177 resultados para tympanic sinuses
A recent (November 2010) outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in a multi-age laying hen facility in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, is described. Previous ILT outbreak in laying hens was only notified in São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2002. In the outbreak described here, the affected population was approximately eight million hens, with flock sizes ranging from 100,000 to 2,900,000 chickens. The average mortality ranged from 1 to 6%, and morbidity was around 90% (most of the twenty seven farms of the area were positive for ILT virus). Three multi-age laying farms from one company were selected for this report. Clinical signs included prostration, dyspnea, conjunctivitis, occasional swelling of the paranasal sinuses and bloody mucous nasal discharge. Severely affected chickens presented with dyspnea, gasping and became cyanotic before death. At necropsy, these chickens had fibrinous exudate blocking the larynx and the lumen of cranial part of the trachea. In addition, conjunctivitis with intense hyperemia, edema and sinuses with caseous exudate were present. On histopathology, there were marked necrosis and desquamation of respiratory ephitelium and conjunctiva with numerous syncytial cells formation and fibrinous exudate. Moderate to marked non suppurative (especially lymphocytes and plasma cells) infiltration in the lamina propria also was observed. Sixteen out of 20 examined chickens, eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in the syncytial cells. The DNA extracted from larynx and trachea produced positive PCR results for ILT virus (ILTV) DNA using formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples. Amplicons from a small region of ICP4 gene were submitted to sequencing and showed 100% identity with ILTV EU104910.1 (USA strain), 99% with ILTV JN596963.1 (Australian strain) and 91% with ILTV JN580316.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 CEO vaccine strain) and JN580315.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 TCO vaccine strain).
Abstract: Paca (Cuniculus paca), one of the largest rodents of the Brazilian fauna, has inherent characteristics of its species which can conribute as a new option for animal experimantation. As there is a growing demand for suitable experimental models in audiologic and otologic surgical research, the gross anatomy and ultrastructural ear of this rodent have been analyzed and described in detail. Fifteen adult pacas from the Wild Animals Sector herd of Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp-Jaboticabal, were used in this study. After anesthesia and euthanasia, we evaluated the entire composition of the external ear, registering and ddescribing the details; the temporal region was often dissected for a better view and detailing of the tympanic bulla which was removed and opened to expose the ear structures analyzed mascroscopically and ultrastructurally. The ear pinna has a triangular and concave shape with irregular ridges and sharp apex. The external auditory canal is winding in its path to the tympanic mebrane. The tympanic bulla is is on the back-bottom of the skull. The middle ear is formed by a cavity region filled with bone and membranous structures bounded by the tympanic membrane and the oval and round windows. The tympanic membrane is flat and seals the ear canal. The anatomy of the paca ear is similar to the guinea pig and from the viewpoint of experimental model has major advantages compared with the mouse ear.
This study investigated the value of computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) caused by Sedum aizoon (SA). The clinical manifestations, treatment results, imaging findings, and histological findings of the liver were analyzed in 39 patients with HVOD caused by SA. Hepatomegaly, liver dysfunction, abdominal effusion, and geographic density changes on liver CT scans were found in all 39 patients. The pathological findings of histological liver examination included swelling and point-like necrosis of liver cells, significant expansion and congestion of the sinuses, endothelial swelling, and wall thickening with incomplete lumen occlusion of small liver vessels. CT geographic density changes were confirmed by histological examination of the liver in 18 patients. Sixteen patients with small amounts of ascites that started within 4 weeks of treatment recovered completely or significantly improved after symptomatic and supportive treatment. However, only 43.75% of the patients with larger amounts of ascites improved following symptomatic and supportive treatment. In conclusion, liver CT examination is a valuable, safe, and noninvasive tool for the diagnosis of HVOD caused by SA. In selected cases, liver CT examination may replace liver biopsy and histological analysis.
Basal body temperature (BBT) and thermoeffector thresholds increase following ovulation in
many women. This study investigated if solely central thermoregulatory alterations are responsible.
