991 resultados para universal central extension


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It is unknown how receptor binding by the paramyxovirus attachment proteins (HN, H, or G) triggers the fusion (F) protein to fuse with the plasma membrane for cell entry. H-proteins of the morbillivirus genus consist of a stalk ectodomain supporting a cuboidal head; physiological oligomers consist of non-covalent dimer-of-dimers. We report here the successful engineering of intermolecular disulfide bonds within the central region (residues 91-115) of the morbillivirus H-stalk; a sub-domain that also encompasses the putative F-contacting section (residues 111-118). Remarkably, several intersubunit crosslinks abrogated membrane fusion, but bioactivity was restored under reducing conditions. This phenotype extended equally to H proteins derived from virulent and attenuated morbillivirus strains and was independent of the nature of the contacted receptor. Our data reveal that the morbillivirus H-stalk domain is composed of four tightly-packed subunits. Upon receptor binding, these subunits structurally rearrange, possibly inducing conformational changes within the central region of the stalk, which, in turn, promote fusion. Given that the fundamental architecture appears conserved among paramyxovirus attachment protein stalk domains, we predict that these motions may act as a universal paramyxovirus F-triggering mechanism.


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When used in veterinary medicine, central venous catheters are typically inserted through the external jugular vein, with their caudal extension within the cranial vena cava. Radiographic or fluoroscopic guidance is recommended to assist in correctly placing these catheters. This article provides radiologic examples of common central venous catheter malpositions and complications.


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Central Switzerland lies tectonically in an intraplate area and recurrence rates of strong earthquakes exceed the time span covered by historic chronicles. However, many lakes are present in the area that act as natural seismographs: their continuous, datable and high-resolution sediment succession allows extension of the earthquake catalogue to pre-historic times. This study reviews and compiles available data sets and results from more than 10 years of lacustrine palaeoseismological research in lakes of northern and Central Switzerland. The concept of using lacustrine mass-movement event stratigraphy to identify palaeo-earthquakes is showcased by presenting new data and results from Lake Zurich. The Late Glacial to Holocene mass-movement units in this lake document a complex history of varying tectonic and environmental impacts. Results include sedimentary evidence of three major and three minor, simultaneously triggered basin-wide lateral slope failure events interpreted as the fingerprints of palaeoseismic activity. A refined earthquake catalogue, which includes results from previous lake studies, reveals a non-uniform temporal distribution of earthquakes in northern and Central Switzerland. A higher frequency of earthquakes in the Late Glacial and Late Holocene period documents two different phases of neotectonic activity; they are interpreted to be related to isostatic post-glacial rebound and relatively recent (re-)activation of seismogenic zones, respectively. Magnitudes and epicentre reconstructions for the largest identified earthquakes provide evidence for two possible earthquake sources: (i) a source area in the region of the Alpine or Sub-Alpine Front due to release of accumulated north-west/south-east compressional stress related to an active basal thrust beneath the Aar massif; and (ii) a source area beneath the Alpine foreland due to reactivation of deep-seated strike-slip faults. Such activity has been repeatedly observed instrumentally, for example, during the most recent magnitude 4.2 and 3.5 earthquakes of February 2012, near Zug. The combined lacustrine record from northern and Central Switzerland indicates that at least one of these potential sources has been capable of producing magnitude 6.2 to 6.7 events in the past.


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Rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 is not only changing the climate system but may also affect the biosphere directly through stimulation of plant growth and ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling. Although forest ecosystems play a critical role in the global carbon cycle, experimental information on forest responses to rising CO2 is scarce, due to the sheer size of trees. Here, we present a synthesis of the only study world-wide where a diverse set of mature broadleaved trees growing in a natural forest has been exposed to future atmospheric CO2 levels (c. 550ppm) by free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). We show that litter production, leaf traits and radial growth across the studied hardwood species remained unaffected by elevated CO2 over 8years. CO2 enrichment reduced tree water consumption resulting in detectable soil moisture savings. Soil air CO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon both increased suggesting enhanced below-ground activity. Carbon release to the rhizosphere and/or higher soil moisture primed nitrification and nitrate leaching under elevated CO2; however, the export of dissolved organic carbon remained unaltered.Synthesis. Our findings provide no evidence for carbon-limitation in five central European hardwood trees at current ambient CO2 concentrations. The results of this long-term study challenge the idea of a universal CO2 fertilization effect on forests, as commonly assumed in climate-carbon cycle models.


