977 resultados para teacher identity


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This thesis describes and analyzes the trajectory of education of an educator-teacher group to become tutor of memorials (final work of the course Normal Superior in Instituto de Educação superior President Kennedy IFESP-Natal-RN). The writing of memorials (self-biographical writing) propitiates to the pupil that writes a reflection on his/her student and professional life, and to whom guides an evolution in his/her professional education. From the methodological point of view, we adopt an etnomethodological perspective of qualitative approach which describes the reality of real citizens inserted in a real situation of education. It is constituted of participants of the research of 32 educator-teachers, deriving of three different areas of academic formation. The instruments of data collection consist of eight life histories, 32 contextualization applications of the participants of the research, interviews with two consultants of the project, as well as some documents. The results of the analyses put in evidence that the education of the educator-teacher goes for two parallel ways: the first deals with the experiences, interactions and elements of daily practice; the second with the academy experiences where the educator-teacher searches the post-graduation courses. The integration of these two ways defines the educator-teacher identity with foundation in knowings that constitute in the exercise of guidance of memorials. The teachers knowings are considered insufficient by the majority and others knowings are mobilized to the knowing to be educator-teacher, memorial tutor. The thesis concludes that the trajectory of the educator-teacher constitutes an educator experience, in the direction of that implies an articulation among the learnings, abilities and knowings, to support the pupil in self-discovery, and that these multiple experiences favor the education of these teachers


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Study addresses the question of elements that constitute the habitus of professional teacher, and the construction of teacher identity the starting point. As a result it was concluded that the professional habitus consists of a grammar-generating practices, routines and schemes involving didactic actions, hexis body and posture.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Este estudo, realizado com professores engenheiros e alunos do curso Técnico em Mecânica do CEFET – Pará traz em seu bojo uma discussão muito extensa em relação à aprendizagem e à aplicação da Matemática, no curso profissionalizante. Inicio meus estudos a partir de quatro problemáticas muito presentes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem voltadas para as relações dos alunos com a educação matemática e suas aplicações práticas, no curso de Mecânica. Assim meus objetivos principais são: analisar os procedimentos didáticos na relação do processo de construção da prática pedagógica de professores de Matemática e professores engenheiros que lecionam no curso de Mecânica do CEFET-PA e compreender algumas barreiras que existem entre teoria e prática, no ensino da Matemática. Objetivo também estudar um pouco dos saberes docentes dos professores engenheiros e a relação que eles estabelecem entre saberes didáticos e saberes técnicos profissionais específicos. Os dados apontam queixas dos alunos sobre as aulas de Matemática nas duas formas de ensino, o que tem originado um sistema de obstáculos e erros no processo de ensino-aprendizagem desta disciplina, tanto no ensino fundamental, quanto no médio profissionalizante. Três foram os objetos de análise: os caminhos e percalços vividos pelos alunos, o que deu subsídios para compreensão da atuação didática dos docentes do curso de Mecânica e a relação entre o saber pedagógico, o saber de formação profissional e a prática docente dos professores engenheiros. É perceptível nas análises que, durante sua formação acadêmica, o engenheiro desenvolve aprendizagens específicas na sua natureza profissional e, após o ingresso na docência, ele tende a manter esta aprendizagem, só que agora de uma forma mais especifica e objetiva. Parece que a questão da identidade docente não é objeto central para os professores engenheiros; no entanto, ao final entende-se que a prática docente deveria ser tratada com mais atenção por estes professores. Encerro este trabalho investigando como os professores técnicos concebem a formação continuada em educação, sugerindo um relacionamento mais amplo desses, com a didática da Matemática, a partir de uma preocupação maior em torno de uma reflexão ativa na busca de formação continuada em educação Matemática. Desta forma, haverá uma ampla conciliação de saberes de conteúdo, didáticos e estratégicos.


