851 resultados para undergraduate Translation students


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Career identity exploration is a central component of the lives of undergraduate university students. Although students are encouraged to explore, it is unclear whether different methods of exploration are better suited for certain individuals. In the present study, quantitative data were collected to examine the relationship between shyness and various methods of exploration. Two hundred fifty-seven university undergraduate students (29 male), ranging in age from 17-25 years completed a 60-minute self-report questionnaire. Shyness, identity, identity distress, subjective dimensions of exploration (satisfaction with exploration, reasons for not exploring, helpfulness of exploration methods), foci of exploration (non-social, social, self, and environmental), approaches to exploration (breadth, depth), and moderating variables (social support, sociability) were measured. Shyness was positively correlated with moratorium (high exploration, low commitment) and uncorrelated with the other identity statuses. Shyness was also positively correlated with identity distress, and a predicted interaction between shyness and identity diffusion predicting career identity distress was supported. Shyness was negatively correlated with satisfaction with amount of exploration engaged in to-date. In addition, shyness was correlated with the likelihood of selecting too stressful and too anxiety provoking as reasons for engaging in less exploration than one would like. Expected relationships between shyness and beliefs about, and engagement in, various methods of exploration were largely non-significant. Exceptions to this were the negative correlations between shyness and engagement in social exploration, and beliefs about the helpfulness of social self-exploration, both of which were significant at a trend level. A predicted interaction between shyness and social support predicting total social exploration was supported, showing that high social support buffers the negative relationship between shyness and exploration; such a moderating relationship did not exist, however, between sociability, shyness and social exploration. Results suggest that although shy university students are engaged in career exploration, they are experiencing feelings of distress and dissatisfaction with their career identity exploration and development. Thus, to help shy students become successfiil in their exploration, it is important for counsellors, family members, and peers to be aware of the feelings the individuals are experiencing and help them reduce the anxiety and stress associated with the exploration process. One promising method, supported by the results in this study, is by encouraging shy individuals to explore with social support.


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This correlational study was designed to investigate the relationship between self-directed learning and personality type. A sample of 133 graduate and undergraduate education students completed the MBTI and the SDLRS. Two hypotheses were examined: (a) scores on the intuitive scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in the prediction of selfdirected learning readiness and, (b) scores on the introverted scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in self-directed learning readiness. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that psychological type accounts for 28% of the variance in self-directed learning. Support for the first hypothesis was found with 15% of the variance in selfdirected learning accounted for by intuition. The second hypothesis was not supported. Introversion accounted for 13% of the variance but in a negative manner. Results of this study indicate that personality type does influence the ability of the learner to be self-directed in studies. These findings add another dimension for the adult educator to consider when attempting to develop self-directedness in learners.


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Objectif: Cette étude visait à évaluer les effets aigus d’une session d’exercice aérobie sur la performance à une tâche sollicitant les fonctions cognitives exécutives et à déterminer la durée de ces effets. Méthode: Quarante-huit participants universitaires ont été divisés en deux groupes expérimentaux et un groupe contrôle. L'intervention expérimentale consistait à 30 minutes d'exercice à une intensité sous-maximale sur tapis roulant. Les deux groupes expérimentaux ont complété la tâche de Stroop soit immédiatement (groupe 1) ou 10 minutes (groupe 2) après la session d’exercice. Le groupe contrôle a complété la même tâche cognitive mais sans pratique d'exercice. Résultats: Les analyses statistiques indiquent qu’il n’y a pas d’effet d’amélioration de la performance cognitive et ce, peu importe le délai d’exécution de la tâche de Stroop suite à l’exercice. Conclusion : Une seule session d’exercice n’a aucun effet sur les fonctions exécutives. Les limites de l’étude sont présentées en relation avec les résultats obtenus. Les implications des résultats sont discutées en terme de retombées pour les recherches futures.


