967 resultados para vitamin B-12


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Os defeitos de fechamento de tubo neural constituem uma das malformações mais freqüentes na espécie humana, apresentando alta morbi-mortalidade. Sua etiologia é considerada multifatorial, estando envolvidos fatores genéticos e ambientais. Estes fatores estão relacionados principalmente com o metabolismo da homocisteína. Realizamos um estudo de caso-controle com o objetivo de estudar os fatores bioquímicos e genéticos relacionados ao DTN na nossa população. Em pares de afetados com DTN e suas mães e pares de pacientes normais e suas mães foram avaliados dosagem de folato, vitamina B12, homocisteína e polimorfismos da enzima metileno tetraidrofolato redutase (MTHFR), C677T e A1298C. A dosagem de folato nos casos foi 11,37 ng/mL(±6,72) e nos controles 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) (p<0,001). O folato sérico das mães foi 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) e 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) nas mães controles (p<0,001). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 foi de 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) nos casos e 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) nos controles (p= 0,205). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 nas mães dos casos foi 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) e 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) nas mães controles (p=0,004). O nível de homocisteína plasmático médio foi 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) para os casos e 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) para os controles (p=0,099). Nas mães dos casos a dosagem média de homocisteína foi 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) e 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) nas mães controles (p=0,666). Não houve diferença entre a freqüência dos genótipos C677T e A1298C da MTHFR nos casos e controles e suas mães. Para o polimorfismo C677T as freqüências dos alelo C e T foram respectivamente 0,6585 e 0,3414 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,6590 e 0,3410 nos controles; 0,6460 e 0,3540 nas mães dos casos e 0,6136 e 0,3860 nas mães controles. Para o polimorfismo A1298C as freqüências dos alelos A e C foram respectivamente 0,7436 e 0,2564 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,7610 e 0,2390 nos controles; 0,8055 e 0,1945 nas mães dos casos e 0,8065 e 0,1935 nas mães controles. Identificamos que indivíduos homozigotos 677TT apresentam um maior nível de homocisteína e este é inversamente relacionado com os níveis de vitamina B12. Estes achados sugerem que uma alteração metabólica relacionada ao metabolismo da homocisteína e principalmente devido à diminuição da vitamina B12 seja um fator de risco para DTN na nossa população.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Lewis histo-blood group system is characterized by the expression of the Lea and Le(b) antigens in the gastrointestinal tract, whose synthesis results in interactions between alpha 2-L-fucosyltransferase (FUTII) and alpha 3/4-L-fucosyltransferase (FUTIII) enzymes coded by the FUT2 (19q. 13.3) and FUT3 (19p13.3) genes. FUTII and FUTIII fucosylate the type 1 oligosaccharide precursor (Gal beta 1 -> 3NAcGlc beta 1 -> 3-R) at distinct positions to form H type 1 (Fuc alpha 1. 2Gal beta 1. 3NAcGlc beta 1 -> 3-R) and Le(a) (Gal beta 1 -> 3[Fuc alpha 1 -> 4] NAcGlc beta 1 -> 3-R) antigens, respectively. The fucosylation of H type 1 antigens by FUTIII results in the Leb antigen (Fuc alpha 1. 2Gal beta 1. 3[Fuca1. 4] NAcGlc beta 1. 3-R). Thus, the presence of the FUTII and FUTIII enzymes leads to the expression of the Le(a+b+) phenotype, while the presence of only FUTIII allows the expression of the Le(a+b-) phenotype. The absence of the FUTIII enzyme leads to the expression of the Le(a-b-) phenotype, independent of the presence or absence of FUTII. Point mutations in FUT2 and FUT3 genes change the activity of these enzymes, impair the synthesis of Le(a) and Le(b) antigens, and contribute to the variability of Lewis phenotypes in the gastrointestinal tract. Toxoplasma gondii, an apicomplexan parasite that infects a large proportion of the world's population, utilizes the gastrointestinal tract as an infection route and seems to adhere to glycosylated molecules to invade human cells. These apparently independent events may be related. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that there is an association between the Lewis histo-blood group system and infection by T. gondii. Two hundred and nine serum samples collected from pregnant women were submitted to screening tests to detect anti-T. gondii antibodies, employing the indirect hemagglutination method. ELISA was utilized to identify IgG class anti-T. gondii antibodies specific for the RH strain. A hundred and ninety-five samples with concordant results for both methods were selected to form two groups: seropositive (G1) and seronegative (G2). The G428A mutation of the FUT2 gene, and T202C and C314T of the FUT3 gene, which allow inference of the gastrointestinal tract Lewis phenotypes, were identified using PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSP methods, respectively. Among the 195 samples selected, 116 (59.5%) were seropositive and 79 (40.5%) were seronegative. In G1, 68 (58.6%) were classified as Le(a+b+), 30 (25.9%) as Le(a+b-), and 18 (15.5%) as Le(a-b-), and in G2, 67 (84.8%) were classified as Le(a+b+), 12 (15.2%) as Le(a+b-), and 0 (0%) as Le(a-b-) (P < 0.0001). The Le(a-b-) phenotype is associated with a high risk of RH strain T. gondii infection when compared with the Le(a+b+) [P = 0.0001; OR = 36,460; 95%CI = 2.152-617,680] and Le(a+b-) phenotypes [P = 0.0118; OR = 15,165; 95%CI = 0.8463-271,710]. The Le(a+b-) phenotype showed a higher risk compared to the Le(a+b+) phenotype [P = 0.0206; OR = 2463; 95%CI = 2463-5214]. The results suggest that the Le(a-b-) phenotype is strongly associated with a greater risk of infection by the RH strain of T. gondii compared to the other phenotypes. It is possible that the absence of fucosylation of the type 1 oligosaccharide precursor as well as the variations in the structures of the Le(a) and Le(b) antigens influence susceptibility to infection by this parasite.


