1000 resultados para 364.157


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Une cohorte de 6477 nouveau-nés de mères résidant dans le Canton du Vaud a été recrutée pendant une année (1993-1994) dans les 18 maternités vaudoises et celle de Châtel-St-Denis. L'objectif de l'étude EDEN (Etude du DEveloppement des Nouveau-nés) est de calculer l'incidence et la prévalence des affections chroniques de toute étiologie et pour toutes les catégories de poids de naissance, à 18 mois et à 4 ans. Ce rapport présente la méthode de l'étude et l'état de santé à la naissance. Cinq critères de sélection non exclusifs ont permis de cibler un groupe de nouveau-nés à haut risque de développer une affection chronique (12% des nouveau-nés, n=760): (1) le petit poids de naissance (n=408, 6.5% des naissances vivantes); (2) une malformation congénitale ou une maladie génétique (n=157, 2.4% des naissances vivantes); (3) une affection susceptible de devenir chronique liée à une utilisation importante des services de soins au cours de la petite enfance (n=61, 0.9% des naissances vivantes); (4) le transfert aux soins intensifs (n=287, 4.4% des naissances vivantes); (5) des difficultés sociales importantes (n=105, 1.6% des naissances vivantes). Le taux d'acceptation de l'étude par les parents est bon (90%). En tout 5.9% des enfants étaient prématurés et 2.2 pour mille sont décédés à < ou = à 7 jours de vie. Selon les indicateurs à disposition, le réseau vaudois répond efficacement aux besoins en soins obstétricaux et néonatals La durée moyenne du séjour hospitalier était de 7 jours, avec des variations importantes. L'influence néfaste du tabagisme pendant la grossesse se manifeste par un doublement du risque de poids de naissance < ou = à 2500g chez les fumeuses; 24% des femmes ont fumé pendant leur grossesse, pour les trois quarts jusqu'à l'accouchement. Un grand potentiel de prévention subsiste dans ce domaine. L'examen des enfants à 18 mois, terminé fin mai 1996, ainsi que celui des 4 ans, permettront de valider les critères de sélection à la naissance comme indicateurs précoces de problèmes de santé chroniques dans la petite enfance. Les nouveaux cas d'affection chronique seront alors signalés par les pédiatres et les médecins spécialistes. [Auteurs, p. 9]


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PURPOSE: Activity monitoring is considered a highly relevant outcome measure of respiratory rehabilitation. This study aimed to assess the usefulness of a new accelerometric method for characterization of walking activity during a 3-week inpatient rehabilitation program. METHODS: After individual calibration of the accelerometer at different walking speeds, whole-day physical activity was recorded for 15 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on the first and the last days of the program, and for 10 healthy subjects. Data were expressed as percentage of time spent in inactivity, low level activity, and medium level activity, with the latter corresponding to usual walking speed. RESULTS: The patients spent more time being inactive and less time walking than healthy subjects. At the end of the rehabilitation program, medium level activity had increased from 4% to 7% of total recording time. However, the change was not significant after periods of imposed exercise training were excluded. Walking activity increased to a greater degree among the patients with preserved limb muscle strength at entry to the program. Although health status scores improved, the changes did not correlate with the changes in walking activity. CONCLUSION: The findings lead to the conclusion that this new accelerometric method provides detailed analysis of walking activity during respiratory rehabilitation and may represent an additional useful measure of outcome.


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Microautophagy involves direct invagination and fission of the vacuolar/lysosomal membrane under nutrient limitation. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae microautophagic uptake of soluble cytosolic proteins occurs via an autophagic tube, a highly specialized vacuolar membrane invagination. At the tip of an autophagic tube vesicles (autophagic bodies) pinch off into thevacuolar lumen for degradation. Formation of autophagic tubes is topologically equivalent to other budding processes directed away from the cytosolic environment, e.g., the invagination of multivesicular endosomes, retroviral budding, piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus and micropexophagy. This clearly distinguishes microautophagy from other membrane fission events following budding toward the cytosol. Such processes are implicated in transport between organelles like the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the Golgi. Over many years microautophagy only could be characterized microscopically. Recent studies provided the possibility to study the process in vitro and have identified the first molecules that are involved in microautophagy.


