934 resultados para the growth imperative


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Czochralski (CZ) crystal growth process is a widely used technique in manufacturing of silicon crystals and other semiconductor materials. The ultimate goal of the IC industry is to have the highest quality substrates, which are free of point defect, impurities and micro defect clusters. The scale up of silicon wafer size from 200 mm to 300 mm requires large crucible size and more heat power. Transport phenomena in crystal growth processes are quite complex due to melt and gas flows that may be oscillatory and/or turbulent, coupled convection and radiation, impurities and dopant distributions, unsteady kinetics of the growth process, melt crystal interface dynamics, free surface and meniscus, stoichiometry in the case of compound materials. A global model has been developed to simulate the temperature distribution and melt flow in an 8-inch system. The present program features the fluid convection, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation models. A multi-zone method is used to divide the Cz system into different zones, e.g., the melt, the crystal and the hot zone. For calculation of temperature distribution, the whole system inside the stainless chamber is considered. For the convective flow, only the melt is considered. The widely used zonal method divides the surface of the radiation enclosure into a number of zones, which has a uniform distribution of temperature, radiative properties and composition. The integro-differential equations for the radiative heat transfer are solved using the matrix inversion technique. The zonal method for radiative heat transfer is used in the growth chamber, which is confined by crystal surface, melt surface, heat shield, and pull chamber. Free surface and crystal/melt interface are tracked using adaptive grid generation. The competition between the thermocapillary convection induced by non-uniform temperature distributions on the free surface and the forced convection by the rotation of the crystal determines the interface shape, dopant distribution, and striation pattern. The temperature gradients on the free surface are influenced by the effects of the thermocapillary force on the free surface and the rotation of the crystal and the crucible.


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Polydora nuchalis Woodwick, 1953 (Polychaeta: Spionidae) is a protandric hermaphrodite commonly inhabiting intertidal mud flats in southern California. The species exhibits lecithotrophic larval development and adelphophagia. Reproduction of P. nuchalis was monitored for a year at four sites: Catalina Harbor, San Gabriel River, Huntington Harbour, and Malibu Lagoon. Females deposited from 11 to 31 egg capsules in their tubes, with up to 230 eggs per capsule. An average of 3% of the eggs developed into larvae: the remaining were nurse eggs serving as food for the developing larvae. Reproductive output was quantified by determining the number and size of larvae and nurse eggs for individual capsules. Significant differences among the four populations were found for all the quantified variables. In addition, two size classes of nurse eggs were found to exist in capsules from all of the sites. Egg capsules were found throughout the year at San Gabriel River, but none were found during the winter months at the remaining three sites. Size/frequency data for juveniles and adults of the Catalina Harbor population indicate an annual cycle of recruitment. The laboratory experiment consisted of a 3 x 3 x 2 £actor1al design with replication testing the effects of temperature, salinity, and food supply on growth and reproduction of P. nuchalis. Increasing temperature resulted in significantly increased survivorship, growth rates, and percentage reproduction. It also produced a significant decrease in the size of the nurse eggs and the volume of food per larva. The number of egg capsules was maximum at the intermediate temperature. Increasing the salinity resulted in significant increases in survivorship and Class I nurse egg size. Increaaing food availability produced a significant increase in the percentage of worms reproducing. The interactive effect of salinity and £ood level produced significant changes in the number of larvae per capsule and the number of nurse eggs per capsule. However, the number of nurse eggs per larva did not differ significantly among the experimental treatment groups. (PDF contains 129 pages)


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The growth of Sarotherodon (Tilapia) niloticus in Opa reservoir, University of Ife was determined from the fish scales. Compared with the growth in other similar water bodies the growth was comparatively faster in this newly-impounded reservoir


