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Objectives Interleukin 33 (IL-33) is a new member of the IL-1 family of cytokines which signals via its receptor, ST2 (IL-33R), and has an important role in Th2 and mast cell responses. This study shows that IL-33 orchestrates neutrophil migration in arthritis. Methods and results Methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) challenge in the knee joint of mBSA-immunised mice induced local neutrophil migration accompanied by increased IL-33R and IL-33 mRNA expression. Cell migration was inhibited by systemic and local treatments with soluble (s) IL-33R, an IL-33 decoy receptor, and was not evident in IL-33R-deficient mice. IL-33 injection also induced IL-33R-dependent neutrophil migration. Antigen- and IL-33-induced neutrophil migration in the joint was dependent on CXCL1, CCL3, tumour necrosis factor a (TNF alpha) and IL-1 beta synthesis. Synovial tissue, macrophages and activated neutrophils expressed IL-33R. IL-33 induces neutrophil migration by activating macrophages to produce chemokines and cytokines and by directly acting on neutrophils. Importantly, neutrophils from patients with rheumatoid arthritis successfully treated with anti-TNF alpha antibody (infliximab) expressed significantly lower levels of IL-33R than patients treated with methotrexate alone. Only neutrophils from patients treated with methotrexate alone or from normal donors stimulated with TNF alpha responded to IL-33 in chemotaxis. Conclusions These results suggest that suppression of IL-33R expression in neutrophils, preventing IL-33-induced neutrophil migration, may be an important mechanism of anti-TNF alpha therapy of inflammation.


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Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer worldwide and is the most common malignant disease among women. Risk factors for breast cancer include early menarche, late menopause, hormonal therapies, exposure to environmental pollutants, smoking and alcohol use. However, increased or prolonged exposure to estrogen is the most important risk factor. It has been suggested that accumulation of DNA damage may contribute to breast carcinogenesis. Epidemiological studies suggest that cytogenetic biomarkers such as micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes may predict cancer risk because they indicate genomic instability in target tissues. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the frequencies of micronuclei and the extent of DNA damage detected by comet assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes of untreated breast cancer patients and healthy women. The study was conducted using peripheral blood lymphocytes from 45 women diagnosed for Ductal ""in situ"" or invasive breast carcinoma and 85 healthy control women. Micronuclei and comet assays were performed to detect spontaneous DNA damage. The results showed that micronuclei frequencies and tail intensity, detected by comet assay, were significantly higher in the breast cancer group than in controls. The levels of DNA damage were similar in smokers and non-smokers, and aging did not influence the frequencies of micronuclei or tail intensity values observed in either group. In conclusion, the present work demonstrates higher levels of DNA damage in untreated breast cancer patients than in healthy women.


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Inconsistent matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) levels have been reported in hypertension, with higher, similar and lower MMPs levels reported in hypertensives compared with normotensives. Differences between studies may reflect lack of control of drug effects, accompanying diseases and pre-analytical issues. We compared MMP-2, MMP-8 and MMP-9 levels in 38 untreated hypertensive patients (with no other diseases) with those found in 33 normotensive controls. We also studied endogenous MMPs inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and alpha-2-macroglobulin-A2M). Additionally, we assessed MMPs and A2M levels in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. We hypothesized that similar MMPs/endogenous inhibitors` profiles would be found in this animal model of hypertension and in clinical hypertension. MMPs, TIMPs and A2M were measured in plasma samples with commercially available ELISA and gelatin zymography. We found unaltered MMP-2, MMP-8, TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and A2M levels in hypertension. However, hypertensives had higher MMP-9 levels and MMP-9/A2M ratios than normotensives. Moreover, while we found similar MMP-2 and A2M levels in SHR and WKY rats, we found higher MMP-9 levels and MMP-9/A2M ratios in SHR versus WKY rats. These findings show consistent abnormal net plasma MMP-9 (but not MMP-2) activity in clinical and experimental hypertension. These parallel alterations in clinical hypertension and in SHR suggest an important role for MMPs in hypertension. While MMPs may be a relevant pharmacological target, antihypertensive drugs that down-regulate MMPs may offer advantages in the management of this disease.


