897 resultados para structured dependency


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The changes in nutritional parameters and adipocytokines after structured intermittent interruption of highly active antiretroviral treatment of patients with chronic HIV infection are analyzed. Twenty-seven patients with chronic HIV infection (median CD4+ T cell count/microl: nadir, 394; at the beginning of structured interruptions, 1041; HIV viral load: nadir, 41,521 copies/ml; at the beginning of structured interruptions <50 copies/ml; median time of previous treatment: 60 months) were evaluated during three cycles of intermittent interruptions of therapy (8 weeks on/4 weeks off). CD4+ T cell count, HIV viral load, anthropometric measures, and serum concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol, leptin, and tumor necrosis factor and its soluble receptors I and II were determined. After the three cycles of intermittent interruptions of therapy, no significant differences in CD4+ T cell count/microl, viral load, or serum concentrations of cholesterol or triglycerides with reference to baseline values were found. A near-significant higher fatty mass (skinfold thicknesses, at the end, 121 mm, at the beginning, 100 mm, p = 0.100), combined with a significant increase of concentration of leptin (1.5 vs. 4.7 ng/ml, p = 0,044), as well as a decrease in serum concentrations of soluble receptors of tumor necrosis factor (TNFRI, 104 vs. 73 pg/ml, p = 0.022; TNFRII 253 vs. 195 pg/ml, p = 0.098) were detected. Structured intermittent interruption of highly active antiretroviral treatment of patients with chronic HIV infection induces a valuable positive modification in markers of lipid turnover and adipose tissue mass.


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OBJECTIVES: After structured treatment interruption (STI) of treatment for HIV-1, a fraction of patients maintain suppressed viral loads. Prospective identification of such patients might improve HIV-1 treatment, if selected patients are offered STI. METHODS: We analysed the effect of previously identified genetic modulators of HIV-1 disease progression on patients' ability to suppress viral replication after STI. Polymorphisms in the genes killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 3DLI (KIR3DL1)/KIR3DS1, human leucocyte antigen B (HLA-B) and HLA Complex P5 (HCP5), and a polymorphism affecting HLA-C surface expression were analysed in 130 Swiss HIV Cohort Study patients undergoing STI. Genotypes were correlated with viral load levels after STI. RESULTS: We observed a statistically significant reduction in viral load after STI in carriers of HLA-B alleles containing either the Bw480Thr or the Bw480Ile epitope (mean adjusted effect on post-STI viral load: -0.82 log HIV-1 RNA copies/ml, P < 0.001; and -1.12 log copies/ml, P < 0.001, respectively). No significant effects were detected for the other polymorphisms analysed. The likelihood of being able to control HIV-1 replication using a prespecified cut-off (viral load increase < 1000 copies/ml) increased from 39% in Bw4-negative patients to 53% in patients carrying Bw4-80Thr, and to 65% in patients carrying Bw4-80Ile (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: These data establish a significant impact of HLA-Bw4 on the control of viral replication after STI.


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In this paper we describe a system for underwater navigation with AUVs in partially structured environments, such as dams, ports or marine platforms. An imaging sonar is used to obtain information about the location of planar structures present in such environments. This information is incorporated into a feature-based SLAM algorithm in a two step process: (I) the full 360deg sonar scan is undistorted (to compensate for vehicle motion), thresholded and segmented to determine which measurements correspond to planar environment features and which should be ignored; and (2) SLAM proceeds once the data association is obtained: both the vehicle motion and the measurements whose correct association has been previously determined are incorporated in the SLAM algorithm. This two step delayed SLAM process allows to robustly determine the feature and vehicle locations in the presence of large amounts of spurious or unrelated measurements that might correspond to boats, rocks, etc. Preliminary experiments show the viability of the proposed approach


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Here we present a processing route to produce multi-structured ceramic foams based on the combination of particle-stabilized foams with polymeric sponges to produce positive and negative templating structures. Polyester sponges are infiltrated with freshly produced calcium aluminate alumina foams and upon sintering either positive templating structures are produced when wetting the sponges, or negative templating foams with a percolating pore network are obtained when completely filling the sponges. Additionally, by combining different layers of these particle-stabilized foam infiltrated sponges, various different structures can be produced, including sandwich structures, pore size gradients, and ceramic bone-like structures applying to different types of bone. The particle-stabilized foams used were in situ self-hardening calcium aluminate cement enriched alumina foams to obtain crack-free samples with pore interconnections and tailorable pore sizes.


