946 resultados para urban green space
WorldStarHipHop.com (WSHH) is an online video aggregating website that describes itself as “the premiere online hip hop destination” and a home for “urban media.” Yet, browsing through the site provides little clarity on what constitutes a hip-hop video or urban Internet space because of the disparate video content, the actual racial diversity of the performers, and the website’s generic design. As a result, WSHH’s taglines make a strange claim about the current state of the black musical tradition. Through close readings of the site, this article considers the architecture of this space of interracial exchange and identifies the interface as an example of Modernist architectural simplicity. I argue WSHH’s modular design is flexible enough to include non-black bodies, while remaining a black “urban” space. Thus, the site’s straightforward architecture paradoxically becomes the scaffolding of a much more complex, de-corporealized, and “shareable” blackness.
There have been many models developed by scientists to assist decision-makers in making socio-economic and environmental decisions. It is now recognised that there is a shift in the dominant paradigm to making decisions with stakeholders, rather than making decisions for stakeholders. Our paper investigates two case studies where group model building has been undertaken for maintaining biodiversity in Australia. The first case study focuses on preservation and management of green spaces and biodiversity in metropolitan Melbourne under the umbrella of the Melbourne 2030 planning strategy. A geographical information system is used to collate a number of spatial datasets encompassing a range of cultural and natural assets data layers including: existing open spaces, waterways, threatened fauna and flora, ecological vegetation covers, registered cultural heritage sites, and existing land parcel zoning. Group model building is incorporated into the study through eliciting weightings and ratings of importance for each datasets from urban planners to formulate different urban green system scenarios. The second case study focuses on modelling ecoregions from spatial datasets for the state of Queensland. The modelling combines collaborative expert knowledge and a vast amount of environmental data to build biogeographical classifications of regions. An information elicitation process is used to capture expert knowledge of ecoregions as geographical descriptions, and to transform this into prior probability distributions that characterise regions in terms of environmental variables. This prior information is combined with measured data on the environmental variables within a Bayesian modelling technique to produce the final classified regions. We describe how linked views between descriptive information, mapping and statistical plots are used to decide upon representative regions that satisfy a number of criteria for biodiversity and conservation. This paper discusses the advantages and problems encountered when undertaking group model building. Future research will extend the group model building approach to include interested individuals and community groups.
Stylization is a method of ornamental plant use usually applied in urban open space and garden design based on aesthetic consideration. Stylization can be seen as a nature-imitating ornamental plant application which evokes the scenery rather than an ecological plant application which assists the processes and functions observed in the nature. From a different point of view, stylization of natural or semi-natural habitats can sometimes serve as a method for preserving the physiognomy of the plant associations that may be affected by the climate change of the 21st century. The vulnerability of the Hungarian habitats has thus far been examined by the researchers only from the botanical point of view but not in terms of its landscape design value. In Hungary coniferous forests are edaphic and classified on this basis. The General National Habitat Classification System (Á-NÉR) distinguishes calcareous Scots pine forests and acidofrequent coniferous forests. The latter seems to be highly sensitive to climate change according to ecological models. The physiognomy and species pool of its subtypes are strongly determined by the dominant coniferous species that can be Norway spruce (Picea abies) or Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). We are going to discuss the methodology of stylization of climate sensitive habitats and briefly refer to acidofrequent coniferous forests as a case study. In the course of stylization those coniferous and deciduous tree species of the studied habitat that are water demanding should be substituted by drought tolerant ones with similar characteristics. A list of the proposed taxa is going to be given.