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Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in elderly people and can reach values as high as 40.5% of the population. It can be the result of the interaction among several factors. Vitamin B12 deficiencies have been associated with neurological, cognitive deterioration, haematological abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases that have an important influence on the health of the elderly and their quality of life. It is necessary to approach the problems arisen from the lack of data relative to them. The main objective of this thesis was to analyse the evolution of vitamin B12 status and related parameters, lipid and haematological profiles and their relationship to health risk factors, and to functional and cognitive status over one year and to determine the effect of an oral supplementation of 500 μg of cyanocobalamin for a short period of 28 days. An additional objective was to analyze the possible effects of medicine intakes on vitamin B status. Three studies were performed: a) a one year longitudinal follow-up with four measure points; b) an intervention study providing an oral liquid supplement of 500 μg of cyanocobalamin for a 28 days period; and c) analysis of the possible effect of medication intake on vitamin B status using the ATC classification of medicines. The participants for these studies were recruited from nursing homes for the elderly in the Region of Madrid. Sixty elders (mean age 84 _ 7y, 19 men and 41 women) were recruited for Study I and 64 elders (mean age 82 _ 7y, 24 men and 40 women) for Study II. For Study III, baseline data from the initially recruited participants of the first two studies were used. An informed consent was obtained from all participants or their mentors. The studies were approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Granada. Blood samples were obtained at each examination date and were analyzed for serum cobalamin, holoTC, serum and RBC folate and total homocysteine according to laboratory standard procedures. The haematological parameters analyzed were haematocrit, haemoglobin and MCV. For the lipid profile TG, total cholesterol, LDL- and HDLcholesterol were analyzed. Anthropometric measures (BMI, skinfolds [triceps and subscapular], waist girth and waist to hip ratio), functional tests (hand grip, arm and leg strength tests, static balance) and MMSE were obtained or administered by trained personal. The vitamin B12 supplement of Study II was administered with breakfast and the medication intake was taken from the residents’ anamnesis. Data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistics depending on the obtained data. Comparisons were done using the appropriate ANOVAs or non-parametric tests. Pearsons’ partial correlations with the variable “time” as control were used to define the association of the analyzed parameters. XIII The results showed that: A) Over one year, in relationship to vitamin B status, serum cobalamin decreased, serum folate and mean corpuscular volumen increased significantly and total homocysteine concentrations were stable. Regarding blood lipid profile, triglycerides increased and HDL-cholesterol decreased significantly. Regarding selected anthropometric measurements, waist circumference increased significantly. No significant changes were observed for the rest of parameters. B) Prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia was high in the elderly studied, ranging from 60% to 90 % over the year depending on the cut-off used for the classification. LDL-cholesterol values were high, especially among women, and showed a tendency to increase over the year. Results of the balance test showed a deficiency and a tendency to decrease; this indicates that the population studied is at high risk for falls. Lower extremity muscular function was deficient and showed a tendency to decrease. A highly significant relationship was observed between the skinfold of the triceps and blood lipid profile. C) Low cobalamin concentrations correlated significantly with low MMSE scores in the elderly studied. No correlations were observed between vitamin B12 status and functional parameters. D) Regarding vitamin B12 status, holo-transcobalamin seems to be more sensitive for diagnosis; 5-10% of the elderly had a deficiency using serum cobalamin as a criterion, and 45-52% had a deficiency when using serum holotranscobalamin as a criterion. E) 500 μg of cyanocobalamin administered orally during 28 days significantly improved vitamin B12 status and significantly decreased total homocysteine concentrations in institutionalized elderly. No effect of the intervention was observed on functional and cognitive parameters. F) The relative change (%) of improvement of vitamin B12 status was higher when using serum holo-transcobalamin as a criterion than serum cobalamin. G) Antiaenemic drug intake normalized cobalamin, urologic drugs and corticosteroids serum folate, and psychoanaleptics holo-transcobalamin levels. Drugs treating pulmonary obstruction increased total homocysteine concentration significantly. H) The daily mean drug intake was 5.1. Fiftynine percent of the elderly took medication belonging to 5 or more different ATC groups. The most prevalent were psycholeptic (53%), antiacid (53%) and antithrombotic (47%) drugs.


