930 resultados para weighted mean efficiency factor


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In this report, we describe an improved thermal fractionation technique used to characterize the polydispersity of crystalline ethylene sequence length (CESL) of ethylene/alpha -olefin copolymers. After stepwise isothermal crystallization, the crystalline ethylene sequences are sorted into groups by their lengths. The CESLs are estimated using melting points of known hydrocarbons. The content of each group is determined using the calibrated peak area. The statistical terms: the arithmetic mean (L) over bar (n), the weighted mean (L) over bar (w) and the broadness index I = (L) over bar (w)/(L) over bar (n) are used to describe the distribution of CESL. Results show that improved thermal fractionation technique can quantitatively characterize the polydispersity of CESL with a high degree of accuracy.


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Hersai porphyry copper deposit(PCD) of eastern junggar, newly discovered copper deposit, is located at the eastern segment of the Xiemisitai-Kulankazigan-Zhifang-Qiongheba Paleozoic island arc, Eastern Junggar. The Hersai PCD is developed in a intrusive complex, characterized by intensive and multiform hydrothermal alteration, including potassic alteration, silification, chloritization,sericitization,kaolinitization and carbonatization. Granodiorite, grandiorite porphyry, granite and concealed explosion breccia are hosts of the ore bodies containing veinlet and disseminated ore. Ore-bearing granite (ZK107-1-9), granodiorite (ZK107-1-9) and Ore-barren granodiorite (HES2-1) are selected to date zircon U-Pb age by SHRIMP method, and have an age of 429.4±6.4Ma ,413.0±3.4Ma and 411.1±4.8Ma, respectively, showing that they were emplaced from Late Silurian to Early Devonian. In addition, sample ZK107-1-9 has some hydrothermal zircons with a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 404.9±3.7Ma which is interpreted to be related to the granodiorite porphyry. Re-Os dating of five molybdenite samples yielded a weighted average model age of 408.0±2.9Ma, indicating the metallogenic epoch of the Hersai PCD. The ore-forming age is close to the petrogenic time of garnodiorite (411-413Ma), this suggests the ore-forming porphyry is most possiblely granodiorite porphyry. Systematic major - trace elements and Rb-Sr-Sm-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic characteristics were studied. Analysis results show that these intrusives have some interesting and special characteristics, as following:1) containing both calc-alkaline rocks and high potassium calc-alkaline rocks ; 2) have some characteristics of adakite, but not totally, such as much lower La/Yb ratios and no Eu anomaly or just faint Eu anomaly; 3) have an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.703852-0.704565) similar to that of BSE, positive εNd(t) values between 6.1 and 7.4, the initial 206Pb/204Pb values (17.576-17.912), 207Pb/204Pb values (15.400-15.453) , 208Pb/204Pb values (37.252-37.466) , and high εHf(t) values (10.2-15.4) close to the value of depleted mantle. These geochemical features suggest that these igneous rocks in the Hersai area not only have some characteristics of island arc, but also some characteristics that only appear in the continental margin arc. It is suggested that Hersai PCD is formed in the subduction setting by the partial melting of young crust. These works and advancements mentioned in the paper are helpful to understand the deposit geology, geochemistry and metallogenesis of Hersai PCD. It is also significant to understand mineralization and tectonic setting in the Qiongheba area.