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The neoformation of chlorite and K-white mica in fault rocks from two main faults of the central Catalan Coastal Ranges, the Vallès and the Hospital faults, has allowed us to constrain the P–T conditions during fault evolution using thermodynamic modeling. Crystallization of M1 and M2 muscovite and microcline occured as result of deuteric alteration during the exhumation of the pluton (290 °C > T > 370 °C) in the Permian. After that, three tectonic events have been distinguished. The first tectonic event, attributed to the Mesozoic rifting, is characterized by precipitation of M3 and M4 phengite together with chlorite and calcite C1 at temperatures between 190 and 310 °C. The second tectonic event attributed to the Paleogene compression has only been identified in the Hospital fault with precipitation of low-temperature calcite C2. The shortcut produced during inversion of the Vallès fault was probably the responsible for the lack of neoformed minerals within this fault. Finally, the third tectonic event, which is related to the Neogene extension, is characterized in the Vallès fault by a new generation of chlorite, associated with calcite C4 and laumontite, formed at temperatures between 125 and 190 °C in the absence of K-white mica. Differently, the Hospital fault is characterized by the precipitation of calcite C3 during the syn-rift stage at temperatures around 150 °C and by low-temperature fluids precipitating calcites C5, C6 and PC1 during the post-rift stage. During the two extensional events (Mesozoic and Neogene), faults acted as conduits for hot fluids producing anomalous high geothermal gradients (50 °C/km minimum).


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT In canine intervertebral disc (IVD) extrusion, a spontaneous animal model of spinal cord injury, hemorrhage is a consistent finding. In rodent models, hemorrhage might be involved in secondary tissue destruction by biochemical mechanisms. PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate a causal association between the extents of intramedullary, subdural and epidural hemorrhage and the severity of spinal cord damage following IVD extrusion in dogs. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING A retrospective study using histologic spinal cord sections from 83 dogs euthanized following IVD extrusion was carried out. METHODS The degree of hemorrhage (intramedullary, subdural, epidural), the degree of spinal cord damage in the epicenter (white and gray matter), and the longitudinal extent of myelomalacia were graded. Associations between the extent of hemorrhage and the degree of spinal cord damage were evaluated statistically. RESULTS Intramedullary and subdural hemorrhages were significantly associated with the degree of white (p<.001/ p=.004) and gray (both p<.001) matter damage, and with the longitudinal extension of myelomalacia (p<.001/p=.005). Intriguingly, accumulation of hemorrhagic cord debris inside or dorsal to a distended and ruptured central canal in segments distant to the epicenter of the lesion was observed exhibiting a wave-like pattern on longitudinal assessment. The occurrence of this debris accumulation was associated with high degrees of tissue destruction (all p<.001). CONCLUSIONS Tissue liquefaction and increased intramedullary pressure associated with hemorrhage are involved in the progression of spinal cord destruction in a canine model of spinal cord injury and ascending or descending myelomalacia. Functional and dynamic studies are needed to investigate this concept further.


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A numerical ice-sheet model was used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian glaciation of the Eurasian High Arctic, between Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya. An ice sheet was developed over the entire Eurasian High Arctic so that ice flow from the central Barents and Kara seas toward the northern Russian Arctic could be accounted for. An inverse approach to modeling was utilized, where ice-sheet results were forced to be compatible with geological information indicating ice-free conditions over the Taymyr Peninsula during the Late Weichselian. The model indicates complete glaciation of the Barents and Kara seas and predicts a "maximum-sized" ice sheet for the Late Weichselian Russian High Arctic. In this scenario, full-glacial conditions are characterized by a 1500-m-thick ice mass over the Barents Sea, from which ice flowed to the north and west within several bathymetric troughs as large ice streams. In contrast to this reconstruction, a "minimum" model of glaciation involves restricted glaciation in the Kara Sea, where the ice thickness is only 300 m in the south and which is free of ice in the north across Severnaya Zemlya. Our maximum reconstruction is compatible with geological information that indicates complete glaciation of the Barents Sea. However, geological data from Severnaya Zemlya suggest our minimum model is more relevant further east. This, in turn, implies a strong paleoclimatic gradient to colder and drier conditions eastward across the Eurasian Arctic during the Late Weichselian.


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Ultrabasic rock samples collected from two areas of the crustal zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR): (1) 13-17°N (near the intersection of the ridge axis with the 15°20'N prime fracture zone), and (2) 33°40'N prime (the western intersection of the MAR crest with the Heis fracture zone) were objects of this study. Samples of peridotite and of plutonic and volcanic rocks associated with it were used to measure their Sm/Nd, 143Nd/144Nd, and 147Sm/144Nd ratios, which allowed to test time and genetic relationships between evolution of mantle material under the ridge crest and products of its magmatic activity. Results of this work proved ubiquitous discrepancy between melting degree values of extremely depleted mantle peridotites in the MAR area between 14°N and 16°N, obtained using petrologic and geochemical methods. This discrepancy suggests large-scale interaction between mantle material and magmatic melts and fluids enriched in incompatible elements or fluids. The results obtained suggest that repeated melting of the mantle under the axial MAR zone is an universal characteristic of magmatism in low-velocity spreading centers. The results of this study also proved the crestal MAR zone in the Central Atlantic region show distinct indications of isotope-geochemical segmentation of the mantle. It is suggested that the geochemically anomalous MAR mantle peridotite in the zone of the MAR intersection with the 15°20'N prime fracture zone can be interpreted as fragments of mantle substrate, foreign for the Atlantic mantle north of the equator.


