969 resultados para white collar work
"Antisemitism and American Labor. A Research Project of the Institut of Social Research", Januar 1944 (revised June 1944); a) als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 14 Blatt; b) Typoskript, 14 Blatt; Institut of Social Research: "Project an Antisemitism and American Labor", Januar 1944; a) Typoskript, 18 Blatt; b) Typoskript, mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 17 Blatt, c) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; d) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; e) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt; f) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; "Project on Antisemitism an American Labor", Dezember 1943; a) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 18 Blatt; b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen von Theodor W. Adorno, 17 Blatt; c) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 12 Blatt; Memoranden 1941-1949; Adorno, Theodor W. to Löwenthal, Leo: "Supplement to the Memorandum of 7/28/49 by Pollock, Friedrich re Labor Study", 18.09.1949. Typoskript, 6 Blatt; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Memorandum re: Antisemitism among American Labor, as edited by the Bureau of Applied Social Research", 19.07.1949. Typoskript, 8 Blatt; "Expenses for Project: Antisemitism among Labor, june 1, 1944- May 31,1945". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Institut of Social Research: "Interim Memorandum on Progress of Project on Antisemitism within Labor", 04.09.1944. Typoskript, 11 Blatt; Institut of Social Research: "Re: Project on Labor and Antisemitism. Difficulties to be expected", 21.03.1944. Typoskript, 3 Blatt; "Re: Project on Labor and Antisemitism. Plants to be Contacted", 21.03.1944. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Some Remarks to Dr. Gelle's Report 'Der deutsche Progrom, a, 10. November 1938'", 11.03.1944. Typoskript, 12 Blatt; Adorno, Theodor W. ?: "Adress to ameeting of the Jewish Labor Committee, January 20th, 1944, los Angeles". Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 2 Blatt; Pollock, Friedrich: "Re: Sherman", 31.12.1943, 1 Blatt; "Memorandum re: Jewish Labor Committee", 23.12.1943. Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; "Tentative Budget for a Trial Survey on Antisemitism among American Labor", 23.12.1943. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; "Council for Democracy. Survey on Antisemitism. Hartford, Conn., late 1941". Typoskript, 4 Blatt; "Council for Democracy. Survey on Antisemitism. Terre Haute, Ind.". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Horkheimer, Max: Eigenhändige Notizen zum Projekt, 3 Blatt; "Some heading lind", handschriftlichen Notizen, 1 Blatt; Institut of Social research: "Instructuins", Fragebogen, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 3 Blatt; "Instructions for Interviews on Attitudes of Workers and White Collar Workers towards Jews". Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 1 Blatt; Horkheimer, Max: 1 Briefentwurf an Friedrich Pollock, ohne Ort, ohne Datum, 1 Blatt; Pollock, Friedrich: 3 Briefe an Max Horkheimer, ohne Ort, 1943, 3 Blatt; Sherman, Charles B.: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Friedrich Pollock, New York, 23.12.1943; 3 Briefe von Friedrich Pollock, New York, 1943-1944, 5 Blatt;
The current study examined the effects of a 15-minute daily physical activity break on the stress levels of white collar employees. An innovative group physical activity program, the Booster Break, was implemented in two worksites, both located in a large metropolitan area. One hundred sixteen participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions; 43 participants were assigned to the Booster Break condition, 40 participants were assigned to an individual, computer-based physical activity condition, and 32 were assigned to a no-physical activity control condition. Self-report and objective measures were taken at baseline and after the completion of the intervention. There were no significant differences among conditions in perceived stress or blood pressure after the intervention. However, the data showed trends in the direction predicted with a decrease in perceived stress among Booster Break (change in perceived stress = -0.1) and computer prompt participants (change in perceived stress = -0.2) and an increase in perceived stress among the control group (change in perceived stress = 0.2). More research is recommended to fully understand the effects of worksite physical activity on stress.^
No es usual realizar el abordaje teórico metodológico del Informe elaborado por Juan Bialet Massé en 1904. El propósito es llenar ese vacío y difundir el compromiso del autor con esta obra que aún hoy sorprende a los investigadores en ciencias sociales del trabajo. El interrogante fundamental, ¿cuál es la estrategia teórico metodológica que subyace en el Informe? Especial hincapié se hará en el aspecto metodológico, destacando el uso precursor de los métodos mixtos -mixed methods- y la integración de ambos estilos. Desde el punto de vista teórico se destaca el abordaje interdisciplinario al estudio del trabajo obrero subrayando la similitud con la intervención ergonómica francesa
No es usual realizar el abordaje teórico metodológico del Informe elaborado por Juan Bialet Massé en 1904. El propósito es llenar ese vacío y difundir el compromiso del autor con esta obra que aún hoy sorprende a los investigadores en ciencias sociales del trabajo. El interrogante fundamental, ¿cuál es la estrategia teórico metodológica que subyace en el Informe? Especial hincapié se hará en el aspecto metodológico, destacando el uso precursor de los métodos mixtos -mixed methods- y la integración de ambos estilos. Desde el punto de vista teórico se destaca el abordaje interdisciplinario al estudio del trabajo obrero subrayando la similitud con la intervención ergonómica francesa