Seven females in a non-contraceptive group (NCG) were compared with 5 monophasic contraceptive
users (HCG) on separate accounts: pre-ovulation (Trial I; d 2-5) and post-ovulation (Trial 2; 4-8 d
post-positive ovulation) for NCG, and active phase for HCG (d 2-5, d 18-21). During immersion in
28°C water to the axilla, participants exercised for 20-30 min on an underwater ergometer. After
steadily sweating, immersion continued until metabolism increased two-fold due to shivering. Rectal
(Tre) BBT was not different between trials for neither NCG (1: 37.34±0.16°C; 2: 37.35±0.27°C) nor
HCG. At exercise termination, Tre forehead sweating cessation increased (P<0.05) in trial 2
irrespective of group (1: 37.55±0.39°C; 2: 37.90±0,46°C). Tre shivering onset did not increase
(P>0.05) in trial 2 (1: 36.91±0.50°C; 2: 37.07±0,45°C). The widths of the interthreshold zone
increased (P<0.05) in trial 2 (1: 0.64±0.22°C; 2: 0.82±0.37°C) due to the increased sweating threshold
only. HCG cooled quicker (1: -l.15±0,43°C; 2: -1.00±0.50°C) than NCG participants (1: -
0.58±0.22°C; 2: -0.52±O.29°C), and tympanic (Tty) sweat thresholds were significantly (P<0.05)
decreased (1: 34.76±0.54°C; 2: 35.39±0.61°C) versus NCG (l: 35.57±0.77°C; 2: 35.89±1.04°C).
Lastly, Tre and Tty thresholds were significantly different (P
Objectifs Aucun agent n’a été approuvé pour prévenir l’ototoxicité secondaire au cisplatin. Nos objectifs consistaient à évaluer la protection auditive offerte par le lactate et le N-acétylcystéine (NAC) intra-tympaniques après injection de cisplatin, ainsi que l’absorption systémique du NAC intra-tympanique. Méthodes Seize cochons d’inde formaient 2 groupes ayant reçu une solution de lactate et de NAC à 20% dans l’oreille testée. L’oreille contro-latérale a reçu une solution saline contrôle. Après 30 minutes, une injection intrapéritonéale de 3 mg/kg de cisplatin a été effectuée et répétée une fois par semaine jusqu’à une dose finale de 24 mg/kg. Les potentiels évoqués auditifs du tronc cérébral (PEATC) ont été mesurés avant les injections, après 9 mg/kg et 24 mg/kg de cisplatin. Les cochlées ont été analysées au microscope électronique à balayage. La diffusion systémique du NAC a été évaluée par chromatographie en phase liquide. Résultats Pour les oreilles contrôles, les seuils auditifs des PEATC ont augmenté uniformément sur toutes les fréquences (28,4 dB en moyenne). Le groupe lactate montrait une augmentation moins importante (17,0 dB). Les basses fréquences étaient nettement moins affectées. Le groupe NAC a subi une augmentation des seuils de 89 dB. La microscopie électronique a démontré une préservation partielle des cellules ciliées externes des cochlées traitées au lactate et une destruction complète de celles traitées au NAC. La chromatographie n’a démontré aucune diffusion de NAC. Conclusions Le lactate offre une protection partielle significative contre l’ototoxicité induite par le cisplatin. Les injections de NAC n’offrent pas de protection lorsque administrées en concentrations élevée. Le NAC intra-tympanique ne se diffuse pas systémiquement.
