992 resultados para 128-798A
养分回收是植物衰老时,养分从衰老组织向活的组织体转移的一种过程。该过程延长了养分在植物体内的滞留时间,提高了植物保持养分的能力,因此是植物适应养分贫瘠生境的策略之一。全球气候变化,包括降水格局改变和氮(N)沉降增加,改变了生态系统正常的生物地球化学循环,因此可能会对植物的养分回收特性产生影响。研究不同N、磷(P)、水梯度上,植物物种养分回收特性的响应格局,对于预测N沉降增加和降水格局改变对物种养分利用策略的潜在影响,具有一定的理论与实践意义。本研究以中国科学院植物研究所多伦恢复生态学实验站长期施N肥实验(0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64 g N m-2 yr-1等8个水平)为研究平台研究了克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)群落中优势植物养分回收随N素添加梯度的变化,同时结合三个盆栽控制实验(施N肥实验:0,0.5,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 g N m-2等10个水平;施P肥实验:梯度同施N肥实验;控水实验:3600,4000,4500,5143,6000,7200,9000,12000,18000,36000 mL pot-1等10个水平),主要探讨了羊草(Leymus chinensis)养分回收效率(从衰老组织中回收转移的养分百分数,RE)和养分回收度(以枯叶中养分浓度衡量,RP)以及其它叶片养分特性(绿叶养分浓度和比叶面积SLA)对环境因子改变的响应格局。同时,我们还调查了枯叶C:N比和C:P比等参数,研究环境因子改变对凋落物分解的影响。 1)连续4年施N肥显著降低了五个物种叶片N素回收度(NRP),对P素回收度(PRP)的影响在各物种间差异较大,但低N提高了多数物种的PRP;物种间,冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)RP(枯叶N和P浓度分别为14.3±2.0 mg g-1和0.68±0.09 mg g-1)最低,砂韭(Allium bidentatum)(N:5.2±0.2 mg g-1,P:0.12±0.01 mg g-1)最高。沿施N梯度,N素回收效率(NRE)的变化趋势在物种间差异较小但在方法间(叶干重水平,叶面积水平和单株水平)差异较大,而P素回收效率(PRE)的变化在物种间和方法间差别都较大。叶干重水平和叶面积水平上,NRE在四个物种中表现出显著降低的趋势,PRE只在糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)中显著降低,其它三个物种变化不显著。单株水平上,所有物种NRE(除了克氏针茅)和PRE均与施N量梯度无显著性关系。物种间,砂韭的RE最高(>80.0%),冷蒿和星毛委陵菜最低(<60.0%)。方法间,叶片水平上的RE均高于单株水平上。沿施N肥梯度,两个禾本科物种SLA无显著变化规律,而其它三个物种SLA表现出先增加后变化不大的趋势。物种间,最高和最低的SLA分别表现在冷蒿和克氏针茅。沿施N肥梯度,五个物种C:N比呈先显著降低后缓慢降低的趋势。物种间,最大和最小的C:N比分别出现在砂韭和冷蒿。 2)盆栽施N肥实验中,一定范围内,施N肥显著提高了羊草地上地下生物量、SLA和绿叶N浓度,显著降低了C:N比、NRP、NRE和PRE,但对绿叶P浓度、叶片PRP和C:P比无明显影响。平均枯叶N浓度和枯叶P浓度分别为16.2 mg g-1和1.01 mg g-1,平均NRE和PRE分别为46.1﹪和58.1﹪。10月时,地下生物量和养分积累均高于地上部分。 3)盆栽施P肥实验中,一定范围内,施P肥显著地提高了羊草地上地下生物量、SLA、绿叶N浓度和绿叶P浓度,显著降低了C:N比、C:P比、NRP、PRP和PRE,但对NRE无显著影响。平均枯叶N浓度和枯叶P浓度分别为9.9 mg g-1和7.43 mg g-1,平均NRE和PRE分别为58.2﹪,平均PRE为56.1﹪。10月时地下部分生物量和N库积累均高于地上部分,而P库在两个部分间差别不大。 4)盆栽控水实验中,一定范围内,供水量增加显著增加了羊草地上地下生物量、SLA、NRP、PRP、PRE、C:N比和C:P比,显著降低了绿叶N浓度,但对绿叶P浓度和NRE无显著性影响。平均枯叶N浓度和枯叶P浓度分别为10.4 mg g-1和0.32 mg g-1,平均NRE和PRE分别为54.4﹪和76.8﹪。10月时,地下部分生物量和养分积累均高于地上部分。 以上结果表明,N、P和水分因子的改变影响了植物生物量和养分分配、叶片养分特性、养分回收能力以及枯叶分解质量等,且不同梯度影响程度也不同。因此,未来全球变化包括N沉降增加和降水格局改变可能影响植物养分利用策略和凋落物分解特性,进而可能对植被-土壤系统养分循环产生影响。
For the nutritional evaluation of green seaweed Ulva fasciata, a feeding trial was performed in albino rats. The results indicated that the 20% replacement of seaweed U. fasciata instead of carrot or lettuce in rad diet causes no harmful effects, as evident by a non-significant change in blood constituents and serum enzyme levels. The weight gain observed in rats with U. fasciata diet was same as that of control diet. The true digestibility ratio of U. fasciata was 80.20% with carrot and 83.4% with lettuce. The data suggest that the green seaweed U. fasciata could be used as an alternative dietary component in animal fodder.