No es usual realizar el abordaje teórico metodológico del Informe elaborado por Juan Bialet Massé en 1904. El propósito es llenar ese vacío y difundir el compromiso del autor con esta obra que aún hoy sorprende a los investigadores en ciencias sociales del trabajo. El interrogante fundamental, ¿cuál es la estrategia teórico metodológica que subyace en el Informe? Especial hincapié se hará en el aspecto metodológico, destacando el uso precursor de los métodos mixtos -mixed methods- y la integración de ambos estilos. Desde el punto de vista teórico se destaca el abordaje interdisciplinario al estudio del trabajo obrero subrayando la similitud con la intervención ergonómica francesa
No es usual realizar el abordaje teórico metodológico del Informe elaborado por Juan Bialet Massé en 1904. El propósito es llenar ese vacío y difundir el compromiso del autor con esta obra que aún hoy sorprende a los investigadores en ciencias sociales del trabajo. El interrogante fundamental, ¿cuál es la estrategia teórico metodológica que subyace en el Informe? Especial hincapié se hará en el aspecto metodológico, destacando el uso precursor de los métodos mixtos -mixed methods- y la integración de ambos estilos. Desde el punto de vista teórico se destaca el abordaje interdisciplinario al estudio del trabajo obrero subrayando la similitud con la intervención ergonómica francesa
Interlocked feedback loops may represent a common feature among the regulatory systems controlling circadian rhythms. The Neurospora circadian feedback loops involve white collar-1 (wc-1), wc-2, and frequency (frq) genes. We show that WC-1 and WC-2 proteins activate the transcription of frq gene, whereas FRQ protein plays dual roles: repressing its own transcription, probably by interacting with the WC-1/WC-2 complex, and activating the expression of both WC proteins. Thus, they form two interlocked feedback loops: one negative and one positive. We establish the physiological significance of the interlocked positive feedback loops by showing that the levels of WC-1 and WC-2 determine the robustness and stability of the clock. Our data demonstrate that with WC-1 being the limiting factor in the WC-1/WC-2 complex, the greater the levels of WC-1 and WC-2, the higher the level of the FRQ oscillation and the more robust the overt rhythms. Our data also show that, despite considerable changes in the levels of WC-1, WC-2, and FRQ, the period of the clock has been limited to a small range, suggesting that the interlocked circadian feedback loops are also important for determining the circadian period length of the clock.
We have developed a system for the isolation of Neurospora crassa mutants that shows altered responses to blue light. To this end we have used the light-regulated promoter of the albino-3 gene fused to the neutral amino acid permease gene mtr. The product of the mtr gene is required for the uptake of neutral aliphatic and aromatic amino acids, as well as toxic analogs such as p-flurophenylalanine or 4-methyltryptophan. mtr trp-2-carrying cells were transformed with the al-3 promoter-mtr wild-type gene (al-3p-mtr+) to obtain a strain with a light-regulated tryptophan uptake. This strain is sensitive to p-fluorophenylalanine when grown under illumination and resistant when grown in the dark. UV mutagenesis of the al-3p-mtr(+)-carrying strain allowed us to isolate two mutant strains, BLR-1 and BLR-2 (blue light regulator), that are light-resistant to p-fluorophenylalanine and have lost the ability to grow on tryptophan. These two strains have a pale-orange phenotype and show down-regulation of all the photoregulated genes tested (al-3, al-1, con-8, and con-10). Mutations in the BLR strains are not allelic with white collar 1 or white collar 2, regulatory genes that are also involved in the response to blue light.
A utilização de pesticidas organoclorados é motivo de preocupação das entidades ligadas à área de saúde em todo o mundo. Apesar de as formas de contaminação serem bem conhecidas, não há um controle eficaz na fiscalização do seu uso no Brasil. Sabe-se que altos níveis séricos destes compostos nos organismos de seres humanos e animais acarretam sérios problemas de saúde. Tendo em vista essa realidade, foi realizado, em 2009, o Projeto Piloto do I Inquérito Nacional de Populações Expostas a Substâncias Químicas, cujo subprojeto \"doadores de sangue\" teve como objetivo mensurar as concentrações de substâncias químicas no sangue de 547 residentes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, dentre elas os pesticidas organoclorados. Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as concentrações dos pesticidas hexaclorobenzeno (HCB), alfa-HCH, ?-HCH, beta-HCH, beta-HCH, heptacloro, heptacloro epóxido, dieldrin, mirex, o,p\'-DDT, p,p\'-DDT, o,p\'-DDE, p,p\'-DDE, o,p\'-DDD e p,p\'-DDD nesta população e compará-las com as encontradas em outros países e determinar fatores associados aos níveis mais elevados destas substâncias. O método analítico utilizado foi de cromatografia a gás. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a população adulta de São Paulo não está exposta a níveis preocupantes de pesticidas organoclorados, pois dentre os compostos analisados, apenas o beta-HCH e o p,p\'-DDE tiveram um número significante de amostras acima do limite de quantificação, 10,7% e 31,2% das amostras respectivamente. Quando utilizada a metade do limite de quantificação para substituir os valores abaixo do limite de quantificação do método, o valor médio encontrado para o beta-HCH foi de 0,028 ug/dL e para o p,p\'-DDE foi de 0,045 ug/dL. Este estudo propôs dois modelos multivariados para explicar os fatores associados aos compostos beta-HCH e p,p\'-DDE no sangue dos doadores. Segundo o modelo de Regressão Logística Ordinal Multivariado, os fatores associados a níveis mais altos de beta-HCH foram ter idade entre 26 e 45 anos e ser do sexo feminino. Para o p,p\'-DDE os fatores associados a níveis mais altos foram ter idade entre 26 e 45 anos, ser do sexo feminino e ter trabalhado com pesticidas, enquanto receber renda mensal de 3 a 5 salários mínimos e consumir derivados de origem animal uma ou mais vezes por semana foram associados a níveis mais baixos de p,p\'-DDE. Segundo o modelo de Regressão Linear Múltipla, os fatores associados a níveis mais altos de beta-HCH foram o sexo feminino, ter contato prévio com pesticidas na região agrícola, ter trabalhado com pesticidas em campanhas de saúde pública, ter trabalhado em empresas de capacitores ou transformadores, ter trabalhado em indústrias de solventes clorados, ter renda mensal de 3 a 5 salários mínimos, consumo de carnes uma ou duas vezes por semana e consumo de frutos do mar uma ou duas vezes por semana, enquanto consumo frequente de cerveja e ter renda mensal de 1 a 3 salários mínimos foram associado a níveis menores de beta-HCH. Já para o p,p\'-DDE, os fatores associados a níveis mais elevados foram ser do sexo feminino, ser não branco, ter trabalhado com pesticidas e consumir água de fontes que não sejam minerais ou de rede, enquanto o consumo frequente de bebidas alcoólicas foi associado a níveis mais baixos de p,p\'-DDE
Mode of access: Internet.
Description based on: 1980.
Mode of access: Internet.
Cover title.
The introduction of a micro-electronic based technology to the workplace has had a far reaching and widespread effect on the numbers and content of jobs. The importance of the implications of new technology were recognised by the trade unions, leading to a plethora of advice and literature in the late 70s and early 80s, notably the TUC 'Technology and Employment ' report. However, studies into the union response have consistently found an overall lack of influence by unions in the introduction of technology. Whilst the advent of new technology has coincided with an industrial relations climate of unprecedented hostility to union activity in the post-war period, there are structural weaknesses in unions in coming to terms with the process of technological change. In particular was the identification of a lack of suitable technological expertise. Addressing itself to this perceived weakness of the union response, this thesis is the outcome of a collaborative project between a national union and an academic institution. The thesis is based on detailed case studies concerning technology bargaining in the Civil Service and the response of the Civil and Public Services Associations (CPSA), the union that represents lower grade white collar civil servants. It is demonstrated that the application of expertise to union negotiators is insufficient on its own to extend union influence and that for unions to effectively come to terms with technology and influence its development requires a re-assessment across all spheres of union activity. It is suggested that this has repercussions for not only the internal organisation and quality of union policy formation and the extent, form and nature of collective bargaining with employer representatives, but also in the relationship with consumer and interest groups outside the traditional collective bargaining forum. Three policy options are developed in the thesis with the 'adversarial' and 'co~operative' options representing the more traditional reactive and passive forms of involvement. These are contrasted with an 'independent participative' form of involvement which was a 'pro-active' policy option and utilised the expertise of the Author in the CPSA's response to technological change.
This study explores two important aspects of entrepreneurship — liquidity constraints and serial entrepreneurs, with an additional analysis of occupational choice among wage workers. In the first essay, I revisit the question of whether entrepreneurs face liquidity constraints in business formation. The principle challenge is that wealth is correlated with unobserved ability, and adequate instruments are often difficult to identify. This paper uses the son's birth order as an instrument for household wealth. I exploit the data available in the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study, and find evidence of liquidity constraints associated with self-employment in South Korea. The second essay develops and tests a model that explains entry into serial entrepreneurship and the performance of serial entrepreneurs as the result of selection on innate ability. The model supposes that agents establish businesses with imperfect information about their entrepreneurial ability and the profitability of business ideas. Agents continually observe signals with which they update their beliefs, and this process eventually determines their next business choice. Selection on ability induces a positive correlation between entrepreneurial experience (measured by previous business earnings and founding experience) and serial business formation, as well as its subsequent performance. The predictions in the model are tested using panel data from the NLSY79. The analysis permits a distinction to be made between selection on innate ability and learning by doing. Motivated by previous empirical findings that white-collar workers had higher turnover rates than blue-collar workers during firm expansion, the third essay further examines job turnover among workers with or without specific skills. I present a search-matching model, which predicts that when firm growth is driven by technological advance, workers whose skills are specific to the obsolete technology show a higher tendency to separate from their jobs. This hypothesis is tested with data from the PSID. I find supportive evidence that in the context of technological change, having an occupation requiring specific skills, such as computer specialists or engineers, increases the odds of job separation by nearly eight percent. ^