921 resultados para 060205 Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology)


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Com esse trabalho, visamos discutir a tentativa de estabelecer um equilíbrio entre o ser humano e natureza na área rural de Judá, pouco antes do reinado de Josias (640-609 a.C.). Nesse caso, pode-se perguntar: seria o mandamento de Deuteronômio 5,12-15 um discurso ecológico? A partir dos estudos de Frank Crüsemann e Haroldo Reimer se admite que partes das leis veterotestamentárias eram destinadas ao assim chamado grupo povo da terra de Judá, visando à manutenção de seu poder. O grupo teria assumido a liderança em Judá mediante um golpe político e, articulando-se, desde então, numa política de aliança para se conservar no poder, mesmo não o assumindo diretamente. Nesse contexto de política de alianças deve-se procurar a implementação do mandamento de Deuteronômio 5,12-15. Ele teria sido escrito por anciãos, um grupo junto ao qual o povo da terra teria se aliado para que ordenassem sentenças jurídicas para a acomodação social. Nesse caso, inicialmente o portão da cidade, espaço oficial para discussões, reclamações e propostas de intermediações, deve ter sido o lugar de elaboração de sentenças jurídicas sobre a utilização de técnicas na agricultura. Sendo elas posteriormente levadas ao tribunal do templo para passar pelas mãos dos sacerdotes, outro braço da coalizão. O uso dos animais de porte, cujo peso prejudicava as pequenas propriedades de terra de Judá, deve ter sido um motivo de incessantes conflitos entre pequenos e grandes proprietários de terra. Ressaltamos assim que apenas os homens mais abastados de Judá tinham acesso a esses animais. Esta solução, segundo se entende, liga o rodízio de culturas ao descanso do campo pertencente ao povo da terra de Judá. Liga-se o termo sábado com a vida da elite rural judaíta do período do reinado de Josias. Uma saída encontrada pelas elites de Judá, a qual nos leva a ponderar uma situação similar que ocorre na América Latina, diante da globalização. Se o texto Deuteronômio 5,12-15 é uma ponderação das elites hegemônicas de Judá que buscam o equilíbrio entre ser o humano e a natureza (ecologia), o discurso ecológico contemporâneo poderá ter neste texto um importante interlocutor. Esse discurso pode ocultar interesses econômicos, completamente diferentes, pois se trata de uma estratégia dominadora e não libertadora, objetivando-se, sobretudo, a reprodução social. O Brasil e os demais países da América Latina vêm sofrendo, há algum tempo, com essa distância entre a elite e o resto da sociedade. Nossas elites utilizam-se, há tempos, do discurso ecológico para se manterem no poder dessas sociedades. Por exemplo, vemos nos noticiários uma quantidade de programas e manchetes ligadas à destruição da natureza. Isso é interessante porque, após terem eles mesmo destruído a natureza, passam agora a defendê-la; controlando as reservas naturais, garantindo sua produtividade e seu status quo no sistema econômico atual.(AU)


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A személy-környezet összeillés elméletei szerint az emberek viselkedésmintázata és a specifi kus környezeti feltételek között összefüggés áll fenn (Dúll, 1998). Ahogyan Gump (1990) rámutat, két ember hasonlóbban viselkedik egy adott helyen, mint ugyanazon ember két eltérő helyen. Brighem (1991) mindezt azzal magyarázza, hogy az egyén és a környezet között kialakuló interakció során illeszkedés alakul ki az egyén céljai és a környezet elrendezése között. A fi zikai környezet felépítése hatással van a társas interakciók kibontakozásának lehetőségére is, ezáltal befolyásolják az ott élők megküzdési stratégiáit (Evans et al., 1996, in: Dúll, 2009). Az interakciókat gátló helyek ennek megfelelően a személyek közötti kommunikáció hiányához, egymástól való elidegenedéshez vezethetnek. Az így kialakuló kollektív szemlélet hiánya számos, fenntarthatósági szempontból fontos viselkedés gátját képezheti (például javak megosztott igénybevétele, közösségi javak felelős használata). Mindez magyarázatul szolgálhat olyan esetekben is, ahol azt láthatjuk, hogy ugyanazon személy eltérő fogyasztási és viselkedési mintákat követ más-más helyszínen. Turisztikai szempontból azonban fontosabb annak vizsgálata, hogy egy adott desztináció milyen hatással van az odaérkező vendégek viselkedésére, módosítja-e azt, és ha igen, milyen irányba és miért.


