999 resultados para 181-1120D


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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A seroepidemiologic survey was carried out in schoolchildren from public schools of the Niterói municipality, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after a period of sequential epidemics by dengue virus type 1 and 2 (DEN-1 and DEN-2). 450 blood samples were obtained by fingertip puncture and collected on filter paper discs. The hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test was carried out using DEN-1 and DEN-2 antigens. HAI titres were demonstrated in 66% (297/450) of the sera and the geometric means of the titres were 1/182 and 1/71 for DEN-1 and DEN-2, respectively. Secondary infections were observed in 61% (181/297) of positive cases. Among these, 75% (135/181) were under fifteen years old. No dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) was reported in these children. Asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic infections were detected in 56% of the studied population. The absolute and relative frequencies of positive tests by age group and sex did not evidence statistically significant difference. The number of individuals infected probably produced a immunologic barrier responsible for the non occurrence of dengue epidemic in the latter years.


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Resumo: A hiperplasia benigna da próstata (HBP) tem elevada prevalência nos homens entre os 50 e 79 anos de idade, sendo ubiquitária com o envelhecimento. Devido à significativa morbi-mortalidade associada aos tratamentos médicos e cirúrgicos currentemente disponíveis, são necessárias novas tecnologias para melhorar os resultados e minimizar o desconforto dos doentes. Recentemente, estudos preliminares de experimentação animal e em 3 doentes tratados, sugeriram a embolização arterial prostática selectiva (EAPS) como hipótese terapêutica para a HBP. Decidimos investigar se a EAPS poderia ser um procedimento bem sucedido no tratamento da HBP gravemente sintomática. Para tal realizámos um estudo anátomo-radiológico e clínico em 63 doentes com recurso a uma terapêutica inovadora minimamente invasiva guiada pela imagem. Avaliámos 126 hemipélvis com recurso a Angio-RM, Angio-TC e Angiografia Digital de Subtracção, com o intuito de definir os padrões básicos de bifurcação das artérias ilíacas internas até agora apenas descritos em estudos cadavéricos. Estudámos ainda o suprimento vascular arterial prostático, identificando: 1 as artérias prostáticas; 2 origem e direcção; 3 os ramos intra-prostáticos; 4 anastomoses com outras artérias. Em relação aos resultados anatómicos, identificámos 181 artérias prostáticas, já que em 43.7% das hemipélvis existiam dois pedículos arteriais prostáticos com origens independentes. A origem mais frequente foi a artéria pudenda interna (39.7%), seguida do tronco comum glúteo-pudendo (21%) e da artéria vesical superior (18.2%). Origens menos frequentes foram a artéria obturadora (12.1%), as artérias glúteas inferior (3.9%)ou superior (1.7%), ramos rectais provenientes da artéria mesentérica inferior (1.7%) e a artéria pudenda acessória (1.7%). Identificaram-se anastomoses com as artérias adjacentes em 57.9% dos casos: com a terminação da artéria pudenda interna (41.6%),artérias prostáticas contra-laterais (18.2%) e homo-laterais (11.7%), com ramos rectais (15.6%) e com artérias vesicais (12.9%). Em relação ao estudo clínico tratámos 63 doentes (idades compreendidas entre 52 - 82 anos, média 69.5 anos) com HBP gravemente sintomática refractária à terapêutica médica há mais de 6 meses. Foi possível avaliação após o tratamento em 37 doentes: média de seguimento de 4.7 meses (variando entre 1 e 12 meses). A EAPS unilateral foi possível em todos os doentes, com embolização bilateral em 73% dos casos. A embolização bilateral não foi possível em 27% dos casos devido a tortuosidade, alterações ateroescleróticas e pequeno calibre das artérias ilíacas e/ou prostáticas. Em média houve uma melhoria do International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) de 10.8 pontos, da QoL de 1.5 pontos e do Internationl Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) de 2.1 pontos. Houve uma redução média do PSA de 30% (2.4 ng/mL), um aumento do pico de fluxo urinário (Qmax) de 3.1 - 3.85 mL/s e uma redução média do volume prostático de 21% (18.5 mL). Registou-se uma complicação major: pequena área de isquémia da parede vesical tratada cirurgicamente. Em 75% dos doentes tratados obteve-se sucesso clínico com franca melhoria dos sintomas, enquanto 25% dos doentes foram considerados insucesso clínico por se ter registado uma fraca ou ausente melhoria sintomática após a embolização. Os restantes doentes tratados estão sob controlo evolutivo, pararam toda a medicação prostática, sem qualquer caso de disfunção sexual associada com o tratamento. Este trabalho constitui o primeiro estudo anatómico descritivo in vivo das artérias prostáticas, conseguido devido à utilização de técnicas de imagem nunca usadas para este fim. O uso clínico dos