The paper gives an account of the types of blackening associated with canned prawn in brine and their control. It was found that blackening caused by iron sulphide could be controlled by maintaining proper titratable acidity of fill brine in cans. The paper also elaborates on the factors responsible for or governing this critical titratable acidity. In regard to copper sulphide blackening, control was found to be difficult by maintaining the acidity or by additives such as EDTA when the copper content in the material went above the critical level.
Performance of both paddy (Var. NC 492) and prawn Penaeus monodon were assessed for two years during wet-season in rainfed lowland ecosystem with a view to study the economic viability of paddy-cum-prawn culture in the coastal saline zone of West Bengal. Both mono and dual culture of paddy and prawn were tried in the study. Fingerlings of prawn (α 35,000 haˉ¹) of 10-15 mm size were reared for about three and half months with and without fish feed. It was observed that addition of fish feed resulted in higher (57.7%) production of prawn (2.65 mg/haˉ¹) but not rice. Such increase in prawn production was 1.6 times higher when no feed was provided and 1.4 times higher when grown as sole crop. However, paddy, whether grown as mono or mixed culture, did not differ in yield significantly. In dual culture, the benefit - cost ratio was higher (6.83) when prawn was grown with feed and it was maximum (36.0) when grown without feed as sole crop. The study, therefore, indicates that paddy-cum-prawn culture under low land ecosystem of the coastal saline zone is enterprising particularly for small and marginal farmers who fear to take risk of growing prawn alone at the cost of paddy.
The paper deals with sex-wise growth rate of different body parts in relation to total length in Rita paviinentata (Gunther). Growth rates calculated on pooled data by using the common regression coefficient 'b' reveals isometric and homogeneous nature in sexes.
Boronizing is a thermochemical diffusion-based process for producing iron boride layers in the surface of steel components. The boride layer is wear resistant and is very hard. Large residual stresses are found to exist in the surface layers, which are a function of substrate steel composition and heat treatment. By slow cooling from the boronizing temperature (900°C), a large compressive stress is developed in the boride layer. Hardening the steel by rapid cooling, either directly from the boronizing treatment or after subsequent austenitizing, develops tension in the coating which causes it to fracture. Tempering of the martensite produces compression in the coating, closing but not welding the cracks. The results of solid particle erosion experiments using silicon carbide, quartz, and glass bead erodents on boronized steels are presented.
Wavelength conversion in the 1550 nm regime was achieved in an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)/DFB laser by modulating the output power of the laser with a light beam of a different wavelength externally injected into the SOA section. A 12 dB output extinction ratio was obtained for an average coupled input power of 75 μW with the laser section driven at 65 mA and the amplifier section at 180 mA. The response time achieved was as low as 13 ps with the laser biased at 175 mA even with low extinction ratios. The laser exhibits a similar recovery time allowing potentially very high bit-rate operation.
New Ceylonese records namely, Euscelimena gavialis (Sauss.), Paranemobius pictus Sauss. and semiaquatic cockroaches of the genus Rhabdoblatta were found in the collection of Saltatorid and Dictyopterid insects.
Some basic concepts of fishery economics and management, and fish population dynamics are recalled, as presented during a course held at the Instituto de Investigaçāo Pesqueira from 23 February to 15 March 1988 in Maputo, Mozambique. Also, some basic elements of length-based stock assessment are reviewed, with emphasis on their implementation through the “Compleat Elefan" package, used extensively during this course, when the participants analyzed their data and wrote first draft of manuscripts incorporating the results of these analyses. Some problems relative to sampling and to seasonal growth oscillations are discussed with special reference to conditions in Mozambique.
Accurate predictions of combustor hot streak migration enable the turbine designer to identify high-temperature regions that can limit component life. It is therefore important that these predictions are achieved within the short time scales of a design process. This article compares temperature measurements of a circular hot streak through a turning duct and a research turbine with predictions using a three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver. It was found that the mixing length turbulence model did not predict the hot streak dissipation accurately. However, implementation of a very simple model of the free stream turbulence (FST) significantly improved the exit temperature predictions on both the duct and research turbine. One advantage of the simple FST model described over more complex alternatives is that no additional equations are solved. This makes the method attractive for design purposes, as it is not associated with any increase in computational time.
从广西产眼镜王蛇( Ophiophagus hannah) 毒腺中抽提总RNA , 经mRNA 纯化后构建眼镜王蛇毒腺 cDNA 文库。从所构建的cDNA 文库中, 随机筛选200 个克隆测序, 得到两个在进化上高度保守的基因: 泛素融 合蛋白基因(GenBank 登录号为AF297036) 和核糖体蛋白L30 基因(GenBank 登录号是AF297033) 。前者cDNA 的开放阅读框为387 bp , 后者为348 bp 。前者编码128 个氨基酸残基组成的泛素融合蛋白前体; 后者编码115 个氨基酸残基组成的核糖体蛋白L30 前体。由cDNA 序列推导出的氨基酸序列分析表明, 泛素融合蛋白前体包 括N - 末端的泛素结构域(76 个氨基酸残基) 和C - 末端的核糖体蛋白L40 结构域(52 个氨基酸残基) 。该蛋 白为一高碱性蛋白, C 末端含有一个“锌指”模式结构。与16 个物种比较的结果表明, 眼镜王蛇与脊椎动物的 泛素融合蛋白氨基酸序列相似度较高, 具有高度的保守性。