900 resultados para temperate grassland


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Suurin osa luonnossa havaitsemistamme mikrobeista on sellaisia, joita emme edelleenkään osaa kasvattaa laboratorio-oloissa, vaikka tietomme mikrobien monimuotoisuudesta paranevat koko ajan. Luonnontilaisen mikrobieliöstön kokoonpano eri ympäristöissä on paljolti epäselvä ja ymmärrämme vielä hyvin puutteellisesti mikrobien ekologiaa ja niiden rooleja eliöyhteisöissä. Nykyaikaiset molekulaariset tutkimusmenetelmät auttavat selvittämään mikrobien monimuotoisuutta kokonaisvaltaisesti ja nopeasti. Ympäristöstä kemiallisesti puhdistetut ribosomaalista RNA:ta koodaavat geenit edustavat periaatteessa kaikkia eliöyhteisön geneettisesti toisistaan poikkeavia eliöitä. Niistä voidaan valikoida halutut genomit jatkotutkimuksia varten. Uusien menetelmien käyttö on tuonut esiin sen merkittävän seikan, että "tavanomaisten" elinympäristöjen eliöyhteisöihin kuuluu suuri joukko entuudestaan tuntemattomia arkkieliöitä. Aiemmin kuviteltiin, että arkkieliöt asuttavat vain sellaisia "epätavallisia" tai "äärimmäisiä" elinympäristöjä, joita luonnehtii joku seuraavista ominaisuuksista: hyvin korkea lämpötila, korkea suolapitoisuus, korkea happamuus tai emäksisyys, hapettomuus. Tutkijat ovat viimeisen noin kymmenen vuoden aikana osoittaneet, että arkkieliöt asuttavat hyvin monenlaisia kylmän ja lauhkean vyöhykkeen ympäristöjä, yhtä hyvin maaperää kuin suolaisen ja makean veden pohjaa tai pintakerroksia. Nämä löydöt ovat avanneet uuden alun arkkieliöiden tutkimukselle, erityisesti sen selvittämiselle, mitkä ovat niiden fysiologiset ja ekologiset roolit monimuotoisissa mikrobiyhteisöissä. Tämä väitöskirja kuvaa entuudestaan tuntemattomien arkkieliöiden löytymistä havumetsävyöhykkeen metsämaasta. Arkkieliöitä löytyi myös lauhkean vyöhykkeen vuorovesialueelta, murtoveden huuhtelemasta pohjasta. Nämä löydöt ovat perustavalaatuisia vuorovesialueen eliöyhteisöjen ymmärtämiseksi. Suomalaisen metsäjärven vedestä määritettiin molempien arkkieliöiden pääryhmien - tieteellisiltä nimiltään Crenarchaeota ja Euryarchaeota - edustajia. Euryarchaeota-ryhmän edustajia voitiin havainnoida myös fluoresenssi-mikroskopoinnilla. Löydöt viittaavat siihen, että arkkieliöillä on oma biogeokemiallinen roolinsa makeanveden ravintoketjujen hiilen käytössä. Tässä työssä määritetyt uudet arkkieliöiden genomien nukleotidisekvenssit on toimitettu ARB-tietokantaan, jonka kasvava vertailuaineisto edelleen parantaa uusien arkkieliösekvenssien analyysiä ja auttaa hybridisaatiokoetinten ja polymeraasiketjureaktioalukkeiden suunnittelussa ja arvioinnissa. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitellyt tulokset yhdessä lukuisien vesi-, maaperä- ja muiden ympäristöjen arkkieliöitä käsittelevien julkaisujen kanssa osoittavat, että arkkieliöt asuttavat monia erilaisia elinympäristöjä ja että ne ovat ekologisesti paljon menestyneempiä, kuin tieteenalalla on kuviteltu. Voimme olettaa, että heti kun joitain näistä eliöistä onnistutaan kasvattamaan ja ylläpitämään laboratorio-oloissa, niiden joukosta löydetään aivan uusia, entuudestaan tuntemattomia fysiologisia fenotyyppejä, jotka avaavat mielenkiintoisia näkymiä aineenvaihdunnan ja perinnöllisten ominaisuuksien tutkimukselle.


