975 resultados para techno-economic


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Policy conceptualizations of the global knowledge economy have led to the channelling of much Higher Education and Research and Development funding into the priority areas of science and technology. Among other things, this diversion of funding calls into question the future of traditional humanities and creative arts faculties. How these faculties, and the disciplines within them, might reconfigure themselves for the knowledge economy is, therefore, a question of great importance, although one that as yet has not been adequately answered. This paper explores some of the reasons for this by looking at how innovation in the knowledge economy is typically theorized. It takes one policy trajectory informing Australia's key innovation statement as an example. It argues that, insofar as the formation of this knowledge economy policy has been informed by a techno-economic paradigm, it works to preclude many humanities and creative arts disciplines. This paper, therefore, looks at how an alternative theorization of the knowledge economy might offer a more robust framework from within which to develop humanities and creative arts Higher Education and Research policy in the knowledge economy, both in Australia and internationally.
1 This article draws on the Australian Research Council project, Knowledge/economy/society: a sociological study of an education policy discourse in Australia in globalising circumstances, being conducted by Jane Kenway, Elizabeth Bullen and Simon Robb. This 3-year project looks at how understandings of the knowledge economy and knowledge society inform current education policy and, in turn, how this policy translates into educational practice. The methodology includes policy analysis, interviews with policy makers in government, and supranational organizations. It also includes cameo studies of innovative educational practice, two of which we draw on here.


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This paper analyses the main Second Life Grid-an Internet-based business platform with dynamic social, techno-economic, sensual-aesthetic, and psychological complexities-as an example of public relations. It argues that Second Life is a more subversive, politically oriented, and powerful form of public relations, because it invisibly exploits and invades the process of the formation of public opinion. The paper argues that Australian organisations such as Telstra, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), and the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS), which lend Second Life credibility through their recruitment, need to ask critical questions about the ethical implications of promoting this market-driven cyber-illusion. The paper begins by defining public relations (Habermas, 1995, 1984, 1989; Gramsci in Storey, 2006) and investigating any links between public relations and Second Life. In particular, it investigates Second Life's defining claim that it is 'imagined, created and owned by its residents', and concludes with a series of questions that organisations seeking involvement in Second Life should consider as part of their decision-making.


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Although the thermodynamic advantages of using solar energy to replace the bled off steam in the regeneration system of Rankine cycle coal fired power stations has been proven theoretically, the practical techno/economic feasibility of the concept has yet to be confirmed relative to real power station applications. To investigate this concept further, computer modelling software “THERMSOLV” was specifically developed for this project at Deakin University, together with the support of the Victorian power industry and Australian Research Council (ARC). This newly developed software simulates the steam cycle to assess the techno/economic merit of the solar aided concept for various power station structures, locations and local electricity market conditions. Two case studies, one in Victoria Australia and one in Yunnan Province, China, have been carried out with the software. Chapter one of this thesis defines the aims and scope of this study. Chapter two details the literature search in the related areas for this study. The thermodynamic concept of solar aid power generation technology has been described in chapter three. In addition, thermodynamic analysis i.e. exergy/availability has been described in this chapter. The “Thermosolv” software developed in this study is detailed in chapter four with its structure, functions and operation manual included. In chapter five the outcomes of two case studies using the “Thermosolv” software are presented, with discussions and conclusions about the study in chapters 6 and 7 respectfully. The relevant recommendations are then made in chapter eight.


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Starting from the perspective of heterodox Keynesian-Minskyian-Kindlebergian financial economics, this paper begins by highlighting a number of mechanisms that contributed to the current financial crisis. These include excess liquidity, income polarisation, conflicts between financial and productive capital, lack of intelligent regulation, asymmetric information, principal-agent dilemmas and bounded rationalities. However, the paper then proceeds to argue that perhaps more than ever the ‘macroeconomics’ that led to this crisis only makes analytical sense if examined within the framework of the political settlements and distributional outcomes in which it had operated. Taking the perspective of critical social theories the paper concludes that, ultimately, the current financial crisis is the outcome of something much more systemic, namely an attempt to use neo-liberalism (or, in US terms, neo-conservatism) as a new technology of power to help transform capitalism into a rentiers’ delight. And in particular, into a system without much ‘compulsion’ on big business; i.e., one that imposes only minimal pressures on big agents to engage in competitive struggles in the real economy (while inflicting exactly the opposite fate on workers and small firms). A key component in the effectiveness of this new technology of power was its ability to transform the state into a major facilitator of the ever-increasing rent-seeking practices of oligopolistic capital. The architects of this experiment include some capitalist groups (in particular rentiers from the financial sector as well as capitalists from the ‘mature’ and most polluting industries of the preceding techno-economic paradigm), some political groups, as well as intellectual networks with their allies – including most economists and the ‘new’ left. Although rentiers did succeed in their attempt to get rid of practically all fetters on their greed, in the end the crisis materialised when ‘markets’ took their inevitable revenge on the rentiers by calling their (blatant) bluff.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar os principais fatores internos (custos, receitas, viabilidade técnico-econômica e uso de inovações tecnológicas) que afetam a competitividade da bovinocultura de corte em um sistema de produção de ciclo completo no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados durante o ano de 2008, a partir de reuniões mensais entre os meses de janeiro e dezembro. Posteriormente, os dados foram analisados em planilhas eletrônicas. Os custos foram subdivididos em desembolsados, operacionais e totais e as receitas por categoria e total. Dentre os custos avaliados, destacaram-se o custo de oportunidade da terra, mão-de-obra e suplementação animal, com valores de 19,9%, 18,3% e 13,6%, respectivamente, em relação ao custo total. Foram calculados os principais indicadores financeiros e técnicos utilizados comumente em análise de sistemas de produção. As margens econômicas (bruta, operacional e líquida), assim como a lucratividade e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido, foram positivos, o que demonstra a viabilidade econômica da atividade. Ao mesmo tempo, indicadores técnicos, como a taxa de desfrute e a produtividade/ha, apresentaram valores satisfatórios. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que os fatores internos avaliados foram extremamente competitivos para o sistema em questão.