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Widespread black chert-shales occur in the Ediacaran-Cambrian(E-C) boundary successions along the flank of Yangtze Platform, South China, remarkable changes in sedimentology, geochemistry and biology were recorded. Although extensive studies were carried out upon this boundary succession, the origin of black chert-shales still remain controversial. This paper focuses on the E-C black chert-shales in western Hunan, South China, upon which detailed depositional and geochemical changes are documented, accordingly a depositional model for black chert-shales is proposed. Stratigraphic anatomy across the depositional strike demonstrates that the shallow-water Dengying dolostone along the platform margin sharply pass basinward into the Liuchapo chert successions, which indicate syndepositional extensional faulting at depth could have occurred along the platform margin. The deep-water Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales are either underlain by the Dengying dolostones on the platform margin toward platform interior or directly by the Liuchaopo chert successions farther basinwards. By detailed investigation, silica chimneys are firsly identified approximately in the chert along platform margin; two types of silica chimneys, including mounded and splayed/funnelized chert(generally brecciated) bodies are further sorted out. The mounded chert are exitbited by domed or hummocky surfaces on the top and irregular spongy to digitiform internal fabrics; within the silica mounds, abundant original vesicles/voids and/or channels were mostly plugged by initial chalcedony, quartze crystals with minor dolomite and bladed barite crystals. Splayed/funnelized brecciated chert “intrusion” cross-cut the uppermost dolostones capping to the horizon underneath, and are directly overlain by the Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales. Their similarities to the silica chimneys reported from the oceanic spreading centres suggest a similar origin responsible for these unique silica bodies which is also supported by the microthermonmetric data and element geochemistry. High P, Ba, Fe contents and positive correlation between Fe and TOC concentrations in the Niutitang black shales indicate a high palaeo-productivity in the Early Cambrian ocean. The low Th/U and the high V/Cr, V/Sc, V/(V+Ni) ratios in the black shales suggest an anoxic water condition during this interval. Furthermore, Positive Eu anomalies and high Ba contents in the sediments also imply a hydrothermal influence on the formation of Niutitang black shales. To better constrain the placement of deep-water successions straddling the E-C boundary and the timing of hydrothermal silica chimneys, sensitive high-resoluton ion microprobe(SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircon grains from tuffs within the chert succession of Liuchapo Formation at Ganziping was conducted and yields a weighted-mean 206Pb/238Pb age at 536.6±5.5Ma, younger than E-C boundary age(542.0±0.3Ma). This age combined with carbon isotopic data is then proposed to correspond to the U-Pb age of zircons(538.2±1.5Ma) from the Zhongyicun member of Meishucun Formation at Meishucun in eastern Yunna, thus, the E-C boundary in Gazngziping was placed between the Dengying formations and Liuchapo formatioms. therefore, the silica chimneys took place at the beginning of the Cambrian period. The temporal coincidence of silica chimneys and negative excursions of δ13C and δ34Spy pairs suggest hydrothermal activities were likely responsible for the isotopic changes. Under such a circumstance, vast amounts of greenhouse gases(CO2, CH4, H2S), with highly 13C-depleted carbon and 34S-depleted sulfur would be released into the ocean and atmosphere. A positive shift in δ34Scas and Δ34S values from the late Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian could be a reflection of enhanced bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR), strengthened by the intensified oceanic anoxia stimulated by hydrothermal activities. Based on the analyses of sedimentology and geochemistry, a model- “oceanic anoxia induced by hydrothermal–volcanic activies” was proposed to responsible for the formation of black chert-shales during this E-C transition. Under this case, hydrothermal-volcanic activies could release large large amount of greenhouse into atmosphere and metal micronutrients into the ocean, which may lead to global warming, stratified ocean, thereby a high palaeoproductivity; on the other hand, the massive releasing of reduced hydrothermal fluids with abundant H2S, could have in turn enhanced the ocean anoxia. All of these were favourable the for preservation of organic matter, and subsequent extensive deposition of black silica-shales.


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Paper published in PLoS Medicine in 2007.


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Introduction: Stroke is a chronic condition that significantly impacts on morbidity and mortality (Balanda et al. 2010). Globally, the complexity of stroke is well documented and more recently, in Ireland, as part of the National Survey of Stroke Survivors (Horgan et al. 2014). There are a number of factors that are known to influence adaptation post stroke. However, there is a lack of research to explain the variability in how survivors adapt post stroke. Hardiness is a broad personality trait that leads to better outcome. This study investigated the influence of hardiness and physical function on psychosocial adaptation post stroke. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional, correlational, exploratory study was conducted between April and November 2013. The sample consisted of stroke survivors (n=100) who were recruited from three hospital outpatient departments and completed a questionnaire package. Results: The mean age of participants was 76 years (range 70-80), over half (56%) of the participants achieved the maximum score of 20 on the Barthel Index indicating independence in activities of daily living. The median number of days since stroke onset was 91 days (range 74-128). The total mean score and standard deviation for hardiness was 1.89 (0.4) as measured by the Dispositional Resilience Scale, indicating medium hardiness (possible range 0-3). Psychosocial adaptation was measured using the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale, the total weighted mean and standard deviation was 0.54 (0.3) indicating a satisfactory level of psychosocial adaptation (possible range 0-3). A hierarchical multiple linear regression was performed which contained 6 independent variables (hardiness, living arrangement, and length of hospital stay, number of days since stroke onset, physical function and self-rated recovery). Findings demonstrated that physical function (p<0.001) and hardiness (p=0.008) were significantly related to psychosocial adaptation. Altogether, 65% of the variation in psychosocial adaptation can be explained by the combined effect of the independent variables. Physical functioning had the highest unique contribution (11%) to explain the variance in psychosocial adaptation while self-rated recovery, hardiness, and living arrangements contributed 3% each. Conclusion: This research provides important information regarding factors that influence psychosocial adaptation post stroke at 3 months. Physical function significantly contributed to psychosocial adaptation post stroke. The personality trait of hardiness provides insight into how behaviour influenced adaptation post stroke. While hardiness also had a strong relationship with psychosocial adaptation, further research is necessary to fully comprehend this process.


