991 resultados para zoned magma chamber
Variations in crystal morphologies in pillow basalts and probable sheet flows sampled from the region of the East Pacific Rise drilled during Leg 54 are related both to differences in composition and to an extreme range of cooling rate experienced upon extrusion. The basalts range in composition from olivine-rich tholeiites to tholeiitic ferrobasalts, and include some more alkaline basalts. The kinetics of crystal growth in some samples appears to have been influenced by the amount of initial superheating (or supercooling) of the magma, or possibly by differential retention of volatiles. Olivine in quartznormative ferrobasalts apparently formed metastably at high undercooling. Despite these effects, reliable petrographic criteria are established to distinguish the principal rock types described regardless of the crystallinity and grain size. Microphenocrysts formed prior to pillow formation correspond closely to mineral assemblages inferred from normative plots and variation diagrams to control crystal fractionation at various stages. The details of spherulitic and dendritic growth also provide some clues about composition. Petrographic evidence for magma mixing is scant. Only some Siqueiros fracture zone basalts contain zoned plagioclase phenocrysts with glass inclusions similar to those used to infer mixing among Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts. All basalts from the summit and flanks of the East Pacific Rise are aphyric. One possible petrographic consequence of mixing between olivine tholeiites and ferrobasalts - formation of clinopyroxene phenocrysts - is not evident in any fracture zone or Rise crest basalt. Highly evolved ferrobasalts with liquidus low-Ca clinopyroxene have not been sampled, nor does textural evidence indicate that any basalts sampled are hybrid compositions between such magmas and less fractionated compositions. Evidently the sampled ferrobasalts are close to the most evolved compositions that occur in any abundance on this portion of the East Pacific Rise.
This study evaluated in vitro the pulp chamber temperature rise induced by the light-activated dental bleaching technique using different light sources. The root portions of 78 extracted sound human mandibular incisors were sectioned approximately 2 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root cavities of the crowns were enlarged to facilitate the correct placing of the sensor into the pulp chamber. Half of specimens (n=39) was assigned to receive a 35% hydrogen peroxide gel on the buccal surface and the other halt (n=39) not to receive the bleaching agent. Three groups (n=13) were formed for each condition (bleach or no bleach) according to the use of 3 light sources recommended for dental bleaching: a light-emitting diode (LED)laser system, a LED unit and a conventional halogen light. The light sources were positioned perpendicular to the buccal surface at a distance of 5 mm and activated during 30 s. The differences between the initial and the highest temperature readings for each specimen were obtained, and, from the temperature changes, the means for each specimen and each group were calculated. The values of temperature rise were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test at 1% significance level. Temperature rise varied significantly depending on the light-curing unit, with statistically significant differences (p<0.01) among the groups. When the bleaching agent was not applied, the halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (2.38±0.66ºC). The LED unit produced the lowest temperature increase (0.29±0.13ºC); but there was no significant difference between LED unit and LED-laser system (0.35±0.15ºC) (p>0.01). When the bleaching agent was applied, there were significant differences among groups (p<0.01): halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (1.41±0.64ºC), and LED-laser system the lowest (0.33±0.12ºC); however, there was no difference between LED-laser system and LED unit (0.44±0.11ºC). LED and LED-laser system did not differ significantly from each other regardless the temperature rise occurred with or without bleaching agent application. It may be concluded that during light-activated tooth bleaching, with or without the bleaching agent, halogen light promoted higher pulp chamber temperature rise than LED unit and LED-laser system. The tested light-curing units provided increases in the pulp chamber temperature that were compatible with pulpal health.