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Dans un contexte de mondialisation, les frontières géographiques et politiques se font de plus en plus diffuses et donnent lieu à un mélange des cultures tant au niveau local qu'international. Ce pluralisme culturel observé dans la population se transpose dans les milieux de soins, amenant son lot d'enjeux et de défis pour la pratique et la formation infirmière. Le développement de la compétence culturelle chez les professionnels de la santé est considéré comme l'une des solutions favorisant la qualité et l'équité dans les soins en contexte de diversité culturelle. La compétence culturelle fait l'objet de nombreux articles scientifiques en sciences infirmières, mais bon nombre d'entre eux sont issus d'une perspective essentialiste. À notre connaissance, aucune étude ne permet de représenter la trajectoire de développement de cette compétence sur un continuum intégrant des apprentissages réalisés à la fois chez des étudiantes et des infirmières selon une perspective constructiviste. Cette étude vise donc à formuler une proposition théorique constructiviste du développement de la compétence culturelle infirmière. L'approche de théorisation ancrée de Corbin et Strauss (2008) a permis de documenter le processus de développement de la compétence culturelle chez des infirmières et des étudiantes dans un Centre de santé et de services sociaux desservant une population qui présente une grande diversité culturelle. Une stratégie d'échantillonnage intentionnel a permis de recruter des infirmières identifiées par leurs pairs comme étant expertes du domaine des soins en contexte de diversité culturelle, des infirmières se disant intéressées par une pratique culturellement compétente et des étudiantes en dernière année d'un programme de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières. Un total de 24 participantes, dont 13 infirmières et 11 étudiantes ont pris part à cette étude. Un questionnaire sociodémographique, des périodes d'observation participante et des entrevues semi-structurées ont servi d'outils de collecte des données. La catégorie centrale « apprendre à réunir les différentes réalités afin d'offrir des soins efficaces en contexte de diversité culturelle » a été construite à partir d'une analyse inductive des données. Cette catégorie centrale se divise en trois sous-catégories : « construire la relation avec l'autre », « sortir du cadre habituel de pratique » et « réinventer sa pratique dans l'action ». La proposition théorique formulée présente l'évolution concomitante de ces trois sous-catégories en trois niveaux de développement de la compétence culturelle infirmière : « s'ouvrir aux différentes réalités entourant la pratique en contexte de diversité culturelle », « mettre à l'épreuve sa pratique » et « réunir les différentes réalités de la pratique en contexte de diversité culturelle de façon intégrée ». La proposition théorique constructiviste est ancrée dans les données empiriques, circonscrit des étapes de développement interreliées et met en contexte les apprentissages du début du développement de la compétence culturelle à l'expertise. Les éléments contextuels précisés suggèrent l'ajout des dimensions sociales et politiques dans la définition du concept de compétence culturelle. Les deux principales contributions théoriques de cette étude soulignent que l'interaction entre l'infirmière et l'environnement de même que l'expérience clinique sont constitutifs du développement de cette compétence. Les retombées de cette recherche se situent non seulement en formation, mais aussi dans la pratique, la gestion et la recherche en sciences infirmières.


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Introducción: la fotoprotección constituye las actividades preventivas que minimizan los efectos deletéreos de la exposición solar; estos comportamientos de salud pueden estar relacionados con actitudes y conocimientos adquiridos. Objetivo: Identificar estas asociaciones en Estudiantes de Medicina de la Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad del Rosario, quienes se encargarán de transmitir educación y ejemplo de comportamiento en su contexto personal y profesional. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal. Se implementó una encuesta voluntaria por correo institucional y físicamente entre estudiantes de 1-8 semestre matriculados en el segundo semestre de 2009; n= 122 estudiantes, la mayoría menores de 20 años y de género femenino; factores de estudio analizados: biológico – demográficos, informador, actitudes, conocimientos, personas modelo y comportamiento, expresados en frecuencias, analizados con pruebas y fuerzas de asociación con intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: factores asociados a fotoprotección: ser de 1-4 semestre (p=0,008), ser =19 años (p=0,028), reconocer como consecuencias las alteraciones en los ojos y la visión (p=0,043) y las alteraciones producidas en el sistema inmune (p=0,021), uso de la pareja de ropa protectora (p=0,019), permanencia de un amigo a la sombra (p=0,055), conocimiento de la posibilidad de quemadura independiente al clima (p=0,001) y conocimiento de la posibilidad de quemadura sin sentir los rayos calientes del sol (p=0,049). Conclusiones: es posible reforzar comportamientos preventivos, favorecer el seguimiento de modelos positivos afines a los jóvenes, incrementar el conocimiento en salud y afirmar la educación primaria en salud desde la Medicina General y mejorar así la fotoprotección.


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Introducción: Todos los trabajadores del área de la salud están en riesgo de padecer un accidente biológico. No obstante los estudiantes de estas aéreas, pueden presentar más riesgo porque apenas están en formación y no tienen la práctica o experiencia suficiente. Existen varios artículos que han estudiado la incidencia y prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en los trabajadores del área de la salud, Sin embargo, sobre esta problemática de la población estudiantil del área de la salud, se encuentra menos literatura. Por lo tanto con esta revisión sistemática se busca analizar y actualizar este tema. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica de artículos publicados en los últimos 14 años, en relación con la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en estudiantes de medicina, odontología, enfermería y residentes del área de la salud a nivel mundial. Se llevó a cabo la búsqueda en la base de datos de Pubmed, encontrando un total de 100 artículos, escritos en inglés, francés, español o portugués. Resultados: Las prevalencias encontradas sobre accidentes biológicos en estudiantes fueron las siguientes: en países europeos a nivel de enfermería los valores oscilan entre 10.2 % a 32%, en medicina fueron del 16%-58.8%, y en odontología del 21 %. En países asiáticos, se encontró que en enfermería el porcentaje varía de 49%-96 %, en medicina van del 35% -68%, y en odontología varia de 68.a 75.4%. En Norte América, en medicina las cifras fluctúan alrededor del 11-72.7 % y en odontología giran alrededor del 19.1%. Finalmente respecto a Suramérica la prevalencia fue de 31.2 a 46.7% en medicina, y del 40% en enfermería. Conclusiones: Por lo anterior se pudo concluir que, la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en los estudiantes del área de la salud es elevada y varía según el continente en el que se encuentren.


