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Compositional influences on the spectroscopic properties of Yb3+ and the structural variations with the introduction of YbF3 were studied in fluorophosphate glasses. Emission cross-section (sigma(emi)) and gain coefficient (sigma(emi) x tau(f)) were calculated which exhibit maximum at RF2 = 33 mol%. YbF3 has an important effect on the glass forming ability of fluorophosphate glasses when RF2 is over 36 mol%. The study of Raman spectra showed big differences on the glass structure between non-Yb3+ and Yb3+ -doped glasses. The main building units in Yb3+-doped samples are metaphosphate groups, pyrophosphate groups (P-2(O,F)(7), PO3F), Al[F-6] +Al[O,F](6) and F3Al-O-AlF3 while those of the non-Yb3+-doped glasses are monophosphate group P(O,F)(4), little pyrophosphate group, Al[F-4] + Al[F-6] + Al[O,F](4) + Al[O,F](6) and F3Al-O-AlF3, which means Yb3+ ions contribute to a better glass polymerization and network uniformity. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From Raman and IR spectra, obvious differences of the glass structure were observed in non-Yb3+-doped and Yb3+ -doped fluorophosphate glasses. Results showed that Yb3+ ions can induce, in a better glass, polymerization and network uniformity. Compared with the monophosphate-mastered Yb3+-free glass, Yb3+-doped glass has a pyrophosphate environment. The main building blocks in Yb3+ -doped samples are metaphosphate groups, pyrophosphate groups (P-2(O,F)(7),PO3F), Al[F-6]+Al[O,F](6) and F3Al-O-AlF3 while those of the Yb3+ -free glasses are monophosphate groups P(O,F)(4), little pyrophosphate groups, Al[F-4]+Al[F-6]+Al[O,F](4)+Al[O,F](6) and F3Al-O-AlF3. The DSC analysis also showed a slight increase in crystallization stability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As ligações desempenham um papel fundamental no comportamento global das estruturas de aço. Inúmeros trabalhos de pesquisa têm sido desenvolvidos para entender o comportamento real de uma ligação e sua influência na resistência global dos pórticos. Atualmente, a Norma Brasileira de estruturas de aço de edificações, NBR 8800, considera o comportamento das ligações entre duas situações extremas: rígidas, onde não ocorre nenhuma rotação entre os membros conectados, transferindo momento fletor, força cortante e força normal; ou flexíveis, caracterizadas pela liberdade de rotação entre os membros conectados, impedindo a transmissão de momento fletor. Outras normas de projeto de estruturas de aço, consideram que as ligações apresentam um comportamento intermediário, ou seja, semi-rigídas, que podem estar submetidas a uma combinação de momento fletor e esforço normal. Porém, mesmo com a combinação, estas normas não consideram a presença de esforço normal (tração e/ou compressão). Uma limitação empírica de 5% da resistência plástica da viga é a única condição imposta no Eurocode 3. Para o estudo da ligação semi-rigída será utilizada a filosofia do Método das Componentes, que verifica a resistência da ligação e sua classificação quanto à rigidez rotacional, desenvolvida através de modelos mecânicos (modelos de molas). O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever alguns resultados de caracterização de ligações viga-coluna com placa de extremidade ajustada à altura da viga obtidos através de um modelo de elementos finitos. Para tal, será realizada uma análise não-linear geométrica e de material. Esta análise possibilitará avaliar os principais parâmetros que influenciam no comportamento deste componente no que diz respeito a sua avaliação em termos de distribuição de tensões e deformações no modelo de forma global.


