286 resultados para worry
Cette étude propose d’explorer, parmi un ensemble de variables propres à la vulnérabilité des personnes, celles qui expliquent le mieux les inquiétudes face à la victimisation criminelle chez les aînés. L’utilisation d’un instrument de mesure validé en français et adapté à une population âgée québécoise, le WAV (Worry About Victimization), nous aura permis d’étudier la peur du crime en précisant ses dimensions émotionnelles, cognitives et béhaviorale. L’échantillon est constitué de 387 répondants âgés entre 60 et 98 ans résidant dans les centres urbains de Montréal, Sherbrooke et Trois-Rivières. Les résultats suggèrent, qu’en somme, la préoccupation envers le crime en général, les préoccupations envers certains crimes plus spécifiquement définis, de même que les précautions prises contre le crime sont expliquées par des caractéristiques se rapportant à la vulnérabilité des personnes. Pour ces trois dimensions, le sexe représente le meilleur facteur explicatif. Les autres dimensions : perception générale du risque de victimisation, inquiétude diffuse face à l’éventualité d’être victime d’un crime, et recours à des mesures de protection s’expliquent à la fois par des caractéristiques de vulnérabilité et la recherche de protection. Il est à noter que pour ces autres dimensions, le sexe n’est pas au rang de facteurs explicatifs. Des analyses selon le sexe montrent par ailleurs que les inquiétudes des hommes sont moins fonction des caractéristiques de vulnérabilité que pour les femmes. À l’inverse, les expériences de victimisation criminelle de même que les caractéristiques définissant le réseau social, sa disponibilité, l’utilisation qui en est faite et la satisfaction qu’on en tire expliquent davantage l’inquiétude des hommes que celle des femmes. Cette étude conclut que la considération d’autres théories, en complémentarité avec celle de la vulnérabilité, pourrait être bénéfique selon la dimension des inquiétudes étudiée et le sexe des répondants. Cela dit, l’utilisation du WAV apparaît être le premier pas vers l’obtention de connaissances plus nuancées et ainsi plus cohérentes en regard des différentes dimensions de l’inquiétude liée à la victimisation exprimée notamment par les personnes âgées.
"Sur un ton humoristique, les auteurs avouent être des voleurs… d’idées. À quoi riment les lois sur le droit d’auteur demandent-ils ? À l’origine, ce ne sont pas les droits des créateurs que le souverain ou l’État voulait protéger, mais bien les privilèges des éditeurs. Et d’où vient qu’on ait ainsi accordé à ces derniers le droit exclusif de publier ? C’est que dès l’invention de l’imprimerie, les hommes de pouvoir ont bien vu la menace que représentait pour eux la dissémination des idées : le calcul qu’ils ont fait a profité aux imprimeurs. Le phénomène n’est pas étranger à l’existence des permis de radiodiffusion / télévision existant de nos jours dans nos États démocratiques ; et l’histoire se répète comme on l’observe aujourd’hui quant à la régulation du réseau Internet. Quand les éditeurs se rendirent compte qu’ils ne pouvaient plus avoir la main haute sur tout ce qui se publiait, ils ont pris prétexte du droit des créateurs pour protéger leurs propres intérêts. Ni l’éthique ni l’esthétique ne motivaient les éditeurs , mais bien leurs seuls intérêts commerciaux, légitimes au demeurant. Deux factions s’opposent aujourd’hui quant à la question du droit des auteurs à l’ère numérique. La vieille garde se bat pour préserver à peu de choses près le statu quo tandis que ses vis-à-vis proclament la mort du droit d’auteur tel qu’il a existé. Et quel modèle nouveau préconisent ces derniers ? En fait, ils ne s’opposent pas à toute forme de protection pour ceux qui traditionnellement en ont bénéficié, mais songent à des mécanismes nouveaux …, de sorte que la vieille garde n’a pas à s’en faire outre mesure. Le fond du problème est ailleurs soutiennent MM. Benyekhlef et Tresvant : même si les avocats plaideront que ce ne sont pas les idées, mais bien la forme particulière qu’un créateur a choisie pour les exprimer qu’on protège par les lois sur le droit d’auteur, cela ne change rien. Dès qu’une idée est exprimée et fixée d’une certaine manière, il devient plus difficile de l’exprimer à nouveau puisqu’une partie du champ virtuel qu’elle pouvait occuper est déjà conquise, à bon droit selon le droit actuel. Il faut en conclure que le droit d’auteur nouveau, comme le droit d’auteur traditionnel, est une entrave à la libre circulation des idées."
La organización del Archivo de la Educación y la Pedagogía del Caribe colombiano (AEPC) surge de los trabajos y prácticas sistematizadas por parte del Grupo de investigación en 'Educación, Pedagogía y Cultura en el Caribe colombiano', el cual viene desarrollando el Proyecto de investigación: Historia de Escuelas y Maestros del Caribe colombiano: Hacia la configuración y organización del Archivo de la Educación y la Pedagogía del Caribe colombiano', lo que hemos llamado inicialmente, el problema del contexto. Todos los que participamos de las actividades del quehacer docente debemos estar dedicados a investigar este quehacer socialmente situado. Desde el Grupo mencionado nos preocupan las limitaciones convencionales de los distintos modos de abordar el estudio de la actividad de lo educativo-formativo. Sobre todo, queremos explorar algunos interrogantes acerca del mundo socialmente constituido de la educación y la pedagogía en el Caribe colombiano.