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The emergence of the digital order renewed the Victorian civilizing ideal and strengthened a world order of techno-economic dependence. The new grand narrative is the urgency of digital transformation of societies; a dream pursued without reflection by the populations of the periphery that ended into in a collision between McLuhan's two informational orders: cold and hot societies. Latin America as part of the periphery did not participate in the development of the informatic technologies and its historical legacy made the appropriation of these technologies more difficult. This paper examines the historical circumstances of this process: the development of a discourse around the digital networks, the consequences of this social construction in the region, the fragile efforts of Brazil to create technology, and the entrance of IT networks in the region. The results showed that the status of this kind of research in the region is weak so we alert about its consequences. We concluded that to create an informational order that may serve as a space of self-affirmation, freedom and heterogeneity, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the social and historical context that created its basic technologies, but Latin America is indifferent in such regard. Information Science has a central role in the region within this process but it has not developed it yet.


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The use of refrigeration and air conditioning systems is of fundamental importance when it comes to air-conditioning of environments. Also important is the use of electricity for equipments’ operation related to these systems. Due to high cost of charging for this type of energy, factors economy and efficiency occupy key roles among design parameters of a system. One of the ways to get this economy is the use of a technique called thermal storage, or cold storage, which intends to move the required loads during peak time and also their equalizing, so that the energy is transferred from the peak time to non-peak time, thereby reducing the cost of energy consumed. Cold can be stored in the form of ice or ice water. This work aims to perform a technical-economic analysis of a mall located in Vale do Paraíba checking the feasibility of deploying a thermal storage system to achieve an economy in the cost of the energy used by the establishment. Through the parameters measured by the concessionaire of energy we can get the values of energy demand and power consumed, which will serve as basis for calculation for the study. The results obtained allow the development of two alternative proposals to the current configuration, one chosen by the criteria and results presented by technical-economic and energy analysis


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Se plantea el problema de la correlación existente entre la factibilidad técnico-económica del cultivo del cerezo y su ubicación en las diferentes zonas de cultivo en la Provincia de Mendoza. El objetivo es la determinación de las localizaciones más convenientes. Se ha observado el comportamiento del cultivo del cerezo, en un periodo de 15 años, en varias zonas de la Provincia de Mendoza, analizando los resultados desde un enfoque de aptitud ecológica y de evaluación económica. Para ello, se ha elaborado un modelo de simulación que abarca las principales variables ecológicas y los resultados económicos de precios y costos de cosecha. Resalta, en los resultados, la contradicción entre aptitudes ecológicas y económicas. En las zonas tradicionales de cultivo se obtienen mejores rendimientos por ha, pero el ingreso neto es menor que en las más templadas y precoces del Este de Mendoza, implantadas recientemente con nuevos cultivares, como Marvin Brooks, New Star, Gardner, Celeste y otros que logran, como primicias, precios mucho más altos en el mercado. Este resultado permite aconsejar a los productores sobre los lugares y los cultivares más convenientes para los nuevos cerezales.


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El artículo se centra en la reflexión analítica de los participantes de un programa de desarrollo emprendedor en la Región Rural Periurbana centrada en el municipio de La Plata. El programa partió de una acción de extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Olmos Emprende), cuyo desarrollo derivó en la articulación con programas más abarcativos de orden nacional y provincial. El primer objetivo es describir las condiciones específicas en las que se desarrolla la empresarialidad en América Latina y contextualizar la experiencia presentada. Posteriormente se hace una consideración del contexto territorial local que habría facilitado la participación en el programa teniendo en cuenta dos ámbitos regionales: por un lado la Región Rural Periurbana en general y por el otro lado, una serie de dimensiones locales que, además de factores tecno-económicos y marcos regulatorios estatales, incluyera circunstancias sociales y culturales. La pregunta que atraviesa el texto, focaliza la ubicación de la empresarialidad en el territorio, enfocado en sus posibilidades de desarrollo local. Observamos entonces las situaciones de interfase entre diversos actores territoriales, entre grupos de ciudadanos, diversas agencias estatales y la participación asimismo diversa de los agentes privados


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El artículo se centra en la reflexión analítica de los participantes de un programa de desarrollo emprendedor en la Región Rural Periurbana centrada en el municipio de La Plata. El programa partió de una acción de extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Olmos Emprende), cuyo desarrollo derivó en la articulación con programas más abarcativos de orden nacional y provincial. El primer objetivo es describir las condiciones específicas en las que se desarrolla la empresarialidad en América Latina y contextualizar la experiencia presentada. Posteriormente se hace una consideración del contexto territorial local que habría facilitado la participación en el programa teniendo en cuenta dos ámbitos regionales: por un lado la Región Rural Periurbana en general y por el otro lado, una serie de dimensiones locales que, además de factores tecno-económicos y marcos regulatorios estatales, incluyera circunstancias sociales y culturales. La pregunta que atraviesa el texto, focaliza la ubicación de la empresarialidad en el territorio, enfocado en sus posibilidades de desarrollo local. Observamos entonces las situaciones de interfase entre diversos actores territoriales, entre grupos de ciudadanos, diversas agencias estatales y la participación asimismo diversa de los agentes privados