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La crisis vivida a finales de 2001, marcó el fracaso del modelo neoliberal implementado durante más de una década en nuestro país. A partir de allí comenzaron a reestructurarse las políticas públicas, iniciando una época de grandes cambios. En lo que constituye al objeto de estudio, es relevante mencionar la sanción de la Ley Nacional de Educación N° 26.206 en el año 2006, que instauró a la educación como un derecho personal y social, en el cual el Estado pasó a ser el principal responsable de brindar “una educación integral, permanente y de calidad, gratuidad y equidad". Dicha Ley, junto a la implementación de la Asignación Universal por Hijo, entraron en vigencia en el año 2010. Estas dos políticas forman parte de un cuerpo de medidas que tienen como principal objetivo mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes de nuestro país, al generar cambios tanto en la política de protección social como en la educativa. El tema central que aborda esta investigación es la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH)1 y su incidencia en el ámbito educativo. Esta medida, sancionada a través del Decreto N°1602 del año 2009, establece un subsistema no contributivo en el marco de la Ley N° 24714 de Asignaciones Familiares, ampliando la cobertura de la misma a los menores de 18 años, cuyos padres se encuentren desempleados, sean monotributistas sociales, trabajadores del servicio doméstico o del mercado informal. Incorporando, de esta manera, a un sector de la población que antes quedaba relegado. Actualmente, consiste en un pago mensual de $460 por cada hijo menor de 18 años (hasta un máximo de 5), y $1500 a cada persona discapacitada.


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En esta oportunidad tomamos como eje de análisis la mirada de dos poetas en su faceta cronista, Rubén Darío y José Martí. Para establecer una aproximación a esta categoría anticanónica de sujeto en las voces de los padres del modernismo seleccionamos algunos fragmentos 1 de Peregrinaciones (1901), de Rubén Darío, que refierenel acontecimiento de la Exposición Universal de París en 1900 y la crónica martiana "La exposición de París" (1889). Estos textos dan cuenta de una experiencia singular y fundante para quienes, desde la periferia, miran la modernidad central en La Exposición Universal de París y buscan proyectarla en sus lugares de origen y resituarse como letrados en la esfera artístico-intelectual y en el mercado de bienes culturales. La perspectiva de enunciación de la exposición va a ser distinta en Martí y en Darío. Se analizará la construcción del sujeto desde diversos procedimientos compositivo-retóricos. Delmismo modo, también se intentará indagar la vigencia de la interrelación de dos fases de la modernidad en la proyección actual de aquellas corresponsalías rubendarianas y crónicas martianas, lo que supone preguntarse por la relación de los binomios arte-literatura y tecnología-industria


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We examined the flux of Al to sediment accumulating beneath the zone of elevated productivity in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, along a surface sediment transect at 135°W as well as downcore for a 650 kyr record at 1.3°N, 133.6°W. Across the surface transect, a pronounced, broadly equatorially symmetric increase in Al accumulation is observed, relative to Ti, with Al/Ti ratios reaching values 3-4 times that of potential detrital sources. The profile parallels biogenic accumulation and the modeled flux of particulate 234Th, suggesting rapid and preferential adsorptive removal of Al from seawater by settling biogenic particles. Normative calculations confirm that most Al is unsupported by the terrigenous fraction. The observed distributions are consistent with previous observations of the relative and absolute behavior of Al and Ti in seawater, and we can construct a reasonable mass balance between the amount of seawater-sourced Al retained in the sediment and the amount of seawater Al available in the overlying column. The close tie between Al/Ti and biogenic accumulation (as opposed to concentration) emphasizes that biogenic sedimentary Al/Ti responds to removal-transport phenomena and not bulk sediment composition. Thus, in these sediments dominated by the biogenic component, the bulk Al/Ti ratio reflects biogenic particle flux, and by extension, productivity of the overlying seawater. The downcore profile of Al/Ti at 1.3°N displays marked increases during glacial episodes, similar to that observed across the surface transect, from a background value near Al/Ti of average upper crust. The excursions in Al/Ti are stratigraphically coincident with maxima in both bulk and CaCO3 accumulation and the excess Al appears to not be preferentially affiliated with opaline or organic phases. Consistent with the similar behavioral removal of Al and 234Th, the latter of which responds to the total particle flux, the Al flux reflects carbonate accumulation only because carbonate comprises the dominant flux in these particular deposits. These results collectively indicate that (1) Al in biogenic sediment and settling biogenic particles is strongly affected by a component adsorbed from seawater. Therefore, the common tenet that Al is dominantly associated with terrestrial particulate matter, and the subsequent use of Al distributions to calculate the abundance and flux of terrestrial material in settling particles and sediment, needs to be reevaluated. (2) The Al/Ti ratio in biogenic sediment can be used to trace the productivity of the overlying water, providing a powerful new paleochemical tool to investigate oceanic response to climatic variation. (3) The close correlation between the Al/Ti productivity signal and carbonate maxima downcore at 1.3°N suggests that the sedimentary carbonate maxima in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean record increased productivity during glacial episodes.