El proceso de especialización dentro de una actividad económica es un rasgo esencial para la producción y comercialización de bienes y servicios que ayuden a suplir una necesidad en general. Es por esto, que la unidad de empresa es considerada como principal pilar para el desarrollo de cualquier sociedad a nivel mundial, pues genera empleo y riqueza, coordina los factores de producción, crea nuevas herramientas para vivir e impulsa la evolución de toda una comunidad. De esta forma, es fundamental que el Estado, a través de sus entidades, se preocupe no solo en proteger, mantener, y recuperar a la empresa sino también ayudarla en lograr una liquidación ordenada.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
School management is a recent worry in the history of Brazilian education. Still today the administrative theories from the industrial business model are reference for education, despite its specificities. This situation is not a misconception. Care is necessary to attempt to the goal differences from schools to companies. The aim of this research was to analyze the influence of administrative practices in the quality of education in the Brazilian state of Pará, taking as empiric reference the educational-administrative reality of the 10th Educational Regional Unit (ERU), in the period from 2007 to 2010. The study was made by means of document analysis, questionnaires and the revision of theoretic fundaments, analyzing the results of the national exams of high schools and the practice of ERU school directors and schools of the same unit. Our conclusion is that among managers, the is a lack of knowledge and lack of practice of an adequate theory for education, what has created problems to the students evaluation, whose right to success is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of Brazil. The academics and managers of education would need to discuss and reach the propositions of a management theory that meets the aims and goals of education
"TRAINING FOR THE UNIVERSAL MUSEUM" addresses a theme of our time. A Canadian, Marshall McLuhan, coined the phrase "global village" for this age which has witnessed mass travel, mass communications, even mass credit. Are we now about to see the "mass museum", a museum presumably homogenized and popularized for whatever constitutes the greatest cohort of global visitor which might arrive on the doorsteps of every-museum, every-where? The contributors to this volume think not. But there is in these papers some evidence of worry that we as individuals and institutions responsible for the education and professional development of museum workers are failing to consider seriously the impacts of the "global" forces at work in modern societies. Angelica Ruge discusses how the Germans are re-organizing museum training into a cohesive scheme, searching out the best elements from the former two states that now comprise the new German state. Margaret Greeves and Chris Newbery document the British search for a value free (and universally applicable?) set of museological skills which will underpin performance standards in the workplace. Both of these papers offer a response to the redefinition of the post-modern national state which as we watch, is redrawing political boundaries on every continent, and emphasizing the portability of skills and learning for the itinerant knowledge-industry worker.
Os problemas de comportamento e de aprendizagem em idade escolar constituem uma das principais fontes de preocupação para professores, pais, psicólogos e, de uma forma geral, para todos aqueles que se interessam pelos fenómenos educativos. Contudo, tem sido difícil alcançar posições consensuais na definição do número e tipo de crianças afetadas por estes problemas, em parte devido ao número e diversidade dos profissionais que por eles se interessam. A denominada Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (P H.D.A.) (Antunes, 2009) tem sido um dos mais estudados problemas de desenvolvimento da infância e da adolescência e dos que tem mais impacto quer seja ao nível de salas de aula, quer seja no contexto específico onde o projeto se insere. Assim sendo, este trabalho de projeto pretende atuar num grupo de crianças que frequenta o centro de atividades de tempos livres (C.A.T.L.) e que inclui uma criança hiperativa (desencadeadora do projeto), de forma a desenvolver competências sociais e educativas, no grupo e com o grupo. Neste sentido, foram realizadas atividades de estimulação de memória, ativação de atenção e concentração, de forma lúdica. O lúdico, aliado a uma programação adaptada à situação, refletida e avaliada sistematicamente, proporcionou ao grupo e ao aluno momentos de cooperação, de aprendizagens de regras, de comportamentos e de respeito por si e pelo outro.
It is sometimes argued that experimental economists do not have to worry about external validity so long as the design sticks closely to a theoretical model. This position mistakes the model for the theory. As a result, applied economics designs often study phenomena distinct from their stated objects of inquiry. Because the implemented models are abstract, they may provide improbable analogues to their stated subject matter. This problem is exacerbated by the relational character of the social world, which also sets epistemic limits for the social science laboratory more generally.