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This article examines the effects of commercialisation of agriculture on land use and work patterns by means of a case study in the Nyeri district in Kenya. The study uses cross sectional data collected from small-scale farmers in this district. We find that good quality land is allocated to non-food cash crops, which may lead to a reduction in non-cash food crops and expose some households to greater risks of possible famine. Also the proportion of land allocated to food crops declines as the farm size increases while the proportion of land allocated to non-food cash crops rises as the size of farm increases. Cash crops are also not bringing in as much revenue commensurate with the amount of land allocated to them. With growing commercialisation, women still work more hours than men. They not only work on non-cash food crops but also on cash crops including non-food cash crops. Evidence indicates that women living with husbands work longer hours than those married but living alone, and also longer than the unmarried women. Married women seem to lose their decision-making ability with growth of commercialisation, as husbands make most decisions to do with cash crops. Furthermore husbands appropriate family cash income. Husbands are less likely to use such income for the welfare of the family compared to wives due to different expenditure patterns. Married women in Kenya also have little or no power to change the way land is allocated between food and non-food cash crops. Due to deteriorating terms of trade for non-food cash crops, men have started cultivation of food cash crops with the potential of crowding out women. It is found that both the area of non-cash crops tends to rise with farm size but also the proportion of the farm area cash cropped rises in Central Kenya.


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The report was commissioned by the Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programmes in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes, especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. These target groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, students with a language background other than English, rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years. The project involved large scale national and international literature reviews on Australian and international middle years approaches as well as an analysis of key literacy and numeracy teaching and learning strategies being used. In the report, there is emergent evidence of the relative efficacy of a combination of explicit state policy, dedicated funding and curriculum and professional development frameworks that are focused on the improvement of classroom pedagogy in the middle years. The programs that evidenced the greatest current and potential value for target group students tended to have developed in state policy environments that encouraged a structural rather than adjunct approach to middle years innovations. The authors conclude that in order to translate the gains made into sustainable improvement of educational results in literacy and numeracy for target groups, there is a need for a second generation of middle years theorising, research, development and practice.


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This research project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programs in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes - especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. The latter groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities, students with a Language Background Other than English (hereafter LBOTE), rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years.


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This article examines the effects of marital status, farm size and other factors on the extent of cash cropping (and allocation of land use) by means of a case study in the Nyeri district in Kenya. It was found that married women are involved in the production of a relatively greater amount of output of cash crops than unmarried women since husbands prefer to have more land under cash crops than food crops. Farmers with better quality land allocate a high proportion of it to non-food cash crops, which may expose some households to greater risks of possible famine. The proportion of land allocated to food crops declines as the farm size increases while the proportion of land allocated to non-food cash crops rises as the size of farm increases. Age is also inversely associated with subsistence. Education, though inversely associated with subsistence farming does not appear to be statistically very significant as an influence on the composition of land use and composition of farm output. With growing commercialisation, married women work more hours than unmarried ones, working not only on non-cash food crops but also on non-food cash crops. Married women seem to lose their decision-making ability with growth of agricultural commercialisation, as husbands make most decisions to do with cash crops. Married women in Kenya also have little or no power to change the way land is allocated between food and non-food cash crops.


