988 resultados para thyroid parafollicular cell


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Transcription of the late genes of simian virus 40 (SV40) is repressed during the early phase of the lytic cycle of infection of binding of cellular factors, called IBP-s, to the SV40 late promoter; repression is relieved after the onset of viral DNA replication by titration of these repressors. Preliminary data indicated that one of the major components of IBP-s was human estrogen-related receptor 1 (hERR1). We show here that several members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily, including testis receptor 2, thyroid receptor alpha 1 in combination with retinoid X receptor alpha, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factors 1 and 2 (COUP-TF1 and COUP-TF2), as well as hERR1, possess the properties of IBP-s. These receptors bind specifically to hormone receptor binding sites present in the SV40 major late promoter. Recombinant COUP-TF1 specifically represses transcription from the SV40 major late promoter in a cell-free transcription system. Expression of COUP-TF1, COUP-TF2, or hERR1 in monkey cells results in repression of the SV40 late promoter, but not the early promoter, in the absence of the virally encoded large tumor antigen. Overexpression of COUP-TF1 leads to a delay in the early-to-late switch in SV40 gene expression during the lytic cycle of infection. Thus, members of this superfamily can play major direct roles in regulating expression of SV40. Possibly, natural or synthetic ligands to these receptors can serve as antiviral drugs. Our findings also provide the basis for the development of assays to screen for the ligands to testis receptor 2 and hERR1.


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Sulfate (SO42-) is required for bone/cartilage formation and cellular metabolism. sat-1 is a SO42- anion transporter expressed on basolateral membranes of renal proximal tubules, and is suggested to play an important role in maintaining SO42- homeostasis. As a first step towards studying its tissue-specific expression, hormonal regulation, and in preparation for the generation of knockout mice, we have cloned and characterized the mouse sat-1 cDNA (msat-1), gene (sat1; Slc26a1) and promoter region. msat-1 encodes a 704 amino acid protein (75.4 kDa) with 12 putative transmembrane domains that induce SO42- (also oxalate and chloride) transport in Xenopus oocytes. msat-1 mRNA was expressed in kidney, liver, cecum, calvaria, brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. Two distinct transcripts were expressed in kidney and liver due to alternative utilization of the first intron, corresponding to an internal portion of the 5'-untranslated region. The Sa1 gene (similar to6 kb) consists of 4 exons. Its promoter is similar to52% G+C rich and contains a number of well-characterized cis-acting elements, including sequences resembling hormone responsive elements T3REs and VDREs. We demonstrate that Sat1 promoter driven basal transcription in OK cells was stimulated by tri-iodothyronine. Site-directed mutagenesis identified an imperfect T3RE at -454-bp in the Sat1 promoter to be responsible for this activity. This study represents the first characterization of the structure and regulation of the Sat1 gene encoding a SO42-/chloride/oxalate anion transporter.