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BACKGROUND: In recent decades, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been widely used to relieve pain caused by different musculoskeletal disorders. Though widely used, its reported therapeutic outcomes are varied and conflicting. Results similarly conflict regarding its usage in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP). This study investigated the efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for the treatment of NSCLBP by a systematic literature search with meta-analyses on selected studies. METHOD: MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science and Cochrane Library were systematically searched from January 2000 to November 2014. Included studies were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) written in English that compared LLLT with placebo treatment in NSCLBP patients. The efficacy effect size was estimated by the weighted mean difference (WMD). Standard random-effects meta-analysis was used, and inconsistency was evaluated by the I-squared index (I(2)). RESULTS: Of 221 studies, seven RCTs (one triple-blind, four double-blind, one single-blind, one not mentioning blinding, totaling 394 patients) met the criteria for inclusion. Based on five studies, the WMD in visual analog scale (VAS) pain outcome score after treatment was significantly lower in the LLLT group compared with placebo (WMD = -13.57 [95 % CI = -17.42, -9.72], I(2) = 0 %). No significant treatment effect was identified for disability scores or spinal range of motion outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that LLLT is an effective method for relieving pain in NSCLBP patients. However, there is still a lack of evidence supporting its effect on function.


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The diel vertical migration (DVM) of the whole plankton community was investigated in the central and coastal Irish Sea. Generally, more than 60% of the plankton did not perform significant DVM. A correlation analysis of the weighted mean depths of different organisms and their potential predators suggested relationships between two groups, Oithona spp., copepod nauplii and fish larvae, and between Pseudocalanus elongatus, Calanus spp. and chaetognaths. The organisms showing significant DVM were chaetognaths (Sagitta spp.), Calanus spp. and P. elongatus. Calanus spp. showed clear ontogenic variations in DVM, and along with P. elongatus demonstrated great flexibility both in the amplitude and direction of migration. P. elongatus did not migrate in the coastal area and Calanus spp. showed a clear reverse migration. The direction of migration appeared to be related to the vertical position of the chaetognaths in the water column during the day.


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Aims/hypothesis Glomerular hyperfiltration is a well established phenomenon occurring early in some patients with type 1 diabetes. However, there is no consistent answer regarding whether hyperfiltration predicts later development of nephropathy. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies that compared the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy in patients with and without glomerular hyperfiltration and also explored the impact of baseline GFR.

Methods A systematic review and meta-analysis was carried out. Cohort studies in type 1 diabetic participants were included if they contained data on the development of incipient or overt nephropathy with baseline measurement
of GFR and presence or absence of hyperfiltration.

Results We included ten cohort studies following 780 patients. After a study median follow-up of 11.2 years, 130 patients had developed nephropathy. Using a random effects model, the pooled odds of progression to a minimum
of microalbuminuria in patients with hyperfiltration was 2.71 (95% CI 1.20–6.11) times that of patients with normofiltration. There was moderate heterogeneity (heterogeneity test p=0.05, measure of degree of inconsistency=48%) and some evidence of funnel plot asymmetry, possibly due to publication bias. The pooled weighted mean difference in baseline GFR was 13.8 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (95% CI 5.0–22.7) greater in the group progressing to nephropathy than in those not progressing (heterogeneity test p<0.01).

Conclusions/interpretation In published studies, individuals with glomerular hyperfiltration were at increased risk of progression to diabetic nephropathy using study level data. Further larger studies are required to explore this relationship and the role of potential confounding variables.


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In order to calibrate radiocarbon ages based on samples with a marine carbon component it is important to know the marine carbon reservoir correction or Delta R value. This study measured the Delta R on both known-age pre-bomb marine shells and paired marine and terrestrial samples from two regions on the west coast of South Africa: the southwestern Cape and Namaqualand. Pooling the data by region produces Delta R values that are similar enough to use a west coast weighted mean Delta R of 146 +/- 85 C-14 years to correctly calibrate marine shell or mixed marine and terrestrial C-14 ages. There are however temporal differences in Delta R throughout the Holocene, which we compare with proxy data for upwelling and sea surface temperatures.