An experiment was implemented to study fluid flow in a pressure media. This procedure successfully combines nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with a pressure membrane chamber in order to visualize the non-wetting and wetting fluid flows with controlled boundary conditions. A specially designed pressure membrane chamber, made of non-magnetic materials and able to withstand 4 MPa, was designed and built for this purpose. These two techniques were applied to the drainage of Douglas fir sapwood. In the study of the longitudinal flow, narrow drainage fingers are formed in the latewood zones. They follow the longitudinal direction of wood and spread throughout the sample length. These fingers then enlarge in the cross-section plane and coalesce until drainage reaches the whole latewood part. At the end of the experiments, when the drainage of liquid water in latewood is completed, just a few sites of percolation appear in earlywood zones. This difference is a result of the wood anatomical structure, where pits, the apertures that allow the sap to flow between wood cells, are more easily aspirated in earlywood than in latewood. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Silicic volcanic eruptions are typically accompanied by repetitive Long-Period (LP) seismicity that originates from a small region of the upper conduit. These signals have the capability to advance eruption prediction, since they commonly precede a change in the eruption vigour. Shear bands forming along the conduit wall, where the shear stresses are highest, have been linked to providing the seismic trigger. However, existing computational models are unable to generate shear bands at the depths where the LP signals originate using simple magma strength models. Presented here is a model in which the magma strength is determined from a constitutive relationship dependent upon crystallinity and pressure. This results in a depth-dependent magma strength, analogous to planetary lithospheres. Hence, in shallow highly-crystalline regions a macroscopically discontinuous brittle type of deformation will prevail, whilst in deeper crystal-poor regions there will be a macroscopically continuous plastic deformation mechanism. This will result in a depth where the brittle-ductile transition occurs, and here shear bands disconnected from the free-surface may develop. We utilize the Finite Element Method and use axi-symmetric coordinates to model magma flow as a viscoplastic material, simulating quasi-static shear bands along the walls of a volcanic conduit. Model results constrained to the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, show the generation of two types of shear bands: upper-conduit shear bands that form between the free-surface to a few 100 metres below it and discrete shear bands that form at the depths where LP seismicity is measured to occur corresponding to the brittle-ductile transition and the plastic shear region. It is beyond the limitation of the model to simulate a seismic event, although the modelled viscosity within the discrete shear bands suggests a failure and healing cycle time that supports the observed LP seismicity repeat times. However, due to the paucity of data and large parameter space available these results can only be considered to be qualitative rather than quantitative at this stage.
An equivalent algorithm is proposed to simulate thermal effects of the magma intrusion in geological systems, which are composed of porous rocks. Based on the physical and mathematical equivalence, the original magma solidification problem with a moving boundary between the rock and intruded magma is transformed into a new problem without the moving boundary but with a physically equivalent heat source. From the analysis of an ideal solidification model, the physically equivalent heat source has been determined in this paper. The major advantage in using the proposed equivalent algorithm is that the fixed finite element mesh with a variable integration time step can be employed to simulate the thermal effect of the intruded magma solidification using the conventional finite element method. The related numerical results have demonstrated the correctness and usefulness of the proposed equivalent algorithm for simulating the thermal effect of the intruded magma solidification in geological systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article examines the relative importance of regional and national forces in shaping the behavior of Brazilian legislators at the national level. A widely held view is that national legislators respond to state pressures in making decisions, rather than pressures from the national government. Governors not only can influence national debates but also can determine outcomes by exerting control over their states` legislative delegations. This article examines a dataset of all roll-call votes in the Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2006 to isolate and evaluate the impact of local pressures on legislative voting. Spanning the terms of five presidents and five different congresses, the data show that the local influence is weaker than the national on the voting decisions of individual legislators and the voting cohesion of state delegations. Alternative institutional resources allow the central government to counteract the centrifugal pressures of federalism and other institutional influences.
The solidification of intruded magma in porous rocks can result in the following two consequences: (1) the heat release due to the solidification of the interface between the rock and intruded magma and (2) the mass release of the volatile fluids in the region where the intruded magma is solidified into the rock. Traditionally, the intruded magma solidification problem is treated as a moving interface (i.e. the solidification interface between the rock and intruded magma) problem to consider these consequences in conventional numerical methods. This paper presents an alternative new approach to simulate thermal and chemical consequences/effects of magma intrusion in geological systems, which are composed of porous rocks. In the proposed new approach and algorithm, the original magma solidification problem with a moving boundary between the rock and intruded magma is transformed into a new problem without the moving boundary but with the proposed mass source and physically equivalent heat source. The major advantage in using the proposed equivalent algorithm is that a fixed mesh of finite elements with a variable integration time-step can be employed to simulate the consequences and effects of the intruded magma solidification using the conventional finite element method. The correctness and usefulness of the proposed equivalent algorithm have been demonstrated by a benchmark magma solidification problem. