930 resultados para 1932 Manifesto


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Reactions of zinc(II) or cadmium(II) salts with terephthalic acid (H(2)tp) and 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl) propane (bpp) have afforded four coordination polymers at room temperature, [Zn(mu-tp)(mu-bpp)](n)center dot 2nH(2)O (1), [Cd-2(mu-tp)(2)(mu-bpp)(3)](n)center dot 2nH(2)O (2), [Cd(mu-tp)(mu-bpp)(H2O)](n)center dot nH(2)O (3), and [Cd-2(mu-tp)(mu-bpp)(2)(bpp)(2)Br-2](n) (4). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction has revealed interesting topological features for these compounds.


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A direct, quasi-reversible electrochemical reaction of horse heart hemoglobin without further purification was obtained for the first time at the indium oxide electrode when oxygen was removed from the solution and hemoglobin molecules. It was found that removing oxygen from the solution and hemoglobin molecules is an important factor for obtaining the quasi-reversible electrochemical reaction of hemoglobin.


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海洋沉积环境中多氯联苯(PCBs)和多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究对于揭示其污染历史、来源途径、迁移转化以及评价其对环境的潜在生态风险都有重要的科学意义和应用价值,本研究选择我国典型近海中比较开阔的南黄海和受人为影响严重的渤海湾沉积物中的PAHs和PCBs作为主要研究对象,结合对生态环境对应关系的剖析,系统研究了沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的地球化学分布特征、影响控制因素、演变趋势、潜在生态风险等,获得了以下系统的认识: 1.南黄海表层沉积物中多环芳烃和多氯联苯的分布与沉积类型及模式相一致,受控于“沉积类型-动力过程-来源途径”。PCBs含量(范围:518~5848 pg/g,平均值:1715 pg/g)低于受人为影响严重的长江口、珠江口和渤海,分布具有中部海区>东部海区>西部海区的特征;PCBs随着沉积物粒径的减小和粘土含量的增加而增加,且与总有机碳(r=0.61,p<0.01)含量呈显著线性正相关,表明PCBs在沉积物中的分布受控于被水动力过程原动力控制的沉积类型与沉积模式。 2. 1914~2004年间,南黄海沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的变化比较显著,在时间序列上经历了三个明显的不同阶段。近90年来,PAHs和PCBs在柱状样中垂直分布随深度的增加而降低,即近年南黄海沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的残留水平比上世纪初明显增加。其中1914~1932年间,PAHs和PCBs保持在较低的水平;1932~1962年间,PAHs和PCBs的含量发生急剧的变化,在1932~1944和1956~1962年两个时间段,PAHs和PCBs的含量达到峰值;自1962年至今,PAHs和PCBs呈稍有增加趋势。PAHs的组成和特征组分比值分析显示,1920~1944年间PAHs主要来自石油产品泄漏,1944~1980年间,主要来自草/木材/煤燃烧,1980年至2004年则显示出石油和燃烧产物混合来源的特征。 3.渤海湾沉积物中的PAHs、PCBs、DDTs和HCHs的分布模式不同,反映了这四种污染物的地球化学行为存在着明显的差异性。PAHs、PCBs、DDTs和HCHs的含量范围为149.0~393.4 ng/g,360.8~1728.3 pg/g,462.2~2007.3 pg/g和4.31~33.8 ng/g。马颊河口、海河口和黄河口附近的海区的沉积物中PAHs和PCBs的含量显著高于渤海湾内其它站位,DDTs在湾外沉积物中的含量大于湾内,在海河口附近站位测得HCHs含量的最高值,在其它站位其浓度变化不大。PAHs特征成分的比值显示渤海湾沉积物中PAHs主要来源于草/木材/煤燃烧的产物经过大气的输运过程进入水体;DDTs和HCHs的组成显示,在DDTs和HCHs被禁用后仍有新的输入源。 4.南黄海沉积物POPs总体水平不高,其环境污染危害和潜在生态风险不大,从沉积物POPs的角度来说南黄海的环境质量较好。潜在生态危害指数评价表明,渤海湾沉积物中芴可能会产生潜在的生态风险,DDTs和HCHs的含量低于一类沉积物质量标准值,总体而言,其沉积物质量良好,潜在生态风险较低。 论文的创新性点在于:1)首次研究了近百年南黄海沉积物中多环芳烃和多氯联苯的演变趋势,判断了其来源并对近百年二者的潜在生态风险进行评价。2)系统剖析了南黄海及渤海湾的生态环境与PAHs和PCBs的耦合关系,对阐明POPs的毒理效应有重要的科学意义。3)系统解析了渤海湾沉积物中PAHs,DDTs和HCHs的污染现状,来源和迁移途径,可为科学开发和利用渤海海域提供重要的理论依据。