This paper explores city dweller aspirations for cities of the future in the context of global commitments to radically reduce carbon emissions by 2050; cities contribute the vast majority of these emissions and a growing bulk of theworld's population lives in cities. The particular challenge of creating a carbon reduced future in democratic countries is that the measures proposed must be acceptable to the electorate. Such acceptability is fostered if carbon reduced ways of living are also felt to bewellbeing maximising. Thus the objective of the paper is to explore what kinds of cities people aspire to live in, to ascertain whether these aspirations align with or undermine carbon reduced ways of living, as well as personal wellbeing. Using a novel free associative technique, city aspirations are found to cluster around seven themes, encompassing physical and social aspects. Physically, people aspire to a city with a range of services and facilities, green and blue spaces, efficient transport, beauty and good design. Socially, people aspire to a sense of community and a safe environment. An exploration of these themes reveals that only a minority of the participants' aspirations for cities relate to lowering carbon or environmental wellbeing. Far more consensual is emphasis on, and a particular vision of, aspirations that will bring personal wellbeing. Furthermore, city dweller aspirations align with evidence concerning factors that maximise personal wellbeing but, far less, with those that produce lowcarbonways of living. In order to shape a lower carbon future that city dwellers accept the potential convergence between environmental and personal wellbeing will need to be capitalised on: primarily aversion to pollution and enjoyment of communal green space.
The aim of this work is to understand the morphological expression of ground occupation by the higher income population, by focusing on population distribution in accordance with income layers and demographical density, as well as topological accessibility (HILLIER and HANSON, 1984) resulting from the urban grid structure. It endeavors to identify a functional organizing principle regarding the intra-urban space of Natal capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the research focus. In order to achieve this, census data as well as syntactic data were utilized for mapping and spatial analysis of income patterns, topological accessibility and demographical density using Geographical Information System GIS. The organizing principle was named as the Form of Privilege, a pattern that concentrates or tends to concentrate wealth, topological accessibility and low demographical density. Attempting to assess its extent, beyond Natal, this principle was applied to other Brazilian northeastern capitals such as: Fortaleza, CE; Teresina, PI; Aracaju, SE; Recife, PE; and João Pessoa, PB. Findings point out that although the urban structures of these cities are not immune to the Form of Privilege, Natal is emblematic of this phenomenon, a fact that demonstrates the perverse character of its spatial process, which historically creates privileged areas within the city, by means of the appropriation of accessibility as well as of the many urban benesses that are related to it by higher income groups at the expense of the major part of the population, which though being the people mostly in need of the benefits originating from the urban form are excluded from them
Resumen La desmesurada forma en la que está creciendo la ciudad y la sociedad en general, ha ocasionado un desequilibrio en la relación personas - espacio público recreacional. A partir de esta condición se ha tomado la iniciativa nacional de reciclar espacios semipúblicos y convertirlos en equipamientos que contribuyan a la formación de los ciudadanos. Los urbanistas señalan como fin último el mejorar la calidad de vida, siendo en el espacio urbano lo público el núcleo a partir del cual se contribuye a este objetivo. Los cuarteles militares en muchas de las urbes del país han sido alcanzados por la urbanización, pudiéndose ocupar estos sitios para solucionar la problemática urbana que se ha generado en torno a estos lugares. En esta tesis se evidencia que la arquitectura se piensa y se produce desde el lugar, tomando como referencia la metodología del análisis espacial urbano, y complementándola a su vez con la obra y el pensamiento de Rafael Pina Lupiañez. El sector del predio de la Brigada de Artillería Portete es el espacio idóneo para una intervención, en el cual se ha implantado la propuesta de un parque urbano recreacional, donde no solo se ha potencializado las características trópicas y antrópicas sino también se ha conseguido mitigar las condiciones desfavorables. Se ha considerado este proyecto como el precursor para facilitar el cambio de uso a estos espacios semipúblicos restringidos que tanto se necesitan dentro de la ciudad, siendo un primer acercamiento con el cuerpo militar.