dados anatómicos acima referidos permitiu a implementação de técnicas de Radiologia de Intervenção no tratatamento de uma doença de elevada prevalência. ------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has high prevalence in men aged 50–79 years being ubiquitous with aging. Due to significant morbi-mortality associated with currently available medical and surgical treatments, there is the need for innovative technologies to continue to improve outcomes and minimize patient discomfort and morbidity. Recently, prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) was suggested as a treatmentoption for BPH based on preliminary results from animal studies and 3 treated patients. We decided to investigate if PAE might be a successful treatment option for severely symptomatic BPH patients. We performed a clinical and anatomical-radiological study in 63 patients with the use of an inovative image-guided minimally invasive technique. We evaluated 126 pelvic sides using Angio-MR or Angio-CT and Catheter Angiography before embolisation to treat symptomatic BPH. We aimed to define the main branching patterns of the male internal iliac arteries, so far only studied in the cadaver. We also evaluated the prostatic arterial supply, identifying: 1 the prostatic arteries; 2 origin and direction; 3 intra-prostatic branches; 4 anastomoses with surrounding arteries. Regarding the anatomical study we identified 181 prostatic arteries, because in 43.7% of pelvic sides 2 separate prostatic vascular pedicles were found. The most frequent origin was the internal pudendal artery (39.7%) with the common glutealpudendal trunk (21%) and superior vesical arteries (18.2%) the next commonest. Less frequent origins were the obturator artery (12.1%), the inferior (3.9%) or superior (1.7%) gluteal arteries, rectal branches from the inferior mesenteric artery (1.7%) and the accessory pudendal artery (1.7%). There were anastomoses with the surrounding arteries in 57.9% of cases: termination of the internal pudendal artery (41.6%), contralateral prostatic arteries (18.2%), same-side prostatic arteries (11.7%), rectal branches (15.6%), and vesical arteries (12.9%).Regarding the clinical study, we treated 63 patients aged 52–82 years (mean 69.5 years) who presented with symptomatic BPH refractory to medical treatment for at least 6 months. Follow-up evaluation (mean 4.7 months, range 1-12 months) was possible in 37 patients. PAE was achieved in all patients with bilateral embolization in 73%. In 27% PAE was performed unilaterally due to tortuosity, atherosclerotic changes and small size of iliac and prostatic arteries. There was a mean decrease in the IPSS of 10.8 points, a mean improvement in QoL of 1.5 points, and a mean increase in the sexual function score of 2.1 points. There was a mean PSA reduction of 30% (2.4 ng/mL), a Qmax increase of 3.1 to 3.85 mL/sec, and a mean prostate volume decrease of 21% (18.5 mL). There was one major complication: a small area of bladder wall ischemia treated by surgery. Overall, 75% of patients were considered clinical success with major improvement after PAE, while 25% of patients were considered clinical failure with little or no improvement after PAE. All remaining patients are under follow-up, stopped all prostatic medication, and reported no sexual dysfunction. This study is the first one to describe the radiological anatomy of the prostatic arteries, with the use of imaging techniques never used for this purpose before. The clinical use of the anatomical findings allowed the implementation of Interventional Radiology tehniques in the treatment of a disease with a high prevalence.


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A prospective study was designed to evaluate disorders of hemostasis and levels of anticardiolipin antibodies (ACL) in 30 patients with severe leptospirosis and acute renal failure (ARF) (ARF was defined as serum creatinine > or = 1.5 mg/dL). The patients had been admitted to the Walter Cantídio University Hospital, São José Infectious Diseases Hospital and General Hospital of Fortaleza, Ceará, from August 1999 to July 2001. They all were male, with a mean age of 32 ± 14 years and with clinical and laboratory diagnoses of ARF leptospirosis. The time elapsed between onset of symptoms and the first hemorrhagic manifestation was 9 ± 4 days. Bleeding was observed in 86% of the patients. Laboratory tests showed significantly high levels of urea (181 ±95 mg/dl), fibrinogen, (515 ± 220 mg/dl), prothrombin time (13.3 ± 0.9 seconds) and low platelet counts (69 ± 65x10³/mm³) on admission. There was no elevation in activated partial thromboplastin time or thrombin time. Levels of IgM and IgG ACL concentrations were significantly increased (p < 0.05) in leptospirosis patients when compared to control patients (28.5 ± 32.4 vs. 11.5 ± 7.9MPL U/ml and 36.7 ± 36.1 vs. 6.5 ± 2.5 GPL U/ml), respectively. Vasculitis, thrombocytopenia and uremia should be considered important factors for the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic disturbances and the main cause of death in severe leptospirosis.