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本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所收藏的豆蟹科标本和国内外相关文献,进行了中国海域豆蟹科的分类学研究。作者克服了豆蟹科分类难度大,研究积累较少,种的界限不清等困难,在短期内初步查清了中国海域豆蟹科种类及分布情况,共记述5亚科12属 40种。发现4新记录属,9新记录种,和豆蟹属1未定种Pinnotheres sp.,丰富了中国海豆蟹科区系内容,列出了共栖种中国海域全部记录过的宿主。 作者对鉴定过程中出现的疑难问题:“中型三强蟹Tritodynamia intermedia Shen, 1935是否为霍氏三强蟹 Tritodynamia horvathi Nobili, 1905的同物异名” 进行了细致比较、研究,否定了通行多年的Sakai(1976)的“T. intermedia Shen为T. horvathi Nobili的次异名”的结论,肯定了二者均为有效种。 对中国海域豆蟹科种类地理分布初步研究表明其分布与日本海域和东南亚海域都有相似之处,但有显著不同:仅发现于中国海域而未见于日本海域的豆蟹属Pinnotheres多达8种:涨腹豆蟹Pinnotheres excussus Dai et al., 1980,球豆蟹Pinnotheres pilulus Dai et al., 1980,锯颚豆蟹Pinnotheres serrignathus Shen, 1932,宽豆蟹Pinnotheres dilatatus Shen, 1932,青岛豆蟹Pinnotheres tsingtaoensis Shen, 1932,海阳豆蟹Pinnotheres haiyangensis Shen, 1932,钝颚豆蟹Pinnotheres obtusidentata(Dai et al., 1980),光豆蟹Pinnotheres luminatus Dai et al., 1980);仅发现于中国海域的三强蟹属Tritodynamia有4种:福建三强蟹Tritodynamia fujianensis Chen, 1979,长腿三强蟹Tritodynamia longipropodum Dai et al., 1980,宽身三强蟹 Tritodynamia dilatatum Yang et Sun,1996和海南三强蟹 Tritodynamia hainanensis Dai et al.g, 1980;而未发现于中国海域的日本特有种多达13种。结果表明这一类群由于共栖和地域分化程度较高乃至地区性特有种数显著较多。 论文通过对豆蟹科系统分类和初步的动物地理学研究,搞清了中国海豆蟹科的种和分布、多样性及其宿主等基本情况。为今后研究豆蟹科种类生物学、生态学特性提供了基础资料。


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The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Metastrongylidium distichum, isolated from the Yellow Sea, are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Metastrongylidium distichum is about 170 x 40 pm in vivo, clavate to elongate ellipsoidal with bluntly pointed posterior end, and has two macronuclear nodules, six distinctly large buccal and frontal cirri, three dorsal kineties and two each of spiralled ventral and marginal cirral rows. These features indicate a generic allocation in Strongylidium Sterki, 1878. However, the new ciliate has a distinct feature not recognizable in Strongylidiurn, viz., the presence of (three or four) transverse cirri. Thus, we propose a new genus Metastrongylidium for the new species, M distichum nov. gen., n. sp. Metastrongylidium belongs to the family Spirofilidae, where it differs from Mucotrichidium by the lack of postperistomial cirrus and the different frontal and ventral cirral pattern. Metastrongylidium distichum is easily distinguishable from the seemingly similar species Strongylidium californicum Kahl, 1932 by the macronuclear pattern (invariably 2 vs. many nodules). It highly resembles the poorly known species S. contortum (Gelei 1954) Borror, 1972 in the body outline and nuclear pattern, differing in the biotope, the posterior cirral pattern, and the arrangement of right marginal row.