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Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) have suggested that semantic encoding for verbal information in the right hemisphere can be more effective when memory demands are higher. However, other studies (Kanske & Kotz, 2007) also suggest that visual word recognition differ in function of emotional valence. In this context, the present study was designed to evaluate the effects of retention level upon recognition memory processes for negative and neutral words. Sample consisted of 15 right-handed undergraduate portuguese students with normal or corrected to normal vision. Portuguese concrete negative and neutral words were selected in accordance to known linguistic capabilities of the right hemisphere. The participants were submitted to a visual half-field word presentation using a continuous recognition memory paradigm. Eye movements were continuously monitored with a Tobii T60 eye-tracker that showed no significant differences in fixations to negative and neutral words. Reaction times in word recognition suggest an overall advantage of negative words in comparison to the neutral words. Further analysis showed faster responses for negative words than for neutral words when were recognised at longer retention intervals for left-hemisphere encoding. Electrophysiological data through event related potentials revealed larger P2 amplitude over centro-posterior electrode sites for words studied in the left hemifield suggesting a priming effect for right-hemisphere encoding. Overall data suggest different hemispheric memory strategies for the semantic encoding of negative and neutral words.


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Students may have difficulty in understanding some of the complex concepts which they have been taught in the general areas of science and engineering. Whilst practical work such as a laboratory based examination of the performance of structures has an important role in knowledge construction this does have some limitations. Blended learning supports different learning styles, hence further benefits knowledge building. This research involves an empirical study of how vodcasts (video-podcasts) can be used to enrich learning experience in the structural properties of materials laboratory of an undergraduate course. Students were given the opportunity of downloading and viewing the vodcasts on the theory before and after the experimental work. It is the choice of the students when (before or after, before and after) and how many times they would like to view the vodcasts. In blended learning, the combination of face-to-face teaching, vodcasts, printed materials, practical experiments, writing reports and instructors’ feedbacks benefits different learning styles of the learners. For the preparation of the practical, the students were informed about the availability of the vodcasts prior to the practical session. After the practical work, students submitted an individual laboratory report for the assessment of the structures laboratory. The data collection consisted of a questionnaire completed by the students, follow-up semi-structured interviews and the practical reports submitted by them for assessment. The results from the questionnaire were analysed quantitatively, whilst the data from the assessment reports were analysed qualitatively. The analysis shows that most of the students who have not fully grasped the theory after the practical, managed to gain the required knowledge by viewing the vodcasts. According to their feedbacks, the students felt that they have control over how to use the material and to view it as many times as they wish. Some students who have understood the theory may choose to view it once or not at all. Their understanding was demonstrated by their explanations in their reports, and was illustrated by the approach they took to explicate the results of their experimental work. The research findings are valuable to instructors who design, develop and deliver different types of blended learning, and are beneficial to learners who try different blended approaches. Recommendations were made on the role of the innovative application of vodcasts in the knowledge construction for structures laboratory and to guide future work in this area of research.


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The intention of this paper is to explore traditions and current trends in art with particular reference to the depiction of female experiences such as pregnancy, abortion, birth and motherhood. The inclusion and exclusion of such images in art history over time and across societies reflects prevailing attitudes, whilst affirming various stereotypical and gendered constructions developed and sustained within those societies. These constructions in turn relate to criteria defined by class, access to education and notions of femininity. Work by artists which feature aspects of these experiences (particularly childbirth), is considered taboo by many in a Western society which continues to render the essentially female experience as private, invisible and stigmitised and confuses the natural with the sexual. The work of undergraduate art students, inspired by the artwork of women artists who make explicit or are influenced by essentially female experiences, is discussed and attempts made to connect their work to the issues outlined.