The study of Quality of Life (Qol) has been conducted on various scales throughout the years with focus on assessing overall quality of living amongst citizens. The main focus in these studies have been on economic factors, with the purpose of creating a Quality of Life Index (QLI).When it comes down to narrowing the focus to the environment and factors like Urban Green Spaces (UGS) and air quality the topic gets more focused on pointing out how each alternative meets this certain criteria. With the benefits of UGS and a healthy environment in focus a new Environmental Quality of Life Index (EQLI) will be proposed by incorporating Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Working with MCA on complex environmental problems and incorporating it with GIS is a challenging but rewarding task, and has proven to be an efficient approach among environmental scientists. Background information on three MCA methods will be shown: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Regime Analysis and PROMETHEE. A survey based on a previous study conducted on the status of UGS within European cities was sent to 18 municipalities in the study area. The survey consists of evaluating the current status of UGS as well as planning and management of UGS with in municipalities for the purpose of getting criteria material for the selected MCA method. The current situation of UGS is assessed with use of GIS software and change detection is done on a 10 year period using NDVI index for comparison purposes to one of the criteria in the MCA. To add to the criteria, interpolation of nitrogen dioxide levels was performed with ordinary kriging and the results transformed into indicator values. The final outcome is an EQLI map with indicators of environmentally attractive municipalities with ranking based on predefinedMCA criteria using PROMETHEE I pairwise comparison and PROMETHEE II complete ranking of alternatives. The proposed methodology is applied to Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, Portugal.
The aim of this work is to understand the morphological expression of ground occupation by the higher income population, by focusing on population distribution in accordance with income layers and demographical density, as well as topological accessibility (HILLIER and HANSON, 1984) resulting from the urban grid structure. It endeavors to identify a functional organizing principle regarding the intra-urban space of Natal capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the research focus. In order to achieve this, census data as well as syntactic data were utilized for mapping and spatial analysis of income patterns, topological accessibility and demographical density using Geographical Information System GIS. The organizing principle was named as the Form of Privilege, a pattern that concentrates or tends to concentrate wealth, topological accessibility and low demographical density. Attempting to assess its extent, beyond Natal, this principle was applied to other Brazilian northeastern capitals such as: Fortaleza, CE; Teresina, PI; Aracaju, SE; Recife, PE; and João Pessoa, PB. Findings point out that although the urban structures of these cities are not immune to the Form of Privilege, Natal is emblematic of this phenomenon, a fact that demonstrates the perverse character of its spatial process, which historically creates privileged areas within the city, by means of the appropriation of accessibility as well as of the many urban benesses that are related to it by higher income groups at the expense of the major part of the population, which though being the people mostly in need of the benefits originating from the urban form are excluded from them
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Design, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.
Since the middle age wildflower meadows are used to bring the flowers from the natural and rural areas into urban landscapes. Wildflowers meadows can improve the quality of Green Infrastructures as they increase biodiversity. However, after a few centuries of given flowers a principal part, lawns started to be used in every kind of places leading to a green obsession. Nowadays, urban lawns are cover more than 70% of urban green spaces all over the world. Frequently design options aren’t environmental or economical friendly, and lawns are this example. Lawns are green deserts with low biodiversity, and unsustainable. Wildflower meadows are an alternative to lawns, more sustainable, less resources consumer and much more biodiverse. In the regions with a Mediterranean climate water is a limit factor, especial in summer.
This thesis is a collection of scientific papers resulting from my research activity during the PhD course in Earth, Life, and Environmental Sciences. The main subject of the thesis is the capability of pollen to trigger a hypersensitive reaction in different environmental conditions, and the need to better characterise such allergenicity in order to measure it. This topic is discussed from different perspectives, using ecological, morphological, and molecular approaches. The thesis starts by summarising the importance of green infrastructures in the cities, from economical and conservational perspectives. It then focalises on the lesser-known ecosystem disservices urban vegetation can provide, and in particular on pollen allergy, exploring its causes and illustrating possible ways to monitor, foresee, and mitigate the allergenic risk. The possibility to monitor the allergenicity of urban green areas is then examined in depth, with an original research paper that proposes a method standardisation for existing allergenicity indices (Specific Allergenic Index and Urban Green Zones Allergenicty Index), and compares the indices results to evaluate their effectiveness. At the end of the thesis, pollen allergenicity is also approached from a molecular perspective, by investigating pollen allergens release mechanisms in the context of pollen hydration and germination. In particular, in an unpublished original research paper, the nature of allergen-carrying extracellular nanovesicles (pollensomes) released by pollen is extensively studied on a non-allergenic pollen model, to understand their biological role and thus the environmental conditions that trigger their release. Moreover, the last paper reported in the thesis demonstrates the secretion of a potential pollen allergen, a low-molecular weight cyclophilin, during pollen germination under stressful conditions. The thesis concludes with a brief description of other scientific activities carried on during the PhD, that still need more scientific corroboration to be published.