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Background There has been a significant reduction in the number of people with severe mental illness who spend extended periods in long-stay hospitals. District health authorities, local authorities, housing associations and voluntary organisations are jointly expected to provide support for people with severe mental disorder/s. This 'support' may well involve some kind of special housing. Objectives To determine the effects of supported housing schemes compared with outreach support schemes or 'standard care' for people with severe mental disorder/s living in the community. Search methods For the 2006 update we searched the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group Trials Register (April 2006) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, 2006 Issue 2). Selection criteria We included all relevant randomised, or quasi-randomised, trials dealing with people with 'severe mental disorder/s' allocated to supported housing, compared with outreach support schemes or standard care. We focused on outcomes of service utilisation, mental state, satisfaction with care, social functioning, quality of life and economic data. Data collection and analysis We reliably selected studies, quality rated them and undertook data extraction. For dichotomous data, we would have estimated relative risks (RR), with the 95% confidence intervals (CI). Where possible, we would have calculated the number needed to treat statistic (NNT). We would have carried out analysis by intention-to-treat and would have summated normal continuous data using the weighted mean difference (WMD). We would have presented scale data for only those tools that had attained pre-specified levels of quality and undertaken tests for heterogeneity and publication bias. Main results Although 139 citations were acquired from the searches, no study met the inclusion criteria. Authors' conclusions Dedicated schemes whereby people with severe mental illness are located within one site or building with assistance from professional workers have potential for great benefit as they provide a 'safe haven' for people in need of stability and support. This, however, may be at the risk of increasing dependence on professionals and prolonging exclusion from the community. Whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks can only be a matter of opinion in the absence of reliable evidence. There is an urgent need to investigate the effects of supported housing on people with severe mental illness within a randomised trial.


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Flow responsive passive samplers offer considerable potential in nutrient monitoring in catchments; bridging the gap between the intermittency of grab sampling and the high cost of automated monitoring systems. A commercially available passive sampler was evaluated in a number of river systems encapsulating a gradient in storm response, combinations of diffuse and point source pressures, and levels of phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. Phosphorus and nitrogen are sequestered to a resin matrix in a permeable cartridge positioned in line with streamflow. A salt tracer dissolves in proportion to advective flow through the cartridge. Multiple deployments of different cartridge types were undertaken and the recovery of P and N compared with the flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) from high-resolution bank-side analysers at each site. Results from the passive samplers were variable and largely underestimated the FWMC derived from the bank-side analysers. Laboratory tests using ambient river samples indicated good replication of advective throughflow using pumped water, although this appeared not to be a good analogue of river conditions where flow divergence was possible. Laboratory tests also showed good nutrient retention but not elution and these issues appeared to combine to limit the utility in ambient river systems at the small catchment scale.


