892 resultados para whole grain corn
The use of narrow plant spacing in corn (Zea mays) has been suggested as a technological alternative to obtain grain yield increases, due to a better use of resources. The regular pattern could diminish intraspecific competition while favoring interspecific competition with weeds. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of corn row spacing on weed aboveground biomass and corn grain yield. Field experiments were conducted during 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 growing seasons. Three corn hybrids with two-row width (0.70 and 0.35 m) were tested. A greater photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) interception with a lower weed aboveground dry matter in narrow row arrangement was obtained. Corn grain yield was greater in the narrow row arrangement than in the wide row spacing. This increase in grain yield was related to a better resource use that allows for a reduced interspecific competition. The use of reduced spatial arrangement appeared to be an interesting alternative to increase both the grain yield potential and corn suppressive ability against weeds in corn dryland production systems.
Studies on plant growth are interesting because they provide explanations for the factors that influence yield in various crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate growth and yield in corn cultivar AG1051, when in competition with weeds. Cultivar AG 1051 was submitted to two groups of treatments: weed control, and sampling periods for dry biomass evaluation. The weed control treatments consisted of hoeing (two hoeings performed at 20 and 40 days after sowing) and no hoeing. Sampling periods consisted of collecting the above-ground part and roots of corn every fifteen days, until 105 days after sowing (DAS); the first sampling was performed 30 DAS. A completely randomized block design with ten replicates was used. For the characteristics evaluated in a single season, statistical analyses were carried out as a random block experiment. For the characteristics evaluated in several periods, statistical analyses were carried out as random blocks with split-plots (weed control assigned to plots). Fourteen weed species, unevenly distributed throughout the experimental area, were the most important. The growth observed for the above-ground part and root system of corn was 30% smaller in the non-hoed plots, compared to the hoed plots. Lack of weed control increased dry matter of the above-ground part of the weeds and reduced the number of unhusked and husked marketable green ears by 23% and 49%, respectively. Grain yield reduction caused by lack of weed control reached 38%.
The germ fraction with pericarp (bran) is generated in the industrial processing of corn kernel, and it is used for oil extraction and animal feed. This study evaluated the nutritional and protein quality of this fraction in relation to whole corn. The proximate composition, mineral contents, and amino acid profile of the germ fraction with pericarp and of whole corn were determined. A 4-week experiment was conducted using 36 weanling male Wistar rats, and three 10%-protein diets (reference, germ with 15% lipids and casein with 15% lipids), two 6%-protein diets (whole corn and casein), and a protein-free diet were prepared. The germ showed higher contents of proteins, lipids, dietary fiber (27.8 g.100 g-1), ash, minerals (Fe and Zn- approximately 5 mg.100 g-1), and lysine (57.2 mg.g-1 protein) than those of corn. The germ presented good quality protein (Relative Protein Efficiency Ratio-RPER = 80%; Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score-PDCAAS = 86%), higher than that of corn (RPER = 49%; PDCAAS = 60%). The corn germ fraction with pericarp is rich in dietary fiber, and it is a source of good quality protein as well as of iron and zinc, and its use as nutritive raw material is indicated in food products for human consumption.
Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with forages, such as palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) r. D. Webster [syn. Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) Stapf]} or guineagrass [Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs (syn. Panicum maximum Jacq.)], provides large amounts of biomass for use as straw in no-tillage systems or as pasture. However, it is important to evaluate what time these forages have to be sown into corn systems to avoid reductions in both corn and forage production. This study, conducted for three growing seasons at Botucatu, Brazil, evaluated nutrient concentration and yield of corn as affected by time of forage intercropped as well as forage's dry matter production. our data showed that intercropping systems did not reduce leaf nutrient concentrations and grain yield of corn in relation to sole corn. The simultaneous intercropping of corn and guineagrass resulted in the lowest plant population (51, 200 plant ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.0), and, consequently, the lowest corn grain yield (9801 kg ha-1). Guineagrass seeded at the time of corn fertilizer topdressing resulted in the highest plant population (59, 400 plants ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.2), and corn grain yield (12, 077 kg ha-1). Forage production was highest when intercrop was done simultaneously. palisadegrass could be intercropped with corn both simultaneously or at topdressing fertilization stage. In contrast, it is recommended that guineagrass should only be intercropped with corn at topdressingfertilization. © Crop Science Society of America.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Our objective was to investigate the effects of rehydration with acid whey or water at three moisture levels, as well as the effects of bacterial inoculation, on the fermentation, chemical composition and aerobic stability of corn grain silages. The trial was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replicates in a factorial arrangement as follows: 3 (rehydration with three different moisture levels: 300,350 and 400 mL/kg of corn grain)x 2 (silage inoculated with bacteria or not inoculated (control))x 2 (liquid used in the rehydration: acid whey or water). Overall, corn grain silages rehydrated with acid whey produced more lactic acid than the silages rehydrated with water (13.8 vs. 12.6 g/kg of dry matter (DM), respectively). In addition, increases in the rehydration of corn grain silages promoted decreases (linear) in lactic acid concentration as well as in production of total acids. Although inoculated silages had higher pH as consequence of the rehydration using water at the three levels, these treatments presented high DM recovery. In general, neutral detergent fiber (aNDFom) decreased if inoculant was applied in corn grain silages rehydrated with acid whey. After silos opening, silages rehydrated with 350 or 400 mL/kg (independent of the liquid) had lower aerobic stability than silages rehydrated with 300 mL/kg. Overall, we found that the inoculant did not promote significant changes in the composition of the corn grain silage. In contrast, the potential of the use of acid whey in ensiling corn grain is high, as its addition leads to improvements in the fermentation process and aerobic stability of the silages. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of the dietary substitution of dry corn by high-moisture corn grain silage (HMCGS) were evaluated on the performance, nutrient digestibility and serum biochemical parameters of broilers reared in an alternative production system and submitted to different environmental temperatures. A total of 288 one-day-old male Cobb chicks were distributed according to a randomized block design in a 3x4 factorial arrangement: three environmental temperatures (hot, thermoneutral or cold) and four levels of HMCGS in substitution of dry corn (0%, 20%, 40% or 60%). The acid analysis showed that the evaluated HMCGS contained average percentage values of ethanol, lactic acid, and acetic acid (expressed in 100% of dry matter) of 0.7690, 2.7320 and 0.0249%, respectively. Propionic and butyric acids were not detected. Dry corn and HMCGS presented pH values of 5.8 and 3.3, respectively. The inclusion of HMCGS reduced dietary pH, as shown by the values of 5.7, 5.4, 5.1 and 4.8 recorded for the diets containing 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% of HMCGS, respectively. There was no significant interaction between diets and environmental temperature. HMCGS may replace up to 40% dry corn in broiler diets when performance, triglyceride levels, and HDL-cholesterol ratio is considered, and up to 60% when nutrient digestibility is evaluated. High environmental temperature impairs broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, and serum biochemistry, demonstrating the influence of environmental temperature on broiler metabolism and performance.
This study investigated the ability of weevils to transmit Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides fungal spores and the consequent production of mycotoxins. For this purpose, corn grain samples were stored in flasks connected to a hose to form a closed system (flasks A and B). Flasks A were inoculated with the following groups: group 1 (corn + weevil); group 2 (corn + A. flavus); group 3 (corn + A. flavus + weevil); group 4 (corn + F. verticillioides); group 5 (corn + E verticillioides + weevil), and group 6 (corn + A. flavus + E verticillioides + weevil). Flasks B contained sterile grains. The samples were incubated for 10, 20 and 30 days, posteriorly, weight, water activity, mycoflora, aflatoxins and fumonisins. The corn grain samples were also submitted to scanning electron microscopy. Our results showed that weevils could enhance corn grains contamination by these fungi, hence, could increase mycotoxins production. These findings demonstrate the importance of weevils as fungal vectors and the need for good manipulation and storage practices of grains. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A feeding trial was conducted with 790-lb yearling heifers fed an average of 121 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn and supplemental urea with wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles. Wet distillers grains were evaluated at 16%, 28% and 40% of diet dry matter. Condensed distillers solubles were added at 6.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles increased gain of heifers compared with those fed the control urea diet. Increasing the amount of wet distillers grains tended to decrease feed intake and reduce gain. The calculated apparent net energy based on gain of the heifers was greatest for the heifers fed 16% wet distillers grains. The apparent energy of the wet distillers grains declined as the quantity fed was increased. The calculated net energy values were 1.09 and 1.35 Mcal/lb of dry matter for the average of the three concentrations of wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles. These results confirm the high energy values of wet distillers grains relative to cracked corn as observed in a previous steer feeding trial.
Rolled high-oil corn in comparison with rolled isogenetic control corn was fed to finishing steers as 33%, 66% and 100% of the corn grain in their diet in a 134-day feeding trial. During the first 75 days of the trial, steers fed highoil corn had numerically lower rates of gain and tended to have poorer feed conversions compared with the control corn. At the end of the trial, there were not statistically significant differences in performance or carcass measurements of the steers fed the different amounts of high-oil or control corns. The results of this study indicated that the steers did not respond to the higher energy content of high-oil corn.
Two 3 x 3 latin squares were utilized in an 84-day digestion trial with ruminally- and duodenallycannulated steers. Diets consisted of 73 to 78% whole corn grain, 12.3% corn silage and 2.0% N, with treatment differences being high-oil corn- (HOC), isogenetic typical-corn- (TC), or isogenetic typical-corn + fat- (TC+F) based diets. The HOC and TC+F diets were formulated to provide the same ether extract (EE) content. All diets were fed at 90% of ad libitum intake. Chromic oxide was used as a digestibility marker. Total tract dry matter (DM) (P=.08), organic matter (OM) (P=.08) and nitrogen (N) (P=.06) digestibilities tended to be greater for TC than HOC diets, whereas starch neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and ether extract digestibilities were similar (P>.10). There were no differences (P>.10) in total tract dry matter, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, ether extract, or nitrogen digestibilities between TC+F and HOC diets or TC and TC+F diets. Ruminal digestion of dry matter, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, and feed nitrogen was similar (P>.10) among treatments. Microbial-nitrogen flow and efficiencies were also similar (P>.10) among treatments. Results indicate finishing steer diets composed of primarily HOC are equally or less digestible than similar diets composed of TC, and adding fat to TC diets did not affect the digestibility of the diet when fed to finishing steers.
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