999 resultados para 183-1141


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OBJECTIVES: To explore the association of short-term exposure to particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10 μm (PM10) with pulse pressure, SBP, and DBP taking outdoor temperature into account in two large population-based studies in Switzerland. METHODS: We used data from the Bus Santé study including 5605 adults in Geneva and the CoLaus study including 6183 adults in Lausanne. PM10 and meteorological data were measured from fixed monitoring stations. We analyzed the association of short-term exposure to PM10 (on the day of examination visit and up to 7 days before) with pulse pressure, SBP, and DBP by linear regression, controlling for potential confounders and effect modifiers. RESULTS: Average PM10 levels were 22.4 μg/m in Geneva and 31.7 μg/m in Lausanne. In adjusted models, for each 10 μg/m increase in 7-day PM10 average, pulse pressure and SBP increased by 0.583 (95% confidence interval, 0.296-0.870) mmHg and 0.490 (0.056-0.925) mmHg in Geneva, and 0.183 (0.017-0.348) mmHg and 0.036 (0.042-0.561) mmHg in Lausanne, respectively. Stronger associations of pulse pressure and SBP with PM10 were observed when outdoor temperature was above 5°C. CONCLUSION: Positive associations of pulse pressure and SBP with short-term exposure to PM10 were found and replicated in the Swiss adult population. Our results suggest that even low levels of air pollution may substantially impact cardiovascular risk in the general population.


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Arran de la promulgació de la Llei 12/2007, de Serveis Socials, alguns membres del col.lectiu de professors de serveis socials de les universitats catalanes volem fer pública la nostra anàlisi des de la responsabilitat que comporta la formació dels futurs professionals. Tot i admetre que el nou marc legal incorpora considerables millores sobre el que teníem, hem optat per fer una reflexió que abordi les ambigüitats, les omissions o les incoherències que, a criteri nostre, suscita la Llei per tal que es puguin considerar en la fase reglamentària. Evidentment, en les pàgines que segueixen no hi és tot el que es podria dir, sinó allò que, des de la perspectiva dels autors que hi col·laboren, s’ha considerat més rellevant en els apartats escollits. Resten, per tant, altres extrems que, igual que els detectats, caldrà estudiar acuradament, especialment a partir del desplegament que s’efectuï.


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The genomes of two hemiascomycetous yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans) and one archiascomycete (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) have been completely sequenced and the genes have been annotated. In addition, the genomes of 13 more Hemiascomycetes have been partially sequenced. The amount of data thus obtained provides information on the evolutionary relationships between yeast species. In addition, the differential genetic characteristics of the microorganisms explain a number of distinctive biological traits. Gene order conservation is observed between phylogenetically close species and is lost in distantly related species, probably due to rearrangements of short regions of DNA. However, gene function is much more conserved along evolution. Compared to S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, C. albicans has a larger number of specific genes, i.e., genes not found in other organisms, a fact that can account for the biological characteristics of this pathogenic dimorphic yeast which is able to colonize a large variety of environments.


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London : Joseph Mawman 1802


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A cultura da macieira no Brasil iniciou seu desenvolvimento comercial na década de 70, sendo que até esta data foram poucos os plantios comerciais, representando menos de 100 ha. Com a iniciativa de alguns produtores pioneiros, incentivos fiscais que permitiam aplicar parte do Imposto de Renda na implantação de pomares e pelo apoio dos governos estaduais com projetos de desenvolvimento, a cultura da macieira teve grande impulso a partir da década de 80. Destaca-se que, na década de 70, o Brasil dependia de importações, representando na época mais de 100 milhões de dólares. Nessa década, produzíamos 13.263 t, passando para 183.299 t e 857.615 t na década de 80 e 90, respectivamente. Atualmente, o Brasil conta com uma área em torno de 37.000 ha, com 3.450 produtores, sendo que, na safra de 2009/2010, foram colhidas 1.253 mil toneladas. Desde 1994, o Brasil passou a exportador de maçãs, sendo que, a partir do ano de 2000,as exportações vêm superando as importações. A cultura da macieira é uma importante fonte de geração de emprego, com três empregos diretos e indiretos por ha, o que representa mais de 100 mil empregos na cadeia produtiva da maçã. Estes avanços devem-se a importantes tecnologias que foram introduzidas ao longo dos anos, que também permitiram um aumento de qualidade e produtividade por unidade de área, onde, na década de 70 e 80, era inferior a 15t e atualmente está próxima de 40 t/ha, com alguns pomares produzindo acima de 50 t/ha. A evolução ocorreu com as cultivares, com os primeiros plantios realizados com as cultivares Golden Delicious, Starkrimson, Blackjon, entre outras, as quais logo foram substituídas por 'Gala" e 'Fuji, e, na década de 90, plantando-se os clones destas cultivares com melhor coloração vermelha dos frutos. Grande evolução ocorreu com a qualidade do material vegetativo em que porta-enxerto e copas estavam infectados com viroses. A introdução de material livre de vírus propiciou aumento na produtividade, permitindo também a utilização de porta-enxertos ananizantes, com plantios em alta densidade. No início dos plantios de macieira, eram plantadas de 500 a 800 plantas por ha, sendo que atualmente são utilizadas 2.500 a 3.000 plantas em média por ha. Como a região produtora de maçã no Sul do Brasil não tem o frio suficiente para atender às necessidades para a saída da dormência, tecnologias foram desenvolvidas para a indução de brotação e floração, permitindo estabilidade na produção. Afora estas tecnologias, devem ser ressaltados os avanços nos sistemas de condução e poda, manejo de colheita, raleio químico, polinização, controle fitossanitário e conservação e armazenagem da fruta, sendo que esta última permitiu o abastecimento do mercado nos 12 meses do ano com fruta de ótima qualidade. A maçã foi pioneira na implantação do sistema de produção integrada, sendo a primeira fruta brasileira a ser certificada neste sistema.