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Objetiva-se com este estudo examinar o que é dito, na literatura relevante, sobre Formação Docente no estado do Pará, com ênfase no processo de identidade e profissionalização do professor. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, seguindo uma abordagem qualitativa, cuja base teórica pauta-se na Análise de Conteúdo de Laurence Bardin (2010). O corpus sobre o qual incidiu a pesquisa é composto por fontes documentais (livros, artigos, legislação), teses e dissertações registradas no Banco de Dados da CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível superior) e periódicos e outras produções bibliográficas do grupo de trabalho sobre formação de professores (GT 08) da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação – ANPED. Verificou-se que os cursos de formação de professores no estado do Pará cresceram significativamente a partir dos anos 2000. Esta expansão legitimou o aumento de professores formados, mas não garantiu a eficiência na qualidade dos cursos de formação, haja vista a primazia do caráter pragmático estabelecida nos espaços formativos. Exige-se um professor versátil, inovador, mas os cursos oferecem uma formação fragmentada. Quanto à identidade docente, compreendeu-se que ela perfaz um caminho complexo e por vezes contraditório, demarcado pela desvalorização, falta de autonomia, limitação à regência de classe, mas também por resistências, as quais refletem a imagem de um professor crítico e atuante. A profissionalização docente apresenta-se com fragilidades, devido à falta de investimento no tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão, uma vez que pesquisa e extensão são vistos de forma secundária nos cursos de licenciatura no Pará.


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With reference to curricular changes proposed by the CNE Resolution 1 /2002 and CNE 2/2002 on Teacher Education in Basic Education teaching degree - this study aims to analyze the new professional profile proposed in curriculum pedagogy , Physical Education , Science Biology , Mathematics , Physics and Geography . Within the curriculum guidelines was observed in a more normative articulated curriculum, focused on action-reflection- action. A guided design in practical rationality and the skills set without breaking the commitment of the public university with emancipation and quality education . Although there is this understanding we must also attend to the care that must be given to the new guidelines , based on the same reveal great concern with vocational training , with its instrumentation , with the pragmatic and utilitarian dimension of the training process . It is noteworthy that throughout the twentieth century in Brazil , where he fought for educational policies that were to solidify the construction of teacher identity , but the gains have largely remained restricted to the issue of educational reforms and a roster of disciplines , called pedagogical varnish . Therefore, this work is to deepen this thematic perspective , studying the identity of the teacher in the new curriculum design presented by undergraduate courses . Therefore , the central objective seeks to understand how the identity of teacher ( professional profile ) was presented in the proposals for teacher training , as well as the different elements that make up this identity process . Specifically if you want to ( a) identify the proposals of courses for Teachers of Primary Education , UNESP / RC - Institute of Biosciences and Geosciences and Exact Sciences - Biological Sciences , Physical Education , Physics , Geography , Mathematics and Pedagogy - the proposed profile and ( b ) analyze the fundamental knowledge that this professional listing the elements...


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...


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This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...


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En este artículo se pondrán en relieve las diferentes perspectivas y abordajes sobre la problemática de "Educación Física y formación de formadores" en relación a los problemas de identidad docente. Este esfuerzo por tratar de conjugardiferentes voces, cargadas de diversos sentidos y que tal vez apuntan hacia diferentes horizontes epistemológicos, expresa una mirada externa e interna a la vez. Una visión externa que intentará parafrasear a los autores y que se apoyará, tantas veces como sea necesario para alumbrar, en fragmentos de los ejes temáticos o núcleos de discusión que se propusieron en la mesa de trabajo; otra interna que refleja las apreciaciones o impresiones que han dejado en el moderador, no sólo en la lectura de los trabajos o en los diálogos planteados a posteriori, sino en el acompañamiento de los propios autores desde el primer contacto con los trabajos, resúmenes o borradores, intercambios de primera mano, hasta el relato final de numerosas experiencias sistematizadas e interrogadas con mucha profundidad. Quizás en esto radique la importancia del artículo


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This paper is the result of a research based on the school culture concept, which object is the specific school culture of the physical education (PE) within a school for youth and adults situated in Curitiba - PR. Methodologically we followed the principles and concepts of the ethnomethodology, that led us to a long immersion in the research field. The main results of the research show the relevance of the teacher identity for constituting the school culture of the PE, as well the paradox resulting of a mere theoretical approach: on the one hand this school culture show us the importance of the disruption with the PE's tradition based on the notion of "activity", and on the other hand reveal the necessity of the body experience as a fundament to build a theoretical construct