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Introduction: Smoking is a serious worldwide public health problem. Animal models act as a bridge between laboratory and human studies. The models applied are difficult to reproduce because of the use of different types of inhalation chambers and mainly because of the lack of continuous monitoring of smoke concentration. Objective: To develop an inhalation chamber for rats (with only the nose exposed) in which the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) can be maintained and monitored constantly. Material and methods: Male Wistar rats weighing 250 g were exposed to 50 ppm CO produced by the smoke from a filter-free cigarette. The animals were submitted to a single 2-h exposure and then sacrificed at 0, 4, 24 and 48 h. The control group was left restrained inside the small perpendicular chambers, receiving only 5 L/min of compressed air. Results: The model was able to increase HbCO levels immediately after the end of exposure (p < 0.001). with a decrease being observed from 2 h onwards when compared to the levels of the control group. Plasma cotinine increased immediately after exposure, and showed still detectable levels at 2 and 4 h (p < 0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that the presented inhalation chamber system is able to maintain a controlled CO concentration in a model in which small animals are exposed to the inhalation of cigarette smoke, permitting well-controlled studies, as well as investigations involving other toxic gases and air pollutants. (C) 2008 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
The Bandas del Sur Formation preserves a Quaternary extra-caldera record of central phonolitic explosive volcanism of the Las Canadas volcano at Tenerife. Volcanic rocks are bimodal in composition, being predominantly phonolitic pyroclastic deposits, several eruptions of which resulted in summit caldera collapse, alkali basaltic lavas erupted from many fissures around the flanks. For the pyroclastic deposits, there is a broad range of pumice glass compositions from phonotephrite to phonolite. The phonolite pyroclastic deposits are also characterized by a diverse, 7-8-phase phenocryst assemblage (alkali feldspar + biotite + sodian diopside + titanomagnetite + ilmenite + nosean-hauyne + titanite + apatite) with alkali feldspar dominant, in contrast to interbedded phonolite lavas that typically have lower phenocryst contents and lack hydrous phases. Petrological and geochemical data are consistent with fractional crystallization (involving the observed phenocryst assemblages) as the dominant process in the development of phonolite magmas. New stratigraphically constrained data indicate that petrological and geochemical differences exist between pyroclastic deposits of the last two explosive cycles of phonolitic volcanism. Cycle 2 (0.85-0.57 Ma) pyroclastic fall deposits commonly show a cryptic compositional zonation indicating that several eruptions tapped chemically, and probably thermally stratified magma systems. Evidence for magma mixing is most widespread in the pyroclastic deposits of Cycle 3 (0.37-0.17 Ma), which includes the presence of reversely and normally zoned phenocrysts, quenched mafic glass blebs in pumice, banded pumice, and bimodal to polymodal phenocryst compositional populations. Syn-eruptive mixing events involved mostly phonolite and tephriphonolite magmas, whereas a pre-eruptive mixing event involving basaltic magma is recorded in several banded pumice-bearing ignimbrites of Cycle 3. The periodic addition and mixing of basaltic magma ultimately may have triggered several eruptions. Recharge and underplating by basaltic magma is interpreted to have elevated sulphur contents (occurring as an exsolved gas phase) in the capping phonolitic magma reservoir. This promoted nosean-hauyne crystallization over nepheline, elevated SO3 contents in apatite, and possibly resulted in large, climatologically important SO2 emissions.
Magma flow in dykes is still not well understood; some reported magnetic fabrics are contradictory and the potential effects of exsolution and metasomatism processes on the magnetic properties are issues open to debate. Therefore, a long dyke made of segments with different thickness, which record distinct degrees of metasomatism, the Messejana-Plasencia dyke (MPD), was studied. Oriented dolerite samples were collected along several cross-sections and characterized by means of microscopy and magnetic analyses. The results obtained show that the effects of metasomatism on rock mineralogy are important, and that the metasomatic processes can greatly influence anisotropy degree and mean susceptibility only when rocks are strongly affected by metasomatism. Petrography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and bulk magnetic analyses show a high-temperature oxidation-exsolution event, experienced by the very early Ti-spinels, during the early stages of magma cooling, which was mostly observed in central domains of the thick dyke segments. Exsolution reduced the grain size of the magnetic carrier (multidomain to single domain transformation), thus producing composite fabrics involving inverse fabrics. These are likely responsible for a significant number of the 'abnormal' fabrics, which make the interpretation of magma flow much more complex. By choosing to use only the 'normal' fabric for magma flow determination, we have reduced by 50 per cent the number of relevant sites. In these sites, the imbrication angle of the magnetic foliation relative to dyke wall strongly suggests flow with end-members indicating vertical-dominated flow (seven sites) and horizontal-dominated flow (three sites).
A test chamber was projected and built (according to ISO 16000-9 Standard) to simulate atmospheric conditions experienced by rubber infill (when applied in synthetic turf pitches) and measure accurately the airborne emissions of pollutants such as dusts and volatile organic compounds (VOC), as well as pollutants present in leachates. It should be pointed out that standard ISO 16000-9 is only concerned with the determination of the emission of VOC from building products and furnishing (not specific of synthetic turf materials), whereas other standards are concerned with the emission of leachates only. This procedure is to be considered as a technical option to the lysimeter "global turf system evaluation" when the rubber infill alone is to be evaluated. The advantage of the proposed option considering this "test chamber" is its simplicity and economy. This test chamber is actually installed and being used for tests in LAIST.