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The unusual (1:1) complex ‘adduct’ salt of copper(II) with 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid (H2DCPA), having formula [Cu(H2O)4(C8H3Cl2O4) (C8H4Cl2O4)] . (C8H3Cl2O4) has been synthesized and characterized using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/c, with Z = 4 in a cell with dimensions a = 20.1376(7), b =12.8408(4) c = 12.1910(4) Å, β = 105.509(4)o. The complex is based on discrete tetragonally distorted octahedral [CuO6] coordination centres with the four water ligands occupying the square planar sites [Cu-O, 1.962(4)-1.987(4) Å] and the monodentate carboxyl-O donors of two DCPA ligand species in the axial sites. The first of these bonds [Cu-O, 2.341(4) Å] is with an oxygen of a HDCPA monoanion, the second with an oxygen of a H2DCPA acid species [Cu-O, 2.418(4) Å]. The un-coordinated ‘adduct’ molecule is a HDCPA counter anion which is strongly hydrogen-bonded to the coordinated H2DCPA ligand [O… O, 2.503(6) Å] while a number of peripheral intra- and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions give a two-dimensional network structure.


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Acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRTIs) are a common cause of morbidity and mortality among children under 5 years of age and are found worldwide, with pneumonia as the most severe manifestation. Although the incidence of severe disease varies both between individuals and countries, there is still no clear understanding of what causes this variation. Studies of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) have traditionally not focused on viral causes of disease due to a paucity of diagnostic tools. However, with the emergence of molecular techniques, it is now known that viruses outnumber bacteria as the etiological agents of childhood CAP, especially in children under 2 years of age. The main objective of this study was to investigate viruses contributing to disease severity in cases of childhood ALRTI, using a two year cohort study following 2014 infants and children enrolled in Bandung, Indonesia. A total of 352 nasopharyngeal washes collected from 256 paediatric ALRTI patients were used for analysis. A subset of samples was screened using a novel microarray pathogen detection method that identified respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and human rhinovirus (HRV) in the samples. Real-time RT-PCR was used both for confirming and quantifying viruses found in the nasopharyngeal samples. Viral copy numbers were determined and normalised to the numbers of human cells collected with the use of 18S rRNA. Molecular epidemiology was performed for RSV A and hMPV using sequences to the glycoprotein gene and nucleoprotein gene respectively, to determine genotypes circulating in this Indonesian paediatric cohort. This study found that HRV (119/352; 33.8%) was the most common virus detected as the cause of respiratory tract infections in this cohort, followed by the viral pathogens RSV A (73/352; 20.7%), hMPV (30/352; 8.5%) and RSV B (12/352; 3.4%). Co-infections of more than two viruses were detected in 31 episodes (defined as an infection which occurred more than two weeks apart), accounting for 8.8% of the 352 samples tested or 15.4% of the 201 episodes with at least one virus detected. RSV A genotypes circulating in this population were predominantly GA2, GA5 and GA7, while hMPV genotypes circulating were mainly A2a (27/30; 90.0%), B2 (2/30; 6.7%) and A1 (1/30; 3.3%). This study found no evidence of disease severity associated either with a specific virus or viral strain, or with viral load. However, this study did find a significant association with co-infection of RSV A and HRV with severe disease (P = 0.006), suggesting that this may be a novel cause of severe disease.


