921 resultados para twentieth centuries


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article aims to discuss the attempts of the authorities in Rio de Janeiro to regulate Carnival festivities and discipline the revelers. Some of the ways to do this in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, are connected to the prohibition of Shrovetide and of the wearing of some costumes by individual masked men, such as Indian and imp costumes, which are associated with backwardness and barbarism, and, therefore, with a period of history that part of the intelligentsia of Rio de Janeiro wanted to forget. Such manifestations were at odds with political, social and cultural transformations, and with the image of modernity that the city of Rio de Janeiro wanted to consolidate in that period.


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For several centuries, Japanese scholars have argued that their nation’s culture—including its language, religion and ways of thinking—is somehow unique. The darker side of this rhetoric, sometimes known by the English term “Japanism” (nihon-jinron), played no small role in the nationalist fervor of the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. While much of the so-called “ideology of Japanese uniqueness” can be dismissed, in terms of the Japanese approach to “religion,” there may be something to it. This paper highlights some distinctive—if not entirely unique—features of the way religion has been categorized and understood in Japanese tradition, contrasting these with Western (i.e., Abrahamic), and to a lesser extent Indian and Chinese understandings. Particular attention is given to the priority of praxis over belief in the Japanese religious context. Des siècles durant, des chercheurs japonais ont soutenu que leur culture – soit leur langue, leur religion et leurs façons de penser – était en quelque sorte unique. Or, sous son jour le plus sombre, cette rhétorique, parfois désignée du terme de « japonisme » (nihon-jinron), ne fut pas sans jouer un rôle déterminant dans la montée de la ferveur nationaliste à la fin du XIXe siècle, ainsi qu’au début du XXe siècle. Bien que l’on puisse discréditer pour l’essentiel cette soi-disant « idéologie de l’unicité japonaise », la conception nippone de la « religion » constitue, quant à elle, un objet d’analyse des plus utiles et pertinents. Cet article met en évidence quelques caractéristiques, sinon uniques du moins distinctives, de la manière dont la religion a été élaborée et comprise au sein de la tradition japonaise, pour ensuite les constrater avec les conceptions occidentale (abrahamique) et, dans une moindre mesure, indienne et chinoise. Une attention toute particulière est ici accordée à la praxis plutôt qu’à la croyance dans le contexte religieux japonais.


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While the 1913-1914 copper country miners’ strike undoubtedly plays an important role in the identity of the Keweenaw Peninsula, it is worth noting that the model of mining corporations employing large numbers of laborers was not a foregone conclusion in the history of American mining. Between 1807 and 1847, public mineral lands in Missouri, in the Upper Mississippi Valley, and along the southern shore of Lake Superior were reserved from sale and subject to administration by the nation’s executive branch. By decree of the federal government, miners in these regions were lessees, not landowners. Yet, in the Wisconsin lead region especially, federal authorities reserved for independent “diggers” the right to prospect virtually unencumbered. In doing so, they preserved a comparatively egalitarian system in which the ability to operate was determined as much by luck as by financial resources. A series of revolts against federal authority in the early nineteenth century gradually encouraged officers in Washington to build a system in the copper country in which only wealthy investors could marshal the resources to both obtain permits and actually commence mining operations. This paper will therefore explore the role of the federal government in establishing a leasing system for public mineral lands in the years previous to the California Gold Rush, highlighting the development of corporate mining which ultimately set a stage for the wave of miners’ strikes in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


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In a first step to obtain a proxy record of past climatic events (including the El Ni (n) over tildeo-Southern Oscillation) in the normally aseasonal tropical environment of Sabah, a radial segment from a recently fallen dipterocarp (Shorea Superba) was radiocarbon dated and subjected to carbon isotope analysis. The high-precision radiocarbon results fell into the ambiguous modern plateau where several calibrated dates can exist for each sample. Dating was achieved by wiggle matching using a Bayesian approach to calibration. Using the defined growth characteristics of Shorea superba, probability density distributions were calculated and improbable dates rejected. It was found that the tree most likely started growing around AD 1660-1685. A total of 173 apparent growth increments were measured and, therefore, it could be determined that the tree formed one ring approximately every two years. Stable carbon isotope values were obtained from resin-extracted wholewood from each ring. Carbon cycling is evident in the `juvenile effect', resulting from the assimilation of respired carbon dioxide and lower light levels below the canopy, and in the `anthropogenic effect' caused by increased industrial activity in the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This study demonstrates that palaeoenvironmental information can be obtained from trees growing in aseasonal environments, where climatic conditions prevent the formation of well-defined annual rings.


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El artículo expone la visión (positiva o negativa) que se ha tenido de la escolástica hispanoamericana desde el siglo XVI hasta el XX. Además de la época en que la escolástica tiene plena e incuestionada vigencia, el proceso tuvo tres momentos: 1. La crisis de la escolástica en el siglo XVIII; 2. Las polémicas que suscitó su apreciación en los siglos XIX y XX; 3. Una final etapa de "normalización" de los estudios de la filosofía colonial en el último tercio del siglo XX.