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Cultured human choriocarcinoma cells of the BeWo line exhibited saturable accumulation of radioiodide. Inhibition by competing anions followed the affinity series perchlorate >= iodide >= thiocyanate, consistent with uptake through the thyroid iodide transporter, NIS, whose messenger RNA was found in BeWo cells, and whose protein was distributed towards the apical pole of the cells. Efflux obeyed first order kinetics and was inhibited by DIDS, an antagonist of anion exchangers including pendrin, whose messenger RNA was also present. In cultures where iodide uptake through NIS was blocked with excess perchlorate, radiolodide accumulation was stimulated by exposure to medium in which physiological anions were replaced by 2-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid (MES), consistent with the operation of an anion exchange mechanism taking up iodide. Chloride in the medium was more effective than sulfate at inhibiting this uptake, matching the ionic specificity of pendrin. These studies provide evidence that the trophoblast accumulates iodide through NIS and releases it to the fetal compartment through pendrin. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Verapamil inhibits tri-iodothyronine (T-3) efflux from several cell types, suggesting the involvement of multidrug resistance-associated (MDR) proteins in T-3 transport. The direct involvement of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) has not, however, been investigated. We compared the transport of I-125-T-3 in MDCKII cells that had been transfected with mdr1 cDNA (MDCKII-MDR) versus wild-type MDCKII cells (MDCKII), and examined the effect of conventional (verapamil and nitrendipine) and specific MDR inhibitors (VX 853 and VX 710) on I-125-T-3 efflux. We confirmed by Western blotting the enhanced expression of P-gp in MDCKII-MDR cells. The calculated rate of I-125-T-3 efflux from MDCKII-MDR cells (around 0.30/min) was increased twofold compared with MDCKII cells (around 0.15/min). Overall, cellular accumulation of I-125-T-3 was reduced by 26% in MDCKII-MDR cells compared with MDCKII cells, probably reflecting enhanced export of T-3 from MDCKII-MDR cells rather than reduced cellular uptake, as P-gp typically exports substances from cells. Verapamil lowered the rate of I-125-T-3 efflux from both MDCKII and MDCKII-MDR cells by 42% and 66% respectively, while nitrendipine reduced I-125-T-3 efflux rate by 36% and 48% respectively, suggesting that both substances inhibited other cellular T-3 transporters in addition to P-gp. The specific MDR inhibitors VX 853 and VX 710 had no effect of I-125-T-3 efflux rate from wild-type MDCKII cells but reduced I-125-T-3 export in MDCKII-MDR cells by 50% and 53% respectively. These results have provided the first direct evidence that P-gp exports thyroid hormone from cells.


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The efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in the prevention of cardiovascular disease appears equivocal, however the use of more potent antioxidant combinations than those traditionally used may exert a more positive effect. We have shown previously that supplementation of vitamin E and α-lipoic acid increases cardiac performance during post-ischemia reperfusion in older rats and increases Bcl-2 levels in endothelial cells. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of vitamin E and α-lipoic acid supplementation on myocardial gene expression with a view to determine their mechanism of action. Young male rats received either a control (n=7) or vitamin E and α-lipoic acid supplemented diet (n=8) for 14 weeks. RNA from myocardial tissue was then amplified and samples were pooled within groups and competitively hybridized to 5K oligonucleotide rat microarrays. The relative expression of each gene was then compared to the control sample. Animals that received the antioxidant-supplemented diet exhibited upregulation (>1.5×) of 13 genes in the myocardium with 2 genes downregulated.� �Upregulated genes include those involved in cell growth and maintenance (LynB, Csf1r, Akt2, Tp53), cell signaling (LynB, Csf1r) and signal transduction (Pacsin2, Csf1r). Downregulated genes encode thyroid (Thrsp) and F-actin binding proteins (Nexilin).


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Transgenic BALB/c mice that express intrathyroidal human thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) A-subunit, unlike wild-type (WT) littermates, develop thyroid lymphocytic infiltration and spreading to other thyroid autoantigens after T regulatory cell (Treg) depletion and immunization with human thyrotropin receptor (hTSHR) adenovirus. To determine if this process involves intramolecular epitope spreading, we studied antibody and T cell recognition of TSHR ectodomain peptides (A–Z). In transgenic and WT mice, regardless of Treg depletion, TSHR antibodies bound predominantly to N-terminal peptide A and much less to a few downstream peptides. After Treg depletion, splenocytes from WT mice responded to peptides C, D and J (all in the A-subunit), but transgenic splenocytes recognized only peptide D. Because CD4+ T cells are critical for thyroid lymphocytic infiltration, amino acid sequences of these peptides were examined for in silico binding to BALB/c major histocompatibility complex class II (IA–d). High affinity subsequences (inhibitory concentration of 50% < 50 nm) are present in peptides C and D (not J) of the hTSHR and mouse TSHR equivalents. These data probably explain why transgenic splenocytes do not recognize peptide J. Mouse TSHR mRNA levels are comparable in transgenic and WT thyroids, but only transgenics have human A-subunit mRNA. Transgenic mice can present mouse TSHR and human A-subunit-derived peptides. However, WT mice can present only mouse TSHR, and two to four amino acid species differences may preclude recognition by CD4+ T cells activated by hTSHR-adenovirus. Overall, thyroid lymphocytic infiltration in the transgenic mice is unrelated to epitopic spreading but involves human A-subunit peptides for recognition by T cells activated using the hTSHR.


