989 resultados para 1-0.5 µm


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La estimulaci?n es un tema que tiene gran importancia no solo por los beneficios que de ella obtienen los ni?os y ni?as que han tenido la oportunidad de acceder a ella, sino por el v?nculo afectivo que se desarrolla entre padres e hijos cuando son los padres quienes se involucran en ella. Para los docentes la estimulaci?n temprana significa una serie de oportunidades con las cuales lograr aprendizajes en mejor y mayor grado. Argumentamos mediante el apoyo de biograf?as sobre el tema, como el juego y la estimulaci?n temprana influyen en el desarrollo motor y de aprendizaje en ni?os de temprana edad (de 0 a 5 a?os), mostrando todos sus aspectos y sus diferencias.


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El estudio de la delincuencia juvenil ha sido llevado a cabo generalmente con poblaciones pertenecientes a estratos socioecon?micos bajos, lo cual ha limitado su marco compresivo y explicativo. De tal forma que se han promovido los elevados niveles de pobreza y desigualdad social en los que vive gran parte de la poblaci?n del pa?s y de Latinoam?rica, como causa determinante de la participaci?n de j?venes en pr?cticas delincuenciales. Consideramos pertinente realizar un acercamiento a esta problem?tica, con el objetivo de comprender aquellos elementos, tanto del contexto socioecon?mico como del plano psicol?gico individual, que subyacen a la participaci?n de j?venes, de estratos altos y bajos, en din?micas delincuenciales


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The aim of the project was to improve an existing testing machine that is produced by the company EVOLEO Technologies. New conceptions of each part have been invented in order to produce an innovative unit that combines optimal segments from the old construction with the new, improved ones. The machine is meant to be testing different kind of devices that use specific elements like: buttons, knobs, monitors. The main purpose is to create various concepts of components that could be changed in order to lower the cost, weight or to simplify the operating process. Figure 1. shows the already existing discussed device.


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This brochure, printed in Spanish, describes what to feed children ages one to five. Included are tips on how to make mealtimes happy, normal behavior and growth and appetite. A chart of daily recommended amounts from different food groups and a sample menu are included.


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La Falla Renal Aguda (FRA) es un síndrome multifactorial de etiología variada e incidencia que difiere según países y poblaciones de estudio. A nivel mundial no existe un consenso en cuanto a una definición universal. Últimamente se ha reconocido la importancia que tiene la reducción leve a moderada de la función renal en la morbimortalidad especialmente en los pacientes críticos. En 2004, la Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative, realizó un consenso para definir la falla renal aguda, a través del criterio de RIFLE (Riesgo, Injuria, Falla, Pérdida y Estado final de la falla), el cual utilizó los criterios de los adultos y lo extrapoló hacia los pacientes pediátricos. Objetivo: diagnosticar falla renal aguda de acuerdo con los criterios RIFLE en los pacientes de 1 a 5 años hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos del Hospital Bloom en el año 2013, identificación de la prevalencia y de las principales causas etiológicas en las cuales se presenta. Muestra: pacientes de 1 a 5 años hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom, los cuales no fueron sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos o presentaron insuficiencia renal crónica. Método: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, desarrollado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de dicho hospital, haciendo el diagnóstico de falla renal aguda mediante la aplicación los criterios RIFLE para demostrar la utilidad de ésta metodología en el diagnóstico temprano de FRA. Se analizaron los datos epidemiológicos, clínicos y analíticos de todos los pacientes con falla renal aguda. Consideraciones éticas: el presente estudio se evaluó y aprobó por el comité de ética del HNNBB considerándolo adecuado y de bajo riesgo para los pacientes. Resultados: hubo 27 episodios de FRA en 43 pacientes con edad de 1 a 5 años lo cual corresponde al 62.7% de los casos estudiados, el 52% sexo femenino. La patología primaria más frecuente fueron las patologías de origen infeccioso, más común en las neumonías; la media de edad de presentación son los 26 meses. Mediante la aplicación de los criterios RIFLE se permitió diagnosticar de forma más temprana la FRA.


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The Internet has changed the way in which organizations communicate with their publics, and museums are not an exception. The consolidation of Web 2.0 has not only given museums access to a powerful new tool for disseminating information, but has involved significant changes in the relationship between institutions and their publics, facilitating and enhancing the interaction between them. The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the degree of interactivity implemented in the websites of major international art museums, in order to assess if museums are evolving towards more dialogic systems with relation to their publics. The results indicate that museums still have a low level of interactivity on their websites, both in the tools used to present information and the resources available for interaction with virtual visitors. But it has also observed that museums are progressively implementing interactive and dialogic sources, suggesting a clear trend towards new ways of managing these platforms in order to establish more participatory and collaborative communication systems with virtual users.


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Combined media on photographic paper. 55" x 93", Jargomatique Series. Private Collection


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This publication is volume 1, issue 5 of the University of South Carolina Publications. Series III. Biology. on taxonomic studies of the flora and fauna of South Carolina.


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A bimonthly literary magazine edited by Zhou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑, featuring fiction, topical articles, and entertainment features, published from September 1921 through November 1925.


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PoliEstudio 1.0 is a computational tool, with free license, created to work with polynomial expressions in one variable and it was created by a team in which the authors of this article are part of. This article documents the qualitative validation performed to this software which main objective was to bring to the Costa Rican Educational System a validated educational software that can solve, partially, the problems that nowadays exists in the mathematic education of secondary students, particularly in the topics related to polynomial expressions in one variable and specifically to those students who are in eighth grade.