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En esta oportunidad tomamos como eje de análisis la mirada de dos poetas en su faceta cronista, Rubén Darío y José Martí. Para establecer una aproximación a esta categoría anticanónica de sujeto en las voces de los padres del modernismo seleccionamos algunos fragmentos 1 de Peregrinaciones (1901), de Rubén Darío, que refierenel acontecimiento de la Exposición Universal de París en 1900 y la crónica martiana "La exposición de París" (1889). Estos textos dan cuenta de una experiencia singular y fundante para quienes, desde la periferia, miran la modernidad central en La Exposición Universal de París y buscan proyectarla en sus lugares de origen y resituarse como letrados en la esfera artístico-intelectual y en el mercado de bienes culturales. La perspectiva de enunciación de la exposición va a ser distinta en Martí y en Darío. Se analizará la construcción del sujeto desde diversos procedimientos compositivo-retóricos. Delmismo modo, también se intentará indagar la vigencia de la interrelación de dos fases de la modernidad en la proyección actual de aquellas corresponsalías rubendarianas y crónicas martianas, lo que supone preguntarse por la relación de los binomios arte-literatura y tecnología-industria


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En esta oportunidad tomamos como eje de análisis la mirada de dos poetas en su faceta cronista, Rubén Darío y José Martí. Para establecer una aproximación a esta categoría anticanónica de sujeto en las voces de los padres del modernismo seleccionamos algunos fragmentos 1 de Peregrinaciones (1901), de Rubén Darío, que refierenel acontecimiento de la Exposición Universal de París en 1900 y la crónica martiana "La exposición de París" (1889). Estos textos dan cuenta de una experiencia singular y fundante para quienes, desde la periferia, miran la modernidad central en La Exposición Universal de París y buscan proyectarla en sus lugares de origen y resituarse como letrados en la esfera artístico-intelectual y en el mercado de bienes culturales. La perspectiva de enunciación de la exposición va a ser distinta en Martí y en Darío. Se analizará la construcción del sujeto desde diversos procedimientos compositivo-retóricos. Delmismo modo, también se intentará indagar la vigencia de la interrelación de dos fases de la modernidad en la proyección actual de aquellas corresponsalías rubendarianas y crónicas martianas, lo que supone preguntarse por la relación de los binomios arte-literatura y tecnología-industria


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High sedimentation rates in fjords provide excellent possibilities for high resolution sedimentary and geochemical records over the Holocene. As a baseline for an improved interpretation of geochemical data from fjord sediment cores, this study aims to investigate the inorganic/organic geochemistry of surface sediments and to identify geochemical proxies for terrestrial input and river discharge in the Trondheimsfjord, central Norway. Sixty evenly distributed surface sediment samples were analysed for their elemental composition, total organic carbon (Corg), nitrogen (Norg) and organic carbon stable isotopes (d13Corg), bulk mineral composition and grain size distribution. Our results indicate carbonate marine productivity to be the main CaCO3 source. Also, a strong decreasing gradient of marine-derived organic matter from the entrance towards the fjord inner part is consistent with modern primary production data. We show that the origin of the organic matter as well as the distribution of CaCO3 in Trondheimsfjord sediments can be used as a proxy for the variable inflow of Atlantic water and changes in river runoff. Furthermore, the comparison of grain size independent Al-based trace element ratios with geochemical analysis from terrigenous sediments and bedrocks provides evidence that the distribution of K/Al, Ni/Al and K/Ni in the fjord sediments reflect regional sources of K and Ni in the northern and southern drainage basin of the Trondheimsfjord. Applying these findings to temporally well-constrained sediment records will provide important insights into both the palaeoenvironmental changes of the hinterland and the palaeoceanographic modifications in the Norwegian Sea as response to rapid climate changes and associated feedback mechanisms.