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Adenovirus are important pathogen primarily associated to respiratory infections of children and military personnel, even though it is also associated to cases of conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis. We analyzed respiratory secretion collected from subjects with and without respiratory infection symptoms, being 181 civilians and 221 military subjects. The samples were inoculated in HEp-2 and/or A549 tissue cultures for viral isolation. Samples presenting cytopathogenic effect (CPE) in any tissue culture were tested by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to confirm adenovirus isolation. The isolates confirmed as adenovirus were further analyzed by restriction endonuclease assay for determination of viral species. Three isolates were identified as specie A (two from civilian and one from military), one isolate from military was identified as specie C, and one isolate from civilian was identified as specie D. For two isolates the specie could not be identified.


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The authors present the case of a 16 year old female with 3rd degree burn sequelae. They describe the surgical steps during the three years of treatment with serial and multiple tissue expansion. From the 9 tissue expanders used with reference capacities of 3350cc, 10350 were achieved. The conclusions point out the utility of this technique, using re-expansion and supraexpansion as one, should be associated with careful surgical planning and constant rapport with the patient.


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Well-structured questionnaire on the perception, impression and response to genitourinary bilharziasis (Genitourinary schistosomiasis) was administered and explained in local languages: 'Igbo' 'Esan' 'Ezon' Itshekiri and Bini to 33815 inhabitants of selected endemic areas in south-eastern Nigeria from January, 1999 to December, 2001. Out of this number, 3815 (11.3%) were properly filled and returned. About 42.0% of the inhabitants admitted knowledge of the disease, while 14 (0.4%) knew about the aetiologic agent. About 181 (5.0%) who responded, admitted procuring treatment, while 100 (5.0%) declined to seek treatment of any sort. The relationships between water-bodies and human activities, and infection were well discussed. Amongst those who admitted knowledge of the disease but no knowledge of its etiologic agent, declined seeking treatment of any kind, but believe the disease is a natural phenomenon in ones developmental stage and therefore of no morbidity and mortality. Laboratory analysis of urine, faeces, semen and HVS was employed to assess questionnaire responses, and in some cases, physical examination was utilized to augment laboratory analysis in confirming urinal diagnosis. Haematuria was only directly related to egg count in the early part of life. Females were significantly haematuric and excreted more ova than males (p < 0.05). Headache (43.0%) and fever (31.0%) were major clinical signs while sexual pains (22.0%) were the least.


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A dissecção da artéria carótida interna é uma causa de AVC isquémico, particularmente em doentes jovens, sem aparentes factores de risco cérebro-vasculares. Métodos: Os autores descrevem o quadro clínico e achados imagiológicos (TAC, RMN e angiografia de subtracção digital) de cinco doentes internados consecutivamente na Unidade Cérebro-Vascular do Hospital de S. José, num período de dois meses, com o diagnóstico de oclusão da artéria carótida interna por provável dissecção. Discussão: O conjunto de casos clínicos apresentados salienta a heterogeneidade de formas de apresentação desta patologia, quer do ponto de vista clínico, quer imagiológico.


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The objective was to estimate the prevalence of Blastocystis hominis, to evaluate the effectiveness of different techniques for its diagnosis as well as to estimate the prevalence of other intestinal parasites in the community of Campo Verde, a district of Pitanga. The work was carried out from August to October 2004. Samples of feces from children and adults were collected and submitted to the techniques of direct wet mount, flotation in zinc sulphate solution, tube sedimentation, sedimentation in formalin-ether and staining by Kinyoun and iron hematoxylin methods. From 181 studied individuals, 128 (70.7%) showed protozoa and/or helminths in stool samples. The most prevalent species were Endolimax nana (33.7%); B. hominis (26.5%); Giardia lamblia (18.2%); Entamoeba coli (17.1%); Ascaris lumbricoides (16.6%); Iodamoeba bütschlii (9.4%); and ancylostomatidae (7.7%). B. hominis was only identified by the techniques of direct wet mount, sedimentation in formalin-ether and staining by iron hematoxylin, though the latter was less sensitive than the other methods. The high frequency of B. hominis demonstrated by this study indicates the need to include laboratory techniques that enable identification of the parasite on a routine basis.