Lo spazio pubblico urbano potrebbe essere visto come una scenografia mutevole in cui la società rappresenta sé stessa. Soprattutto nei centri storici della città, si perde l’identità di luoghi specifici, così come la coscienza dei cittadini, che porta ad un uso improprio dello spazio causato principalmente dall’assenza di una cultura architettonica. In questo senso, l’obiettivo finale dell’architettura è quello di essere educativa nello spiegare il motivo per cui è stata concepita. La tesi di ricerca tenta di studiare la dimensione educativa e la forza che l’architettura ha nell’influenzare comportamenti spontanei e non spontanei. L’obiettivo è trovare metodi di progettazione e legali in grado di migliorare gli spazi pubblici in termini di qualità della vita dei suoi utenti. Il riconoscimento e la trasmissione dell’architettura, attraverso l’uso dell’architettura stessa, tenta di arginare un’assenza di cultura architettonica e un uso sempre più improprio dei suoi spazi. La domanda a cui, dunque, si tenta di rispondere è: Può la dimensione evocativa dell’architettura stimolare processi di rigenerazione urbana? La tesi si sviluppa in tre parti: la prima presenta alcune riflessioni teoriche sulla progettazione dello spazio pubblico alle quali fanno riferimento altrettanti progetti portati avanti nei mesi di ricerca Dai workshops realizzati sono emerse diverse problematiche riguardo l’effettiva realizzazione di tali progetti evidenziando soprattutto una carenza di tipo normativo che fa “cadere” gli entusiasmi legati al completamento delle opere per la comunità e di conseguenza decade il valore teorico dei progetti. Per questo motivo, nella seconda parte, si tenta di approfondire il tema legislativo per trovare soluzioni alternative agli arresti burocratici che sovente disincentivano le azioni corali della cittadinanza. La terza parte si concentrerà su un progetto per un’area di Bologna da riqualificare, i Prati di Caprara, per i quali si sfrutteranno tutte le conoscenze teoriche precedentemente esposte.
As the word population continues to grow and global resources are limited, the WHO definition of health is difficult to achieve for a large part of the population. Humanity is facing the need to improve both environmental and human wellbeing. This can be done through careful planning and management of natural resources, ensuring food safety and reducing and converting wastes. This work aims to contribute to the improvement of population and environmental health exploring different research fields: urban park ecosystem services, food chemical risk assessment and agri-food by-product valorization. To highlight the importance of urban parks and their ecosystem services, an ethnobotanical study was carried out in the Ausa urban park in Rimini, using a citizen science approach. The results showed that Ausa Park is an important focal point for plant gatherers in Rimini, as it allows for plant foraging and contributes to preserve the knowledge of the use of plants. Two food safety studies were carried out, looking at the exposure of Poles to bisphenol A through the consumption of soft drinks and to cadmium through the consumption of chocolate bars. The results, compared with EFSA’s scientific opinion, show that the exposure of the Polish population to BPA is of health concern, while cadmium is not. In the agri-food by-product valorization, a green extraction method was optimized to recover valuable phenolic compounds from red-fleshed apple pomace; moreover, the possibility of recovering pectin from the residue was evaluated. Furthermore, valuable compounds in four different types of wheat milling by-products, considered as an alternative source of bioactive compounds with potential human health benefits, were investigated. In conclusion, this work produced usable data in urban green area management and planning, in food chemical risk assessment and in business production decisions, thus contributing to improving environmental and people wellbeing.
