999 resultados para triple-layers


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An experimental investigation of the mean flow characteristics of two-dimensional turbulent boundary layers over surfaces of mild longitudinal curvature is reported. The study covered both convex and concave walls of \d/Rw I « 0.013 (d being the boundary-layer thickness and Rw being the wall radius). It was found that, whereas the region close to the wall was not affected significantly by wall curvature, the outer region was very sensitive to even mild wall curvature. A detailed study of the wake region using present and other available data suggests a systematic effect of b/Rw on the wake structure. The paper also discusses in detail the effect of mild wall curvature on the boundary-layer development with particular emphasis on the difference in behavior of the boundary layer at short and long distances from the leading edge of the curved wall, an aspect which has not received sufficient attention in previous experimental investigations. An attempt has been made to explain this behavior from a consideration of the structure of turbulence in boundary layers over curved surfaces taken into account.


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The effect of vectored mass transfer on the flow and heat transfer of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary layer with viscous dissipation for two-dimensional and axisymmetric porous bodies with pressure gradient has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for a cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction is strongly influenced by the vectored mass transfer, and the heat transfer both by the vectored mass transfer and dissipation parameter. It is observed that the vectored suction tends to delay the separation whereas the effect of the vectored injection is just the reverse. Our results agree with those of the local nonsimilarity, difference-differential and asymptotic methods but not with those of the local similarity method.


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The unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow near the three-dimensional asymmetric stagnation point has been studied under the assumptions that the free-stream velocity, wall temperature, and surface mass transfer vary arbitrarily with time. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that in contrast with the symmetric flow, the maximum heat transfer occurs away from the stagnation point due to the decrease in the boundary-layer thickness. The effect of the variation of the wall temperature with time on heat transfer is strong. The skin friction and heat transfer due to asymmetric flow only are comparatively less affected by the mass transfer as compared to those of symmetric flow.


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The conventional Clauser-chart method for determination of local skin friction in zero or weak pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows fails entirely in strong pressure-gradient situations. This failure occurs due to the large departure of the mean velocity profile from the universal logarithmic law upon which the conventional Clauser-chart method is based. It is possible to extend this method,even for strong pressure-gradient situations involving equilibrium or near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers by making use of the so-called non-universal logarithmic laws. These non-universal log laws depend on the local strength of the pressure gradient and may be regarded as perturbations of the universal log law.The present paper shows that the modified Clauser-chart method, so developed, yields quit satisfactory results in terms of estimation of local skin friction in strongly accelerated or retarded equilibrium and near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers that are not very close to relaminarization or separation.


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In the present paper the effects of temperature and high strain rate loading on the formation of various surface patterns in Ni-Al nano-layers are discussed. Effects of boundary conditions on the B2 -> BCT phase transformation in the nano-layer are also discussed. This study is aimed at developing several interesting patterned surface structures in Ni-Al nanolayer by controlling the phase transformation temperature and mechanical loading.


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The BeiDou system is the first global navigation satellite system in which all satellites transmit triple-frequency signals that can provide the positioning, navigation, and timing independently. A benefit of triple-frequency signals is that more useful combinations can be formed, including some extrawide-lane combinations whose ambiguities can generally be instantaneously fixed without distance restriction, although the narrow-lane ambiguity resolution (NL AR) still depends on the interreceiver distance or requires a long time to achieve. In this paper, we synthetically study decimeter and centimeter kinematic positioning using BeiDou triple-frequency signals. It starts with AR of two extrawide-lane signals based on the ionosphere-free or ionosphere-reduced geometry-free model. For decimeter positioning, one can immediately use two ambiguity-fixed extrawide-lane observations without pursuing NL AR. To achieve higher accuracy, NL AR is the necessary next step. Despite the fact that long-baseline NL AR is still challenging, some NL ambiguities can indeed be fixed with high reliability. Partial AR for NL signals is acceptable, because as long as some ambiguities for NL signals are fixed, positioning accuracy will be certainly improved.With accumulation of observations, more and more NL ambiguities are fixed and the positioning accuracy continues to improve. An efficient Kalman-filtering system is established to implement the whole process. The formulated system is flexible, since the additional constraints can be easily applied to enhance the model's strength. Numerical results from a set of real triple-frequency BeiDou data on a 50 km baseline show that decimeter positioning is achievable instantaneously.With only five data epochs, 84% of NL ambiguities can be fixed so that the real-time kinematic accuracies are 4.5, 2.5, and 16 cm for north, east, and height components (respectively), while with 10 data epochs more than 90% of NL ambiguities are fixed, and the rea- -time kinematic solutions are improved to centimeter level for all three coordinate components.


