of a series expansion method. This is done in a multi-stage derivation process, which is mainly taken from a scientific paper and which does not constitute the focus of this thesis. In the following phase we specify the mathematical setting and make precise the model assumptions. Thereby we make use of methods of functional analysis. Since the equations we deal with are coupled, we are concerned with a nonstandard problem. In contrary, the theory of scalar elliptic equations is established meanwhile. Subsequently, we are preoccupied with the numerical discretization of the equations. A special finite-element method is used for the discretization. This special approach has to be done in order to make the numerical results appropriate for practical application. By a series of transformations from the discrete model we derive a system of algebraic equations that are eligible for numerical evaluation. Using self-made computer programs we solve the equations to get approximate solutions. These programs are based on new and specialized iteration procedures that are developed and thoroughly tested within the frame of this research work. Due to their importance and their novel status, they are explained and demonstrated in detail. We compare these new iterations with a standard method that is complemented by a feature to fit in the current context. A further innovation is the computation of solutions in three-dimensional domains, which are still rare. Special attention is paid to applicability of the 3D simulation tools. The programs are designed to have justifiable working complexity. The simulation results of some models of contemporary semiconductor devices are shown and detailed comments on the results are given. Eventually, we make a prospect on future development and enhancements of the models and of the algorithms that we used.
Präsentiert wird ein vollständiger, exakter und effizienter Algorithmus zur Berechnung des Nachbarschaftsgraphen eines Arrangements von Quadriken (Algebraische Flächen vom Grad 2). Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Berechnung des vollen 3D Arrangements. Dabei greifen wir auf eine bereits existierende Implementierung zur Berechnung der exakten Parametrisierung der Schnittkurve von zwei Quadriken zurück. Somit ist es möglich, die exakten Parameterwerte der Schnittpunkte zu bestimmen, diese entlang der Kurven zu sortieren und den Nachbarschaftsgraphen zu berechnen. Wir bezeichnen unsere Implementierung als vollständig, da sie auch die Behandlung aller Sonderfälle wie singulärer oder tangentialer Schnittpunkte einschließt. Sie ist exakt, da immer das mathematisch korrekte Ergebnis berechnet wird. Und schließlich bezeichnen wir unsere Implementierung als effizient, da sie im Vergleich mit dem einzigen bisher implementierten Ansatz gut abschneidet. Implementiert wurde unser Ansatz im Rahmen des Projektes EXACUS. Das zentrale Ziel von EXACUS ist es, einen Prototypen eines zuverlässigen und leistungsfähigen CAD Geometriekerns zu entwickeln. Obwohl wir das Design unserer Bibliothek als prototypisch bezeichnen, legen wir dennoch größten Wert auf Vollständigkeit, Exaktheit, Effizienz, Dokumentation und Wiederverwendbarkeit. Über den eigentlich Beitrag zu EXACUS hinaus, hatte der hier vorgestellte Ansatz durch seine besonderen Anforderungen auch wesentlichen Einfluss auf grundlegende Teile von EXACUS. Im Besonderen hat diese Arbeit zur generischen Unterstützung der Zahlentypen und der Verwendung modularer Methoden innerhalb von EXACUS beigetragen. Im Rahmen der derzeitigen Integration von EXACUS in CGAL wurden diese Teile bereits erfolgreich in ausgereifte CGAL Pakete weiterentwickelt.
Sowohl in der Natur als auch in der Industrie existieren thermisch induzierte Strömungen. Von Interesse für diese Forschungsarbeit sind dabei die Konvektionen im Erdmantel sowie in den Glasschmelzwannen. Der dort stattfindende Materialtransport resultiert aus Unterschieden in der Dichte, der Temperatur und der chemischen Konzentration innerhalb des konvektierenden Materials. Um das Verständnis für die ablaufenden Prozesse zu verbessern, werden von zahlreichen Forschergruppen numerische Modellierungen durchgeführt. Die Verifikation der dafür verwendeten Algorithmen erfolgt meist über die Analyse von Laborexperimenten. Im Vordergrund dieser Forschungsarbeit steht die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung der dreidimensionalen Temperaturverteilung für die Untersuchung von thermisch induzierten Strömungen in einem Versuchsbecken. Eine direkte Temperaturmessung im Inneren des Versuchsmaterials bzw. der Glasschmelze beeinflusst allerdings das Strömungsverhalten. Deshalb wird die geodynamisch störungsfrei arbeitende Impedanztomographie verwendet. Die Grundlage dieser Methode bildet der erweiterte Arrhenius-Zusammenhang zwischen Temperatur und spezifischer elektrischer Leitfähigkeit. Während der Laborexperimente wird ein zähflüssiges Polyethylenglykol-Wasser-Gemisch in einem Becken von unten her erhitzt. Die auf diese Weise generierten Strömungen stellen unter Berücksichtigung der Skalierung ein Analogon sowohl zu dem Erdmantel als auch zu den Schmelzwannen dar. Über mehrere Elektroden, die an den Beckenwänden installiert sind, erfolgen die geoelektrischen Messungen. Nach der sich anschließenden dreidimensionalen Inversion der elektrischen Widerstände liegt das Modell mit der Verteilung der spezifischen elektrischen Leitfähigkeit im Inneren des Versuchsbeckens vor. Diese wird mittels der erweiterten Arrhenius-Formel in eine Temperaturverteilung umgerechnet. Zum Nachweis der Eignung dieser Methode für die nichtinvasive Bestimmung der dreidimensionalen Temperaturverteilung wurden mittels mehrerer Thermoelemente an den Beckenwänden zusätzlich direkte Temperaturmessungen durchgeführt und die Werte miteinander verglichen. Im Wesentlichen sind die Innentemperaturen gut rekonstruierbar, wobei die erreichte Messgenauigkeit von der räumlichen und zeitlichen Auflösung der Gleichstromgeoelektrik abhängt.