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A brackish water ecotone of coastal bays and lakes, mangrove forests, salt marshes, tidal creeks, and upland hammocks separates Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico from the freshwater Everglades. The Everglades mangrove estuaries are characterized by salinity gradients that vary spatially with topography and vary seasonally and inter-annually with rainfall, tide, and freshwater flow from the Everglades. Because of their location at the lower end of the Everglades drainage basin, Everglades mangrove estuaries have been affected by upstream water management practices that have altered the freshwater heads and flows and that affect salinity gradients. Additionally, interannual variation in precipitation patterns, particularly those caused to El Nin˜o events, control freshwater inputs and salinity dynamics in these estuaries. Two major external drivers on this system are water management activities and global climate change. These drivers lead to two major ecosystem stressors: reduced freshwater flow volume and duration, and sea-level rise. Major ecological attributes include mangrove forest production, soil accretion, and resilience; coastal lake submerged aquatic vegetation; resident mangrove fish populations; wood stork (Mycteria americana) and roseate spoonbill (Platelea ajaja) nesting colonies; and estuarine crocodilian populations. Causal linkages between stressors and attributes include coastal transgression, hydroperiods, salinity gradients, and the ‘‘white zone’’ freshwater/estuarine interface. The functional estuary and its ecological attributes, as influenced by sea level and freshwater flow, must be viewed as spatially dynamic, with a possible near-term balancing of transgression but ultimately a long-term continuation of inland movement. Regardless of the spatio-temporal timing of this transgression, a salinity gradient supportive of ecologically functional Everglades mangrove estuaries will be required to maintain the integrity of the South Florida ecosystem.


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Water samples were collected from rivers and estuarine environments within the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) ecosystem, USA, and ultrafiltered dissolved organic matter (UDOM; 1 kDa) was isolated for characterization of its source, bioavailability and diagenetic state. A combination of techniques, including 15N cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (15N CPMAS NMR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), were used to analyze the N components of UDOM. The concentrations and compositions of total hydrolysable amino acids (HAAs) were analyzed to estimate UDOM bioavailability and diagenetic state. Optical properties (UV–visible and fluorescence) and the stable isotope ratios of C and N were measured to assess the source and dynamics of UDOM. Spectroscopic analyses consistently showed that the major N species of UDOM are in amide form, but significant contributions of aromatic-N were also observed. XPS showed a very high pyridinic-N concentration in the FCE–UDOM (21.7 ± 2.7%) compared with those in other environments. The sources of this aromatic-N are unclear, but could include soot and charred materials from wild fires. Relatively high total HAA concentrations (4 ± 2% UDOC or 27 ± 4% UDON) are indicative of bioavailable components, and HAA compositions suggest FCE–UDOM has not undergone extensive diagenetic processing. These observations can be attributed to the low microbial activity and a continuous supply of fresh UDOM in this oligotrophic ecosystem. Marsh plants appear to be the dominant source of UDOM in freshwater regions of the FCE, whereas seagrasses and algae are the dominant sources of UDOM in Florida Bay. This study demonstrates the utility of a multi-technique and multi-proxy approach to advance our understanding of DON biogeochemistry.