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Vitamin K deficiency bleeding within the first 24 h of life is caused in most cases by maternal drug intake (e.g. coumarins, anticonvulsants, tuberculostatics) during pregnancy. Haemorrhage is often life-threatening and usually not prevented by vitamin K prophylaxis at birth. We report a case of severe intracranial bleeding at birth secondary to phenobarbital-induced vitamin K deficiency and traumatic delivery. Burr hole trepanations of the skull were performed and the subdural haematoma was evacuated. Despite the severe prognosis, the infant showed an unexpected good recovery. At the age of 3 years, neurological examinations were normal as was the EEG at the age of 9 months. CT showed close to normal intracranial structures. CONCLUSION: This case report stresses the importance of antenatal vitamin K prophylaxis and the consideration of a primary Caesarean section in maternal vitamin K deficiency states and demonstrates the successful management of massive subdural haemorrhage by a limited surgical approach.


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Acute heart failure in the early neonatal period is rare. Normally it is due to asphyxia, severe septicaemia, a congenital heart malformation or a viral myocarditis. Kawasaki disease (KD) as a cause of an neonatal myocarditis is not an established diagnosis. KD is a vasculitis of still unknown origin occurring predominantly in infants and preschool children. KD before the age of 3 months is rare. There are only few reports about KD in the 1st month. We present a newborn who showed the cardiac symptoms of KD in the 1st week of life with coronary dilatation and myocarditis. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of incomplete KD should be considered not only in infants but also in newborns with signs of myocarditis and coronary abnormalities. Therapy with gammaglobulins may prevent the sequelae of coronary involvement.


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It is generally accepted that most plant populations are locally adapted. Yet, understanding how environmental forces give rise to adaptive genetic variation is a challenge in conservation genetics and crucial to the preservation of species under rapidly changing climatic conditions. Environmental variation, phylogeographic history, and population demographic processes all contribute to spatially structured genetic variation, however few current models attempt to separate these confounding effects. To illustrate the benefits of using a spatially-explicit model for identifying potentially adaptive loci, we compared outlier locus detection methods with a recently-developed landscape genetic approach. We analyzed 157 loci from samples of the alpine herb Gentiana nivalis collected across the European Alps. Principle coordinates of neighbor matrices (PCNM), eigenvectors that quantify multi-scale spatial variation present in a data set, were incorporated into a landscape genetic approach relating AFLP frequencies with 23 environmental variables. Four major findings emerged. 1) Fifteen loci were significantly correlated with at least one predictor variable (R (adj) (2) > 0.5). 2) Models including PCNM variables identified eight more potentially adaptive loci than models run without spatial variables. 3) When compared to outlier detection methods, the landscape genetic approach detected four of the same loci plus 11 additional loci. 4) Temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation were the three major environmental factors driving potentially adaptive genetic variation in G. nivalis. Techniques presented in this paper offer an efficient method for identifying potentially adaptive genetic variation and associated environmental forces of selection, providing an important step forward for the conservation of non-model species under global change.


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Object The purpose of this study was to establish the safety and efficacy of repeat Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) for recurrent trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Methods Using the prospective database of TN patients treated with GKS in Timone University Hospital (Marseille, France), data were analyzed for 737 patients undergoing GKS for TN Type 1 from July 1992 to November 2010. Among the 497 patients with initial pain cessation, 34.4% (157/456 with ≥ 1-year follow-up) experienced at least 1 recurrence. Thirteen patients (1.8%) were considered for a second GKS, proposed only if the patients had good and prolonged initial pain cessation after the first GKS, with no other treatment alternative at the moment of recurrence. As for the first GKS, a single 4-mm isocenter was positioned in the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve at a median distance of 7.6 mm (range 4-14 mm) anterior to the emergence of the nerve (retrogasserian target). A median maximum dose of 90 Gy (range 70-90 Gy) was delivered. Data for 9 patients with at least 1-year followup were analyzed. A systematic review of literature was also performed, and results are compared with those of the Marseille study. Results The median time to retreatment in the Marseille study was 72 months (range 12-125 months) and in the literature it was 17 months (range 3-146 months). In the Marseille study, the median follow-up period was 33.9 months (range 12-96 months), and 8 of 9 patients (88.9%) had initial pain cessation with a median of 6.5 days (range 1-180 days). The actuarial rate for new hypesthesia was 33.3% at 6 months and 50% at 1 year, which remained stable for 7 years. The actuarial probabilities of maintaining pain relief without medication at 6 months and 1 year were 100% and 75%, respectively, and remained stable for 7 years. The systematic review analyzed 20 peer-reviewed studies reporting outcomes for repeat GKS for recurrent TN, with a total of 626 patients. Both the selection of the cases for retreatment and the way of reporting outcomes vary widely among studies, with a median rate for initial pain cessation of 88% (range 60%-100%) and for new hypesthesia of 33% (range 11%-80%). Conclusions Results from the Marseille study raise the question of surgical alternatives after failed GKS for TN. The rates of initial pain cessation and recurrence seem comparable to, or even better than, those of the first GKS, according to different studies, but toxicity is much higher, both in the Marseille study and in the published data. Neither the Marseille study data nor literature data answer the 3 cardinal questions regarding repeat radiosurgery in recurrent TN: which patients to retreat, which target is optimal, and which dose to use.