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Carrier phase ambiguity resolution over long baselines is challenging in BDS data processing. This is partially due to the variations of the hardware biases in BDS code signals and its dependence on elevation angles. We present an assessment of satellite-induced code bias variations in BDS triple-frequency signals and the ambiguity resolutions procedures involving both geometry-free and geometry-based models. First, since the elevation of a GEO satellite remains unchanged, we propose to model the single-differenced fractional cycle bias with widespread ground stations. Second, the effects of code bias variations induced by GEO, IGSO and MEO satellites on ambiguity resolution of extra-wide-lane, wide-lane and narrow-lane combinations are analyzed. Third, together with the IGSO and MEO code bias variations models, the effects of code bias variations on ambiguity resolution are examined using 30-day data collected over the baselines ranging from 500 to 2600 km in 2014. The results suggest that although the effect of code bias variations on the extra-wide-lane integer solution is almost ignorable due to its long wavelength, the wide-lane integer solutions are rather sensitive to the code bias variations. Wide-lane ambiguity resolution success rates are evidently improved when code bias variations are corrected. However, the improvement of narrow-lane ambiguity resolution is not obvious since it is based on geometry-based model and there is only an indirect impact on the narrow-lane ambiguity solutions.


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The paper presents a geometry-free approach to assess the variation of covariance matrices of undifferenced triple frequency GNSS measurements and its impact on positioning solutions. Four independent geometryfree/ ionosphere-free (GFIF) models formed from original triple-frequency code and phase signals allow for effective computation of variance-covariance matrices using real data. Variance Component Estimation (VCE) algorithms are implemented to obtain the covariance matrices for three pseudorange and three carrier-phase signals epoch-by-epoch. Covariance results from the triple frequency Beidou System (BDS) and GPS data sets demonstrate that the estimated standard deviation varies in consistence with the amplitude of actual GFIF error time series. The single point positioning (SPP) results from BDS ionosphere-free measurements at four MGEX stations demonstrate an improvement of up to about 50% in Up direction relative to the results based on a mean square statistics. Additionally, a more extensive SPP analysis at 95 global MGEX stations based on GPS ionosphere-free measurements shows an average improvement of about 10% relative to the traditional results. This finding provides a preliminary confirmation that adequate consideration of the variation of covariance leads to the improvement of GNSS state solutions.


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A key challenge of wide area kinematic positioning is to overcome the effects of the varying hardware biases in code signals of the BeiDou system. Based on three geometryfree/ionosphere-free combinations, the elevation-dependent code biases are modelled for all BeiDou satellites. Results from the data sets of 30-day for 5 baselines of 533 to 2545 km demonstrate that the wide-lane (WL) integer-fixing success rates of 98% to 100% can be achieved within 25 min. Under the condition of HDOP of less than 2, the overall RMS statistics show that ionospheric-free WL single-epoch solutions achieve 24 to 50 cm in the horizontal direction. Smoothing processing over the moving window of 20 min reduces the RMS values by a factor of about 2. Considering distance-independent nature, the above results show the potential that reliable and high precision positioning services could be provided in a wide area based on a sparsely distributed ground network.


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Characteristics of the process of entrainment in plane mixing layers, and the changes with compressibility and heat release, were studied using temporal DNS with simultaneous fluid packet tracking. Convective Mach numbers of the simulations are 0.15, 0.7 and 1.1. The Reynolds number is quite high (between 11 000 and 37 000 based on layer width and velocity difference), and is above the mixing transition. The study agrees with recent findings in round jets: first, engulfed fluid volume and its growth rate are both very small compared with the volume of the turbulent region and its growth rate, respectively. Secondly, most often, the process occurs close to the turbulent-nonturbulent boundaries. A new finding is that both compressibility and heat release retard the entrainment process so that it takes an O(1) time for vorticity or scalar levels to grow even after growth has been initiated. This delay is manifested as the fall in mixing layer growth rates as compressibility and heat release levels increase.