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The Atlantic Forest in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) is included in Pernambuco biogeographic sub-region and it is composed by Semi-deciduous Forest, deciduous Forest, Mangrove and Restinga. We assessed the conservation status of Atlantic Forest in the RN through remnants mapping using high resolution satellite images and landscape ecology approaches. We evaluated if there is difference between the north and south coastal regions considering their natural a historical land use differences. We also assessed the influence of the small remnants on landscape cover and configuration. The proportion of the original biome area with remnants larger than 3 hectares is 15.60% for the official governmental limit and is 16.60% for the alternative limit (SNE, 2002). This remnants proportion varies between 0.56 and 46.52% in the hydrographic basins. 89.70% of the remnants are smaller than 50 hectares. Only 6.00% of the remnants are greater than 100 hectares, and these remnants are responsible by 65% of remaining area. The patches with smaller area influence all calculated metrics. The south coastal hydrographic basins have higher percentage of coverage of remnants, larger patch densities and fragments with larger areas than north coastal hydrographic basins. The diffuse drainage basins of the southern coastal have the highest percentage of coverage with remnants. 18.28% and 10% of the biome area are protected by reserves, according to the official governmental and alternative limits respectively. The reserves are mainly of sustainable use (IUCN V-VI). Therefore, the Atlantic Forest in Rio Grande do Norte is in critical situation, with low proportion of remaining area and high fragmentation level. It’s indispensable to biome conservation keep all the remaining area, especially the large remnants, and restore areas to increase remnants proportion and to increase landscape connectivity


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Herederas de propuestas disciplinarias originales, como la teoría de la dependencia -y sus posteriores críticas desde el marxismo-, o del pensamiento socioeconómico de la CEPAL, las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas toman distancia de enfoques anglo-euro-céntricos, para avanzar en una línea crítica del pensamiento y de las prácticas neocolonialistas. El desafío para el pensamiento es ser cosmopolita y simultáneamente latinoamericano. En este proceso, el pensamiento social latinoamericano está logrando recuperar su originalidad y vigor, gracias a un rico diálogo Sur-Sur que no pierde de vista el carácter global de sus reflexiones y de sus referentes universales. Aunque ni el marxismo clásico ni el occidental son hegemónicos dentro de la teoría crítica, el (neo)marxismo enriquecido con la crítica a la colonialidad del poder, la teoría del Sistema-mundo, la geopolítica crítica y la ecología política recuperan el campo de la teoría crítica en clave fundadora de un pensamiento de época. Sus debates epistemológicos con el post-estructuralismo y diversos enfoques posmodernos configuran los desarrollos recientes de la teoría crítica.


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It is expected that the calcification of foraminifera will be negatively affected by the ongoing acidification of the oceans. Compared to the open oceans, these organisms are subjected to much more adverse carbonate system conditions in coastal and estuarine environments such as the southwestern Baltic Sea, where benthic foraminifera are abundant. This study documents the seasonal changes of carbonate chemistry and the ensuing response of the foraminiferal community with bi-monthly resolution in Flensburg Fjord. In comparison to the surface pCO2, which is close to equilibrium with the atmosphere, we observed large seasonal fluctuations of pCO2 in the bottom and sediment pore waters. The sediment pore water pCO2 was constantly high during the entire year ranging from 1244 to 3324 µatm. Nevertheless, in contrast to the bottom water, sediment pore water was slightly supersaturated with respect to calcite as a consequence of higher alkalinity (AT) for most of the year. Foraminiferal assemblages were dominated by two calcareous species, Ammonia aomoriensis and Elphidium incertum, and the agglutinated Ammotium cassis. The one-year cycle was characterised by seasonal community shifts. Our results revealed that there is no dynamic response of foraminiferal population density and diversity to elevated sediment pore water pCO2. Surprisingly, the fluctuations of sediment pore water undersaturation (Omega calc) co-vary with the population densities of living Ammonia aomoriensis. Further, we observed that most of the tests of living calcifying foraminifera were intact. Only Ammonia aomorienis showed dissolution and recalcification structures on the tests, especially at undersaturated conditions. Therefore, the benthic community is subjected to high pCO2 and tolerates elevated levels as long as sediment pore water remains supersaturated. Model calculations inferred that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations will finally lead to a perennial undersaturation in sediment pore waters. Whereas benthic foraminifera indeed may cope with a high sediment pore water pCO2, the steady undersaturation of sediment pore waters would likely cause a significant higher mortality of the dominating Ammonia aomoriensis. This shift may eventually lead to changes in the benthic foraminiferal communities in Flensburg Fjord, as well as in other regions experiencing naturally undersaturated Omega calc levels.