This work addresses the present-day (<100 ka) mantle heterogeneity in the Azores region through the study of two active volcanic systems from Terceira Island. Our study shows that mantle heterogeneities are detectable even when "coeval" volcanic systems (Santa Barbara and Fissural) erupted less than 10 km away. These volcanic systems, respectively, reflect the influence of the Terceira and D. Joao de Castro Bank end-members defined by Beier et at (2008) for the Terceira Rift Santa Barbara magmas are interpreted to be the result of mixing between a HIMU-type component, carried to the upper mantle by the Azores plume, and the regional depleted MORB magmas/source. Fissural lavas are characterized by higher Ba/Nb and Nb/U ratios and less radiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204, Nd-143/Nd-144 and Hf-176/Hf-177, requiring the small contribution of delaminated sub-continental lithospheric mantle residing in the upper mantle. Published noble gas data on lavas from both volcanic systems also indicate the presence of a relatively undegassed component, which is interpreted as inherited from a lower mantle reservoir sampled by the ascending Azores plume. As inferred from trace and major elements, melting began in the garnet stability field, while magma extraction occurred within the spinel zone. The intra-volcanic system's chemical heterogeneity is mainly explained by variable proportions of the above-mentioned local end-members and by crystal fractionation processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
A detailed analysis of fabrics of the chilled margin of a thick dolerite dyke (Foum Zguid dyke, Southern Morocco) was performed in order to better understand the development of sub-fabrics during dyke emplacement and cooling. AMS data were complemented with measurements of paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic fabrics (measured with high field torque magnetometer), neutron texture and microstructural analyses. The ferrimagnetic and AMS fabrics are similar, indicating that the ferrimagnetic minerals dominate the AMS signal. The paramagnetic fabric is different from the previous ones. Based on the crystallization timing of the different mineralogical phases, the paramagnetic fabric appears related to the upward flow, while the ferrimagnetic fabric rather reflects the late-stage of dyke emplacement and cooling stresses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose a 3-D gravity model for the volcanic structure of the island of Maio (Cape Verde archipelago) with the objective of solving some open questions concerning the geometry and depth of the intrusive Central Igneous Complex. A gravity survey was made covering almost the entire surface of the island. The gravity data was inverted through a non-linear 3-D approach which provided a model constructed in a random growth process. The residual Bouguer gravity field shows a single positive anomaly presenting an elliptic shape with a NWSE trending long axis. This Bouguer gravity anomaly is slightly off-centred with the island but its outline is concordant with the surface exposure of the Central Igneous Complex. The gravimetric modelling shows a high-density volume whose centre of mass is about 4500 m deep. With increasing depth, and despite the restricted gravimetric resolution, the horizontal sections of the model suggest the presence of two distinct bodies, whose relative position accounts for the elongated shape of the high positive Bouguer gravity anomaly. These bodies are interpreted as magma chambers whose coeval volcanic counterparts are no longer preserved. The orientation defined by the two bodies is similar to that of other structures known in the southern group of the Cape Verde islands, thus suggesting a possible structural control constraining the location of the plutonic intrusions.
The localization of magma melting areas at the lithosphere bottom in extensional volcanic domains is poorly understood. Large polygenetic volcanoes of long duration and their associated magma chambers suggest that melting at depth may be focused at specific points within the mantle. To validate the hypothesis that the magma feeding a mafic crust, comes from permanent localized crustal reservoirs, it is necessary to map the fossilized magma flow within the crustal planar intrusions. Using the AMS, we obtain magmatic flow vectors from 34 alkaline basaltic dykes from São Jorge, São Miguel and Santa Maria islands in the Azores Archipelago, a hot-spot related triple junction. The dykes contain titanomagnetite showing a wide spectrum of solid solution ranging from Ti-rich to Ti-poor compositions with vestiges of maghemitization. Most of the dykes exhibit a normal magnetic fabric. The orientation of the magnetic lineation k1 axis is more variable than that of the k3 axis, which is generally well grouped. The dykes of São Jorge and São Miguel show a predominance of subhorizontal magmatic flows. In Santa Maria the deduced flow pattern is less systematic changing from subhorizontal in the southern part of the island to oblique in north. These results suggest that the ascent of magma beneath the islands of Azores is predominantly over localized melting sources and then collected within shallow magma chambers. According to this concept, dykes in the upper levels of the crust propagate laterally away from these magma chambers thus feeding the lava flows observed at the surface.