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Context: Nursing home residents with pneumonia are frequently hospitalized. Such transfers may be associated with multiple hazards of hospitalization as well as economic costs. Objective: To assess whether using a clinical pathway for on-site treatment of pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections in nursing homes could reduce hospital admissions, related complications, and costs. Design, Setting, and Participants: A cluster randomized controlled trial of 680 residents aged 65 years or older in 22 nursing homes in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Nursing homes began enrollment between January 2, 2001, and April 18, 2002, with the last resident follow-up occurring July 4, 2005. Residents were eligible if they met a standardized definition of lower respiratory tract infection. Interventions: Treatment in nursing homes according to a clinical pathway, which included use of oral antimicrobials, portable chest radiographs, oxygen saturation monitoring, rehydration, and close monitoring by a research nurse, or usual care. Main Outcome Measures: Hospital admissions, length of hospital stay, mortality, health-related quality of life, functional status, and cost. Results: Thirty-four (10%) of 327 residents in the clinical pathway group were hospitalized compared with 76 (22%) of 353 residents in the usual care group. Adjusting for clustering of residents in nursing homes, the weighted mean reduction in hospitalizations was 12% (95% confidence interval [CI], 5%-18%; P=.001). The mean number of hospital days per resident was 0.79 in the clinical pathway group vs 1.74 in the usual care group, with a weighted mean difference of 0.95 days per resident (95% CI, 0.34-1.55 days; P=.004). The mortality rate was 8% (24 deaths) in the clinical pathway group vs 9% (32 deaths) in the usual care group, with a weighted mean difference of 2.9% (95% CI, -2.0% to 7.9%; P=.23). There were no significant differences between the groups in health-related quality of life or functional status. The clinical pathway resulted in an overall cost savings of US $1016 per resident (95% CI, $207-$1824) treated. Conclusion: Treating residents of nursing homes with pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections with a clinical pathway can result in comparable clinical outcomes, while reducing hospitalizations and health care costs. ©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To assess whether a multifaceted intervention can reduce the number of prescriptions for antimicrobials for suspected urinary tract infections in residents of nursing homes. Design: Cluster randomised controlled trial. Setting: 24 nursing homes in Ontario, Canada, and Idaho, United States. Participants: 12 nursing homes allocated to a multifaceted intervention and 12 allocated to usual care. Outcomes were measured in 4217 residents. Interventions: Diagnostic and treatment algorithm for urinary tract infections implemented at the nursing home level using a multifaceted approach-small group interactive sessions for nurses, videotapes, written material, outreach visits, and one on one interviews with physicians. Main outcome measures: Number of antimicrobials prescribed for suspected urinary tract infections, total use of antimicrobials, admissions to hospital, and deaths. Results: Fewer courses of antimicrobials for suspected urinary tract infections per 1000 resident days were prescribed in the intervention nursing homes than in the usual care homes (1.17 v 1.59 courses; weighted mean difference -0.49, 95% confidence intervals -0.93 to -0.06). Antimicrobials for suspected urinary tract infection represented 28.4% of all courses of drugs prescribed in the intervention nursing homes compared with 38.6% prescribed in the usual care homes (weighted mean difference -9.6%, -16.9% to -2.4%). The difference in total antimicrobial use per 1000 resident days between intervention and usual care groups was not significantly different (3.52 v 3.93; weighed mean difference -0.37, -1.17 to 0.44). No significant difference was found in admissions to hospital or mortality between the study arms. Conclusion: A multifaceted intervention using algorithms can reduce the number of antimicrobial prescriptions for suspected urinary tract infections in residents of nursing homes.


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A dynamic food-web model of more than 1000 species was used to quantify the recovery trajectory of marine community size-structure under different hypothetical fishing regimes, using the Northeast Atlantic as an example. Size-structure was summarised by four indicators: the Large Fish Indicator (LFI), the Large Species Indicator (LSI), the biomass-weighted mean maximum length of fish species (EMBED Equation.3) and the biomass-weighted mean maturation length of fish species (EMBED Equation.3). Time-series of these indicators recorded recovery following release from fishing with various size-selectivities, intensities and durations. In model simulations, fishing-induced trophic cascades were observed to distort fish community size-structure, but these did not have a large influence on recovery level or duration as measured by the four indicators. However, simulations showed that local extinctions of large fish species increased in number with both fishing intensity and duration, and could strongly limit the recovery level. Recovery of fish community size-structure to near equilibrium frequently took multiple decades in simulations; these long transient periods suggest that management interventions for size-structure recovery may require much longer than previously thought. Our results demonstrate the need for community-level modelling to set realistic targets for management of community size-structure.


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The thesis begins with a review of basic elements of general theory of relativity (GTR) which forms the basis for the theoretical interpretation of the observations in cosmology. The first chapter also discusses the standard model in cosmology, namely the Friedmann model, its predictions and problems. We have also made a brief discussion on fractals and inflation of the early universe in the first chapter. In the second chapter we discuss the formulation of a new approach to cosmology namely a stochastic approach. In this model, the dynam ics of the early universe is described by a set of non-deterministic, Langevin type equations and we derive the solutions using the Fokker—Planck formalism. Here we demonstrate how the problems with the standard model, can be eliminated by introducing the idea of stochastic fluctuations in the early universe. Many recent observations indicate that the present universe may be approximated by a many component fluid and we assume that only the total energy density is conserved. This, in turn, leads to energy transfer between different components of the cosmic fluid and fluctuations in such energy transfer can certainly induce fluctuations in the mean to factor in the equation of state p = wp, resulting in a fluctuating expansion rate for the universe. The third chapter discusses the stochastic evolution of the cosmological parameters in the early universe, using the new approach. The penultimate chapter is about the refinements to be made in the present model, by means of a new deterministic model The concluding chapter presents a discussion on other problems with the conventional cosmology, like fractal correlation of galactic distribution. The author attempts an explanation for this problem using the stochastic approach.