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INTRODUCTION: EGFR screening requires good quality tissue, sensitivity and turn-around time (TAT). We report our experience of routine screening, describing sample type, TAT, specimen quality (cellularity and DNA yield), histopathological description, mutation result and clinical outcome. METHODS: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) sections were screened for EGFR mutations (M+) in exons 18-21. Clinical, pathological and screening outcome data were collected for year 1 of testing. Screening outcome alone was collected for year 2. RESULTS: In year 1, 152 samples were tested, most (72%) were diagnostic. TAT was 4.9 days (95%confidence interval (CI)=4.5-5.5). EGFR-M+ prevalence was 11% and higher (20%) among never-smoking women with adenocarcinomas (ADCs), but 30% of mutations occurred in current/ex-smoking men. EGFR-M+ tumours were non-mucinous ADCs and 100% thyroid transcription factor (TTF1+). No mutations were detected in poorly differentiated NSCLC-not otherwise specified (NOS). There was a trend for improved overall survival (OS) among EGFR-M+ versus EGFR-M- patients (median OS=78 versus 17 months). In year 1, test failure rate was 19%, and associated with scant cellularity and low DNA concentrations. However 75% of samples with poor cellularity but representative of tumour were informative and mutation prevalence was 9%. In year 2, 755 samples were tested; mutation prevalence was 13% and test failure only 5.4%. Although samples with low DNA concentration (2.2 ng/μL), the mutation rate was 9.2%. CONCLUSION: Routine epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) screening using diagnostic samples is fast and feasible even on samples with poor cellularity and DNA content. Mutations tend to occur in better-differentiated non-mucinous TTF1+ ADCs. Whether these histological criteria may be useful to select patients for EGFR testing merits further investigation.


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INTRODUCTION: The dichotomization of non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC) subtype into squamous (SQCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC) has become important in recent years and is increasingly required with regard to management. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of a panel of commercially available antibodies in refining the diagnosis on small biopsies and also to determine whether cytologic material is suitable for somatic EGFR genotyping in a prospectively analyzed series of patients undergoing investigation for suspected lung cancer. METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive cases of NSCLC were first tested using a panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, 34betaE12, and a D-PAS stain for mucin, to determine their value in refining diagnosis of NSCLC. After this test phase, two further pathologists independently reviewed the cases using a refined panel that excluded 34betaE12 because of its low specificity for SQCC, and refinement of diagnosis and concordance were assessed. Ten cases of ADC, including eight derived from cytologic samples, were sent for EGFR mutation analysis. RESULTS: There was refinement of diagnosis in 65% of cases of NSCLC to either SQCC or ADC in the test phase. This included 10 of 13 cases where cell pellets had been prepared from transbronchial needle aspirates. Validation by two further pathologists with varying expertise in lung pathology confirmed increased refinement and concordance of diagnosis. All samples were adequate for analysis, and they all showed a wild-type EGFR genotype. CONCLUSION: A panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, and a D-PAS stain for mucin increases diagnostic accuracy and agreement between pathologists when faced with refining a diagnosis of NSCLC to SQCC or ADC. These small samples, even cell pellets derived from transbronchial needle aspirates, seem to be adequate for EGFR mutation analysis.


