983 resultados para 110705 Humoural Immunology and Immunochemistry


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Opisthorchis viverrini is an important helminth pathogen of humans that is endemic in Thailand and Laos. Adult flukes reside within host bile ducts and feed on epithelial tissue and blood cells. Chronic opisthorchiasis is associated with severe hepatobiliary diseases such as cholangiocarcinoma. Here we report that adult O. viverrini secrete two major cysteine proteases: cathepsin F (Ov-CF-1) and cathepsin B1 (Ov-CB-1). Ov-CF-1 is secreted as an inactive zymogen that autocatalytically processes and activates to a mature enzyme at pH 4.5 via an intermolecular cleavage at the prosegment-mature domain junction. Ov-CB-1 is also secreted as a zymogen but, in contrast to Ov-CF-1, is fully active against peptide and macromolecular substrates despite retaining the N-terminal prosegment. The active Ov-CB-1 zymogen was capable of trans-activating Ov-CF-1 by proteolytic removal of its prosegment at pH 5.5, a pH at which the Ov-CF-1 zymogen cannot autocatalytically activate. Both cathepsins hydrolyse human haemoglobin but their combined action more efficiently degrades haemoglobin to smaller peptides than each enzyme alone. Ov-CF-1 degraded extracellular matrix proteins more effectively than Ov-CB-1 at physiological pH. We propose that Ov-CB-1 regulates Ov-CF-1 activity and that both enzymes work together to degrade host tissue contributing to the development of liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma.


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AbstractInvasive infection caused by Neisseria meningitidis is a worldwide public health problem. Previous reports have indicated that carriage of common 'defective' structural polymorphisms of the host mannose-binding lectin gene (MBL2) greatly increases an individual's risk of developing the disease. We report the largest case-control study so far to investigate the effect of these polymorphisms in meningococcal disease (296 PCR-positive cases and 5196 population controls, all of European ancestry) and demonstrate that no change in risk is associated with the polymorphisms overall or in any age-defined subgroup. This finding contrasts with two smaller studies that reported an increase in risk. A systematic review of all studies of MBL2 polymorphisms in people of European ancestry published since 1999, including 24 693 individuals, revealed a population frequency of the combined 'defective'MBL2 allele of 0.230 (95% confidence limits: 0.226-0.234). The past reported associations of increased risk of meningococcal disease were because of low 'defective' allele frequencies in their study control populations (0.13 and 0.04) that indicate systematic problems with the studies. The data from our study and all other available evidence indicate that MBL2 structural polymorphisms do not predispose children or adults to invasive meningococcal disease.


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It is generally accepted that the reservoir hosts of cowpox virus are wild rodents, although direct evidence for this is lacking for much of the virus's geographic range. Here, through a combination of serology and PCR, we demonstrate conclusively that the main hosts in Great Britain are bank voles, wood mice and short-tailed field voles. However, we also suggest that wood mice may not be able to maintain infection alone, explaining the absence of cowpox from Ireland where voles are generally not found. Infection in wild rodents varies seasonally, and this variation probably underlies the marked seasonal incidence of infection in accidental hosts such as humans and domestic cats.


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The nervous system of young and adult Amphilina foliacea was studied with immunocytochemical, electron microscopical and spectrofluorometrical methods. The general neuroanatomy is described in detail. New data on the structure and development of the brain were obtained. The 5-HT and GYIRFamide-immunoreactivities occur in separate sets of neurones. The innervation of the reproductive organs is described. The fine structure of 2 types of neurones in the CNS, a sensory neurone, a 'glial' cell type, the neuropile and the synapses are described. The level of 5-HT varies between 0.074 and 0.461 mug/g wet weight. This is the first detailed study of the nervous system of A. foliacea. Earlier data on the structure of the nervous system in A. foliacea published in Russian are introduced into the discussion. The study provides data that can be used when considering the phylogenetic position of Amphilinidea.


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Ascaris suum possesses a large number of FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) of which KNEFIRFamide (AF1), KHEYLRFamide (AF2) and KSAYMRFamide (AF8/PF3) have been shown to modulate the intrinsic, rhythmic activity of the vagina vera of A. suum in vitro. In the present study, the effects of the nematode FaRPs, SDPNFLRFamide (PF1), SADPNFLREamide (PF2) and KPNFIRFamide (PF4) (from Panagrellus redivivus) and AVPGVLRFamide (AF3) and GDVPGVLRFamide (AF4) (from A. suum) on the in vitro activity of the vagina vera were examined. The effects of each of the peptides were qualitatively and quantitatively distinct. All 3 FaRPs from P. redivivus were inhibitory, causing a cessation of contractions. PF2 was 3 times more potent than PF1, with a threshold of 1 nM. Although PF4 was the least potent (threshold, 10 nM), its effects at greater than or equal to 10 nM were quantitatively the greatest. Both AF3 and AF4 (1 mu M) induced complex, multiphasic responses consisting of an initial contraction and spastic paralysis followed by a return of contractile activity of increased amplitude. AF3 was 3 times more potent than AF4. The effects of these peptides had some similarities to those observed on A. suum somatic body wall muscle in vitro, with PF1, PF2 and PF4 being inhibitory and AF3 and AF4 being excitatory.