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The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers), is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é examinar as novas formas de subjetivação e de mal-estar engendradas pelas exigências da sociedade do trabalho no contexto do capitalismo contemporâneo. A emergência de uma nova e perversa forma de sociabilidade e de uma subjetividade ligada a ela está intrinsecamente associada às transformações estruturais da sociedade capitalista e suas atuais condições da acumulação de capital. Considerando o caráter social e histórico da sociedade capitalista, do sujeito e da subjetividade, o foco deste trabalho deve ser o sujeito interpelado pela ideologia, clivado pelo inconsciente e individualizado pelo mercado. Busco, portanto, articular pontos teóricos entre os conceitos de ideologia, fetiche e inconsciente referenciados no materialismo histórico e na psicanálise. Ao apresentar o Capital como droga e o Trabalho como vicio, pretende-se de forma alegórica desvelar os impasses e sintomas de um sistema em crise que, apesar das sucessivas tentativas de recuperação, colapsa historicamente, levando sua dinâmica perversa aos limites do insuportável. Ao subordinar a reprodução da vida ao trabalho assalariado, ao mesmo tempo em que para se reproduzir tem sistematicamente de aboli-lo, o capitalismo engendra, na sua crise estrutural, uma das mais sofisticadas formas de dominação, sujeição e exploração: a utilização dos componentes do psiquismo e da subjetivação em nome dos interesses da ordem mercantil. No mundo globalizado pelo mercado, vem aumentando o uso de drogas lícitas, fruto ou não de prescrição médica, como um recurso para inibir todo tipo de mal-estar e impasse psíquico ou reações indesejáveis que possam comprometer a adequação dos indivíduos aos padrões da produtividade, a permanência no ambiente de trabalho, bem como o enfrentamento de conflitos e frustrações inerentes à condição humana. Essa manipulação química da subjetividade potencializa-se na atualidade, expandindo globalmente a drogadicção, no sentido amplo do termo, privando o sujeito da capacidade de pensar. Ela aponta também para as impossibilidades de o sujeito desenvolver suas faculdades ativas e criativas, assim como o diálogo com o outro, o que nos conduz cada vez mais a atitudes de intolerância e violência ou estados compulsivos e depressivos. Ao contrário do que o capitalismo podia propiciar em seu período de ascensão, os modos de inclusão imaginária engendrados pelo capitalismo pós-moderno estão baseados no consumo conspícuo e no gozo imediato, implicando novos contornos para o sofrimento psíquico, agora marcado por transtornos narcísico-identitários e saídas não-representacionais. A partir dessa reflexão, busco a crítica do conceito de sujeito configurado pelo trabalho e pelo psicologismo, que tem contribuído para práticas legitimadoras de exclusão no interior da própria psicologia. Esta crítica representa um compromisso ético-político pela desalienação do sujeito e pela superação do capitalismo, aqui entendido como um sistema que produz mercadorias e viciados em drogas.


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At medium to high frequencies the dynamic response of a built-up engineering system, such as an automobile, can be sensitive to small random manufacturing imperfections. Ideally the statistics of the system response in the presence of these uncertainties should be computed at the design stage, but in practice this is an extremely difficult task. In this paper a brief review of the methods available for the analysis of systems with uncertainty is presented, and attention is then focused on two particular "non- parametric" methods: statistical energy analysis (SEA), and the hybrid method. The main governing equations are presented, and a number of example applications are considered, ranging from academic benchmark studies to industrial design studies. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Condition-based maintenance is concerned with the collection and interpretation of data to support maintenance decisions. The non-intrusive nature of vibration data enables the monitoring of enclosed systems such as gearboxes. It remains a significant challenge to analyze vibration data that are generated under fluctuating operating conditions. This is especially true for situations where relatively little prior knowledge regarding the specific gearbox is available. It is therefore investigated how an adaptive time series model, which is based on Bayesian model selection, may be used to remove the non-fault related components in the structural response of a gear assembly to obtain a residual signal which is robust to fluctuating operating conditions. A statistical framework is subsequently proposed which may be used to interpret the structure of the residual signal in order to facilitate an intuitive understanding of the condition of the gear system. The proposed methodology is investigated on both simulated and experimental data from a single stage gearbox. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The uncertainty associated with a rainfall-runoff and non-point source loading (NPS) model can be attributed to both the parameterization and model structure. An interesting implication of the areal nature of NPS models is the direct relationship between model structure (i.e. sub-watershed size) and sample size for the parameterization of spatial data. The approach of this research is to find structural limitations in scale for the use of the conceptual NPS model, then examine the scales at which suitable stochastic depictions of key parameter sets can be generated. The overlapping regions are optimal (and possibly the only suitable regions) for conducting meaningful stochastic analysis with a given NPS model. Previous work has sought to find optimal scales for deterministic analysis (where, in fact, calibration can be adjusted to compensate for sub-optimal scale selection); however, analysis of stochastic suitability and uncertainty associated with both the conceptual model and the parameter set, as presented here, is novel; as is the strategy of delineating a watershed based on the uncertainty distribution. The results of this paper demonstrate a narrow range of acceptable model structure for stochastic analysis in the chosen NPS model. In the case examined, the uncertainties associated with parameterization and parameter sensitivity are shown to be outweighed in significance by those resulting from structural and conceptual decisions. © 2011 Copyright IAHS Press.


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Reinforced concrete buildings in low-to-moderate seismic zones are often designed only for gravity loads in accordance with the non-seismic detailing provisions. Deficient detailing of columns and beam-column joints can lead to unpredictable brittle failures even under moderate earthquakes. Therefore, a reliable estimate of structural response is required for the seismic evaluation of these structures. For this purpose, analytical models for both interior and exterior slab-beam-column subassemblages and for a 1/3 scale model frame were implemented into the nonlinear finite element platform OpenSees. Comparison between the analytical results and experimental data available in the literature is carried out using nonlinear pushover analyses and nonlinear time history analysis for the subassemblages and the model frame, respectively. Furthermore, the seismic fragility assessment of reinforced concrete buildings is performed on a set of non-ductile frames using nonlinear time history analyses. The fragility curves, which are developed for various damage states for the maximum interstory drift ratio are characterized in terms of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration using a suite of ground motions representative of the seismic hazard in the region.