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Interspecific mutualisms are an essential feature of life on earth, yet we know little about their evolution and stability. In many mutualisms several species are available as partners, raising questions about the similarity in function and behavioural repertoire depending on the partner species. Furthermore, variation between species in the quantity and quality of interactions resulting in variation in payoffs may allow us to infer the potential evolutionary origin of a multispecies mutualism complex. We addressed these issues in the marine cleaning mutualism, in which so-called 'cleaners' remove ectoparasites from so-called 'client' reef fish. We measured several parameters concerning the quantity and quality of cleaning interactions in six sympatric cleaner wrasse species. We found significant variation between cleaner species with respect to client diversity, the number of interactions with predatory clients, the duration of interactions, the frequency of client jolts as a correlate of 'cheating' by cleaners, and behaviours used for manipulation of client decisions. Exploratory correlations between cleaner species' dependency and our variables of interest suggest that cleaning originated as a conflict-free by-product mutualism and evolved towards more sophisticated behaviours, including strategic behaviours for interactions with predators, cheating and manipulation specifically adapted to the client type.


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Animals can often coordinate their actions to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. However, this can result in a social dilemma when uncertainty about the behavior of partners creates multiple fitness peaks. Strategies that minimize risk ("risk dominant") instead of maximizing reward ("payoff dominant") are favored in economic models when individuals learn behaviors that increase their payoffs. Specifically, such strategies are shown to be "stochastically stable" (a refinement of evolutionary stability). Here, we extend the notion of stochastic stability to biological models of continuous phenotypes at a mutation-selection-drift balance. This allows us to make a unique prediction for long-term evolution in games with multiple equilibria. We show how genetic relatedness due to limited dispersal and scaled to account for local competition can crucially affect the stochastically-stable outcome of coordination games. We find that positive relatedness (weak local competition) increases the chance the payoff dominant strategy is stochastically stable, even when it is not risk dominant. Conversely, negative relatedness (strong local competition) increases the chance that strategies evolve that are neither payoff nor risk dominant. Extending our results to large multiplayer coordination games we find that negative relatedness can create competition so extreme that the game effectively changes to a hawk-dove game and a stochastically stable polymorphism between the alternative strategies evolves. These results demonstrate the usefulness of stochastic stability in characterizing long-term evolution of continuous phenotypes: the outcomes of multiplayer games can be reduced to the generic equilibria of two-player games and the effect of spatial structure can be analyzed readily.


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In the scientific literature, the term of addiction is currently used to describe a whole range of phenomena characterized by an irresistible urge to engage in a series of behaviors carried out in a repetitive and persistent manner despite accruing adverse somatic, psychological and social consequences for the individual. It has been suggested that subjects presenting such behaviors would share specific features of personality which support the appearance or are associated with these addictive behaviors. Dimensions such as alexithymia and depression have been particularly well investigated. The aim of this study was to explore the hypothesis of a specific psychopathological model relating alexithymia and depression in different addictive disorders such as alcoholism, drug addiction or eating disorders. Alexithymic and depressive dimensions were explored and analyzed through the statistical tool of path analysis in a large clinical sample of addicted patients and controls. The results of this statistical method, which tests unidirectional causal relationships between a certain number of observed variables, showed a good adjustment between the observed data and the ideal model, and support the hypothesis that a depressive dimension can facilitate the development of dependence in vulnerable alexithymic subjects. These results can have clinical implications in the treatment of addictive disorders.


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The populations of parasites and infectious agents are most of the time structured in complex hierarchy that lies beyond the classical nested design described by Wright's F-statistics (F(IS), F(ST) and F(IT)). In this note we propose a user-friendly step-by-step notice for using recent software (HierFstat) that computes and test fixation indices for any hierarchical structure. We add some tricks and tips for some special data kind (haploid, single locus), some other procedure (bootstrap over loci) and how to handle crossed factors.


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Functional RNA structures play an important role both in the context of noncoding RNA transcripts as well as regulatory elements in mRNAs. Here we present a computational study to detect functional RNA structures within the ENCODE regions of the human genome. Since structural RNAs in general lack characteristic signals in primary sequence, comparative approaches evaluating evolutionary conservation of structures are most promising. We have used three recently introduced programs based on either phylogenetic–stochastic context-free grammar (EvoFold) or energy directed folding (RNAz and AlifoldZ), yielding several thousand candidate structures (corresponding to ∼2.7% of the ENCODE regions). EvoFold has its highest sensitivity in highly conserved and relatively AU-rich regions, while RNAz favors slightly GC-rich regions, resulting in a relatively small overlap between methods. Comparison with the GENCODE annotation points to functional RNAs in all genomic contexts, with a slightly increased density in 3′-UTRs. While we estimate a significant false discovery rate of ∼50%–70% many of the predictions can be further substantiated by additional criteria: 248 loci are predicted by both RNAz and EvoFold, and an additional 239 RNAz or EvoFold predictions are supported by the (more stringent) AlifoldZ algorithm. Five hundred seventy RNAz structure predictions fall into regions that show signs of selection pressure also on the sequence level (i.e., conserved elements). More than 700 predictions overlap with noncoding transcripts detected by oligonucleotide tiling arrays. One hundred seventy-five selected candidates were tested by RT-PCR in six tissues, and expression could be verified in 43 cases (24.6%).


