952 resultados para ~(137)Cs


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通过116Cd(14N,5n),Ebeam=65MeV的核反应布居了125Cs的高自旋态.利用在束γ谱学实验方法,进行了γ γ符合测量,使已知的125Cs核能级纲图得到了扩展,并且修正了某些组态的带头激发能.


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利用融合蒸发反应 116Cd(14 N ,4n) 12 6Cs布居了 12 6Cs的高自旋态 .观测到了 10 0多条新的γ跃迁和相应的能级 ,建立了双奇核 12 6Cs由 9个转动带构成的能级纲图 .尝试性地指定了大部分能级的自旋和宇称以及各转动带的Nilsson单粒子组态 .极大地丰富了已有的实验结果 .


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The temperature dependences of the light output of CsI(Tl) crystal grown at IMP and of the gain of the Hamamatsu S8664-1010 avalanche photodiode (APD) have been investigated systematically. The light output of the CsI(Tl) crystal increases with temperature by 0.67%/degrees C in the region from -2 degrees C to 8 degrees C, and by 0.33%/degrees C in the region from 8 degrees C to 25 degrees C, while the gain of the tested APD decreases by -3.68%/degrees C (working voltage 400V) on average in the room temperature range. The best energy resolution 5.1% of the CsI(Tl) with APD was obtained for the 662keV gamma ray from Cs-137 radiation source.


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The nucleus Cs-126 was investigated by means of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques using the Nordball detector system at the Niels Bohr Institute. Excited states of Cs-126 were populated via the Cd-116(N-14, 4n)Cs-126 reaction at a beam energy of 65 MeV. The Cs-126 level scheme was considerably extended, especially at negative parity and about 40 new levels and 70 new transitions were added into the level scheme. The previously reported negative-parity rotational bands, built on pi g(7/2)circle times nu h(11/2),pi d(5/2)circle times nu h(11/2),pi h(11/2)circle times nu g(7/2), and pi h(11/2)circle times nu d(5/2) configurations, have been extended and evolve into bands involving rotationally aligned (pi h(11/2))(2) and (nu h(11/2))(2) quasiparticles. Two new rotational bands have been tentatively assigned the pi h(11/2)circle times nu s(1/2) and pi g(9/2)circle times nu h(11/2) configurations, respectively


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The candidate chiral doublet bands recently observed in Cs-126 have been extended to higher spins, several new linking transitions between the two partner members of the chiral doublet bands are observed, and gamma-intensities related to the chiral doublet bands are presented by analyzing the gamma-gamma coincidence data collected earlier at the NORDBALL through the Cd-116(N-14, 4n)Cs-126 reaction at a beam energy of 65 MeV. The intraband B(M1)/B(E2) and interband B(M1)(in)/B(M1)(out) ratios and the energy staggering parameter, S(I), have been deduced for these doublet bands. The results are found to be consistent with the chiral interpretation for the two structures. Furthermore, the observation of chiral doublet bands in Cs-126 together with those in Cs-124, Cs-128, Cs-130, and Cs-132 also indicates that the chiral conditions do not change rapidly with decreasing neutron number in these odd-odd Cesium isotopes.


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Calculations of the 4d absolute photoabsorption cross sections of the Xe-like Cs+ ion covering the energy region from 80 to 190 eV have been performed by using the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. The calculated cross sections are compared with the absolute experimental photoabsorption cross-section spectrum (Kjeldsen et al 2002 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 2845) and other available theoretical results. In the 80-90 eV region, the discrete structure resulting from photoexcitation of a 4d electron into nf and np orbits are successfully identified. Above the 4d threshold, i.e. in the 90-190 eV energy region, a reasonable agreement between experiment and computations is found for the intense 4d -> epsilon f shape resonance.


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A dynamic measurement system was developed by the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) for the dipole prototype of Rapid Cycle Synchrotron (RCS) of China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). The repetition frequency of RCS is 25 Hz. The probe is a moving arc searching-coil, and the data acquisition system is based on the dynamic analysis modular of National Instrument. To get the error of high order harmonics of the field at basic frequency, the hardware integrator is replaced by a high speed ADC with software filter and integrator. A series of harmonic coefficients of field are used to express the varieties of dynamic fields in space and time simultaneously. The measurement system has been tested in Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), and the property of the dipole prototype of RCS has been measured. Some measurement results and the repeatability of system are illustrated in this paper.


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The toughening effect of the shell content of a core-shell latex polymer poly(butyl acrylate) (PBA)-cs-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) on its blends with polycarbonate (PC) was studied. The changes of mechanical properties, morphology, and compatibility of the blends of PC/PBA-cs-PMMA with the change of the shell thickness of PBA-cs-PMMA were investigated. It is interesting to notice that mechanical properties of the blends are very sensitive to the shell thickness (i.e., shell content), and that there is a possibility to adjust the impact and tensile properties of the blend by selecting a PBA-cs-PMMA with a proper core/shell ratio. Hence, a modified PC material with balanced mechanical properties may be prepared.


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The toughening effect of the content of a core-shell poly(butyl acrylate)/poly(methyl methacrylate) latex polymer (PBA-cs-PMMA) on the mechanical properties, morphology and compatibility of its blends with polycarbonate(PC), i.e., PC/PBA-cs-PMMa, was studied. The mechanical properties of the blends are strongly affected by varying the content of PBA-cs-PMMA in the blend. When the PBA-cs-PMMA content is only 5 wt.-%, the impact strength of PC/PBA-cs-PMMA is almost 19 times as high as that of pure PC, indicating that PBA-cs-PMMA is a very good impact modifier for PC. With increasing interphacial layer thickness and decreasing interphacial tension, the interphacial activity becomes more and more effective and, at the same time, miscibility increases too.


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随着稀土资源的不断开发利用,它们不可避免地通过多种途径进入生物体内,因而从分子和细胞水平上研究稀土的生物效应具有非常重要的理论和实际意义.关于稀土与细胞作用的研究已有诸多报道,本文报道用~(133)Cs NMR方法研究La~(3+)对Cs~+跨膜进入红细胞的影响.对于物质跨膜传输的研究,首先需要合适的手段将被传输物质在膜两侧的分布区分开.在碱金属离子中,仅~(133)Cs~+在不引入顺磁位移试剂情况下,细胞内外NMR信号能确切区分,并且在体系中无K~+时,Cs~+有类似于K~+的功能,故~(133)Cs是研究稀土离子与细胞作用


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The diatom flora in a 164 cm long sediment core obtained from Jiaozhou Bay (Yellow Sea, China) was analyzed in order to trace the response of diatoms to environmental changes over the past 100 years. The sediment core was dated by Pb-210 and Cs-137 and represented approximately 100 years (1899-2001 A.D.). The flora was mainly composed of centric diatoms (59-96%). The concentration of diatoms declined sharply above 30 cm (after similar to 1981 A.D.), while the dominant species changed from Thalassiosira anguste-lineatus, Thalassiosira eccentria, Coscinodiscus excentricus, Coscinodiscus concinnus and Diploneis gorjanovici to Cyclotella stylorum and Paralia sulcata. Species richness decreased slightly, and the cell abundance of warm-water species increased. We argue that these floral changes were probably caused by climate change in combination with eutrophication resulting from aquaculture and sewage discharge. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.