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Neuropeptides, biogenic amines and acetylcholine are expressed abundantly within the nervous systems of parasitic flatworms, and are particularly evident in the innervation of the musculature. Such associations have implicated the nervous system in locomotion, host attachment and reproductive co-ordination. Information on the muscle systems of parasitic flatworms is generally sparse, in particular those muscles associated with the reproductive system, intestinal tract and attachment apparatus. Also, the use of sectioned material has left description of the 3-dimensional organization of the musculature largely unrecorded. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled phalloidin as a site-specific probe for filamentous actin, applied to whole-mount preparations of adult Fasciola hepatica and examined by confocal scanning laser microscopy, the present work reports on the organization of the major muscle systems in this trematode parasite. A highly regular array of outer circular, intermediate longitudinal and inner diagonal fibres distinguishes the body wall musculature, which is also involved in the development of both ventral and oral suckers. Circular fibres dominate the duct walls of the male and female reproductive systems, whereas the muscles of the intestinal tract have a somewhat diffuse arrangement of fibres. An understanding of the structural complexity of the muscle systems of parasitic flatworms is considered as fundamental to the interpretation of results from physiological experiments.


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Background Serum eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) concentrations may be useful noninvasive markers of airways inflammation in atopic asthma. However, the usefulness of serum ECP measurement for the prediction of airways inflammation in children with a history of wheezing is unknown.


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Synthetic pyrethroids are increasingly used as insecticides and marketed as having relatively low human toxicity. The aim of this study was to examine the in vitro effects of the synthetic pyrethroid S-bioallethrin on human blood lymphocytes and basophils in atopic individuals and nonatopic control subjects. S-bioallethrin caused inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation after a 72-h culture period in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition of the lymphocyte proliferation by S-bioallethrin at the concentration 6.5 mu M correlated well with the total serum IgE values (r= -0.89, P


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The aim of this article is to review the interplay between adenosine and mast cells in asthma. Adenosine is an endogenous nucleoside released from metabolically active cells and generated extracellularly via the degradation of released ATP. It is a potent biological mediator that modulates the activity of numerous cell types including platelets, neutrophils and mast cells via action at specific adenosine receptors (A(1), A(2a), A(2b), A(3)). These receptors are expressed on mast cells but the exact pattern of receptor subtype expression depends on the source of the mast cells. Adenosine is also a potent bronchoconstricting agent and is suggested to contribute to the pathophysiology of asthma. Evidence is provided to suggest that the nucleoside exerts its influence on the asthmatic condition through its ability to modulate the release of mast cell derived mediators. However, the mechanism of adenosine/mast cell interaction which contributes to asthma remains unclear. Progress in the area has been hampered by the heterogeneity of mast cell responses and a lack of highly specific receptor agonists and antagonists. The expression of different adenosine receptor subtypes on mast cells is described. The final section of the review presents data to suggest that BAL mast cells may provide an accurate and relevant model for future investigations and together with the development of superior pharmacological tools, may aid the realisation of the therapeutic potential of adenosine/mast cell interactions in asthma. In conclusion, the role of adenosine in asthma is clearly complex. A better understanding of the contribution of adenosine to the asthmatic condition may lead to novel therapeutic approaches in the treatment of the disease.


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The hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzmye A (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitor lovastatin is used to treat hyperlipidaemia. This agent prevents the isoprenylation of some proteins involved in signal transduction processes and inhibits IgE-receptor-linked mediator release from RBL-2H3 cells. In this study the effect of in vivo and in vitro administration of lovastatin on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells was examined. Lovastatin (4 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks) inhibited histamine release induced by concanavalin A (con A) from rat peritoneal mast cells of Hooded-Lister rats and both homozygous lean and obese Zucker rats. In contrast, release induced by antirat IgE (anti-IgE) was only significantly inhibited in cells derived from Hooded-Lister rats and that induced by compound 48/ 80 was not altered. Lovastatin (20 mu M, 24 h, in vitro) caused a significant inhibition of the subsequent histamine release to con A, anti-IgE and compound 48/80 but not to the calcium ionophore A 23187. It is important to determine whether such inhibitory effects are also observed after the chronic, clinical administration of lovastatin and other HMG CoA reductase inhibitors.