976 resultados para unconscionable conduct


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This research project examined the behavioural, social, and emotional issues affecting children and youth with conduct disorder. Based on the literature review, the deconstruction of theoretical and empirical studies, and findings from the needs assessment, Conduct Disorder: A Handbook for Elementary School Educators was created. This handbook was developed based on the evidence that conduct problems can most effectively be improved when multiple systems are included in the prevention and intervention of the disorder. Educators, related service providers, and the child all play an important role in designing and implementing effective interventions. Therefore, it is imperative to provide educators with the information necessary to begin this emerging collaborative process. The handbook was created as a tool for educators intending to enhance their knowledge when working with students with conduct disorder. A Needs Assessment was conducted to determine what educators wanted the handbook to contain to assist them in working with students displaying conduct problems. The educators evaluated the handbook, providing constructive feedback and confirming the potential value and practicality of this handbook for elementary school educators. The educators reported an increase in their understanding of conduct disorder, as well as a heightened awareness of the causal factors that contribute to the disorder. The list of community resources and agencies was thought to be a good starting point for educators looking for supplementary aids. The educators indicated that the handbook is a good reference tool to use when teaching students with conduct problems. The educators concluded with the hope that this handbook will be shared with others.


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Ce mémoire débute avec deux chapitres portant sur les problèmes des conduites et la régulation du stress, notamment sur l’axe hypothalamique-pituitaire-surrénal (HPS). Ensuite, la littérature est résumée et nous voyons que les études qui cherchent à établir un lien entre les problèmes des conduites et l’axe HPS ont trouvé des résultats différents et parfois contradictoires. Le chapitre suivant illustre les problèmes méthodologiques qui pourraient expliquer ces résultats différents. Vient ensuite l’étude présentée dans ce mémoire qui cherche à établir un lien entre la réponse cortisolaire à l’éveil (RCE), considérée comme un bon indice du fonctionnent de l’axe HPS, et les problèmes de conduites chez l’enfant. De plus, les émotions négatives ont été associées avec les problèmes des conduites ainsi qu’aux dysfonctions de l’axe HPS, notamment le RCE. L’étude présentée dans ce mémoire cherche aussi à établir si les émotions négatives pourrait être une variable médiatrice dans la relation potentielle entre la RCE et les problèmes des conduites. L’étude révèle que pour les garçons mais pas pour les filles, une RCE réduite est associée avec les émotions négatives, ce qui est successivement associé avec les problèmes des conduites. Le dernier chapitre du mémoire examine les implications théoriques de cette médiatisation et propose également des pistes psychobiologiques pour expliquer les différences sexuelles observées.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Notes, slides, links


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The Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) is an open-country species breeding in the northern United States and Canada, and has likely experienced a long-term, range-wide, and substantial decline. However, the cause and magnitude of the decline is not well understood. We set forth to address the first two of six previously proposed conservation priorities to be addressed for this species: (1) better define habitat use and (2) improve population monitoring. We recruited 131 volunteers to survey over 6.2 million ha within the state of Idaho for Short-eared Owls during the 2015 breeding season. We surveyed 75 transects, 71 of which were surveyed twice, and detected Short-eared Owls on 27 transects. We performed multiscale occupancy modeling to identify habitat associations, and performed multiscale abundance modeling to generate a state-wide population estimate. Our results suggest that within the state of Idaho, Short-eared Owls are more often found in areas with marshland or riparian habitat or areas with greater amounts of sagebrush habitat at the 1750 ha transect scale. At the 50 ha point scale, Short-eared Owls tend to associate positively with fallow and bare dirt agricultural land and negatively with grassland. Cropland was not chosen at the broader transect scale suggesting that Short-eared Owls may prefer more heterogeneous landscapes. On the surface our results may seem contradictory to the presumed land use by a “grassland” species; however, the grasslands of the Intermountain West, consisting largely of invasive cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), lack the complex structure shown to be preferred by these owls. We suggest the local adaptation to agriculture represents the next best habitat to their historical native habitat preferences. Regardless, we have confirmed regional differences that should be considered in conservation planning for this species. Last, our results demonstrate the feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of utilizing public participation in scientific research to achieve a robust sampling methodology across the broad geography of the Intermountain West.


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