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The crystal structures of the proton-transfer compounds of 5-sulfosalicylic acid (3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid) with the aliphatic nitrogen Lewis bases, hydroxylamine, triethylamine, pyrrolidine, morpholine, N-methylmorpholine and piperazine, viz. hydroxyammonium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate (1), triethylaminium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate (2), pyrrolidinium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate monohydrate (3), morpholinium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate monohydrate (4), N-methylmorpholinium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate monohydrate (5) and piperazine-1,4-diium bis(3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate) hexahydrate (6) have been determined and their comparative structural features and hydrogen-bonding patterns described. Crystals of 4 are triclinic, space group P-1 while the remainder are monoclinic with space group either P21/c (1 - 3) or P21/n (5, 6). Unit cell dimensions and contents are: for 1, a = 5.0156(3), b = 10.5738(6), c = 18.4785(9) Å, β = 96.412(5)o, Z = 4; for 2, a = 8.4998(4), b = 12.3832(6), c = 15.4875(9) Å, β = 102.411(5)o, Z = 4; for 3, a = 6.8755(2), b = 15.5217(4), c = 12.8335(3) Å, β = 92.074(2)o, Z = 4; for 4, a = 6.8397(2), b = 12.9756(5), c = 15.8216(6) Å, α = 90.833(3), β = 95.949(3), γ = 92.505(3)o, Z = 4; for 5, a = 7.0529(3), b = 13.8487(7), c = 15.6448(6) Å, β = 90.190(6)o, Z = 4; for 6, a = 7.0561(2), b = 15.9311(4), c = 12.2102(3) Å, β = 100.858(3)o, Z = 2. The hydrogen bonding generates structures which are either two-dimensional (2 and 5) or three-dimensional (1, 3, 4 and 6). Compound 6 represents the third reported structure of a salt of 5-sulfosalicylic acid having a dicationic piperazine species.


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The structures of two hydrated proton-transfer compounds of 4-piperidinecarboxamide (isonipecotamide) with the isomeric heteroaromatic carboxylic acids indole-2-carboxylic acid and indole-3-carboxylic acid, namely 4-carbamoylpiperidinium indole-2-carboxylate dihydrate (1) and 4-carbamoylpiperidinium indole-3-carboxylate hemihydrate (2) have been determined at 200 K. Crystals of both 1 and 2 are monoclinic, space groups P21/c and P2/c respectively with Z = 4 in cells having dimensions a = 10.6811(4), b = 12.2017(4), c = 12.5456(5) Å, β = 96.000(4)o (1) and a = 15.5140(4), b = 10.2908(3), c = 9.7047(3) Å, β = 97.060(3)o (2). Hydrogen-bonding in 1 involves a primary cyclic interaction involving complementary cation amide N-H…O(carboxyl) anion and anion hetero N-H…O(amide) cation hydrogen bonds [graph set R22(9)]. Secondary associations involving also the water molecules of solvation give a two-dimensional network structure which includes weak water O-H…π interactions. In the three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded structure of 2, there are classic centrosymmetric cyclic head-to-head hydrogen-bonded amide-amide interactions [graph set R22(8)] as well as lateral cyclic amide-O linked amide-amide extensions [graph set R24(8)]. The anions and the water molecule, which lies on a twofold rotation axis, are involved in secondary extensions.


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The structure of the 1:1 brucinium salt of cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, 2,3-dimethoxy-10-oxostrychnidinium (1R,2S)-2-carboxycyclohexane-1-carboxylate dihydrate, has revealed the resolved (1R,2S) enantiomer of the acid. Crystals of the compound are orthorhombic, space group P212121, with unit cell dimensions a = 8.1955(3), b = 12.4034(3), c = 29.9073(9)Å, and Z = 4. The asymmetric unit comprises the brucinium cation, the hydrogen cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate cation, in which the carboxylate group is disordered over two sites (58, 42%), and two water molecules of solvation, one of which is occupies two 50% occupancy sites. The classic undulating brucinium cation substructures are present with the anion and the water molecules occupying the interstitial cavities and are hydrogen-bonded to them in a two-dimensional network structure.