Certain areas of the city of Sao Paulo, as many others around the world, including in Lisbon, Barcelona and Buenos Aires, have been going through a process of requalification, in special the ones commonly known as old and/or traditional city. Regarding Sao Paulo, some exceptional actions have been taken downtown with investments in rehabilitation/requalification of areas that concentrated the historical, urbanistic and cultural heritages, such as Praca da S and its cathedral, as well as the revaluation/rehabilitation projects of other squares like Praca da Republica, other areas as the previously called Cracolandia (due to high consumption/deal of crack), known today as Nova Luz, besides propositions to reevaluate areas already modified, such as Vale do Anhangabau. In all propositions to modify sites, it is firstly underlined its deterioration, litter and the presence of low-income populations (passer-bys, street vendors or residents), generally stigmatized as ""potential suspects"", emphasizing danger and lack of security in those places. This belief, which has become consensual, results in that: public as well as private companies promote the rehabilitation of the areas basing their reasoning in the necessity of adding value to the existing urban heritage, although, as it will be discussed in this paper, part of this heritage might be destroyed in this very process, under the allegation that upon completion, the action would allow the social, cultural and economical revaluation/requalification of the area. This paper is intended to provide a contribution to this discussion.
As a contribution to the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (LBA-CLAIRE-2001) field campaign in the heart of the Amazon Basin, we analyzed the temporal and spatial dynamics of the urban plume of Manaus City during the wet-to-dry season transition period in July 2001. During the flights, we performed vertical stacks of crosswind transects in the urban outflow downwind of Manaus City, measuring a comprehensive set of trace constituents including O(3), NO, NO(2), CO, VOC, CO(2), and H(2)O. Aerosol loads were characterized by concentrations of total aerosol number (CN) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and by light scattering properties. Measurements over pristine rainforest areas during the campaign showed low levels of pollution from biomass burning or industrial emissions, representative of wet season background conditions. The urban plume of Manaus City was found to be joined by plumes from power plants south of the city, all showing evidence of very strong photochemical ozone formation. One episode is discussed in detail, where a threefold increase in ozone mixing ratios within the atmospheric boundary layer occurred within a 100 km travel distance downwind of Manaus. Observation-based estimates of the ozone production rates in the plume reached 15 ppb h(-1). Within the plume core, aerosol concentrations were strongly enhanced, with Delta CN/Delta CO ratios about one order of magnitude higher than observed in Amazon biomass burning plumes. Delta CN/Delta CO ratios tended to decrease with increasing transport time, indicative of a significant reduction in particle number by coagulation, and without substantial new particle nucleation occurring within the time/space observed. While in the background atmosphere a large fraction of the total particle number served as CCN (about 60-80% at 0.6% supersaturation), the CCN/CN ratios within the plume indicated that only a small fraction (16 +/- 12 %) of the plume particles were CCN. The fresh plume aerosols showed relatively weak light scattering efficiency. The CO-normalized CCN concentrations and light scattering coefficients increased with plume age in most cases, suggesting particle growth by condensation of soluble organic or inorganic species. We used a Single Column Chemistry and Transport Model (SCM) to infer the urban pollution emission fluxes of Manaus City, implying observed mixing ratios of CO, NO(x) and VOC. The model can reproduce the temporal/spatial distribution of ozone enhancements in the Manaus plume, both with and without accounting for the distinct (high NO(x)) contribution by the power plants; this way examining the sensitivity of ozone production to changes in the emission rates of NO(x). The VOC reactivity in the Manaus region was dominated by a high burden of biogenic isoprene from the background rainforest atmosphere, and therefore NO(x) control is assumed to be the most effective ozone abatement strategy. Both observations and models show that the agglomeration of NO(x) emission sources, like power plants, in a well-arranged area can decrease the ozone production efficiency in the near field of the urban populated cores. But on the other hand remote areas downwind of the city then bear the brunt, being exposed to increased ozone production and N-deposition. The simulated maximum stomatal ozone uptake fluxes were 4 nmol m(-2) s(-1) close to Manaus, and decreased only to about 2 nmol m(-2) s(-1) within a travel distance >1500 km downwind from Manaus, clearly exceeding the critical threshold level for broadleaf trees. Likewise, the simulated N deposition close to Manaus was similar to 70 kg N ha(-1) a(-1) decreasing only to about 30 kg N ha(-1) a(-1) after three days of simulation.