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Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of probing depth (PD) and to investigate the associations between demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators and PD in a periodontally untreated and isolated population in Brazil. Methods: The target population consisted of all individuals aged >= 12 years as identified by a census. Consenting participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Results: Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and clinically examined, PD >= 4 mm was observed in 54% to 83% of the subjects, depending on age, whereas the age-dependent prevalence of PD :6 mm ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 50% among 40- to 49-year-olds, decreasing to 40% among subjects >= 50 years of age. Multivariate analyses identified supragingival calculus (odds ratio [OR] = 5.4 to 10.3; 95% confidence intervals [CIs]: 2.5 to 11.6 and 4.0 to 26.2 for 20% to 50% and > 50% of the sites, respectively) as a risk indicator for PD A mm, whereas age :40 years (OR = 9.0; 95% CI: 1.7 to 48.5), being a moderate/heavy smoker (OR = 3.7; 95% CI: 1.4 to 10. 1), and having supragingival calculus in 20% to 50% of sites (OR = 6.8; 95% CI: 1.4 to 32.4) or in >50% of sites (OR = 15.3; 95% CI: 3.2 to 73.6) were risk indicators for PD >= 6 mm. Having undergone urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for PD A and >= 6 mm (OR = 0.4; 95% CI: 0.2 to 0.8). Conclusions: Increased PD is highly prevalent in this isolated population. Behavioral factors played a significant role as risk indicators for increased PD in this isolated population.