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Soybean (Glycine max. L.) nodular senescence results in the dismantling of the peribacteroid membrane (PBM) and in an increase of soybean isocitrate lyase (ICL; EC and malate synthase (MS; EC mRNA and protein levels. This suggests that in senescing soybean nodular cells, the specific glyoxylate cycle enzyme activities might be induced to reallocate carbon obtained from the PBM degradation. In order to evaluate as well the carbon metabolism of the nitrogen-fixing Bradyrhizobium japonicum endosymbiotic bacteroids during nodular senescence, their glyoxylate cycle activities were also investigated. To this end, partial DNA sequences were isolated from their icl and ms genes, but the corresponding mRNAs were not detected in the microorganisms. It was also observed that the bacteroid ICL and MS activities were negligible during nodular senescence. This suggests that glyoxylate cycle activities are not reinitiated in the bacteroids under these physiological conditions. In case the microorganisms nevertheless feed on the PBM degradation products, this might occur via the citric acid cycle exclusively.


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Anthropogenic disturbance of wildlife is of growing conservation concern, but we lack comprehensive approaches of its multiple negative effects. We investigated several effects of disturbance by winter outdoor sports on free-ranging alpine Black Grouse by simultaneously measuring their physiological and behavioral responses. We experimentally flushed radio-tagged Black Grouse from their snow burrows, once a day, during several successive days, and quantified their stress hormone levels (corticosterone metabolites in feces [FCM] collected from individual snow burrows). We also measured feeding time allocation (activity budgets reconstructed from radio-emitted signals) in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Finally, we estimated the related extra energy expenditure that may be incurred: based on activity budgets, energy expenditure was modeled from measures of metabolism obtained from captive birds subjected to different ambient temperatures. The pattern of FCM excretion indicated the existence of a funneling effect as predicted by the allostatic theory of stress: initial stress hormone concentrations showed a wide inter-individual variation, which decreased during experimental flushing. Individuals with low initial pre-flushing FCM values augmented their concentration, while individuals with high initial FCM values lowered it. Experimental disturbance resulted in an extension of feeding duration during the following evening foraging bout, confirming the prediction that Black Grouse must compensate for the extra energy expenditure elicited by human disturbance. Birds with low initial baseline FCM concentrations were those that spent more time foraging. These FCM excretion and foraging patterns suggest that birds with high initial FCM concentrations might have been experiencing a situation of allostatic overload. The energetic model provides quantitative estimates of extra energy expenditure. A longer exposure to ambient temperatures outside the shelter of snow burrows, following disturbance, could increase the daily energy expenditure by >10%, depending principally on ambient temperature and duration of exposure. This study confirms the predictions of allostatic theory and, to the best of our knowledge, constitutes the first demonstration of a funneling effect. It further establishes that winter recreation activities incur costly allostatic behavioral and energetic adjustments, which call for the creation of winter refuge areas together with the implementation of visitor-steering measures for sensitive wildlife.