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Lattice materials are characterized at the microscopic level by a regular pattern of voids confined by walls. Recent rapid prototyping techniques allow their manufacturing from a wide range of solid materials, ensuring high degrees of accuracy and limited costs. The microstructure of lattice material permits to obtain macroscopic properties and structural performance, such as very high stiffness to weight ratios, highly anisotropy, high specific energy dissipation capability and an extended elastic range, which cannot be attained by uniform materials. Among several applications, lattice materials are of special interest for the design of morphing structures, energy absorbing components and hard tissue scaffold for biomedical prostheses. Their macroscopic mechanical properties can be finely tuned by properly selecting the lattice topology and the material of the walls. Nevertheless, since the number of the design parameters involved is very high, and their correlation to the final macroscopic properties of the material is quite complex, reliable and robust multiscale mechanics analysis and design optimization tools are a necessary aid for their practical application. In this paper, the optimization of lattice materials parameters is illustrated with reference to the design of a bracket subjected to a point load. Given the geometric shape and the boundary conditions of the component, the parameters of four selected topologies have been optimized to concurrently maximize the component stiffness and minimize its mass. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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An existing hybrid finite element (FE)/statistical energy analysis (SEA) approach to the analysis of the mid- and high frequency vibrations of a complex built-up system is extended here to a wider class of uncertainty modeling. In the original approach, the constituent parts of the system are considered to be either deterministic, and modeled using FE, or highly random, and modeled using SEA. A non-parametric model of randomness is employed in the SEA components, based on diffuse wave theory and the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), and this enables the mean and variance of second order quantities such as vibrational energy and response cross-spectra to be predicted. In the present work the assumption that the FE components are deterministic is relaxed by the introduction of a parametric model of uncertainty in these components. The parametric uncertainty may be modeled either probabilistically, or by using a non-probabilistic approach such as interval analysis, and it is shown how these descriptions can be combined with the non-parametric uncertainty in the SEA subsystems to yield an overall assessment of the performance of the system. The method is illustrated by application to an example built-up plate system which has random properties, and benchmark comparisons are made with full Monte Carlo simulations. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous numerical simulations have shown that vortex breakdown starts with the formation of a steady axisymmetric bubble and that an unsteady spiralling mode then develops on top of this. We investigate this spiral mode with a linear global stability analysis around the steady bubble and its wake. We obtain the linear direct and adjoint global modes of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations and overlap these to obtain the structural sensitivity of the spiral mode, which identifies the wavemaker region. We also identify regions of absolute instability with a local stability analysis. At moderate swirls, we find that the m=-1 azimuthal mode is the most unstable and that the wavemaker regions of the m=-1 mode lie around the bubble, which is absolutely unstable. The mode is most sensitive to feedback involving the radial and azimuthal components of momentum in the region just upstream of the bubble. To a lesser extent, the mode is also sensitive to feedback involving the axial component of momentum in regions of high shear around the bubble. At an intermediate swirl, in which the bubble and wake have similar absolute growth rates, other researchers have found that the wavemaker of the nonlinear global mode lies in the wake. We agree with their analysis but find that the regions around the bubble are more influential than the wake in determining the growth rate and frequency of the linear global mode. The results from this paper provide the first steps towards passive control strategies for spiral vortex breakdown. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.


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This paper proposed a non-intrusive method of measuring the optical beam profile at the surface of the liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) device in an optical fiber switch. This method is based on blazed grating and can be employed in situ (on-line) for two-dimensional beam profiling in the LCOS-based optical fiber switches without introducing additional components or rearranging the system. The measured beam radius was in excellent agreement with that measured by the knife-edge technique. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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LiMn2-xTixO4 compounds with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 were prepared by solid state reaction and Pechini technique. Powder X-ray diffraction showed that all samples crystallize with the spinel crystal structure (S.G. Fd3-m). The cubic unit-cell parameter increases with the Ti content. The influence of the Ti content and cationic distribution on the magnetic properties of the compounds was studied by measuring the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetization: substitution by non-magnetic d0 Ti4+ ions appeared to weaken the magnetic interactions between the manganese ions. The electrical properties of LiMnTiO4 were studied by AC impedance spectroscopy and DC polarisation measurements, which revealed the electronic character of the conduction process. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.