OBJECTIVE: The anticipation of adverse outcomes, or worry, is a cardinal symptom of generalized anxiety disorder. Prior work with healthy subjects has shown that anticipating aversive events recruits a network of brain regions, including the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex. This study tested whether patients with generalized anxiety disorder have alterations in anticipatory amygdala function and whether anticipatory activity in the anterior cingulate cortex predicts treatment response. METHOD: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was employed with 14 generalized anxiety disorder patients and 12 healthy comparison subjects matched for age, sex, and education. The event-related fMRI paradigm was composed of one warning cue that preceded aversive pictures and a second cue that preceded neutral pictures. Following the fMRI session, patients received 8 weeks of treatment with extended-release venlafaxine. RESULTS: Patients with generalized anxiety disorder showed greater anticipatory activity than healthy comparison subjects in the bilateral dorsal amygdala preceding both aversive and neutral pictures. Building on prior reports of pretreatment anterior cingulate cortex activity predicting treatment response, anticipatory activity in that area was associated with clinical outcome 8 weeks later following treatment with venlafaxine. Higher levels of pretreatment anterior cingulate cortex activity in anticipation of both aversive and neutral pictures were associated with greater reductions in anxiety and worry symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: These findings of heightened and indiscriminate amygdala responses to anticipatory signals in generalized anxiety disorder and of anterior cingulate cortex associations with treatment response provide neurobiological support for the role of anticipatory processes in the pathophysiology of generalized anxiety disorder.
This paper, examines whether the asset holdings and weights of an international real estate portfolio using exchange rate adjusted returns are essentially the same or radically different from those based on unadjusted returns. The results indicate that the portfolio compositions produced by exchange rate adjusted returns are markedly different from those based on unadjusted returns. However following the introduction of the single currency the differences in portfolio composition are much less pronounced. The findings have a practical consequence for the investor because they suggest that following the introduction of the single currency international investors can concentrate on the real estate fundamentals when making their portfolio choices, rather than worry about the implications of exchange rate risk.
Background: Child social anxiety is common, and predicts later emotional and academic impairment. Offspring of socially anxious mothers are at increased risk. It is important to establish whether individual vulnerability to disorder can be identified in young children. Method: The responses of 4.5 year-old children of mothers with social phobia (N = 62) and non-anxious mothers (N = 60) were compared, two months before school entry, using a Doll Play (DP) procedure focused on the social challenge of starting school. DP responses were examined in relation to teacher reports of anxious-depressed symptoms and social worries at the end of the child’s first school term. The role of earlier child behavioral inhibition and attachment, assessed at 14 months, was also considered. Results: Compared to children of non-anxious mothers, children of mothers with social phobia were significantly more likely to give anxiously negative responses in their school DP (OR = 2.57). In turn, negative DP predicted teacher reported anxious-depressed and social worry problems. There were no effects of infant behavioral inhibition or attachment. Conclusion: Vulnerability in young children at risk of anxiety can be identified using Doll Play narratives.
Reader Response Theory remains popular within Children's Literature Criticism. It seems to offer a sensible resolution to the question of whether meaning derives from text or reader. Through a close reading of one example of this criticism, I suggest that its dualisms are constantly collapsing into appeals to singular authority. at various stages the text or the reader is wholly responsible for meaning. I further suggest that the criticism bypasses the question of interpretation through claiming knowledge of a child reader whose opinions and reactions can be unproblematically accessed. We do not have to worry about reading texts, because we can, apparently, know the child's response to them with certainty. Anything other than this claim to certainty is taken to be a failure of responsibility, a wallowing in the subjective, obscure and perverse. My intention is to reinstate reading as the responsibility of criticism.
The mirror neuron system is widely held to provide direct access to the motor goals of others. This paper critically investigates this idea, focusing on the so-called ‘intentional worry’. I explore two answers to the intentional worry: first that the worry is premised on too limited an understanding of mirror neuron behaviour (Sections 2 and 3), second that the appeal made to mirror neurons can be refined in such a way as to avoid the worry (Section 4). I argue that the first response requires an account of the mechanism by which small-scale gestures are supposedly mapped to larger chains of actions but that none of the extant accounts of this mechanism are plausible. Section 4 then briefly examines refinements of the mirror neuron-mindreading hypothesis which avoid the intentional worry. I conclude that these refinements may well be plausible but that they undermine many of the claims standardly made for mirror neurons.
The experience of earworms, a type of involuntary musical imagery, may reflect a systematic failure in mental control. This study focused on how individual differences in each of two factors, schizotypy, or “openness to experience”, and thought suppression might relate to the appearance of the involuntary musical image (earworm). Schizotypy, was measured by Raine’s schizotypal personality questionnaire (SPQ; Raine, 1991) and thought suppression was measured by the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI; Wegner & Zanakos, 1994). Each was found to contribute independently to the overall experience of involuntary musical imagery. Schizotypy was correlated with the length and disruptiveness of earworms, the difficulty with which they were dismissed and the worry they caused, but was not correlated with the frequency of such intrusive imagery. In turn, schizotypy was predicted by suppression and intrusion components of WBSI. The WBSI is associated with the length, disruptiveness, difficulty dismissing and interference but not with the worry caused or the frequency of earworms. The assumption of “ownership” of earworms was also found to affect the extent to which the earworms were considered worrying. Multiple regression analysis showed that both schizotypy and the WBSI predicted the difficulty with which unwanted musical images were dismissed, but that the WBSI accounted for additional variance on top of that accounted for by schizotypy. Finally we consider how earworm management might relate to wider cognitive processes.