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Currently, the classification used for cyanobacteria is based mainly on morphology. In many cases the classification is known to be incongruent with the phylogeny of cyanobacteria. The evaluation of this classification is complicated by the fact that numerous strains are only described morphologically and have not been isolated. Moreover, the phenotype of many cyanobacterial strains alters during prolonged laboratory cultivation. In this thesis, cyanobacterial strains were isolated from lakes (mainly Lake Tuusulanjärvi) and both morphology and phylogeny of the isolates were investigated. The cyanobacterial community composition in Lake Tuusulanjärvi was followed for two years in order to relate the success of cyanobacterial phenotypes and genotypes to environmental conditions. In addition, molecular biological methods were compared with traditional microscopic enumeration and their ability and usefulness in describing the cyanobacterial diversity was evaluated. The Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, and Trichormus strains were genetically heterogeneous and polyphyletic. The phylogenetic relationships of the heterocytous cyanobacteria were not congruent with their classification. In contrast to heterocytous cyanobacteria, the phylogenetic relationships of the Snowella and Woronichinia strains, which had not been studied before this thesis, reflected the morphology of strains and followed their current classification. The Snowella strains formed a monophyletic cluster, which was most closely related to the Woronichinia strain. In addition, a new cluster of thin, filamentous cyanobacterial strains identified as Limnothrix redekei was revealed. This cluster was not closely related to any other known cyanobacteria. The cyanobacterial community composition in Lake Tuusulanjärvi was studied with molecular methods [denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and cloning of the 16S rRNA gene], through enumerations of cyanobacteria under microscope, and by strain isolations. Microcystis, Anabaena/Aphanizomenon, and Synechococcus were the major groups in the cyanobacterial community in Lake Tuusulanjärvi during the two-year monitoring period. These groups showed seasonal succession, and their success was related to different environmental conditions. The major groups of the cyanobacterial community were detected by all used methods. However, cloning gave higher estimates than microscopy for the proportions of heterocytous cyanobacteria and Synechococcus. The differences were probably caused by the high 16S rRNA gene copy numbers in heterotrophic cyanobacteria and by problems in the identification and detection of unicellular cyanobacteria.


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The influence of grazing management on total soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (TN) in tropical grasslands is an issue of considerable ecological and economic interest. Here we have used linear mixed models to investigate the effect of grazing management on stocks of SOC and TN in the top 0.5 m of the soil profile. The study site was a long-term pasture utilization experiment, 26 years after the experiment was established for sheep grazing on native Mitchell grass (Astrebla spp.) pasture in northern Australia. The pasture utilization rates were between 0% (exclosure) and 80%, assessed visually. We found that a significant amount of TN had been lost from the top 0.1 m of the soil profile as a result of grazing, with 80% pasture utilization resulting in a loss of 84 kg ha−1 over the 26-year period. There was no significant effect of pasture utilization rate on TN when greater soil depths were considered. There was no significant effect of pasture utilization rate on stocks of SOC and soil particulate organic carbon (POC), or the C:N ratio at any depth; however, visual trends in the data suggested some agreement with the literature, whereby increased grazing pressure appeared to: (i) decrease SOC and POC stocks; and, (ii) increase the C:N ratio. Overall, the statistical power of the study was limited, and future research would benefit from a more comprehensive sampling scheme. Previous studies at the site have found that a pasture utilization rate of 30% is sustainable for grazing production on Mitchell grass; however, given our results, we conclude that N inputs (possibly through management of native N2-fixing pasture legumes) should be made for long-term maintenance of soil health, and pasture productivity, within this ecosystem.


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Managing large variations in herbage production, resulting from highly variable seasonal rainfall, provides a major challenge for the sustainable management of Astrebla (Mitchell grass) grasslands in Australia. A grazing study with sheep was conducted between 1984 and 2010 on an Astrebla grassland in northern Queensland to describe the effects of a range of levels of utilisation of the herbage at the end of the summer growing season (April–May in northern Australia) on the sustainability of these grasslands. In unreplicated paddocks, sheep numbers were adjusted annually to achieve 0, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 80% utilisation of the herbage mass at the end of the summer over the ensuing 12 months. Higher levels of utilisation reduced both total and Astrebla spp. herbage mass because of the effects of higher utilisation on Astrebla spp. and this effect was accentuated by drought. The tussock density of Astrebla spp. varied widely among years but with few treatment differences until 2005 when density was reduced at the 50% level of utilisation. A major change in density resulted from a large recruitment of Astrebla spp. in 1989 that influenced its density for the remainder of the study. Basal area of the tussocks fluctuated among years, with increases due to rainfall and decreases during droughts. Seasonal rainfall was more influential than level of utilisation in changes to the basal area of perennial grasses. Drought resulted in the death of Astrebla spp. tussocks and this effect was accentuated at higher levels of utilisation. A series of three grazing exclosures were used to examine the recovery of the density and basal area of Astrebla spp. after it had been reduced by 80% utilisation over the preceding 9 years. This recovery study indicated that, although grazing exclusion was useful in the recovery of Astrebla spp., above-average rainfall was the major factor driving increases in the basal area of perennial grasses. Spring values of the Southern Oscillation Index and associated rainfall probabilities were considered to have potential for understanding the dynamics of Astrebla spp. It was concluded that Astrebla grassland remained sustainable after 26 years when grazed at up to 30% utilisation, while, at 50% utilisation, they became unsustainable after 20 years. Results from this study emphasised the need to maintain the population of Astrebla spp. tussocks.