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Considerando que es posible pensar la historia de la educación como un camino para lograr reconstruir la producción y circulación de ideas de una determinada época, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto no solo iniciar el estudio de un pedagogo como lo es Víctor Mercante (1870-1934) involucrado en la educación argentina de finales del Siglo XIX y principios del XX-sino comenzar a recorrer una trayectoria profesional permeada de las discusiones y debates de la época. Mercante aporta una mirada que presenta aspectos innovadores en clave de un período histórico determinado rico por el abanico de perspectivas culturales que en él se concentran. Con este objeto hemos trabajado en el análisis del contenido de la reforma educativa Saavedra-Lamas de la cual es mentor y en su sustento teórico, a partir del propio pensamiento de Mercante y de las condiciones en las que la misma fue implementada y en las que fue derogada. La intención final es alcanzar una explicación que de cuenta de las condiciones de la relación entre corrientes y tradiciones intelectuales, fuerzas políticas y actores sociales en el marco de un proceso de reforma educativa


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Considerando que es posible pensar la historia de la educación como un camino para lograr reconstruir la producción y circulación de ideas de una determinada época, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto no solo iniciar el estudio de un pedagogo como lo es Víctor Mercante (1870-1934) involucrado en la educación argentina de finales del Siglo XIX y principios del XX-sino comenzar a recorrer una trayectoria profesional permeada de las discusiones y debates de la época. Mercante aporta una mirada que presenta aspectos innovadores en clave de un período histórico determinado rico por el abanico de perspectivas culturales que en él se concentran. Con este objeto hemos trabajado en el análisis del contenido de la reforma educativa Saavedra-Lamas de la cual es mentor y en su sustento teórico, a partir del propio pensamiento de Mercante y de las condiciones en las que la misma fue implementada y en las que fue derogada. La intención final es alcanzar una explicación que de cuenta de las condiciones de la relación entre corrientes y tradiciones intelectuales, fuerzas políticas y actores sociales en el marco de un proceso de reforma educativa


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Considerando que es posible pensar la historia de la educación como un camino para lograr reconstruir la producción y circulación de ideas de una determinada época, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto no solo iniciar el estudio de un pedagogo como lo es Víctor Mercante (1870-1934) involucrado en la educación argentina de finales del Siglo XIX y principios del XX-sino comenzar a recorrer una trayectoria profesional permeada de las discusiones y debates de la época. Mercante aporta una mirada que presenta aspectos innovadores en clave de un período histórico determinado rico por el abanico de perspectivas culturales que en él se concentran. Con este objeto hemos trabajado en el análisis del contenido de la reforma educativa Saavedra-Lamas de la cual es mentor y en su sustento teórico, a partir del propio pensamiento de Mercante y de las condiciones en las que la misma fue implementada y en las que fue derogada. La intención final es alcanzar una explicación que de cuenta de las condiciones de la relación entre corrientes y tradiciones intelectuales, fuerzas políticas y actores sociales en el marco de un proceso de reforma educativa


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The reconstruction of the climatic history during the past several hundred years requires a sufficient geographical coverage of combined climate proxy series. Especially in order to identify causal connections between the atmosphere and the ocean, inclusion of marine records into composite climate time series is of fundamental importance. We present two skeletal delta18O chronologies of coral skeletons of Diploria labyrinthiformis from Bermuda fore-reef sites covering periods in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and compare them with instrumental temperature data. Both time series are demonstrated to display sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on inter-annual to decadal time scales. On the basis of a specific modern delta18O vs instrumental SST calibration we reconstruct a time series of SST anomalies between AD 1350 and 1630 covering periods during the Little Ice Age. The application of the coral delta18O vs temperature relationship leads to estimates of past SST variability which are comparable to the magnitude of modern variations. Parallel to delta18O chronologies we present time series of skeletal bulk density. Coral delta18O and skeletal density reveal a strong similarity during Little Ice Age, confirming the reliability of both proxy climate indicators. The past coral records, presented in this study, share features with a previously published climate proxy record from Bermuda and a composite time series of reconstructed Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures. The coral proxy data presented here represent a valuable contribution to elucidate northern Atlantic subtropical climate variation during the past several centuries.


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This article explores the Kaufmann family houses, their architects and the american world of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. . The first, designed by Benno Janssen, is not widely known but it is fantastic because it is capable of creating a landscape where it does not exist. I love it. There, in its living room, is where Wright received the commission to build Fallingwater house. And finally, I would like to dedicate a few comments to the house built by Neutra, in order to balance the article. Wright could be the guiding thread. I have always thought that Fallingwater house has some aspects that are a bit forced and therefore, paradoxically, unnatural. I also believe that with this building Wright distances himself from the interests of european architecture, and is focused on more realistic problems, such as those of collective housing