Présentement, le diagnostic d’otite moyenne-interne chez le veau est basé sur la présence de signes cliniques appropriés ainsi que les tests diagnostiques tels que la radiographie et la tomodensitométrie. L’objectif de cette étude prospective était d’évaluer les valeurs prédictives de l’examen neurologique, l’examen otoscopique et le test des potentiels auditifs évoqués (PAE) dans le diagnostic d’otite moyenne-interne chez le veau, en utilisant la tomodensitométrie comme test standard. Le deuxième objectif était de définir les valeurs de référence pour le PAE chez le veau normal et d’en décrire les anomalies chez des veaux atteints d’otite moyenne-interne. Dix-sept veaux de race Holstein entre 5-7 semaines d’âge ont été inclus. Tous les veaux ont eu un examen neurologique, un examen otoscopique et une évaluation des PAEs. Les veaux ont été tranquillisés avec de la xylazine intraveineuse (0,05-0,15mg/kg) pour la tomodensitométrie des bulles tympaniques afin d’évaluer pour la présence d’otite moyenne-interne. Selon les résultats de la tomodensitométrie, 11 des 17 veaux étaient atteints avec otite moyenne, 4 de façon unilatérale et 7 bilatéralement. Cinq ondes ont été identifiées de façon constante sur les tracés des PAEs des 6 veaux normaux. Les valeurs positives prédictives pour le PAE, l’examen neurologique et l’examen otoscopique étaient 94,7%, 91,7% et 66,7% respectivement. D’un point de vue clinique, le test le plus fiable dans le diagnostic d’otite moyenne-interne chez le veau est le PAE. Les anomalies ont été observées au PAE avant le développement des signes neurologiques chez certains veaux.
Objectifs: Le Nystatin est un antibiotique efficace pour le traitement d’otomycose. Bien que sa sécurité au niveau de l’oreille externe soit bien établie, son utilisation n’est pas recommandée lorsqu’il y a une perforation tympanique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le potentiel ototoxique du Nystatin lorsque celui-ci est appliqué directement au niveau de l’oreille moyenne. Méthodes: Nous avons fait une étude expérimentale avec 18 cochons d’Indes de souche Hartley que nous avons divisés en deux groupes. En exposant l’oreille moyenne de chaque animal au Nystatin (groupe I) ou à la néomycine (groupe II) et chaque oreille controlatérale à une solution physiologique (NaCl), la fonction auditive a été évaluée avec un test de potentiels évoqués auditif du tronc cérébral avant et après les injections. Une étude par microscopie électronique a permis une comparaison histologique de l’état des cellules ciliées cochléaires entre les 2 groupes. Résultats: Les pertes auditives moyennes du groupe « Nystatin » étaient de 13.0 dB et comparables aux pertes moyennes observées dans les oreilles ayant été injectées avec du NaCl (4.0 dB dans le groupe I et 15.1 dB dans le groupe II). Le groupe de contrôle « néomycine » a subi une perte auditive moyenne de 39.3 dB, ce qui représente une différence cliniquement et statistiquement significative (p<0.001). L’étude histologique avec une microscopie à balayage électronique a démontré une conservation de l’architecture des cellules ciliées cochléaires dans les groupe Nystatin et NaCl. La néomycine a causé une destruction marquée de ces structures. Conclusions: Le Nystatin ne provoque pas d’atteinte auditive ni de destruction des cellules ciliées externes après injection directe dans l’oreille moyenne chez le cochon d’Inde.
L'otite moyenne est une condition fréquente chez le veau et peut parfois être subclinique, rendant difficile son diagnostic à la ferme. L'objectif de cette étude est d’estimer la sensibilité et la spécificité de l'échographie des bulles tympaniques pour le diagnostic d'otite moyenne clinique et subclinique et de déterminer sa répétabilité. Quarante veaux âgés entre 19 et 50 jours ont été sélectionnés dans une ferme de veaux de grain, en fonction des résultats de l'échographie réalisée à la ferme (A). L'échographie a été réalisée une seconde fois par le même échographiste (A') et par un second échographiste (B), et le diagnostic noté pour chaque bulle tympanique comme étant négatif, suspect ou positif. Les images ont été enregistrées pour relecture et le diagnostic noté. Les veaux ont été euthanasiés, soumis en nécropsie et l'histologie a été utilisée comme méthode de référence. À l'histologie, 45 bulles tympaniques étaient atteintes d'otite moyenne et 35 bulles tympaniques étaient saines. Selon l'échographiste et la classification des bulles tympaniques suspectes, la sensibilité de l'échographie variait de 32% à 63% et la spécificité variait de 84% à 100%. La répétabilité était modérée, avec des valeurs de kappa de 0,53 entre A' et B, de 0,48 entre A et A', et de 0,58 et 0,75 pour la relecture de leurs images par A' et B respectivement.