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A presente pesquisa apresentou como seu objetivo principal verificar as relações entre valores, atitude em relação ao empreendedorismo (AE) e intenção empreendedora (IE) em um estudo comparativo com universitários de graduação em Administração das Cinco Regiões Brasileiras e Cabo Verde. O instrumento de pesquisa foi composto por um questionário sócio demográfico, a escala de Valores Humanos – Questionário de Perfis de Valores de Schwartz(2001) e o Questionário de Intenção Empreendedora de Liñán & Chen (2009). Após o consentimento livre e informado, os alunos responderam o instrumento de pesquisa, perfazendo um total de 1561 respostas válidas. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados nos Softwares: SPSS 21 e AMOS 21 para a produção de Estatísticas Descritivas, Análises de Confiabilidade, Análises de Correlação, Análise de Variância (ANOVA), Gráficos, Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Os modelos utilizaram a Teoria de Ação Racional (FISHBEIN & AJZEN,1971) e Teoria do Comportamento Planejado(AJZEN,1991), testando o impacto dos valores nas atitudes e intenções. Os resultados indicaram que os valores de Estimulação, Poder e Hedonismo foram tiveram os maiores efeitos na IE e na AE. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre os gêneros, com os homens apresentando maior IE e AE. Diferenças regionais foram encontradas. Limitações, implicações práticas e teóricas, além de sugestões para pesquisas futuras são apresentadas.


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ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; BRITO RS ; MONTEIRO, Akemi Ywata. Analise conceitual e pensamento critico: uma relacao complementar na enfermagem. Rev Gaucha Enferm, Porto Alegre (RS) 2004 dez;25(3):295-305.


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O propósito deste trabalho é mostrar a relação entre o processo de análise conceitual e as habilidades de pensamento crítico na enfermagem. Utilizando uma abordagem de ensaio discursivo, argumenta-se que a técnica de análise conceitual promove a criticidade em alunos de enfermagem. Os passos da atividade de análise são examinados quanto às operações cognitivas neles inseridas e que representam habilidades de raciocínio crítico. Reflete-se sobre a análise conceitual como atividade didática na promoção do pensamento crítico em uma experiência com alunos de graduação. Conclui-se que os dois processos se complementam no repensar e no enfrentamento de desafios na enfermagem


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The present study aimed to analyze the vision of tutors from a university hospital about supervised internship in nursing. It is a descriptive nature research with qualitative approach, developed at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located in Natal/RN. The population was composed of eleven assisting nurses engaged the precentorship of undergraduate course students in nursing, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For the empirical research, conducted in the period from September to November 2013, the semi-structured interview involving questions directed to the stage was used, as advocate the national curriculum guidelines, as regards this curricular component. With the consent of the institution where the study has been developed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFRN, as n° 17800613.9.0000.5537, besides CAAE signing an informed consent by participants. The analysis of the information was held from the analysis of content, thematic mode. Thereby four categories were defined a priori, namely: the supervised internship in the vision of nurses; To be preceptor; The internship concerned: contributions and difficulties; Do the institutional actors communicate? The results indicate that in the view of the supervised internship preceptors is a sine qua non for the training of nurses, considering that it prepares for professional life. Besides being a moment conducive to the exercise of management and a greater rapprochement between theory and practice, stimulates the preceptor to upgrade to better exercise the function and also provides an exchange of knowledge between students and tutors, thus contributing to optimize the service. Nevertheless, the respondents indicate the existence of a distancing and little communication with the academic institution. In summary, it is realized that the nurses understand the importance of its function of tutors and supervised stage for vocational training. It is necessary, however, to reflect on the paths to be pinched in the confrontation of difficulties in this process, especially as regards the teaching/service relationship, which, while remaining at a distance, strengthens the existing dichotomy between theory and practice


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Computerized technological resources have become essential in education, particularly for teaching topics that require the performance of specific tasks. These resources can effectively help the execution of such tasks and the teaching-learning process itself. After the development of a Web site on the topic of nursing staff scheduling, this study aimed at comparing the development of students involved in the teaching-learning process of the previously mentioned topic, with and without the use of computer technology. Two random groups of undergraduate nursing students from a public university in São Paulo state, Brazil, were organized: a case group (used the Web site) and a control group (did not use the Web site). Data were collected from 2003 to 2005 after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. Results showed no significant difference in motivation or knowledge acquisition. A similar performance for the two groups was also verified. Other aspects observed were difficulty in doing the nursing staff scheduling exercise and the students' acknowledgment of the topic's importance for their training and professional lives; easy access was considered to be a positive aspect for maintaining the Web site.


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Baseados por um lado em avanços conceituais recentes das pesquisas em ensino de ciências, epor outro em nossa experiência docente, propomos algumas reflexões sobre as práticas de ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo. Apresentamos e interpretamos resultados e comentários dos estudantes, os quais forneceram elementos para a análise da efetividade de propostas de novo enfoque para esta disciplina.