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Soybean (Glycine max. L.) nodular senescence results in the dismantling of the peribacteroid membrane (PBM) and in an increase of soybean isocitrate lyase (ICL; EC and malate synthase (MS; EC mRNA and protein levels. This suggests that in senescing soybean nodular cells, the specific glyoxylate cycle enzyme activities might be induced to reallocate carbon obtained from the PBM degradation. In order to evaluate as well the carbon metabolism of the nitrogen-fixing Bradyrhizobium japonicum endosymbiotic bacteroids during nodular senescence, their glyoxylate cycle activities were also investigated. To this end, partial DNA sequences were isolated from their icl and ms genes, but the corresponding mRNAs were not detected in the microorganisms. It was also observed that the bacteroid ICL and MS activities were negligible during nodular senescence. This suggests that glyoxylate cycle activities are not reinitiated in the bacteroids under these physiological conditions. In case the microorganisms nevertheless feed on the PBM degradation products, this might occur via the citric acid cycle exclusively.


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BACKGROUND: Data evaluating the chronological order of appearance of extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) relative to the time of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) diagnosis is currently lacking. We aimed to assess the type, frequency, and chronological order of appearance of EIMs in patients with IBD. METHODS: Data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study were analyzed. RESULTS: The data on 1249 patients were analyzed (49.8% female, median age: 40 [interquartile range, 30-51 yr], 735 [58.8%] with Crohn's disease, 483 [38.7%] with ulcerative colitis, and 31 [2.5%] with indeterminate colitis). A total of 366 patients presented with EIMs (29.3%). Of those, 63.4% presented with 1, 26.5% with 2, 4.9% with 3, 2.5% with 4, and 2.7% with 5 EIMs during their lifetime. Patients presented with the following diseases as first EIMs: peripheral arthritis 70.0%, aphthous stomatitis 21.6%, axial arthropathy/ankylosing spondylitis 16.4%, uveitis 13.7%, erythema nodosum 12.6%, primary sclerosing cholangitis 6.6%, pyoderma gangrenosum 4.9%, and psoriasis 2.7%. In 25.8% of cases, patients presented with their first EIM before IBD was diagnosed (median time 5 mo before IBD diagnosis: range, 0-25 mo), and in 74.2% of cases, the first EIM manifested itself after IBD diagnosis (median: 92 mo; range, 29-183 mo). CONCLUSIONS: In one quarter of patients with IBD, EIMs appeared before the time of IBD diagnosis. Occurrence of EIMs should prompt physicians to look for potential underlying IBD.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Thromboxane prostaglandin receptors have been implicated to be involved in the atherosclerotic process. We assessed whether Terutroban, a thromboxane prostaglandin receptor antagonist, affects the progression of atherosclerosis, as measured by common carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaques. METHODS: A substudy was performed among 1141 participants of the aspirin-controlled Prevention of Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Events of Ischemic Origin with Terutroban in Patients with a History of Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (PERFORM) trial. Common carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaque occurrence was measured during a 3-year period. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics did not differ between Terutroban (n=592) and aspirin (n=549) treated patients and were similar as in the main study. Mean study and treatment duration were similar (28 and 25 months, respectively). In the Terutroban group, the annualized rate of change in common carotid intima-media thickness was 0.006 mm per year (95% confidence interval, -0.004 to 0.016) and -0.005 mm per year (95% confidence interval, -0.015 to 0.005) in the aspirin group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the annualized rate of change of common carotid intima-media thickness (0.011 mm per year; 95% confidence interval, -0.003 to 0.025). At 12 months of follow-up, 66% of Terutroban patients had no emergent plaques, 31% had 1 to 2 emergent plaques, and 3% had ≥3 emergent plaques. In the aspirin group, the corresponding percentages were 64%, 32%, and 4%. Over time, there was no statistically significant difference in the number of emergent carotid plaques between treatment modalities (rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.77-1.07). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with aspirin, Terutroban did not beneficially affect progression of carotid atherosclerosis among well-treated patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attacks with an internal carotid stenosis <70%. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.controlled-trials.com. Unique identifier: ISRCTN66157730.


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Les "banques de conservation" sont fréquemment présentées comme de nouveaux instruments de marché au service de la conservation de la biodiversité. Il s'agit d'une modalité de mise en oeuvre de la compensation écologique d'abord développée aux Etats-Unis au début des années 2000 avant d'être plus globalement diffusée. Ce dispositif est perçu par ses promoteurs comme un marché en devenir, tandis que ses détracteurs y voient le dernier avatar du projet de marchandisation de la nature au coeur des politiques environnementales depuis deux décennies. Au-delà des discours, les arrangements institutionnels en jeu dans les banques de conservation sont mal connus. Cet article se propose de revenir sur leur statut économique en analysant le dispositif tel que décrit dans la réglementation fédérale qui lui est consacrée aux Etats-Unis et en évaluant sa mise en place à l'aune de critères et attributs constitutifs d'un marché, qui auront été préalablement définis.