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The urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system (uPAS) comprises the uPA, its cell membrane receptor (uPAR) and two specific inhibitors, the plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and 2 (PAI-2). The uPA converts the plasminogen in the serine protease plasmin, involved in a number of physiopathological processes requiring basement membrane (BM) or extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling, including tumor progression and metastasis. The tumor-promoting role of PAS is not limited to the degradation of ECM and BM required for local diffusion and spread to distant sites of malignant cells, but widens to tumor cell proliferation, adhesion and migration, intravasation, growth at the metastatic site and neoangiogenesis. The relevance of uPAS in cancer progression has been confirmed by several studies which documented an increased expression of uPA, uPAR and PAI-1 in different human malignancies, and a positive correlation between the levels of one or more of them and a poor prognosis. For these reasons, the uPAS components have aroused considerable interest as suitable targets for anticancer therapy, and several pharmacological approaches aimed at inhibiting the uPA and/or uPAR expression or function in preclinical and clinical settings have been described. In the present manuscript, we will first glance at uPAS biological functions in human cancer progression and its clinical significance in terms of prognosis and therapy. We will then review the main findings regarding expression and function of uPAS components in thyroid cancer tissues along with the experimental and clinical evidence suggesting its potential value as molecular prognostic marker and therapeutic target in thyroid cancer patients.


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Background. Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare disease which accounts for approximately 5-9% of all thyroid cancers and originates from the calcitonin-secerning parafollicular C cells. MTC can be divided into two subgroups: sporadic (75%) or inherited (25%). The majority of patients with invasive MTC have metastasis to regional lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis, as evidenced by the frequent finding of persistently elevated calcitonin levels after thyroidectomy and the high rates of recurrence in the cervical lymph nodes reported in retrospective studies. Objectives. The purpose of the study is to review our single institution's experience with MTC since 1998 and to evaluate surgical strategy, patterns of lymph node metastases and calcitonin response to compartment-oriented lymphadenectomy in patients with primary or recurrent sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma. Methods. A retrospective review of 26 patients treated for MTC at the “Antonio Cardarelli” Hospital referral center, in Naples, between 1998 and 2012. There were 18 female and 8 male patients, median age at presentation was 55 years, and median follow-up for survivors was 5 years. Total thyroidectomy was performed in all 26 patients; central compartment (CC) node dissection (level VI) in 12 (46%) patients; central plus lateral compartment (LC) node dissection (levels II, III, and IV) in 7 (27%) patients. 4 patients (15%) underwent reoperation for loco-regional recurrent/persistent MTC. Results. After a median post-surgical follow-up of 5 years (range 1-10 years), 63 % of patients were living disease-free, 15% were living with disease and/or persistently elevated calcitonin levels after surgery, 11% were deceased due to MTC and 11 % were lost to follow-up. Conclusions. We agree with most authors advocating for a total thyroidectomy and prophylactic central neck dissection in the setting of clinically detected MTC. Lateral neck dissection may be best reserved for patients with positive preoperative imaging. Nevertheless MTC has a high rate of lymph node metastases that are sub optimally detected preoperatively in the central compartment by neck ultrasound or intra-operatively by the surgeon, and reoperation is associated with a higher rate of surgical complications. In our limited experience, patients with thyroid confined nodular pathology, without nodal disease and unknown preoperative diagnosis of MTC, underwent only total thyroidectomy with a good prognosis.


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This research work analyses techniques for implementing a cell-centred finite-volume time-domain (ccFV-TD) computational methodology for the purpose of studying microwave heating. Various state-of-the-art spatial and temporal discretisation methods employed to solve Maxwell's equations on multidimensional structured grid networks are investigated, and the dispersive and dissipative errors inherent in those techniques examined. Both staggered and unstaggered grid approaches are considered. Upwind schemes using a Riemann solver and intensity vector splitting are studied and evaluated. Staggered and unstaggered Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta time integration methods are analysed in terms of phase and amplitude error to identify which method is the most accurate and efficient for simulating microwave heating processes. The implementation and migration of typical electromagnetic boundary conditions. from staggered in space to cell-centred approaches also is deliberated. In particular, an existing perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary methodology is adapted to formulate a new cell-centred boundary implementation for the ccFV-TD solvers. Finally for microwave heating purposes, a comparison of analytical and numerical results for standard case studies in rectangular waveguides allows the accuracy of the developed methods to be assessed.