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Surface wave propagation in the anisotropic media and S-wave splitting in China mainland are focused in this M.S. dissertation. We firstly introduced Anderson parameters in the research of surface wave propagation in the anisotropic media were deduced, respectively. By applying the given initial model to the forward calculation of Love wave, we compared dispersion curves of Love wave in the anisotropic media with the one in the isotropic media. the results show that, although the two kind of results are similar with each other, the effect of anisotropy can not be neglected. Furthermore, the variation of anisotropy factors will result in the variation of dispersion curves, especially for high-mode one. The method of grid dispersion inversion was then described for further tectonic inversion. We also deduced inversion equation on the condition that the layered media is anisotropic, and calculated the phase-velocity partial derivatives with respect to the model parameters, P- and S-wave velocities, density, anisotropic parameters for Rayleigh wave and Love wave. Having analyzed the results of phase-velocity partial derivatives, we concluded that the derivatives within each period decreased with the depth increasing, the phase-velocity of surface wave is sensitive to the S-wave velocities and anisotropic factors and is not sensitive to the densities of layers. Dispersion data of Love wave from the events occurred during the period from 1991 to 1998 around the Qinghai and Tibet Plateau, which magnitudes are more than 5.5, have been used in the grid dispersion inversion. Those data have been preprocessed and analyzed in the F-T domain. Then the results of 1°*1° grid dispersion inversion, the pure path dispersion data, in the area of Qianghai and Tibet Plateau were obtained. As an example, dispersion data have been input for the tectonic inversion in the anisotropic media, and the results of anisotropic factors under the region of Qianghai and Tibet Plateau were initially discussed. As for the other part of this dissertation. We first introduced the phenomena of S-wave splitting and the methods for calculation the splitting parameters. Then, We applied Butterworth band-pass filter to S-wave data recorded at 8 stations in China mainland, and analyzed S-wave splitting at different frequency bands. The results show the delay time and the fast polarization directions of S-wave splitting depend upon the frequency bands. There is an absence of S-wave splitting at the station of Wulumuqi (WMQ) for the band of 0.1-0.2Hz. With the frequency band broaden, the delay time of S-wave splitting decreases at the stations of Beijing (BJI), Enshi (ENH), Kunming (KMI) and Mudanjiang (MDJ); the fast polarization direction at Enshi (ENH) changes from westward to eastward, and eastward to westward at Hailaer (HIA). The variations of delay time with bands at Lanzhou (LZH) and qiongzhong (QIZ) are similar, and there is a coherent trend of fast polarization directions at BJI, KMI and MDJ respectively. Initial interpretations to the results of frequency band-dependence of S-wave splitting were also presented.


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Background: the impact of early postnatal androgen exposure on female laryngeal tissue may depend on certain characteristics of this exposure. We assessed the impact of the dose, duration, and timing of early androgen exposure on the vocal development of female subjects who had been treated for adrenocortical tumor (ACT) in childhood.Methods: the long-term effects of androgen exposure on the fundamental vocal frequency (F0), vocal pitch, and final height and the presence of virilizing signs were examined in 9 adult (age, 18.4 to 33.5 years) and 10 adolescent (13.6 to 17.8 years) female ACT patients. We also compared the current values with values obtained 0.9 years to 7.4 years after these subjects had undergone ACT surgery, a period during which they had shown normal androgen levels.Results: of the 19 subjects, 17 (89%) had been diagnosed with ACT before 4 years of age, 1 (5%) at 8.16 years, and 1 (5%) at 10.75 years. Androgen exposure (2 to 30 months) was sufficiently strong to cause pubic hair growth in all subjects and clitoromegaly in 74% (14/19) of the subjects, but did not reduce their height from the target value. Although androgen exposure induced a remarkable reduction in F0 (132 Hz) and moderate pitch virilization in 1 subject and partial F0 virilization, resulting in F0 of 165 and 169 Hz, in 2 subjects, the majority had normal F0 ranging from 189 to 245 Hz.Conclusions: Female laryngeal tissue is less sensitive to androgen exposure between birth and adrenarche than during other periods. Differential larynx sensitivity to androgen exposure in childhood and F0 irreversibility in adulthood are age-, concentration-, duration-, and timing-dependent events that may also be affected by exposure to inhibitory or stimulatory hormones. Further studies are required to better characterize each of these factors.


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Discussion Conclusions Materials and Methods Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract The importance of mangrove forests in carbon sequestration and coastal protection has been widely acknowledged. Large-scale damage of these forests, caused by hurricanes or clear felling, can enhance vulnerability to erosion, subsidence and rapid carbon losses. However, it is unclear how small-scale logging might impact on mangrove functions and services. We experimentally investigated the impact of small-scale tree removal on surface elevation and carbon dynamics in a mangrove forest at Gazi bay, Kenya. The trees in five plots of a Rhizophora mucronata (Lam.) forest were first girdled and then cut. Another set of five plots at the same site served as controls. Treatment induced significant, rapid subsidence (−32.1±8.4 mm yr−1 compared with surface elevation changes of +4.2±1.4 mm yr−1 in controls). Subsidence in treated plots was likely due to collapse and decomposition of dying roots and sediment compaction as evidenced from increased sediment bulk density. Sediment effluxes of CO2 and CH4 increased significantly, especially their heterotrophic component, suggesting enhanced organic matter decomposition. Estimates of total excess fluxes from treated compared with control plots were 25.3±7.4 tCO2 ha−1 yr−1 (using surface carbon efflux) and 35.6±76.9 tCO2 ha−1 yr−1 (using surface elevation losses and sediment properties). Whilst such losses might not be permanent (provided cut areas recover), observed rapid subsidence and enhanced decomposition of soil sediment organic matter caused by small-scale harvesting offers important lessons for mangrove management. In particular mangrove managers need to carefully consider the trade-offs between extracting mangrove wood and losing other mangrove services, particularly shoreline stabilization, coastal protection and carbon storage.