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The structures of the compounds from the reaction of cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride with 4-chloroaniline [rac-N-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-carboxycycloclohexane-1-carboxamide] (1), 4-bromoaniline [2-(4-bromophenyl)-perhydroisoindolyl-1,3-dione] (2) and 3-hydroxy-4-carboxyaniline (5-aminosalicylic acid) [2-(3-hydroxy-4-carboxyphenyl)-perhydroisoindolyl-1,3-dione] (3) have been determined at 200 K. Crystals of the open-chain amide carboxylic acid 1 are orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with unit cell dimensions a = 20.1753(10), b = 8.6267(4), c = 15.9940(9) Å, and Z = 8. Compounds 2 and 3 are cyclic imides, with 1 monoclinic having space group P21 and cell dimensions a = 11.5321(3), b = 6.7095(2), c = 17.2040(5) Å, β = 102.527(3)o. Compound 3 is orthorhombic with cell dimensions a = 6.4642(3), b = 12.8196(5), c = 16.4197(7) Å. Molecules of 1 form hydrogen-bonded cyclic dimers which are extended into a two-dimensional layered structure through amide-group associations: 3 forms into one-dimensional zigzag chains through carboxylic acid…imide O-atom hydrogen bonds, while compound 2 is essentially unassociated. With both cyclic imides 2 and 3, disorder is found which involves the presence of partial enantiomeric replacement of the cis-cyclohexane-1,2-substituted ring systems.


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The structures of the compounds from the reaction of the drug dapsone [4-(4-aminophenylsulfonyl)aniline] with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, the salt hydrate [4-(4-aminohenylsulfonyl)anilinium 2-carboxy-4,6-dinitrophenolate monohydrate] (1) and the 1:1 adduct with 5-nitroisophthalic acid [4-(4-aminophenylsulfonyl)aniline 5-nitrobenzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid] (2) have been determined. Crystals of 1 are triclinic, space group P-1, with unit cell dimensions a = 8.2043(3), b = 11.4000(6), c = 11.8261(6)Å, α = 110.891(5), β = 91.927(3), γ = 98.590(4)deg. and Z = 4. Compound 2 is orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with unit cell dimensions a = 20.2662(6), b = 12.7161(4), c = 15.9423(5)Å and Z = 8. In 1, intermolecular analinium N-H…O and water O-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen-bonding interactions with sulfone, carboxyl, phenolate and nitro O-atom and aniline N-atom acceptors give a two-dimensional layered structure. With 2, the intermolecular interactions involve both aniline N-H…O and carboxylic acid O-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen bonds to sulfone, carboxyl, nitro and aniline acceptors, giving a three-dimensional network structure. In both structures π--π aromatic ring associations are present.


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The estimated one million Australians with type 2 diabetes face significant risks of morbidity and premature mortality. Inadequate diabetes self-management is associated with poor glycaemic control, which is further impaired by comorbid dysphoria. Regular access to ongoing self-management and psychological support is limited, especially in rural and regional locations. Web-based interventions can provide complementary support to patients’ usual care. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with two samples that comprised (a) 13 people with type 2 diabetes and (b) 12 general practitioners (GPs). Interviews explored enablers and barriers to self-care, emotional challenges, needs for support, and potential web-based programme components. Patients were asked about the potential utility of a web-based support programme, and GPs were asked about likely circumstances of patient referral to it. Thematic analysis was used to summarise responses. Most perceived facilitators and barriers to self-management were similar across the groups. Both groups highlighted the centrality of dietary self-management, valued shared decision-making with health professionals, and endorsed the idea of web-based support. Some emotional issues commonly identified by patients varied to those perceived by GPs, resulting in different attributions for impaired self-care. A web-based programme that supported self-management and psychological/emotional needs appears likely to hold promise in yielding high acceptability and perceived utility.