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The occurrence of interstitial species in Astrebla grasslands in Australia are influenced by grazing and seasonal rainfall but the interactions of these two influences are complex. This paper describes three studies aimed at determining and explaining the changes in plant species richness and abundance of the interstitial species in a long-term sheep utilisation experiment in an Astrebla grassland in northern Queensland. In the first study, increasing utilisation increased the frequency of Dactyloctenium radulans (Button grass) and Brachyachne convergens (Downs couch) and reduced that of Streptoglossa adscendens (Mint bush). In the second study, seasonal rainfall variation between 1984 and 2009 resulted in large annual differences in the size of the seed banks of many species, but increasing utilisation consistently reduced the seed bank of species such as Astrebla spp. and S. adscendens and increased that of species such as B. convergens, D. radulans, Amaranthus mitchellii (Boggabri) and Boerhavia sp. (Tar vine). In the third study, the highest species richness occurred at the lightest utilisation because of the presence of a range of palatable forbs, especially legumes. Species richness was reduced as utilisation increased. Species richness in the grazing exclosure was low and similar to that at the heaviest utilisation where there was a reduction in the presence of palatable forb species. The pattern of highest species richness at the lightest grazing treatment was maintained across three sampling times, even with different amounts of seasonal rainfall, but there was a large yearly variation in both the density and frequency of many species. It was concluded that the maintenance of highest species richness at the lightest utilisation was not aligned with other data from this grazing experiment which indicated that the maximum sustainable wool production occurred at moderate utilisation.


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Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is believed to reduce the above- and below-ground plant species diversity and the above-ground productivity in several ecosystems. We quantified the impact of this invasive weed upon species diversity in an Australian grassland and assessed the resulting shifts in plant community composition following management using two traditional approaches. A baseline plant community survey, prior to management, showed that the above-ground community was dominated by P. hysterophorus, stoloniferous grasses, with a further high frequency of species from Malvaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae. In heavily invaded areas, P. hysterophorus abundance and biomass was found to negatively correlate with species diversity and native species abundance. Digitaria didactyla Willd. was present in high abundance when P. hysterophorus was not, with these two species, contributing most to the dissimilarity seen between areas. The application of selective broad leaf weed herbicides significantly reduced P. hysterophorus biomass under ungrazed conditions, but this management did not yet result in an increase in species diversity. In the above-ground community, P. hysterophorus was partly replaced by the introduced grass species Cynodon dactylon L. (Pers.) 1 year after management began, increasing the above-ground forage biomass production, while D. didactyla replaced P. hysterophorus in the below-ground community. This improvement in forage availability continued to strengthen over the time of the study resulting in a total increase of 80% after 2 years in the ungrazed treatment, demonstrating the stress that grazing was imposing upon this grassland-based agro-ecosystem and showing that it is necessary to remove grazing to obtain the best results from the chemical management approach.


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High levels of percentage green veneer recovery can be obtained from temperate eucalypt plantations. Recovery traits are affected by site and log position in the stem. Of the post-felling log traits studied, out-of-roundness was the best predictor of green recovery.


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The present paper records the results of a case study on the impact of an extensive grassland fire on the physical and optical properties of aerosols at a semi-arid station in southern India for the first time from ground based measurements using a MICROTOPS-II sunphotometer, an aethalometer and a quartz crystal microbalance impactor (QCM). Observations revealed a substantial increase in aerosol optical depth (AOD) at all wavelengths during burning days compared to normal days. High AOD values observed at shorter wavelengths suggest the dominance of accumulation mode particle loading over the study area. Daily mean aerosol size spectra shows, most of the time, power-law distribution. To characterize AOD, the Angstrom parameters (i.e., alpha and beta) were used. Wavelength exponent (1.38) and turbidity coefficient (0.21) are high during burning days compared to normal days, thereby suggesting an increase in accumulation mode particle loading. Aerosol size distribution suggested dominance of accumulation mode particle loading during burning days compared to normal days. A significant positive correlation was observed between AOD at 500 mn and water vapour and negative correlation between AOD at 500 nm and wind speed for burning and non-burning days. Diurnal variations of black carbon (BC) aerosol mass concentrations increased by a factor of similar to 2 in the morning and afternoon hours during burning period compared to normal days.