This paper discusses a study performed to determine whether anatomical features of the outer ear affect the sound stimulus delivered by earphone to the tympanic membrane.
Background: Previous studies have pointed out that the mere elevation of the maxillary sinus membrane promotes bone formation without the use of augmentation materials. Purpose: This experimental study aimed at evaluating if the two-stage procedure for sinus floor augmentation could benefit from the use of a space-making device in order to increase the bone volume to enable later implant installation with good primary stability. Materials and Methods: Six male tufted capuchin primates (Cebus apella) were subjected to extraction of the three premolars and the first molar on both sides of the maxilla to create an edentulous area. The sinuses were opened using the lateral bone-wall window technique, and the membrane was elevated. One resorbable space-making device was inserted in each maxillary sinus, and the bone window was returned in place. The animals were euthanatized after 6 months, and biopsy blocks containing the whole maxillary sinus and surrounding soft tissues were prepared for ground sections. Results: The histological examination of the specimens showed bone formation in contact with both the schneiderian membrane and the device in most cases even when the device was displaced. The process of bone formation indicates that this technique is potentially useful for two-stage sinus floor augmentation. The lack of stabilization of the device within the sinus demands further improvement of space-makers for predictable bone augmentation. Conclusions: It is concluded that (1) the device used in this study did not trigger any important inflammatory reaction; (2) when the sinus membrane was elevated, bone formation was a constant finding; and (3) an ideal space-making device should be stable and elevate the membrane to ensure a maintained connection between the membrane and the secluded space.
Background Several studies have reported certain bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) to have positive effects on bone generation Although some investigators have studied the effects of human recombinant BMP (rhBMP-2) in sinus augmentation in sheep, none of these studies looked at the placement of implants at the time of sinus augmentation Furthermore, no literature could be found to report on the impact that different implant systems, as well as the positioning of the implants had on bone formation if rhBMP-2 was utilized in sinus-lift procedures Purpose The aim of this study was to compare sinus augmentation with rhBMP-2 on a poly-D, L-lactic-co-glycolic acid gelatine (PLPG) sponge with sinus augmentation with autologous pelvic cancellous bone in the maxillary sinus during the placement of different dental Implants Materials and methods Nine adult female sheep were submitted to bilateral sinus-floor elevation In one side (test group) the sinus lift was performed with rhBMP-2 on a PLPG-sponge, while the contralateral side served as the control by using cancellous bone from the iliac crest Three different implants (Branemark (R), 31 (R) and Straumann (R)) were inserted either simultaneously with the sinus augmentation or as a two staged procedure 6 weeks later The animals were sacrificed at 6 and 12 weeks for histological and histomorphometrical evaluations during which bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone density (BD) were evaluated Results BD and BIC were significantly higher at 12 weeks in the test group if the Implants were placed at the time of the sinus lift (p < 0 05) No difference was observed between the different implant systems or positions Conclusions The use of rhBMP-2 with PLPG-sponge increased BIC as well as BD in the augmented sinuses if compared to autologous bone Different implant systems and positions of the implants had no effect on BIC or BD (C) 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
Background: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the use of anorganic bovine bone (ABB) associated with a collagen membrane (CM) for a sinus graft by means of clinical, histologic, and radiographic parameters in cases with bone availability <= 7 mm. A preliminary evaluation consisted of a clinical examination, computed tomography (CT), and a panoramic x-ray. Methods: Ninety-two patients requiring bilateral sinus grafts and 222 requiring unilateral procedures (total: 406 sinuses) participated in this study. A total of 1,025 implants were placed in the grafted sinuses. A total of 118 implants were placed simultaneously with the sinus graft (one stage), and 907 implants were placed in a subsequent surgery (two stages), 6 to 12 months after the graft was performed. In seven cases, a biopsy was harvested for histomorphometric analysis. Recall appointments were scheduled every 6 months, and panoramic and periapical x-rays were required every year for 3 years. Results: Among 1,025 implants, 19 were lost (survival rate: 98.1%). The difference in survival rates for implants placed in native bone: <= 3 mm (98.1%), >3 to <= 5 mm (98.6%), and >5 to <= 7 mm (97.0%) was not statistically significant (P = 0.3408). The survival rates for implants with rough and machined surfaces (98.6% and 97.0%, respectively) were not statistically significant (P = 0.0840). The histomorphometric analysis showed new bone formation (39.0% +/- 12%), marrow space (52.9% +/- 9.3%), and residual ABB (8% +/- 2.7%). Conclusion: Our results indicated that 1,025 implants placed in sinuses grafted exclusively with ABB combined with CM led to an excellent and predictable survival rate of 98.1%. J Periodontol 2009;80:1920-1927.