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Complexes [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(1-MeIm)(6)](ClO4)(2) (la-c), [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(ImH)(6)](ClO4)(2) (2a,b), and [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(4-MeImH)(6)](ClO4)(2) (3a,b) with a (mu-oxo)bis(mu-carboxylato)diruthenium(III) core have been prepared by reacting Ru2Cl(O2CR)(4) with the corresponding imidazole base, viz. 1-methylimidazole (1-MeIm), imidazole (ImH), and 4-methylimidazole (4-MeImH) in methanol, followed by treatment with NaClO4 in water (R: Me, a; C6H4-p-OMe, b; C6H4-p-Me, c). Diruthenium(III,IV) complexes [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(1-MeIm)(6)](ClO4)(3) (R: Me, 4a; C6H4-p-OMe, 4b; C6H4-p-Me, 4c) have been prepared by one-electron oxidation of 1 in MeCN with K2S2O8 in water. Complexes la, 2a . 3H(2)O, and 4a . 1.5H(2)O have been structurally characterized. Crystal data for the complexes are as follows: la, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 7.659(3) Angstrom, b = 22.366(3) Angstrom, c = 23.688(2) Angstrom, V = 4058(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0475, and R-w = 0.0467 for 2669 reflections with F-o > 2 sigma(F-o); 2a . 3H(2)O, triclinic, , a = 13.735(3) Angstrom, b = 14.428(4) Angstrom, c = 20.515(8) Angstrom, alpha = 87.13(3)degrees, beta = 87.61(3)degrees, gamma = 63.92(2)degrees, V = 3646(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0485 and R-w = 0.0583 for 10 594 reflections with F-o > 6 sigma(F-o); 4a . 1.5H(2)O triclinic, , a = 11.969(3) Angstrom, b = 12.090(6) Angstrom, c = 17.421(3) Angstrom, alpha = 108.93(2)degrees, beta = 84.42(2)degrees, gamma = 105.97(2)degrees, V = 2292(1) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, R = 0.0567, and R-w = 0.0705 for 6775 reflections with F-o > 6 sigma(F-o). The complexes have a diruthenium unit held by an oxo and two carboxylate ligands, and the imidazole ligands occupy the terminal sites of the core. The Ru-Ru distance and the Ru-O-oxo-Ru angle in la and 2a . 3H(2)O are 3.266(1), 3.272(1) Angstrom and 122.4(4), 120.5(2)degrees, while in 4a . 1.5H(2)O these values are 3.327(1) Angstrom and 133.6(2)degrees. The diruthenium(III) complexes 1-3 are blue in color and they exhibit an intense visible band in the range 560-575 nm. The absorption is charge transfer in nature involving the Ru(III)-d pi and O-oxo-p pi orbitals. The diruthenium(III,IV) complexes are red in color and show an intense band near 500 nm. The diruthenium(III) core readily gets oxidized with K2S2O8 forming quantitatively the diruthenium(III,IV) complex. The visible spectral record of the conversion shows an isosbestic point at 545 nm for 1 and at 535 nm for 2 and 3. Protonation of the oxide bridge by HClO4 in methanol yields the [Ru-2(mu-OH)(mu-O2CR)(2)](3+) core. The hydroxo species shows a visible band al 550 nm. The pK(a) value for la is 2.45. The protonated species are unstable. The 1-MeIm species converts to the diruthenium(III,IV) core, while the imidazole complex converts to [Ru(ImH)(6)](3+) and some uncharacterized products. Complex [Ru(ImH)(6)](ClO4)(3) has been structurally characterized. The diruthenium(III) complexes are essentially diamagnetic and show characteristic H-1 NMR spectra indicating the presence of the dimeric structure in solution. The diruthenium(III,IV) complexes are paramagnetic and display rhombic EPR spectral features. Complexes 1-3 are redox active. Complex 1 shows the one-electron reversible Ru-2(III)/(RuRuIV)-Ru-III, one-electron quasireversible (RuRuIV)-Ru-III/Ru-2(IV), and two-electron quasireversible Ru-2(III)/Ru-2(II) couples near 0.4, 1.5, and -1.0 V vs SCE In MeCN-0.1 M TBAP, respectively, in the cyclic and differential pulse voltammetric studies. Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit only reversible Ru-2(III)/(RuRuIV)-Ru-III and the quasireversible (RuRuIV)-Ru-III/Ru-2(IV) couples near 0.4 and 1.6 V vs SCE, respectively, The observation of a quasireversible one-step two-electron transfer reduction process in 1 is significant considering its relevance to the rapid and reversible Fe-2(III)/Fe-2(II) redox process known for the tribridged diiron core in the oxy and deoxy forms of hemerythrin.