Supercritical Emulsion Extraction technology (SEE-C) was proposed for the production of poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid microcarriers. SEE-C operating parameters as pressure, temperature and flow rate ratios were analyzed and the process performance was optimized in terms of size distribution and encapsulation efficiency. Microdevices loaded with bovine serum insulin were produced with different sizes (2 and 3 µm) or insulin charges (3 and 6 mg/g) and with an encapsulation efficiency of 60%. The microcarriers were characterized in terms of insulin release profile in two different media (PBS and DMEM) and the diffusion and degradation constants were also estimated by using a mathematical model. PLGA microdevices were also used in a cultivation of embryonic ventricular myoblasts (cell line H9c2 obtained from rat) in a FBS serum free medium to monitor cell viability and growth in dependence of insulin released. Good cell viability and growth were observed on 3 µm microdevices loaded with 3 mg/g of insulin. PLGA microspheres loaded with growth factors (GFs) were charged into alginate scaffold with human Mesenchimal Steam Cells (hMSC) for bone tissue engineering with the aim of monitoring the effect of the local release of these signals on cells differentiation. These “living” 3D scaffolds were incubated in a direct perfusion tubular bioreactor to enhance nutrient transport and exposing the cells to a given shear stress. Different GFs such as, h-VEGF, h-BMP2 and a mix of two (ratio 1:1) were loaded and alginate beads were recovered from dynamic (tubular perfusion system bioreactor) and static culture at different time points (1st, 7th, 21st days) for the analytical assays such as, live/dead; alkaline phosphatase; osteocalcin; osteopontin and Van Kossa Immunoassay. The immunoassay confirmed always a better cells differentiation in the bioreactor with respect to the static culture and revealed a great influence of the BMP-2 released in the scaffold on cell differentiation.
L’obbiettivo di una ricostruzione micro vascolare di mandibola è quello di assicurare al paziente il miglior risultato estetico e funzionale auspicabile. Ciò può essere conseguito utilizzando il lembo microvascolare di perone/cresta iliaca e una placca ricostruttiva in titanio che funga da guida nella fase di modellamento del lembo per ricreare un contorno parabolico il più possibile simile al profilo mandibolare originario del paziente. Il modellamento manuale ed artigianale intraoperatorio di una placca ricostruttiva è operatore dipendente ed anche in mani molto abili o ricorrendo a modelli anatomici stereolitografici non sempre risulta preciso quanto voluto e spesso non porta ai risultati postoperatori attesi e desiderati. Obbiettivo del nostro studio è stato pertanto, sfruttando le moderne tecnologie CAD-CAM, la produzione di placche ricostruttive “custom -made” progettate direttamente al computer ricreanti il profilo osseo originale del paziente.
Ultrasound imaging is widely used in medical diagnostics as it is the fastest, least invasive, and least expensive imaging modality. However, ultrasound images are intrinsically difficult to be interpreted. In this scenario, Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems can be used to support physicians during diagnosis providing them a second opinion. This thesis discusses efficient ultrasound processing techniques for computer aided medical diagnostics, focusing on two major topics: (i) Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC), aimed at characterizing and differentiating between healthy and diseased tissue; (ii) Ultrasound Image Segmentation (UIS), aimed at detecting the boundaries of anatomical structures to automatically measure organ dimensions and compute clinically relevant functional indices. Research on UTC produced a CAD tool for Prostate Cancer detection to improve the biopsy protocol. In particular, this thesis contributes with: (i) the development of a robust classification system; (ii) the exploitation of parallel computing on GPU for real-time performance; (iii) the introduction of both an innovative Semi-Supervised Learning algorithm and a novel supervised/semi-supervised learning scheme for CAD system training that improve system performance reducing data collection effort and avoiding collected data wasting. The tool provides physicians a risk map highlighting suspect tissue areas, allowing them to perform a lesion-directed biopsy. Clinical validation demonstrated the system validity as a diagnostic support tool and its effectiveness at reducing the number of biopsy cores requested for an accurate diagnosis. For UIS the research developed a heart disease diagnostic tool based on Real-Time 3D Echocardiography. Thesis contributions to this application are: (i) the development of an automated GPU based level-set segmentation framework for 3D images; (ii) the application of this framework to the myocardium segmentation. Experimental results showed the high efficiency and flexibility of the proposed framework. Its effectiveness as a tool for quantitative analysis of 3D cardiac morphology and function was demonstrated through clinical validation.