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Background: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the deadliest and most aggressive form of primary brain tumor. Unfortunately, current GBM treatment therapies are not effective in treating GBM patients. They usually experience very poor prognosis with a median survival of approximately 12 months. Only 3-5% survive up to 3 years or more. A large-scale gene profile study revealed that several genes involved in essential cellular processes are altered in GBM, thus, explaining why existing therapies are not effective. The survival of GBM patients depends on understanding the molecular and key signaling events associated with these altered physiological processes in GBM. Phosphoinositides (PI) form just a tiny fraction of the total lipid content in humans, however they are implicated in almost all essential biological processes, such as acting as second messengers in spatio-temporal regulation of cell signaling, cytoskeletal reorganization, cell adhesion, migration, apoptosis, vesicular trafficking, differentiation, cell cycle and post-translational modifications. Interestingly, these essential processes are altered in GBM. More importantly, incoming reports have associated PI metabolism, which is mediated by several PI phosphatases such as SKIP, lipases such as PLCβ1, and other kinases, to regulate GBM associated cellular processes. Even as PLCβ1 and SKIP are involved in regulating aberrant cellular processes in several other cancers, very few studies, of which majority are in-silico-based, have focused on the impact of PLCβ1 and SKIP in GBM. Hence, it is important to employ clinical, in vitro, and in vivo GBM models to define the actual impact of PLCβ1 and SKIP in GBM. AIM: Since studies of PLCβ1 and SKIP in GBM are limited, this study aimed at determining the pathological impact of PI metabolic enzymes, PLCB1 and SKIP, in GBM patient samples, GBM cell line models, and xenograft models for SKIP. Results: For the first time, this study confirmed through qPCR that PLCβ1 gene expression is lower in human GBM patient samples. Moreover, PLCβ1 gene expression inversely correlates with pathological grades of glioma; it decreases as glioma grades increases or worsens. Silencing PLCβ1 in U87MG GBM cells produces a dual impact in GBM by participating in both pro-tumoral and anti-tumoral roles. PLCβ1 knockdown cells were observed to have more migratory abilities, increased cell to extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion, transition from epithelial phenotype to mesenchymal phenotype through the upregulation of EMT transcription factors Twist1 and Slug, and mesenchymal marker, vimentin. On the other hand, p-Akt and p-mTOR protein expression were downregulated in PLCβ1 knockdown cells. Thus, the oncogenic pathway PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is inhibited during PLCβ1 knockdown. Consistently, cell viability in PLCβ1 knockdown cells were significantly decreased compared to controls. As for SKIP, this study demonstrated that about 48% of SKIP colocalizes with nuclear PtdIns(4,5)P2 to nuclear speckles and that SKIP knockdown alters nuclear PtdIns(4,5)P2 in a cell-type dependent manner. In addition, SKIP silencing increased tumor volume and weight in xenografts than controls by reducing apoptosis and increasing viability. All in all, these data confirm that PLCβ1 and SKIP are involved in GBM pathology and a complete understanding of their roles in GBM may be beneficial.


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Cecropia glaziovii is a tree with used in Brazilian popular medicine. Methods allowing the clonal propagation of this species are of great interest for superior genotype multiplication and perpetuation. For this reason, we examined the effect of different culture media and different types of explants on adventitious shoot regeneration from callus and buds of C. glaziovii. Leaves, petioles and stipules obtained from aseptically grown seedlings or from pre-sterilized plants were used to initiate cultures. Adventitious shoot regeneration was achieved when apical and axillary buds were inoculated on gelled Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine alone (BAP) (1.0, 5.0 or 10.0 mg L-1) or combined with -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (1.0 or 2.0 mg L-1), after 40 days of culture. Best callus production was obtained after 30 days of petioles' culture on gelled MS medium with 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (5.0 mg L-1) combined with BAP (1.0 mg L-1). Successful shoot regeneration from callus was achieved when MS medium supplemented with zeatin (ZEA) (0.1 mg L-1) alone or combined with 2,4-D (1.0 or 5.0 mg L-1) was inoculated with friable callus obtained from petioles. All shoots were rooted by inoculation on MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (1.0 mg L-1). Rooted plants transferred to potting soil were successfully established. All in vitro regenerated plantlets showed to be normal, without morphological variations, being also identical to the source plant. Our study has shown that C. glaziovii can be propagated by tissue culture methods, allowing large scale multiplication of superior plants for pharmacological purposes.


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OBJECTIVES: The complexity and heterogeneity of human bone, as well as ethical issues, frequently hinder the development of clinical trials. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the modulus of elasticity of a polyurethane isotropic experimental model via tension tests, comparing the results to those reported in the literature for mandibular bone, in order to validate the use of such a model in lieu of mandibular bone in biomechanical studies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-five polyurethane test specimens were divided into 3 groups of 15 specimens each, according to the ratio (A/B) of polyurethane reagents (PU-1: 1/0.5, PU-2: 1/1, PU-3: 1/1.5). RESULTS: Tension tests were performed in each experimental group and the modulus of elasticity values found were 192.98 MPa (SD=57.20) for PU-1, 347.90 MPa (SD=109.54) for PU-2 and 304.64 MPa (SD=25.48) for PU-3. CONCLUSION: The concentration of choice for building the experimental model was 1/1.


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Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Distrito Federal (DF). No total foram amostrados 2.019 animais, provenientes de 278 propriedades. Em cada propriedade visitada aplicou-se um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas de criação e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo quando pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. A prevalência no DF foi de 2,5% [1,0-5,1%] para propriedades e de 0,16% [0,04-0,28%] para animais. Em razão dos resultados encontrados, que permitem pensar em estratégias de erradicação, recomenda-se que o DF intensifique o diagnóstico de brucelose, tanto na forma de testes sorológicos sistemáticos como pela introdução de mecanismos de detecção rápida em laticínios, em ambos os casos a fim de aumentar o número de propriedades certificadas como livres da doença e melhorar a sensibilidade do sistema de vigilância ativa.