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The majority of small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs) express p16 but not pRb, Given our previous study showing loss of pRb in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC)/neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin and the clinicopathological similarities between SCLC acid MCC, we wished to determine if this was also the case in MCC, Twenty-nine MCC specimens from 23 patients were examined for deletions at 10 loci on 9p and I on 9p. No loss of heterozygosity (LO H) was peen in 9 patients including 2 for which tumour and cell line DNAs were examined. Four patients had LOH for all informative loci on 9p, Ten tumours showed more limited regions of loss on 9p, and from these 2 common regions of deletion were determined, Half of all informative cases had LOH at D95168, the most telomeric marker examined, and 3 specimens showed loss of only D9S168, A second region (InFNA-D9S126) showed L0H in 10(44%) cases, and case MCC26 showed LOH for only D9S126, implicating genes centromeric of the CDKN2A locus. No mutations in the coding regions of p16 were seen in 7 cell lines tested, and reactivity to anti-p16 antibody was seen in all Il tumour specimens examined and in 6 of 7 cell lines from 6 patients. Furthermore, all cell lines examined reacted with anti-p 14' antibody, These results suggest that neither transcript of the CDKN2A locus is the target of deletions on 9p in MCC and imply the existence of tumour-suppressor genes mapping both centromeric and telomeric of this locus. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Pulmonary vascular remodeling is an important pathological feature of pulmonary hypertension, leading to increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced compliance. It involves thickening of all three layers of the blood vessel wall (due to hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the predominant cell type within each layer), as well as extracellular matrix deposition. Neomuscularisation of non-muscular arteries and formation of plexiform and neointimal lesions also occur. Stimuli responsible for remodeling involve transmural pressure, stretch, shear stress, hypoxia, various mediators [angiotensin II, endothelin (ET)-1, 5-hydroxytryptamine, growth factors, and inflammatory cytokines], increased serine elastase activity, and tenascin-C. In addition, there are reductions in the endothelium-derived antimitogenic substances, nitric oxide, and prostacyclin. Intracellular signalling mechanisms involved in pulmonary vascular remodeling include elevations in intracellular Ca2+ and activation of the phosphatidylinositol pathway, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase. In animal models of pulmonary hypertension, various drugs have been shown to attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling. These include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, ET receptor antagonists, ET-converting enzyme inhibitors, nitric oxide, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, prostacyclin, Ca2+-channel antagonists, heparin, and serine elastase inhibitors. Inhibition of remodeling is generally accompanied by reductions in pulmonary artery pressure. The efficacy of some of the drugs varies, depending on the animal model of the disease. In view of the complexity of the remodeling process and the diverse aetiology of pulmonary hypertension in humans, it is to be anticipated that successful anti-remodeling therapy in the clinic will require a range of different drug options. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug zomepirac (ZP) is metabolised to a chemically reactive acyl glucuronide conjugate (ZAG) which can form covalent adducts with proteins. In vivo, such adducts could initiate immune or toxic responses. In rats given ZP, the major band detected in liver homogenates by immunoblotting with a polyclonal ZP antiserum was at 110 kDa. This adduct was identified as ZP-modified dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) by immunoblotting using the polyclonal ZP antiserum and monoclonal DPP IV antibodies OX-61 and 236.3. In vitro, ZAG, but not ZP itself, covalently modified recombinant human and rat DPP IV. Both monoclonal antibodies recognized DPP IV in livers from ZP- and vehicle-dosed rats. Confirmation that the 110 kDa bands which were immunoreactive with the ZP and DPP IV antibodies represented the same molecule was obtained from a rat liver extract reciprocally immunodepleted of antigens reactive with these two antibodies. Furthermore, immunoprecipitations with OX-61 antibody followed by immunolotting with ZP antiserum, and the reciprocal experiment, showed that both these antibodies recognised the same 110 kDa molecule in extracts of ZP-dosed rat liver. The results verify that DPP IV is one of the protein targets for covalent modification during hepatic transport and biliary excretion of ZAG in rats. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which adults with Down syndrome (DS) are able to utilise advance information to prepare reach to grasp movements. The study comprised ten adults with DS; ten children matched to an individual in the group with DS on the basis of their intellectual ability, and twelve adult controls. The participants used their right hand to reach out and grasp illuminated perspex blocks. Four target blocks were positioned on a table surface, two to each side of the midsagittal plane. In the complete precue condition, participants were provided with information specifying the location of the target. In the partial precue condition, participants were given advance information indicating the location of the object relative to the midsagittal plane (left or right). In the null condition, advance information concerning the position of the target object was entirely ambiguous. It was found that both reaction times and movement times were greater for the participants with DS than for the adults without DS. The reaction times exhibited by individuals with DS in the complete precue condition were lower than those observed in the null condition, indicating that they had utilised advance information to prepare their movements. In the group with DS, when advance information specified only the location of the target object relative to the midline, reaction times were equivalent to those obtained when ambiguous information was given. In contrast, the adults without DS exhibited reaction times that were lower in both the complete and partial precue conditions when compared to the null condition. The pattern of results exhibited by the children was similar to that of the adults without DS. The movement times exhibited by all groups were not influenced by the precue condition. In summary, our findings indicate that individuals with DS are able to use advance information if it specifies precisely the location of the target object in order to prepare a reach to grasp movement. The group with DS were unable, however, to obtain the normal advantage of advance information specifying only one dimension of the movement goal (i.e., the position of an object relative to the body midline). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Numerous everyday tasks require the nervous system to program a prehensile movement towards a target object positioned in a cluttered environment. Adult humans are extremely proficient in avoiding contact with any non-target objects (obstacles) whilst carrying out such movements. A number of recent studies have highlighted the importance of considering the control of reach-to-grasp (prehension) movements in the presence of such obstacles. The current study was constructed with the aim of beginning the task of studying the relative impact on prehension as the position of obstacles is varied within the workspace. The experimental design ensured that the obstacles were positioned within the workspace in locations where they did not interfere physically with the path taken by the hand when no obstacle was present. In all positions, the presence of an obstacle caused the hand to slow down and the maximum grip aperture to decrease. Nonetheless, the effect of the obstacle varied according to its position within the workspace. In the situation where an obstacle was located a small distance to the right of a target object, the obstacle showed a large effect on maximum grip aperture but a relatively small effect on movement time. In contrast, an object positioned in front and to the right of a target object had a large effect on movement speed but a relatively small effect on maximum grip aperture. It was found that the presence of two obstacles caused the system to decrease further the movement speed and maximum grip aperture. The position of the two obstacles dictated the extent to which their presence affected the movement parameters. These results show that the antic ipated likelihood of a collision with potential obstacles affects the planning of movement duration and maximum grip aperture in prehension.