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A research was conducted in thirty approximately 100 sq.m earthern ponds of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Centre (BAC), College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, Leganes Iloilo from November 7, 1982 to March 7, 1983 to evaluate the effects of nine supplemental feeds containing different protein: energy ratios on the growth and survival of Tilapia nilotica in brackishwater ponds. Nine supplemental feeds formulated were with protein levels of 20%, 25%, and 30% each at three energy levels of 3,000 kcals; 3,500 kcals; and 4,000 kcals. There was a control treatment with no feeding so that mean weight gain growth rate, feed conversion rate, and survival were determined. Fish fingerlings were acclimated from 0-29 ppt. salinity before the experiment and 20% of fish in each treatment were sampled after every 30 days. Growth rates were significantly different and increased with increasing energy level at the 30% protein feeds but decreased at high energy levels in the 20% and 25% protein feeds. Feed conversion was significantly different due to interaction between protein and energy levels in the feeds, and was better at the 30:3,500 kcals feeds having a feed conversion of 1.55 g. Survival was not significantly different


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Samples of Pseudotolithus elongatus, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and Cynoglosus goreensis obtained from the Cross River Estuary (which is most probably the largest estuary water system along the coast of West Africa) between January 1980 and May 1981 were evaluated on basis of population dynamic analytical method postulated by Pauly (1980) for tropical fish stocks. Growth parameters were obtained for the fish species. Wherever possible, these results were compared to those obtained by Longhurst (1964d) and LeGuen (1971) in other West African waters. On the whole, results obtained in this study tend to indicate that the growth of the croaker, bagrid catfish and the sole in the Cross River Estuary is allometric, the third and fourth year-classes of P. elongatus the second and third class-year of C. nigrodigitatus and the fourth, fifth and sixth year classes of C. goreensis dominated in the age distribution of these fish species


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The effects of light duration on the growth and performance of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were investigated using artificial methods to simulate continuous day length and absolute darkness. The normal day length (12-H Light and 12-H Darkness) served as the control. Among some of the factors affected by the varying photoperiods there were body coloration, feeding efficiency, survival rate and Specific Growth Rate (SGR). There was notably no significant difference between the SGR of the 0-photoperiod culture and the control (P>0.05) but there was significant difference between the 0-photoperiod and the 24-H photoperiod experiment (P<0.05). The haematological profile analysed showed various degrees of changes in the blood parameters of fish cultured under different photoperiods. These changes however, did not show significant differences when subjected to statistical analysis


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A-ten-week feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the growth and survival rate of Oreochromis niloticus fed with varying percentage levels of Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal based diets. The substitution rates of L.leucocephala leaf meal for groundnut cake in the various diets were 0% - Diet 1, 25% - Diet 2, 50% - Diet 3 and 75% - Diet 4. Ten fries with an average weight of 0.44g were stocked at the rate of 10 fish per bowl and fed at 5% body weight. Diet 1 with 0% inclusion of Leucaena leaf meal gave a significant difference (P>0.05) in growth and survival rate compared with diets 2, 3 and 4. The water quality parameters recorded were appropriate for fish culture


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Live African prawns Macrobrachium vollenhovenii were collected from Asejire reservoir (Nigeria) by trapping. After acclimatization, the prawns were differently amputated: some had their eye-stalks cut; some had their chelae cut; some had both eyestalks and chelae cut while some were intact which served as the control. Each set was placed under different levels of crude protein viz 15%; 20%; and 25%. Weekly weight changes were monitored. Results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis including analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that prawns fed with 20% crude protein had the best growth rate. Specimens with the eyestalk and chelae removed also showed superior growth when compared with the others. Specimens that had their eyestalks removed were able to feed for 18 hours in the day while those with intact body fed for 6 hours during the same period. The amputation of the chelate appendages reduced considerably the cannibalistic urge in the prawns. This enabled a high number of prawns to be grown in the experimental tanks


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A-ten-week feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the growth and survival rate of Oreochromis niloticus fed with varying percentage levels of Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal as a substitute for groundnut cake. The levels in the various diets were 0% - Diet 1, 25% - Diet 2, 50% - Diet 3 and 75% - Diet 4. Ten fingerlings with an average weight of 0.44g were stocked at the rate of 10 fish per bowl and fed at 5% body weight. Diet 1 with 0% inclusion of leucaena leaf meal gave a significant difference (P>0.05) in growth and survival rate compared with diets 2, 3 and 4. The water quality parameters recorded were appropriate for fish culture