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Diffusion in a composite slab consisting of a large number of layers provides an ideal prototype problem for developing and analysing two-scale modelling approaches for heterogeneous media. Numerous analytical techniques have been proposed for solving the transient diffusion equation in a one-dimensional composite slab consisting of an arbitrary number of layers. Most of these approaches, however, require the solution of a complex transcendental equation arising from a matrix determinant for the eigenvalues that is difficult to solve numerically for a large number of layers. To overcome this issue, in this paper, we present a semi-analytical method based on the Laplace transform and an orthogonal eigenfunction expansion. The proposed approach uses eigenvalues local to each layer that can be obtained either explicitly, or by solving simple transcendental equations. The semi-analytical solution is applicable to both perfect and imperfect contact at the interfaces between adjacent layers and either Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary conditions at the ends of the slab. The solution approach is verified for several test cases and is shown to work well for a large number of layers. The work is concluded with an application to macroscopic modelling where the solution of a fine-scale multilayered medium consisting of two hundred layers is compared against an “up-scaled” variant of the same problem involving only ten layers.


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This thesis comprises four intercomplementary parts that introduce new approaches to brittle reaction layers and mechanical compatibility of metalloceramic joints created when fusing dental ceramics to titanium. Several different methods including atomic layer deposition (ALD), sessile drop contact angle measurements, scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), three-point bending (TPB, DIN 13 927 / ISO 9693), cross-section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were employed. The first part investigates the effects of TiO2 layer structure and thickness on the joint strength of the titanium-metalloceramic system. Samples with all tested TiO2 thicknesses displayed good ceramics adhesion to Ti, and uniform TPB results. The fracture mode was independent of oxide layer thickness and structure. Cracking occurred deeper inside titanium, in the oxygen-rich Ti[O]x solid solution surface layer. During dental ceramics firing TiO2 layers dissociate and joints become brittle with increased dissolution of oxygen into metallic Ti and consequent reduction in the metal plasticity. To accomplish an ideal metalloceramic joint this needs to be resolved. The second part introduces photoinduced superhydrophilicity of TiO2. Test samples with ALD deposited anatase TiO2 films were produced. Samples were irradiated with UV light to induce superhydrophilicity of the surfaces through a cascade leading to increased amount of surface hydroxyl groups. Superhydrophilicity (contact angle ~0˚) was achieved within 2 minutes of UV radiation. Partial recovery of the contact angle was observed during the first 10 minutes after UV exposure. Total recovery was not observed within 24h storage. Photoinduced ultrahydrophilicity can be used to enhance wettability of titanium surfaces, an important factor in dental ceramics veneering processes. The third part addresses interlayers designed to restrain oxygen dissolution into Ti during dental ceramics fusing. The main requirements for an ideal interlayer material are proposed. Based on these criteria and systematic exclusion of possible interlayer materials silver (Ag) interlayers were chosen. TPB results were significantly better in when 5 μm Ag interlayers were used compared to only Al2O3-blasted samples. In samples with these Ag interlayers multiple cracks occurred inside dental ceramics, none inside Ti structure. Ag interlayers of 5 μm on Al2O3-blasted samples can be efficiently used to retard formation of the brittle oxygen-rich Ti[O]x layer, thus enhancing metalloceramic joint integrity. The most brittle component in metalloceramic joints with 5 μm Ag interlayers was bulk dental ceramics instead of Ti[O]x. The fourth part investigates the importance of mechanical interlocking. According to the results, the significance of mechanical interlocking achieved by conventional surface treatments can be questioned as long as the formation of the brittle layers (mainly oxygen-rich Ti[O]x) cannot be sufficiently controlled. In summary in contrast to former impressions of thick titanium oxide layers this thesis clearly demonstrates diffusion of oxygen from sintering atmosphere and SiO2 to Ti structures during dental ceramics firing and the following formation of brittle Ti[O]x solid solution as the most important factors predisposing joints between Ti and SiO2-based dental ceramics to low strength. This among other predisposing factors such as residual stresses created by the coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch between dental ceramics and Ti frameworks can be avoided with Ag interlayers.


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The boxicity of a graph G, denoted box(G), is the least integer d such that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional (axis-parallel) boxes. The cubicity, denoted cub(G), is the least dsuch that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional unit cubes. An independent set of three vertices is an asteroidal triple if any two are joined by a path avoiding the neighbourhood of the third. A graph is asteroidal triple free (AT-free) if it has no asteroidal triple. The claw number psi(G) is the number of edges in the largest star that is an induced subgraph of G. For an AT-free graph G with chromatic number chi(G) and claw number psi(G), we show that box(G) <= chi(C) and that this bound is sharp. We also show that cub(G) <= box(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2) <= chi(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2). If G is an AT-free graph having girth at least 5, then box(G) <= 2, and therefore cub(G) <= 2 [log(2) psi(G)] + 4. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.