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Cet article est un compte-rendu du colloque "Evolution in Structured Population", tenu du 14 au 16 Septembre 1994 à l'Université de Lausanne. Consacré aux causes écologiques et conséquences évolutives d'horizons divers (zoologie, botanique, anthropologie, mathématiques), utilisant des approches variées, aussi bien empiriques que théoriques. Plusieurs exemples concrets de structurations génétiques de populations naturelles ont été documentés, et leurs causes analysées. Celles-ci sont variées, certaines étant extrinsèques à la biologie des espèces concernées (distances géographique, barrières écologiques, etc), d'autres intrinsèques (stratégies de reproduction, mutations chromosomiques). Les outils quantitatifs les plus largement utilisés pour analyser ces structures restent les F-statistiques de Whright; elles ont néanmoins fait l'objet de plusieurs critiques: d'une part, elles n'exploitent pas toute l'information disponible (certains orateurs ont d'ailleurs proposé diverses améliorations dans ce sens); d'autre part, les hypothèses qui sous-tendent leur interprétation conventionelle (en particulier l'hypothèse de populations à l'équilibre) sont régulièrement violées. Plusieurs des travaux présentés se sont précisément intéressés aux situations de déséquilibre et à leurs conséquences sur la dynamique et l'évolution des populations. Parmi celles ci: l'effet d'extinctions démiques sur les stratégies de dispersion des organismes et la structure génétique de leurs métapopulations, l'inadéquation du modèle classique de métapopulation, dit modèle en île (les modèles de diffusion ou de "pas japonais" (stepping stone) semblent généralement préférables), et le rôle de la "viscosité" des populations, en particulier en relation avec la sélection de parentèle et l'évolution de structures sociales. Le rôle important d'événements historiques sur les structures actuelles a été souligné, notamment dans le cadre de contacts secondaires entre populations hautement différenciées, leur introgression possible et la biogéographie de taxons vicariants. Parmi les problèmes récurrents notés: l'identification de l'unité panmictique, l'échelle de mesure spatiale appropriée, et les difficulté d'estimation des taux de migration et de flux de gènes. Plusieurs auteurs ont relevé la nécessité d'études biologiques de détail: les structures génétiques n'ont d'intérêt que dans la mesure où elles peuvent être situées dans un contexte écologique et évolutif précis. Ce point a été largement illustré dans le cadre des realtions entre structures génétiques et stratégies de reproduction/dispersion.


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When individuals in a population can acquire traits through learning, each individual may express a certain number of distinct cultural traits. These traits may have been either invented by the individual himself or acquired from others in the population. Here, we develop a game theoretic model for the accumulation of cultural traits through individual and social learning. We explore how the rates of innovation, decay, and transmission of cultural traits affect the evolutionary stable (ES) levels of individual and social learning and the number of cultural traits expressed by an individual when cultural dynamics are at a steady-state. We explore the evolution of these phenotypes in both panmictic and structured population settings. Our results suggest that in panmictic populations, the ES level of learning and number of traits tend to be independent of the social transmission rate of cultural traits and is mainly affected by the innovation and decay rates. By contrast, in structured populations, where interactions occur between relatives, the ES level of learning and the number of traits per individual can be increased (relative to the panmictic case) and may then markedly depend on the transmission rate of cultural traits. This suggests that kin selection may be one additional solution to Rogers's paradox of nonadaptive culture.