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RESUME : La douleur neuropathique est le résultat d'une lésion ou d'un dysfonctionnement du système nerveux. Les symptômes qui suivent la douleur neuropathique sont sévères et leur traitement inefficace. Une meilleure approche thérapeutique peut être proposée en se basant sur les mécanismes pathologiques de la douleur neuropathique. Lors d'une lésion périphérique une douleur neuropathique peut se développer et affecter le territoire des nerfs lésés mais aussi les territoires adjacents des nerfs non-lésés. Une hyperexcitabilité des neurones apparaît au niveau des ganglions spinaux (DRG) et de la corne dorsale (DH) de la moelle épinière. Le but de ce travail consiste à mettre en évidence les modifications moléculaires associées aux nocicepteurs lésés et non-lésés au niveau des DRG et des laminae I et II de la corne dorsale, là où l'information nociceptive est intégrée. Pour étudier les changements moléculaires liés à la douleur neuropathique nous utilisons le modèle animal d'épargne du nerf sural (spared nerve injury model, SNI) une semaine après la lésion. Pour la sélection du tissu d'intérêt nous avons employé la technique de la microdissection au laser, afin de sélectionner une sous-population spécifique de cellules (notamment les nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés) mais également de prélever le tissu correspondant dans les laminae superficielles. Ce travail est couplé à l'analyse à large spectre du transcriptome par puce ADN (microarray). Par ailleurs, nous avons étudié les courants électriques et les propriétés biophysiques des canaux sodiques (Na,,ls) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés des DRG. Aussi bien dans le système nerveux périphérique, entre les neurones lésés et non-lésés, qu'au niveau central avec les aires recevant les projections des nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés, l'analyse du transcriptome montre des différences de profil d'expression. En effet, nous avons constaté des changements transcriptionnels importants dans les nocicepteurs lésés (1561 gènes, > 1.5x et pairwise comparaison > 77%) ainsi que dans les laminae correspondantes (618 gènes), alors que ces modifications transcriptionelles sont mineures au niveau des nocicepteurs non-lésés (60 gènes), mais important dans leurs laminae de projection (459 gènes). Au niveau des nocicepteurs, en utilisant la classification par groupes fonctionnels (Gene Ontology), nous avons observé que plusieurs processus biologiques sont modifiés. Ainsi des fonctions telles que la traduction des signaux cellulaires, l'organisation du cytosquelette ainsi que les mécanismes de réponse au stress sont affectés. Par contre dans les neurones non-lésés seuls les processus biologiques liés au métabolisme et au développement sont modifiés. Au niveau de la corne dorsale de la moelle, nous avons observé des modifications importantes des processus immuno-inflammatoires dans l'aire affectée par les nerfs lésés et des changements associés à l'organisation et la transmission synaptique au niveau de l'aire des nerfs non-lésés. L'analyse approfondie des canaux sodiques a démontré plusieurs changements d'expression, principalement dans les neurones lésés. Les analyses fonctionnelles n'indiquent aucune différence entre les densités de courant tétrodotoxine-sensible (TTX-S) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés même si les niveaux d'expression des ARNm des sous-unités TTX-S sont modifiés dans les neurones lésés. L'inactivation basale dépendante du voltage des canaux tétrodotoxine-insensible (TTX-R) est déplacée vers des potentiels positifs dans les cellules lésées et non-lésées. En revanche la vitesse de récupération des courants TTX-S et TTX-R après inactivation est accélérée dans les neurones lésés. Ces changements pourraient être à l'origine de l'altération de l'activité électrique des neurones sensoriels dans le contexte des douleurs neuropathiques. En résumé, ces résultats suggèrent l'existence de mécanismes différenciés affectant les neurones lésés et les neurones adjacents non-lésés lors de la mise en place la douleur neuropathique. De plus, les changements centraux au niveau de la moelle épinière qui surviennent après lésion sont probablement intégrés différemment selon la perception de signaux des neurones périphériques lésés ou non-lésés. En conclusion, ces modulations complexes et distinctes sont probablement des acteurs essentiels impliqués dans la genèse et la persistance des douleurs neuropathiques. ABSTRACT : Neuropathic pain (NP) results from damage or dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system. Symptoms associated with NP are severe and difficult to treat. Targeting NP mechanisms and their translation into symptoms may offer a better therapeutic approach.Hyperexcitability of the peripheral and central nervous system occurs in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and the dorsal horn (DH) of the spinal cord. We aimed to identify transcriptional variations in injured and in adjacent non-injured nociceptors as well as in corresponding laminae I and II of DH receiving their inputs.We investigated changes one week after the injury induced by the spared nerve injury model of NP. We employed the laser capture microdissection (LCM) for the procurement of specific cell-types (enrichment in nociceptors of injured/non-injured neurons) and laminae in combination with transcriptional analysis by microarray. In addition, we studied functionál properties and currents of sodium channels (Nav1s) in injured and neighboring non-injured DRG neurons.Microarray analysis at the periphery between injured and non-injured DRG neurons and centrally between the area of central projections from injured and non-injured neurons show significant and differential expression patterns. We reported changes in injured nociceptors (1561 genes, > 1.5 fold, >77% pairwise comparison) and in corresponding DH laminae (618 genes), while less modifications occurred in non-injured nociceptors (60 genes) and in corresponding DH laminae (459 genes). At the periphery, we observed by Gene Ontology the involvement of multiple biological processes in injured neurons such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton organization or stress responses. On contrast, functional overrepresentations in non-injured neurons were noted only in metabolic or developmentally related mechanisms. At the level of superficial laminae of the dorsal horn, we reported changes of immune and inflammatory processes in injured-related DH and changes associated with synaptic organization and transmission in DH corresponding to non-injured neurons. Further transcriptional analysis of Nav1s indicated several changes in injured neurons. Functional analyses of Nav1s have established no difference in tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) current densities in both injured and non-injured neurons, despite changes in TTX-S Nav1s subunit mRNA levels. The tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) voltage dependence of steady state inactivation was shifted to more positive potentials in both injured and non-injured neurons, and the rate of recovery from inactivation of TTX-S and TTX-R currents was accelerated in injured neurons. These changes may lead to alterations in neuronal electrogenesis. Taken together, these findings suggest different mechanisms occurring in the injured neurons and the adjacent non-injured ones. Moreover, central changes after injury are probably driven in a different manner if they receive inputs from injured or non-injured neurons. Together, these distinct and complex modulations may contribute to NP.


