944 resultados para time-domain simulations
La telepesencia combina diferentes modalidades sensoriales, incluyendo, entre otras, la visual y la del tacto, para producir una sensación de presencia remota en el operador. Un elemento clave en la implementación de sistemas de telepresencia para permitir una telemanipulación del entorno remoto es el retorno de fuerza. Durante una telemanipulación, la energía mecánica es transferida entre el operador humano y el entorno remoto. En general, la energía es una propiedad de los objetos físicos, fundamental en su mutual interacción. En esta interacción, la energía se puede transmitir entre los objetos, puede cambiar de forma pero no puede crearse ni destruirse. En esta tesis, se aplica este principio fundamental para derivar un nuevo método de control bilateral que permite el diseño de sistemas de teleoperación estables para cualquier arquitectura concebible. El razonamiento parte del hecho de que la energía mecánica insertada por el operador humano en el sistema debe transferirse hacia el entorno remoto y viceversa. Tal como se verá, el uso de la energía como variable de control permite un tratamiento más general del sistema que el control convencional basado en variables específicas del sistema. Mediante el concepto de Red de Potencia de Retardo Temporal (RPRT), el problema de definir los flujos de energía en un sistema de teleoperación es solucionado con independencia de la arquitectura de comunicación. Como se verá, los retardos temporales son la principal causa de generación de energía virtual. Este hecho se observa con retardos a partir de 1 milisegundo. Esta energía virtual es añadida al sistema de forma intrínseca y representa la causa principal de inestabilidad. Se demuestra que las RPRTs son transportadoras de la energía deseada intercambiada entre maestro y esclavo pero a la vez generadoras de energía virtual debido al retardo temporal. Una vez estas redes son identificadas, el método de Control de Pasividad en el Dominio Temporal para RPRTs se propone como mecanismo de control para asegurar la pasividad del sistema, y as__ la estabilidad. El método se basa en el simple hecho de que esta energía virtual debido al retardo debe transformarse en disipación. As__ el sistema se aproxima al sistema deseado, donde solo la energía insertada desde un extremo es transferida hacia el otro. El sistema resultante presenta dos cualidades: por un lado la estabilidad del sistema queda garantizada con independencia de la arquitectura del sistema y del canal de comunicación; por el otro, el rendimiento es maximizado en términos de fidelidad de transmisión energética. Los métodos propuestos se sustentan con sistemas experimentales con diferentes arquitecturas de control y retardos entre 2 y 900 ms. La tesis concluye con un experimento que incluye una comunicación espacial basada en el satélite geoestacionario ASTRA. ABSTRACT Telepresence combines different sensorial modalities, including vision and touch, to produce a feeling of being present in a remote location. The key element to successfully implement a telepresence system and thus to allow telemanipulation of a remote environment is force feedback. In a telemanipulation, mechanical energy must convey from the human operator to the manipulated object found in the remote environment. In general, energy is a property of all physical objects, fundamental to their mutual interactions in which the energy can be transferred among the objects and can change form but cannot be created or destroyed. In this thesis, we exploit this fundamental principle to derive a novel bilateral control mechanism that allows designing stable teleoperation systems with any conceivable communication architecture. The rationale starts from the fact that the mechanical energy injected by a human operator into the system must be conveyed to the remote environment and Vice Versa. As will be seen, setting energy as the control variable allows a more general treatment of the controlled system in contrast to the more conventional control of specific systems variables. Through the Time Delay Power Network (TDPN) concept, the issue of defining the energy flows involved in a teleoperation system is solved with independence of the communication architecture. In particular, communication time delays are found to be a source of virtual energy. This fact is observed with delays starting from 1 millisecond. Since this energy is added, the resulting teleoperation system can be non-passive and thus become unstable. The Time Delay Power Networks are found to be carriers of the desired exchanged energy but also generators of virtual energy due to the time delay. Once these networks are identified, the Time Domain Passivity Control approach for TDPNs is proposed as a control mechanism to ensure system passivity and therefore, system stability. The proposed method is based on the simple fact that this intrinsically added energy due to the communication must be transformed into dissipation. Then the system becomes closer to the ambitioned one, where only the energy injected from one end of the system is conveyed to the other one. The resulting system presents two benefits: On one hand, system stability is guaranteed through passivity independently from the chosen control architecture and communication channel; on the other, performance is maximized in terms of energy transfer faithfulness. The proposed methods are sustained with a set of experimental implementations using different control architectures and communication delays ranging from 2 to 900 milliseconds. An experiment that includes a communication Space link based on the geostationary satellite ASTRA concludes this thesis.
The bispectrum and third-order moment can be viewed as equivalent tools for testing for the presence of nonlinearity in stationary time series. This is because the bispectrum is the Fourier transform of the third-order moment. An advantage of the bispectrum is that its estimator comprises terms that are asymptotically independent at distinct bifrequencies under the null hypothesis of linearity. An advantage of the third-order moment is that its values in any subset of joint lags can be used in the test, whereas when using the bispectrum the entire (or truncated) third-order moment is required to construct the Fourier transform. In this paper, we propose a test for nonlinearity based upon the estimated third-order moment. We use the phase scrambling bootstrap method to give a nonparametric estimate of the variance of our test statistic under the null hypothesis. Using a simulation study, we demonstrate that the test obtains its target significance level, with large power, when compared to an existing standard parametric test that uses the bispectrum. Further we show how the proposed test can be used to identify the source of nonlinearity due to interactions at specific frequencies. We also investigate implications for heuristic diagnosis of nonstationarity.