Nonsyndromic alar clefts are rare and they range from a small notch to variable size of clefts of the nasal ala. Usually they are restricted to the alar region, but other minor anomalies such as midline nasal sinuses and small midline or ""northbound"" clefts can be present. To date all reported cases of nonsyndromic alar clefts have been sporadic. Here we report on five new cases of isolated and nonsyndromic alar clefts. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We report here the discovery of a new species of frog associated to the open areas of the highlands of the Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos. The new species, Cycloramphus organensis is characterized by a unique skin texture, medium size ( maximum male and female SVL 26.4 mm and 33.3 mm respectively), dorsal surfaces uniformly brick red colored, uniformly areolate skin on dorsum, pupil horizontal, iris with a menisc on upper margin; no fleshy tubercles on eyelid, tympanic annulus concealed beneath skin, macroglands not visible externally, fingers and toes without fringes and webs; supernumerary palmar and plantar tubercles absent, nuptial spines absent. Despite the presence of an iris menisc, a character shared by frogs of both genera Cycloramphus and Zachaenus Cope, the combination of morphological characters is so unique that the allocation of the species to any of these genera remains ambiguous. Consequently, we used additional molecular-based phylogenetic analyses to ascertain the position of the new taxon. The new species proved to be embedded within the genus Cycloramphus.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do ácido acetilsalicílico a 10% e 20% em linfonodos mesentéricos de coelhos para posterior embasamento e uso em metástases linfonodais. MÉTODOS: Um total de 20 linfonodos de 20 coelhos (divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos) foi avaliado. As soluções de aspirina a 10% (grupos A e C) e 20% (grupos B e D) foram injetadas em linfonodos mesentéricos de coelhos sadios e seus efeitos macroscópicos e histológicos foram avaliados em 24 horas (grupos A e B) e em sete dias (grupos C e D). RESULTADOS: Nos grupos avaliados em 24 horas (A e B) foi verificada intensa necrose e hemorragia, aumento importante de apoptose em todo o linfonodo, com alargamento dos seios medulares e aumento dos centros germinativos. Nos grupos avaliados em sete dias (C e D) também houve aumento da apoptose, com maior elevação de histiócitos e diminuição importante da necrose; a hemorragia foi ausente e aumento de células gigantes foi visualizado, conferindo processo inflamatório crônico do tipo corpo estranho. Não houve diferença entre as concentrações utilizadas (10 e 20%) em nenhuma das comparações. CONCLUSÕES: A injeção de aspirina em linfonodos causou necrose e um aumento de apoptose após 24 horas e após sete dias de tratamento, houve regeneração dos gânglios linfáticos, com diminuição intensa de necrose e grande aumento de apoptose. Uma vez que o aumento de apoptose é um dos pilares dos tratamentos antineoplásicos, estes resultados experimentais embasam eventual aplicação clínica da aspirina no tratamento de metástases linfonodais.