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Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de derrame pleural direito, num doente do sexo feminino com 68 anos de idade, surgindo fora do contexto de patologia cardiovascular ou infecciosa previamente conhecida. O diagnóstico final foi de neoplasia pleural secundária a carcinoma adenoquístico, com localização primitiva no palato duro, diagnosticado e tratado 8 anos antes, e que nunca apresentara recidiva local. Salienta-se a raridade deste diagnóstico e o facto de que, estando descrita a metastização pulmonar com possível envolvimento secundário da pleura, é muito raro o aparecimento de metástase pleural isolada.


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Primary tumours of the heart are uncommon entities, cardiac myxomas being the most frequent. However, mitral valve myxomas are exceptionally rare. In the last 12 years, there have been 25 myxomas diagnosed at our institution, with only two of them originating from the mitral valve. Both patients were female, the first, 25, and the second, 72 years old. The younger patient was very symptomatic with a large mass, 4 cm long, which involved both leaflets causing significant obstruction to the left ventricular inflow. The second one had a smaller mass located at the atrial side of the posterior leaflet that only produced some flow divergence. Neither of them had constitutional nor embolic symptoms. Both patients were submitted to emergent surgical resection that in the first case involved the mitral valve and replacement with mechanical prosthesis. The macroscopic appearance of these tumours suggested a malignant aetiology which may represent somewhat different features of the myxomas when originating from the cardiac valves. Both patients are well reflecting the good prognosis of this illness after resection, although the younger patient was re-operated because of prosthetic valve obstruction and suspicion of recurrence that was not confirmed. Because of the illustrative images and different presentations, we found it interesting to report and discuss them together.


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A infecção por vírus influenza B é rara no período neonatal com uma incidência desconhecida. Relata-se o caso de uma recém-nascida de termo, reinternada ao nono dia de vida por quadro de má perfusão periférica, gemido, dificuldade alimentar e dificuldade respiratória com necessidade de ventila ção mecânica, óxido nítrico inalado e surfactante. A radiografia de tórax no primeiro dia apresentava infiltrado intersticial ligeiro, difuso. Esteve sob ventilação invasiva durante 11 dias e oxigenoterapia 15 dias, tendo tido alta ao 20º dia, clinicamente bem. É fundamental pensar em infecção por vírus influenza B quando existe história de possível contágio, e em mães sem imunização anti-influenza. Não há terapêutica aprovada neste grupo etário, devendo ser tomadas medidas de suporte, de contenção e prevenção da disseminação da infecção.


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Equines are susceptible to respiratory viruses such as influenza and parainfluenza. Respiratory diseases have adversely impacted economies all over the world. This study was intended to determine the presence of influenza and parainfluenza viruses in unvaccinated horses from some regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Blood serum collected from 72 equines of different towns in this state was tested by hemagglutination inhibition test to detect antibodies for both viruses using the corresponding antigens. About 98.6% (71) and 97.2% (70) of the equines responded with antibody protective titers (≥ 80 HIU/25µL) H7N7 and H3N8 subtypes of influenza A viruses, respectively. All horses (72) also responded with protective titers (≥ 80) HIU/25µL against the parainfluenza virus. The difference between mean antibody titers to H7N7 and H3N8 subtypes of influenza A viruses was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mean titers for influenza and parainfluenza viruses, on the other hand, showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). These results indicate a better antibody response from equines to parainfluenza 3 virus than to the equine influenza viruses. No statistically significant differences in the responses against H7N7 and H3N8 subtypes of influenza A and parainfluenza 3 viruses were observed according to the gender (female, male) or the age (≤ 2 to 20 years-old) groups. This study provides evidence of the concomitant presence of two subtypes of the equine influenza A (H7N7 and H3N8) viruses and the parainfluenza 3 virus in equines in Brazil. Thus, it is advisable to vaccinate equines against these respiratory viruses.