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Specific properties emerge from the structure of large networks, such as that of worldwide air traffic, including a highly hierarchical node structure and multi-level small world sub-groups that strongly influence future dynamics. We have developed clustering methods to understand the form of these structures, to identify structural properties, and to evaluate the effects of these properties. Graph clustering methods are often constructed from different components: a metric, a clustering index, and a modularity measure to assess the quality of a clustering method. To understand the impact of each of these components on the clustering method, we explore and compare different combinations. These different combinations are used to compare multilevel clustering methods to delineate the effects of geographical distance, hubs, network densities, and bridges on worldwide air passenger traffic. The ultimate goal of this methodological research is to demonstrate evidence of combined effects in the development of an air traffic network. In fact, the network can be divided into different levels of âeurooecohesionâeuro, which can be qualified and measured by comparative studies (Newman, 2002; Guimera et al., 2005; Sales-Pardo et al., 2007).


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Differential display technique was applied in order to identify transcripts which are present in axenic amastigotes but not in promastigotes of the Leishmania panamensis parasites. One of them was cloned and the sequence reveals an open reading frame of 364 amino acids (aprox. 40 kDa). The deduced protein is homologous to the serine/threonine protein kinases and specially to the mitogen activates protein kinases from eukaryotic species. Southern blot analysis suggest that this transcript, named lpmkh, is present in the genome of the parasite as a single copy gene. These results could imply that lpmkh could be involved in the differentiation process or the preservation of amastigotes in axenic conditions.


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Mammalian genomes contain highly conserved sequences that are not functionally transcribed. These sequences are single copy and comprise approximately 1-2% of the human genome. Evolutionary analysis strongly supports their functional conservation, although their potentially diverse, functional attributes remain unknown. It is likely that genomic variation in conserved non-genic sequences is associated with phenotypic variability and human disorders. So how might their function and contribution to human disorders be examined?