This research work analyses techniques for implementing a cell-centred finite-volume time-domain (ccFV-TD) computational methodology for the purpose of studying microwave heating. Various state-of-the-art spatial and temporal discretisation methods employed to solve Maxwell's equations on multidimensional structured grid networks are investigated, and the dispersive and dissipative errors inherent in those techniques examined. Both staggered and unstaggered grid approaches are considered. Upwind schemes using a Riemann solver and intensity vector splitting are studied and evaluated. Staggered and unstaggered Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta time integration methods are analysed in terms of phase and amplitude error to identify which method is the most accurate and efficient for simulating microwave heating processes. The implementation and migration of typical electromagnetic boundary conditions. from staggered in space to cell-centred approaches also is deliberated. In particular, an existing perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary methodology is adapted to formulate a new cell-centred boundary implementation for the ccFV-TD solvers. Finally for microwave heating purposes, a comparison of analytical and numerical results for standard case studies in rectangular waveguides allows the accuracy of the developed methods to be assessed. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulator for electromagnetic analysis and design applications in MRI. It is intended to be a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The pro-ram has been constructed in an object-oriented framework. The design procedure is detailed and the numerical solver has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases and also applied to various field calculation problems. In particular, the simulator is demonstrated for inverse RF coil design, optimized source profile generation, and parallel imaging in high-frequency situations. The examples show new developments enabled by the simulator and demonstrate that the proposed FDTD framework can be used to analyze large-scale computational electromagnetic problems in modern MRI engineering. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we report a simple fibre laser torsion sensor system using an intracavity tilted fibre grating as a torsion encoded loss filter. When the grating is subjected to twist, it induces loss to the cavity, thus affecting the laser oscillation build-up time. By measuring the build-up time, both twist direction and angle on the grating can be monitored. Using a low-cost photodiode and a two-channel digital oscilloscope, we have characterised the torsion sensing capability of this fibre laser system and obtained a torsion sensitivity of ~412µs/(rad/m) in the dynamic range from -150° to +150°.
We have proposed a new technique of all-optical nonlinear pulse processing for use at a RZ optical receiver, which is based on an AM or any device with a similar function of temporal gating/slicing enhanced by the effect of Kerr nonlinearity in a NDF. The efficiency of the technique has been demonstrated by application to timing jitter and noise-limited RZ transmission at 40 Gbit/s. Substantial suppression of the signal timing jitter and overall improvement of the receiver performance has been demonstrated using the proposed method.
We propose a new all-optical signal processing technique to enhance the performance of a return-to-zero optical receiver, which is based on nonlinear temporal pulse broadening and flattening in a normal dispersion fiber and subsequent slicing of the pulse temporal waveform. The potential of the method is demonstrated by application to timing jitter-and noise-limited transmission at 40 Gbit/s. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
In this paper, we report a simple fibre laser torsion sensor system using an intracavity tilted fibre grating as a torsion encoded loss filter. When the grating is subjected to twist, it induces loss to the cavity, thus affecting the laser oscillation build-up time. By measuring the build-up time, both twist direction and angle on the grating can be monitored. Using a low-cost photodiode and a two-channel digital oscilloscope, we have characterised the torsion sensing capability of this fibre laser system and obtained a torsion sensitivity of ~412µs/(rad/m) in the dynamic range from -150° to +150°.
A high resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) based on an all-fiber chaotic source is demonstrated. We analyze the key factors limiting the operational range of such an OTDR, e.g., integral Rayleigh backscattering and the fiber loss, which degrade the optical signal to noise ratio at the receiver side, and then the guideline for counter-act such signal fading is discussed. The experimentally demonstrated correlation OTDR presents ability of 100km sensing range and 8.2cm spatial resolution (1.2 million resolved points), as a verification of the theoretical analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that correlation OTDR measurement is performed over such a long distance with such high precision.
We propose a high-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) based on an all-fiber supercontinuum source. The source simply consists of a laser with moderate power and a section of fiber which has a zero dispersion wavelength near the laser's central wavelength. Spectrum and time domain properties of the source are investigated, showing that the source has great capability in nonlinear optics, such as correlation OTDR. We analyze one of the key factors limiting the operational range of such an OTDR, i.e., sampling time. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate a correlation OTDR with 25km sensing range and 5.3cm spatial resolution, as a verification of theoretical analysis.
We propose a long range, high precision optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) based on an all-fiber supercontinuum source. The source simply consists of a CW pump laser with moderate power and a section of fiber, which has a zero dispersion wavelength near the laser's central wavelength. Spectrum and time domain properties of the source are investigated, showing that the source has great capability in nonlinear optics, such as correlation OTDR due to its ultra-wide-band chaotic behavior, and mm-scale spatial resolution is demonstrated. Then we analyze the key factors limiting the operational range of such an OTDR, e. g., integral Rayleigh backscattering and the fiber loss, which degrades the optical signal to noise ratio at the receiver side, and then the guideline for counter-act such signal fading is discussed. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate a correlation OTDR with 100km sensing range and 8.2cm spatial resolution (1.2 million resolved points), as a verification of theoretical analysis.