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Introduction: Imatinib, a first-line drug for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), has been increasingly proposed for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), as trough concentrations >=1000 ng/ml (Cmin) have been associated with improved molecular and complete cytogenetic response (CCyR). The pharmacological monitoring project of EUTOS (European Treatment and Outcome Study) was launched to validate retrospectively the correlation between Cmin and response in a large population of patients followed by central TDM in Bordeaux.¦Methods: 1898 CML patients with first TDM 0-9 years after imatinib initiation, providing cytogenetic data along with demographic and comedication (37%) information, were included. Individual Cmin, estimated by non-linear regression (NONMEM), was adjusted to initial standard dose (400 mg/day) and stratified at 1000 ng/ml. Kaplan-Meier estimates of overall cumulative CCyR rates (stratified by sex, age, comedication and Cmin) were compared using asymptotic logrank k-sample test for interval-censored data. Differences in Cmin were assessed by Wilcoxon test.¦Results: There were no significant differences in overall cumulative CCyR rates between Cmin strata, sex and comedication with P-glycoprotein inhibitors/inducers or CYP3A4 inhibitors (p >0.05). Lower rates were observed in 113 young patients <30 years (p = 0.037; 1-year rates: 43% vs 60% in older patients), as well as in 29 patients with CYP3A4 inducers (p = 0.001, 1-year rates: 40% vs 66% without). Higher rates were observed in 108 patients on organic-cation-transporter-1 (hOCT-1) inhibitors (p = 0.034, 1-year rates: 83% vs 56% without). Considering 1-year CCyR rates, a trend towards better response for Cmin above 1000 ng/ml was observed: 64% (95%CI: 60-69%) vs 59% (95%CI: 56-61%). Median Cmin (400 mg/day) was significantly reduced in male patients (732 vs 899ng/ml, p <0.001), young patients <30 years (734 vs 802 ng/ml, p = 0.037) and under CYP3A4 inducers (758 vs 859 ng/ml, p = 0.022). Under hOCT-1 inhibitors, Cmin was increased (939 vs 827 ng/ml, p = 0.038).¦Conclusion: Based on observational TDM data, the impact of imatinib Cmin >1000 ng/ml on CCyR was not salient. Young CML patients (<30 years) and patients taking CYP3A4 inducers probably need close monitoring and possibly higher imatinib doses, due to lower Cmin along with lower CCyR rates. Patients taking hOCT-1 inhibitors seem in contrast to have improved CCyR response rates. The precise role for imatinib TDM remains to be established prospectively.


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OBJECTIVE To know the facilitating factors of the transition process from dependency to the self-care of people with a stoma. METHOD This is a descriptive study of qualitative approach, including 27 people with permanent stomas due to cancer. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and submitted to content analysis based on the Transition Theory as theoretical reference. RESULTS The self-care facilitators related to the person were the positive significance of ostomy; the preparation for this experience already in the preoperative period; emotional stability; faith; religiousness; and a sense of normalcy acquired from a next image similar to the previous one. The facilitators related to the community were the following: receiving equipment for free from the government; support from family and the multidisciplinary team, especially the nurses; and having contact with other people with stomata. CONCLUSION The results allow that nurses develop strategies to help people with stomata to resume their self-care.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE Analyzing the elements that compose the environment of pregnant women who have experienced intimate partner violence in the light of Levine's Nursing Theory. METHOD A qualitative, descriptive study conducted from September to January 2012, with nine pregnant women in a Municipal Health Center in Rio de Janeiro. The interviews were semi-structured and individual. The theoretical framework was based on Levine's Nursing Theory. RESULTS Thematic analysis evidenced the elements that composed the external environment, such as violence perpetrated by intimate partners before and during pregnancy, violence in childhood and adolescence, alcohol consumption and drug use by the partner, unemployment, low education and economic dependency, which affected health and posed risks to the pregnancy. CONCLUSION Violence perpetrated by an intimate partner was the main external factor that influenced the internal environment with repercussions on health. This theory represents a tool in nursing care which will aid in detecting cases and the fight against violence.


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Geographical body size variation has long interested evolutionary biologists, and a range of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observed patterns. It is considered to be more puzzling in ectotherms than in endotherms, and integrative approaches are necessary for testing non-exclusive alternative mechanisms. Using lacertid lizards as a model, we adopted an integrative approach, testing different hypotheses for both sexes while incorporating temporal, spatial, and phylogenetic autocorrelation at the individual level. We used data on the Spanish Sand Racer species group from a field survey to disentangle different sources of body size variation through environmental and individual genetic data, while accounting for temporal and spatial autocorrelation. A variation partitioning method was applied to separate independent and shared components of ecology and phylogeny, and estimated their significance. Then, we fed-back our models by controlling for relevant independent components. The pattern was consistent with the geographical Bergmann's cline and the experimental temperature-size rule: adults were larger at lower temperatures (and/or higher elevations). This result was confirmed with additional multi-year independent data-set derived from the literature. Variation partitioning showed no sex differences in phylogenetic inertia but showed sex differences in the independent component of ecology; primarily due to growth differences. Interestingly, only after controlling for independent components did primary productivity also emerge as an important predictor explaining size variation in both sexes. This study highlights the importance of integrating individual-based genetic information, relevant ecological parameters, and temporal and spatial autocorrelation in sex-specific models to detect potentially important hidden effects. Our individual-based approach devoted to extract and control for independent components was useful to reveal hidden effects linked with alternative non-exclusive hypothesis, such as those of primary productivity. Also, including measurement date allowed disentangling and controlling for short-term temporal autocorrelation reflecting sex-specific growth plasticity.